Inccorect Quotes - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Glinda walking into the room crying very quietly: e-elphie?

[Elphaba stands up right away, walking up to Glinda and hugging her]

Elphaba: What’s wrong my sweet?

Glinda: I got a paper cut.

Elphaba: . . .

Elphaba: That’s terrible. Do you need a bandage or something?

Glinda: No! I just wanna hug and cuddle. And you can’t escape because I’m hurt!

Elphaba: Of course..

Elphaba after a short pause: You cut your finger on purpose to trick me into cuddling you, didn’t you?

Glinda: Maybe! You’ll never know.

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1 year ago

Glinda: [Screams]

Elphaba: [Running into the room with her broom and shielding Glinda from the threat]

Elphaba: Are you ok?! Who’s attacking?!

Glinda: . . . Hehehe. No one! I just wanted attention! ☺️

Elphaba: . . . Of course you did.

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1 year ago

Glinda standing next to Elphaba having a mental breakdown internally and refusing to do anything about it: . . .

Elphaba: What is it Glin?

Glinda: [In pure silence sits on the ground and just clings onto Elphaba’s leg and starts crying]

Elphaba: Glin it’s 9 AM-

[Gilinda looks up at Elphaba with horror anxiety ridden eyes]

Elphaba: Sigh Ok Glin, do you want me to pick you up and take you back to our doorm?

Glinda: [Nods]

Elphaba: Ok.. [Proceeds to carry Glinda back to their dorm, while Glinda cries into Elphie’s shoulder until she drifts off]

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1 year ago

[Glinda working on some homework and getting progressively more frustrated the more she doesn’t get it]

Glinda whispering to herself: Come on!

Elphaba across their dorm room: [Raises a eyebrow]

[Glinda gets something wrong again]

Glinda losing it and standing up in anger: OH COME ON! Why do I have to be so bad at this?! I’m stupid! I’m stupid! I’m stupid!

[Elphaba silently stands up and walks super close to Glinda, their faces inches away from on another]

Elphaba angry: Say one more bad thing about yourself. I dare you.

Glinda: I-

Elphaba: How dare you insult my girlfriend! She is sweet! And smart! And kind! And tries her best! How dare you!

Glinda: Ok..

Elphaba: Now come here. [Opens her arms and Glinda hugs her]

Elphaba: You can come back to this later Ok? Stop being so hard on yourself. Once you get back to it, I’ll help you alright? Stop beating yourself up for little mistakes.

Glinda tearing up: Ok..

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1 year ago

Elphaba: Hey Glin?

Glinda distracted playing with a small bouncy ball she found: Yeah Elphie?

Elphaba: Would you still love me if I committed arson?

Glinda: Of course Elphie! And haven’t you done it like 3 times already?

Elphaba: . . .

Elphaba: 4 times now.

Glinda dropping the little ball and staring at Elphaba in disbelief: ELPHABA THROPP! It is 1 AM! It is too late for this!

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1 year ago

[Elphaba walks into her and Glinda’s dorm and for some reason doesn’t see Glinda anywhere]

Elphaba: Odd.. She doesn’t like going outside anytime before 10 AM..

[Hears whimpering from the closet]

Elphaba: Sigh Glinda what are you doing in there? Did another one of your shoes break? [Opens the closest finding Glinda on the ground crying in a ball and sits down across from her]

Elphaba: What’s wrong my sweet?

Glinda: Loud! Too loud.. Every little sound hurts, I woke up this morning and it’s like every single little sound is played on a speaker in full volume right next to my ears! I can hear little footsteps like they’re fireworks! And it won’t stop!

Elphaba: Come here my sweet.. [Glinda scotches close to Elphaba and Elphaba holds her, Elphaba sees a pair of earmuffs on Glinda’s messy side of the closest and puts them on Glinda] I got you Glin.

Glinda: Why can’t I be normal? Why is this happening?!

Elphaba: You can’t be Normal, you’re Glinda Upland. As for why it’s happening, it’s because you’re overstimulated.

Glinda: Over.. what?

Elphaba: I’ll explain it to you later, more sound will make it hurt more. [Let’s Glinda cry and cling to her through the episode]

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1 year ago

Glinda: Hey Elphie, I’m gonna go take a nap. Wake me up in a hour alright?

Elphaba reading a book: Sure, sleep well Glin.

