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7 years ago

I’m glad that I am still able to see these three are still dorks. XD

Rehearsal With Cheslock, By Yana Toboso

Rehearsal with Cheslock, by Yana Toboso

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7 years ago

Sebastian in a frilly outfit. That’s just funny and wrong. Lizzie, you are the best!!!

A Hastily Translated Book Of The Atlantic Side Chapter. Thanks For Sharing The Raws @her-majestys-watchdog
A Hastily Translated Book Of The Atlantic Side Chapter. Thanks For Sharing The Raws @her-majestys-watchdog
A Hastily Translated Book Of The Atlantic Side Chapter. Thanks For Sharing The Raws @her-majestys-watchdog
A Hastily Translated Book Of The Atlantic Side Chapter. Thanks For Sharing The Raws @her-majestys-watchdog
A Hastily Translated Book Of The Atlantic Side Chapter. Thanks For Sharing The Raws @her-majestys-watchdog
A Hastily Translated Book Of The Atlantic Side Chapter. Thanks For Sharing The Raws @her-majestys-watchdog
A Hastily Translated Book Of The Atlantic Side Chapter. Thanks For Sharing The Raws @her-majestys-watchdog
A Hastily Translated Book Of The Atlantic Side Chapter. Thanks For Sharing The Raws @her-majestys-watchdog
A Hastily Translated Book Of The Atlantic Side Chapter. Thanks For Sharing The Raws @her-majestys-watchdog
A Hastily Translated Book Of The Atlantic Side Chapter. Thanks For Sharing The Raws @her-majestys-watchdog

A hastily translated book of the Atlantic side chapter. Thanks for sharing the raws @her-majestys-watchdog ! I know the quality isn’t the best and the translation isn’t 100%, but I really wanted to know what it said, so I went ahead and did a quick translation. Sorry I couldn’t read some of the smaller text!

(Thanks for doing the formatting as I read it to you @wisdomoftheshire)

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7 years ago

Maurice Cole is French and I’m not letting anyone else tell me otherwise.

Damn head cannon that I always have been thinking off.

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7 years ago

Pretty much how this Phantom Five shit works. Nearly choked on my on spit, just reading this once. 

Cheslock Is About To Behead Joanne But He Jumps Out Of The Way, Giggling Like An Anime Schoolgirl As

Cheslock is about to behead Joanne but he jumps out of the way, giggling like an anime schoolgirl as Clayton proceeds to do the robot in the background.

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7 years ago

When you don’t know who react to an insult, the best way you should cope with it is to mock them. This pretty much shows Cheslock and Sebastian’s relationship. 

There ain’t one.

Sebastian: No normal boy would even think of attending a prestigious school like Weston College with hair and makeup like yours, Master Cheslock

Cheslock: No NoRmAL Boy WoULd EvEN ThiNK Of AtTenDinG a PreStIGIOUS SCHooL liKE WeStOn CollEGE wiTH HaiR AnD mAkeUp LikE YoURs, MasTER ChESlOcK

Sebastian: No Normal Boy Would Even Think Of Attending A Prestigious School Like Weston College With

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7 years ago

Ciel and Edward

Their relationship is either “Oi, I’ll help you hide the body.” Or “Don’t even breathe in the same fucking direction.” There is no in between.

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7 years ago
I Have A Head Cannon That Took Place In Season 1, Where Ash And Grey Would Have Been Rivals For The Queen.
I Have A Head Cannon That Took Place In Season 1, Where Ash And Grey Would Have Been Rivals For The Queen.

I have a head cannon that took place in Season 1, where Ash and Grey would have been rivals for the queen. They had messy quarrels and probably a brutal sword fight. But before they could actually could kill each other, Phipps stopped them and then yelled at them for about an hour straight.

