Askme - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

poet ask meme

a. what other poets style do you emulate the most?

b. do you write with too much imagery or too little?

c. write four poems in one day or go three weeks without writing anything?

d. do you have your poetry organized or are you more likely to write half a stanza on a one dollar bill and then spend it by accident?

e. bird imagery or ocean imagery?

f. what was the last poem that you loved?

g. do you write about people or landscapes?

h. dreams or real events?

i. who do you write for?

j. what is the worst thing about your writing? what is the best?

k. what’s the best line you’ve ever written?

l. how much do you edit a piece before you consider it complete?

m. how long does it take you to write a poem?

n. ghosts or angels?

o. god or sunlight?

p. soft or harsh?

q. safety or happiness?

r. how long have you been writing?

s. who is your favourite poet? you have to pick just one.

t. what is your favourite line of poetry?

u. would you be okay with never being well known?

v. slow or frantic?

w. what colour is your poetry?

x. who, if anyone, do you send your new poems to?

y. is your poetry light or dark?

z. write a couplet (a short poem with just two lines) about pulse points.

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9 years ago

Leave a color in my ask

Deep Red - I’m in love with you. Red - I love you. Pink - I think you’re cute. Blue - You’re amazing. Rose - You’re pretty Purple - You’re hot. Plum - I would fuck you. Violet - I would date you. Aqua - I could stay on your blog for hours. Lavender - You are my tumblr crush. Orange - I want to get to know you. Tangerine - We have a lot in common. Amber - I wish you would notice me. Cream - I don’t talk to you but I really love your blog. Beige - I don’t know you at all. Yellow - I don’t like your blog. Green - I don’t like you. Olive - I think you are unattractive. Brown - I hate you. Grey - You scare me. Black - Delete your tumblr

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9 years ago

PURPLE: We near never speak, but I do enjoy your presence on my dashboard. FUCHSIA: I wish I could become your best friend through the internet. GREY: You leave me with jumbled words. RED: I’m in love with you. PINK: I have a crush on you. TURQUOISE: You’re hot. CHARTREUSE: I sincerely wish you would notice me. TEAL: We have quite a lot in common. BLUE: You are my Tumblr crush. ORANGE: I dislike your page. YELLOW: PLEASE FUCK ME. WHITE: PLEASE MARRY ME. GREEN: I find you cute. BLACK: I would date you. BROWN: I dislike you.

Reblog and see if you get a color.

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9 years ago

No limit

1.Kissed a girl?

2.Kissed a boy?

3.Had sex in public?

4.What’s your religion?

5.What does your URL mean?

6.Reason you joined tumblr?

7.Do you have any nicknames?

8.Do you like bubble bath?

9.Kissed in the rain?

10.Dyed your hair?

11.Soup or salad?

12.Vegetable or meat?

13.Go out drinking?

14.Smoke cigarettes?

15.Smoke weed?

16.Do any hard drugs?

17.Have you had sex today?

18.Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms?

19.The relationship between you and the person you last texted?

20.Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?

21.Skipped doing homework to play a video game?

22.Tried to commit suicide?

23.The last time you felt broken?

24.Had to lie to EVERYONE about how you felt?

25.Do you have a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

26.Do you have Long hair OR short hair?

27.First thing you notice to a guy/girl?

28.Do you sing in the shower?

29.Do you dance in the car?

30.Where were you yesterday?

31.Ever used a bow and arrow?

32.Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?

33.Do you think musicals are cheesy?

34.Is Christmas stressful?

35.Favorite type of fruit pie?

36.Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?

37.Do you believe in ghosts?

38.Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?

39.Take a vitamin daily?

40.Wear slippers?

41.Wear a bath robe?

42.What do you wear to bed?

43.Do you want to get married?

44.Can you curl your tongue?

Relationship preference:

45.How many relationships have you had?

46.How can I win your heart?

47.what makes a great relationship?

48.Shy OR open?

50.Religious OR non-religious?

51.Caring OR non-restricting of you?

52.Straight edge OR non-straight edge?

53.Piercings OR no piercings?

54.Tattoos OR no tattoos?