[One hour later]

Boq: Hey Elphaba, it’s been a hour, shouldn’t you like go wake Glinda up..?

Elphaba: Oh god heavens no! You don’t wake up Glinda.

Boq: What..?

Elphaba: No one. Wakes up. Glinda.

Elphaba: She’s even scarier when she’s tired-angry. [shivers] Plus she didn’t sleep much last night and doesn’t have anywhere to actually be.

Boq: . . .

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1 year ago

Glinda: Elphie! I’m bored talk to me!

Elphaba: Alright, it’s cute that you’ve been blushing all day staring at me-

Glinda: Shut up!

Elphaba: But didn’t you just tell me to talk my sweet?

Glinda: . . .

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1 year ago

Elphaba walking out the door: Bye Glin, love you. I’m gonna go burn your favorite shoe store down.

Glinda distracted: Ok have fun Elphie

[Elphaba leaves and Glinda sits there for 5 seconds processing what she had just heard and runs out the door after Elphaba]

[Ten minutes later]

Fyerio: [Walking down the street in peace]

Elphaba: [Running down the street with Glinda chasing her]




Fyerio: . . .

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1 year ago

[Glinda walks in her and Elphaba’s dorm soaking wet]

Elphaba looking up and putting her book down: Sigh Why are you soaked in water Glinda?

Glinda: I fell into the lake.

Elphaba: And why did you fall into the lake?

Glinda mumbling: I dropped something into the lake..

Elphaba: I didn’t quite hear you!


Elphaba: What- my glasses? Glin, my glasses are on me.

Elphaba: . . .



[Meanwhile in Dr. Dilamond’s classroom]

Dr. Dillamond: [Runs into a wall looking for his glasses]

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1 year ago

Elphaba: [Working and doing research at her desk at 3 AM muttering nonsense to Glinda who’s trying to drag her to bed] I don’t have to wake up if I don’t sleep!

Glinda frustrated and tired: I will respectfully burn all your books if you do not go to sleep right now.

Elphaba suddenly more awake: But-

Glinda: No buts! [Steals the book she’s currently reading, giving Elphaba a challenging glare]

Elphaba: [Defeatedly gets up and goes to bed] Yes my sweet..

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4 years ago

Peter: I keep cursing in ice cream flavors and my Dad has told me to stop.

Peter: Update, I haven’t stoped.

Sam: How do you curse in Ice Cream Flavors?

Peter: What the mint chocolate chip did you say to me punk!!! I’ll kick you rocky road and then punch the ever loving strawberry shortcake out of you!!!

Danny: oh my....

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4 years ago

Ava: Part of adulting is having your bed in the center of the wal instead of in the corner

Luke: this.....true.............

Peter: You can pry my corner bed out of my, cold, dead, hands.

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2 years ago

Leona: “I can’t take this shit anymore, at this point I’m consent with someone taking me out!”

Ruggie: “In a dating way or an assassination way?”

Leona: “Which ever one comes first.”

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4 years ago

Marinette : Scarlett ! - she holds out her hand in a gun like position- Positive vibe check !

Scarlett bug: looks at marinette dead in the eyes and smirks - pull the trigger sweet heart~

Que a sputtering flustered marinette covering her face

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4 years ago

The batfam: ...Whatcha got there?

Batman *carrying marinette in his arms * A daughter.

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4 years ago

Shit, in my rush forgot, incorrect quote for Murphy's Law

*baby izuku is sitting on zeros shoulders*

*Shigiraki walks in.*

Shigiraki: what is he doing ?'

Zero : he likes to fell tall '

Shigiraki: he's a fucken baby !

Zero : Excuse you hes five and watch your language young man !

Shigaraki: were the same age !

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2 years ago

Clover: Violence isn't the answer.

Red Velvet: You’re right.

Clover: *sighs in relief*

Red Velvet: Violence is the question.

Clover: What?

Red Velvet, bolting away: And the answer is yes.

Clover, running after them: NO-

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2 years ago

This is golden

[Name], holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him  

Ratchet: You did WHAT–  

Bumblebee: William Snakepear

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4 years ago

Agatha: I know your weaknesses Wanda. Therapy.

Wanda: No anything but that.

Agatha: We're going to talk about your feeling Wanda.

Wanda: Noooooo!

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