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7 years ago

Black Butler - Modern School Forest Retreat

If Ciel, Lizzie, and Alois went to a forest retreat with their school for a few days (Added more characters): Lizzie would take one of the top bunks, will bring manga books, and reads them extremely late at night with a huge flashlight, and probably dropping it on Ciel by accident, who’s sleeping down below and freaking out in the morning, because of that. Alois would be the type of friend who would wake up in the middle of the night for no reason and chucks shit during the night, because he’s bored. He also probably takes up the most hot water in the shower, and brought snacks in to the cabin, where some critters got in and made a mess. Talks the loudest at night. He also must have snuck his phone into the cabin, ending up getting caught, because the ringer was on. Nearly kicked down a vending machine that would fallen on Joanne. Ciel: *get’s hit with the pillow* Ow! ALOIS!  Alois: Oops. *giggles* Ciel: Go to bed, before I come up there and hurt you. Lizzie: *laughs* Ciel would be the friend who is telling everyone to shut up in the middle of the night, because he’s trying to sleep, and probably starts threatening them, because of it. He would be the one who’s banging on the bathroom door, yelling at Alois to get out of the shower, and throws stuff at Alois, if he’s still sleeping in the morning.  Then in the morning, Lizzie and Alois would both jump on Ciel’s bed while he’s sleeping to wake him up, making him scream. One of the teachers would probably tell them to be quiet, afterwards.  New Added Characters: Joanne Harcourt, McMillan, and Doll. McMillan: Probably the one to drag Ciel along, (with Alois’s help) He would definently take one of the top bunks and probably the “Morning Princess” of the group. He would jump on everyone to wake them up if they aren’t awake by like what? 6:45? Joanne would be the one to wake up first and go with McMillan to get everyone coffee, that ending up with Alois spilling it all over Ciel. He sleeps on the bottom bunk, below Joanne. He would try his hardest not to wake anyone up in the morning, but walked into the door, because it’s so dark in the cabin without the curtains open. Doll would get the key to the cabin door first and get inside before anyone else, hide behind the door, and scare the crap out of everyone when the some in. Brought snacks as well and threw them on the hightest shelf, after Alois trying to put it outside so no animals will get in. Turns out that Alois still had a half bag of chips in his luggage and critters still got in. Most certainly snores that loudest at night, and chucks the most shit and Alois. Also snuck in her phone, but didn’t get caught. Nearly started a food fight in the student mess hall. Doll: Where am I going to put em? Alois: *snaches snacks* Outside, duh! That way, animals won’t get in. Ciel: But the animals will eat it outside! Alois: *walks outside* Would you rather have them eat inside or outside? McMillan: *from his top bunk* Either way, they’re still going to eat it. Joanne: Uh...guys..? Lizzie: You’re inviting bears, Alois! Doll: You know what? Gimmie that! Concept: Alois, Lizzie, and Doll head over to a small ravine during free time, where they shoved huge rocks over the ravine and watched it tumble down and make noise. Joanne overheard the commotion and went to check it out. He was first against it, saying that they might get in trouble politely, but later joined in. Joanne asked for help to push a really big one, saying the word “help” too loudly, right when the first three shoved a extremely huge rock down the ravine. Ciel and McMillan happened to be walking by, and heard Joanne. They flipped out and rushed over, thinking that somebody died. Reblog if you agree. ;3

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7 years ago

Clayton: Hey, you what sucks?

Bluewer: Vaccums.

Clayton: Okay... You know what sucks in a metaphorical sense?

Bluewer: Black holes.

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7 years ago

Black Butler Imagine

Imagine the Double Charles crashing through your window the second it hits midnight on New Year’ Eve.

You: 3....2....1! Happy New Year!!!


You: *looks up* Thefuq!?


Phipps: Did we miss the count down?

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6 years ago

He’ll be fine, he can use his high-pitched screaming as a defense mechanism.

-Edgar Redmond; Referring to Joanne Harcourt

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6 years ago

He’s part of the stage preforming which proves of how much of a drama queen he really is.

(Cheslock; about Maurice Cole)

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6 years ago
Black Butler X Yandere Joanne Harcourt @rachel-angelina Decided That A Yandere Joanne Is Out New Favorite
Black Butler X Yandere Joanne Harcourt @rachel-angelina Decided That A Yandere Joanne Is Out New Favorite

Black Butler X Yandere Joanne Harcourt @rachel-angelina decided that a Yandere Joanne is out new favorite crack material. Character belongs to Yana Toboso Art belongs to me (Shidoni-San)

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6 years ago
Yep, Im Happy Lmao

Yep, im happy lmao

I Have A Head Cannon That Took Place In Season 1, Where Ash And Grey Would Have Been Rivals For The Queen.
I Have A Head Cannon That Took Place In Season 1, Where Ash And Grey Would Have Been Rivals For The Queen.

I have a head cannon that took place in Season 1, where Ash and Grey would have been rivals for the queen. They had messy quarrels and probably a brutal sword fight. But before they could actually could kill each other, Phipps stopped them and then yelled at them for about an hour straight.

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6 years ago
Can Anyone Spot The Fucking Difference? If You Like Or Reblog This Post, Yall Better Go And Follow These

Can anyone spot the fucking difference? If you like or reblog this post, y’all better go and follow these blessed people: @thingsthatlooklikeblavat @one-hell-of-an-arrogant-ass2 Blessed people ^^

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6 years ago

I feel Blavat is going to have more of a posh version of Joker’s voice as his voice when the blue cult arc gets animated.

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6 years ago
So The Star Boi Came Back And He Got His Cotton Candy-lookin Ass Caught By The Yard, So To Celebrate,
So The Star Boi Came Back And He Got His Cotton Candy-lookin Ass Caught By The Yard, So To Celebrate,

So the star boi came back and he got his cotton candy-lookin ass caught by the yard, so to celebrate, I gave up more then 100 brain cells to draw him.

His appearance to the shit he did, his difficulties never end.

Please don’t repost without permission.

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6 years ago

My three favorite Kurokids ❣️💞

My first music edit too, I liked how it turned out! Imma start doing edits like these too! Needs LOTS of practice lol

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