55.Quiet stay-at-home type OR party type?

ask me these, please? : )

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2 years ago

kinda bored, does anybody want to send an ask?? promisse I don’t bite and I am nice

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2 years ago

What's your favorite fantasy

I have a lot of them but loving and getting loved back is my top tier

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2 years ago

Can we get a sneak peek of a wip?

oh boy... not yet

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2 years ago

I’m a big titty girl... I’m not supposed to be going thru all this shit 

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2 years ago

it's always like this

It's Always Like This

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2 years ago


Ijeoma Umebinyuo, From Questions For Ada; Your Women

Ijeoma Umebinyuo, from Questions for Ada; “Your Women”

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2 years ago

What is color of your bra 👙

I'm not wearing a bra 😌

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2 years ago

here’s weirder asks

who is/are your comfort character(s)?

lighter or matches?

do you leave the window open at night?

which cryptyd being do you believe in?

what color are your eyes?

why did you do that?

hair-ties or scrunchies?

how many water bottles are in your room right now?

which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?

would you slaughter the rich?

favorite extracurricular activity?

what kind of day is it?

when was the last time you ate?

do you love the smell of earth after it rains?

are you a parent? (all answers qualify)

can you drive?

are you farsighted or nearsighted?

what hair products do you use?

imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?

do you say soda or pop?

something you’ve kept since childhood?

what type of person are you?

how do you feel about chilly weather?

if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?

perfume/body spray or lotion?

a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?

about how many hours of sleep did you get?

do you wear a mask?

how do you like your shower water?

is there dishes in your room?

what type of music keeps you grounded?

do you have a favorite towel?

the last adventure you’ve been on?

is there a song you know every word to by heart?

what’s your timezone?

how many times have you changed your url?

someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?

a soap bar that smells good?

do you use lip balm?

did you have any snacks today?

how do you take your coffee?

an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?

what’s your take on spicy foods?

you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?

can you remember what happened yesterday?

favorite holiday film?

what was the last message you sent?

when did you first try an alcohol beverage?

can you skip rocks?

can i tag you in random stuff?

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2 years ago

feeling horny af, come here

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1 year ago

hey there! who's coming to rip these out of me?

Hey There! Who's Coming To Rip These Out Of Me?
Hey There! Who's Coming To Rip These Out Of Me?

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Si alguien está interesado en hacerme preguntas, aganlo con gusto

Preguntas inusuales

1.  Spotify, SoundCloud, o Pandora?

2. ¿Cuarto limpio o sucio?

3. Color de ojos.

4. ¿Te gusta tu nombre? Por qué?

5. ¿Cuál es el estado de tu relación?

6. Describe tu personalidad en 3 palabras.

7. Color de pelo

8. Tipo de coche que tienes.

9. ¿Dónde compras?

10. ¿Como describirías tu estilo?

11. Red social preferida.

12. Tamaño de cama

13. Cantidad de herman@s

14. Si pudieras vivir en cualquier lugar del mundo, ¿dónde sería?

15. Filtro favorito de Snapchat

16. Marcas de maquillaje preferidas

17. ¿Cuántas veces a la semana te bañas?

18. Programa de tv favorito

19. Tamaño de zapato

20. Altura

21. ¿Sandalias o tenis?

22. ¿Vas al gimnasio?

23. Describe tu cita de ensueño

24. ¿Cuánto dinero hay en tu monedero/cartera en este momento?

25.  ¿De qué color son los calcetines que estás usando?

26. ¿Cuántas almohadas usas para dormir?

27. ¿Trabajas? ¿Dónde?

28. ¿Cuántos amigos tienes?

29. ¿Qué es la peor cosa que has hecho?

30. Olor favorito de velas

31. 3 nombres favoritos de niños

32.  3 nombres favoritos de niñas

33. Actor favorito

34. Actriz favorita

35. Celebridad que sea tu crush

36. Película favorita

37. Libro favorito

38. ¿Dinero o inteligencia?

39. Apodo

40. ¿Cuántas veces has ido al hospital?

41. 10 canciones favoritas

42. ¿Tomas medicamentos?

43. Tipo de pie.

44. Mayor miedo

45. ¿Cuántos hijos quieres?

46. Estilo de pelo

47. Tipo de casa en la que vives (pequeña, grande, etc)

48. ¿Quién es tu modelo a seguir?

