Ash Landers - Tumblr Posts

Coming up next! ...Maybe Angel Ask Lander vs Father Alexander Anderson One “Angel” fights another One man on in the service to his lord wanting to purge the unholy and embrace the heretical order! And the other wanted to cleanse the earth of the same, But is he in the service of the all mighty or to the service of himself. Yall wanna see Alucard and Sebastian go at it, why not theses two.

I have a head cannon that took place in Season 1, where Ash and Grey would have been rivals for the queen. They had messy quarrels and probably a brutal sword fight. But before they could actually could kill each other, Phipps stopped them and then yelled at them for about an hour straight.

Yep, im happy lmao

I have a head cannon that took place in Season 1, where Ash and Grey would have been rivals for the queen. They had messy quarrels and probably a brutal sword fight. But before they could actually could kill each other, Phipps stopped them and then yelled at them for about an hour straight.

Nibani Maesa, the Farseer - reading from her tea that the Nerevarine is gonna pay her a visit today :3

Ashlander lullaby 🎵
Listen to this to put yourself in the right mood:

This happened to me today morning and I was laughing my head off at how accurate this is...
Black Butler II Actor AU headcanons about Claude, Angela, and Ash because I’m bored
-Claude Faustus is no butler, literally lacks the patience, he’s just a good actor.
-Claude is also a city boy, from London, and he owns a motorcycle as his old man was a biker and auto shop owner, and he learned some mechanic skills from him, the dancing actually came later when he auditioned for the role
-Had a fling with Hannah, but given her personality offset, it’s not hard to imagine why it didn’t work out.
-Claude had a huge crush on Angela Blanc, but he became a shy mess every time he tried to talk to her
-Which Alois Trancy decides to appoint himself as a wingman and said “Claude thinks your hot and wants to take you out to lunch.” Claude got flustered much to Angela’s amusement but agreed, and they really hit it off.
-But oh boy her brother Ash was protective of her, Claude got a few death glares and passive aggressive comments from him before Angela argued with him and Sebastian straightened it out
-Ash and Angela are twins who come from a family of farmers, the experience with physical labor helped with being stunt doubles and action directors
-This also explains Ash’s initial disapproval of Claude, seeing him as some showboating city boy, however Claude helped with Ash’s car when it broke down and the latter is now warming up to the former
-Claude’s favorite past time with Angela watching movies, cuddles, and giving her tickles.
-Although the ankle kiss Ciel scene and other creepy scenes like the teeth brushing was fake(they used a prop leg and a dummy in some shots) Claude felt disgusted with himself, in his trailer Angela decided to help him ‘redeem’ himself by playfully offering her leg(up to the shin) saying it was sore from work and asking him to ‘kiss it better’. Claude peppered her shin with kisses earning soft and sweet giggles from her. He felt better afterwards.
Idk I just think the Offset Claude and Angela from the OVA would be cute, might make a little fanfic piece of it one day idk.

“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, all clean and fair without, but within, full of dead man’s bones and all corruption!”-Matthew 23:27