49. Último cumplido que has recibido.

50. Último mensaje enviado

51. ¿Qué edad tenías cuando te enteraste que Santa no existe?

52. Carro de ensueño

53. Opinión en fumar

54. ¿Vas/planeas ir a la universidad?

55. ¿Educación pública o privada?

56. Trabajo de ensueño

57. ¿Suburbios o área rural?

58. ¿Tienes pecas?

59. ¿Sonríes para las fotos?

60. ¿Cuántas imágenes tienes en tu celular?

61. Logros que has tenido.

62. ¿Aún vez caricaturas?

63. Comida favorita

64. Color de blusa/playera

65. ¿Qué te pones para dormir?

66. ¿has ganado un concurso?

67. Pasatiempos

68. ¿Dibujas?

69. ¿Tocas algún instrumento?

70. Último concierto al que fuiste

71. ¿Té o café?

72. ¿Starbucks o Dunkin Donuts?

73. ¿Quieres casarte?

74. Iniciales de tu crush

75. ¿Cambiarías tu último nombre cuando te cases?

76. Color que te favorece.

77. ¿Extrañas a alguien ahora mismo?

78. ¿Duermes con la puerta abierta o cerrada?

79. ¿Crees en fantasmas?

80. Animal favorito

81. Última persona que llamaste

82. Sabor favorito de helado

83. ¿Oreos regulares o ediciones especiales?

84. ¿Chocolate blanco u oscuro?

85. ¿Usas lentes?

86. Fondo de pantalla de celular

87. ¿Extrovertido o tímido?

88. ¿te gusta que jueguen con tu pelo?

89. ¿Tienes vecinos?

90. ¿Lavas tu cara?

91. ¿Te has drogado?

92. ¿Te has emborrachado?

93. Última cosa que comiste

94. Letra de canción favorita

95. ¿Verano o invierno?

96. ¿Día o noche?

97. Mes favorito

98. Signo zodiacal

99. Última persona con quien lloraste

100. Último deseo que pediste.

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4 months ago

ask me anything, anon or not!! ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈

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6 years ago

Hi there! I just want to say that I adore your art very much and I wish you all the success and luck in your life! I've seen you having down times. But no matter what, just remember that we're here to continue supporting you all the way. I look forward to seeing even more great work from you in the future! Keep it up! (To be honest, it's... kinda weird how we're both Vietnamese and I'm writing this to you in English XD. And I'm just one year older than you!)


thank you so much omfg ;-;

I’m glad to meet my people on here! I’ve encountered alot and you all are so supportive and sweet to me that i’m dying asdhasdhaj–

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1 year ago

Hi, do lifepath number or north node tell you what you should do in this life? I’m a 7 lifepath and 6th house north node

Yes, they do give you an insight about your life and life get more into it try to find your south node and its aspects too along with saturn and north node.

Lots of love💖

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1 year ago

Hello! I hope you’re well! Your posts have taught me so much! I saw one of your posts about degrees. I’m not too familiar with them, so I was wondering what it means to have Venus at 8 degrees, mc at 8 degrees, and ascendant at 8 degrees?

Hello Love...❤️❤️

I am all good and thank you for you appreciation. 🌸

So, about your horoscope... See I believe that 8° is very prominent in your horoscope so you might have some really prominent Scorpio traits in you as 8° is ruled by Scorpio.

Your midheaven, ascendant and Venus all are at 8 degrees means they all have a Scorpio layer attached to them so I believe that your life really revolves around traumatic experiences or secrecy, jealousy, obsession etc and some deep occult truths and the reason of your inclination towards astrology and spirituality is also that 8° so you should continue doing this. There are very good chances that you could make your career revolving around all this. 👣

Your aesthetics can also be dark and mysterious or if they're something else they might depend on your moon and venus position.🌙

My advice is to continue doing what you love and actually going into the direction which your instincts takes you, if you want to explore deep and dark world of occultism or astrology or spirituality really go for it as your life purpose revolves around that.🪐

Good luck and take care...🧣⭐

My all love and blessings to you!!!💞💞

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9 years ago

If you happen to see this somehow, that means you reach into the unknown corners of the Earth, you are a discoverer of new frontiers. 

*Edit this is my twitter:

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