Night Thoughts - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Tomorrow is spring!!! omg??? Time flies so quickly :(( But actually, I'm glad it's already spring. I've been waiting for spring for so long, but when it came, I'm not in such an anticipatory mood. But okay, what's important is that I can wear my favorite jacket and ride a bike.In general, I'm glad. But next week is exam week:( And I'm very scared. But I think I can write everything well and get through it. Also tomorrow there are tests in the second and first languages ​​and geography. I'm a little worried about the first language because I don't know it that well. My first language is Kazakh and this is basically a common problem in my country. But I study at the most prestigious school in the country, so it’s a little embarrassing for me. There are also problems in geography; I always score the lowest on tests and exams among my classmates. I hope I will finish this term without bad grades. Because I finished last semester with 5 bad grades :/ It's very late now, so I'll get ready for Geography, take a shower and go to bed, and my mom fell asleep on my bed. Good night everyone!!!

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I love this so much. I do be pulling my bf in from his neckties sometimes to kiss or just because he’s being an idiot. Either one.

Scenarios That I Imagine In My Freetime

- them saying, “What are you going to do about it”

- them making a spotify playlist full of songs that remind them of you

- falling asleep on their chest with their arms wrapped around you, feeling safer than you ever have before

- them trying to do your makeup and vice versa, just laughing at each others mistakes

- their eyes lighting up when they talk about you to their friends <3

- them tackling you onto your bed and giving you kisses all over your face after you wiped their kiss off jokingly

- “Do you know just how much you have me wrapped around your finger?”

- pet names. Pet Names. PET NAMES. “darling” “love” “princess/prince”

- them giving you a hug from behind while giving that one person a bitchy smile as they do so

- “Your so cute when you’re mad” “Shut up”

- You pull away from a kiss but they immediately say, “no come back here” before kissing you again

- them lifting your head and just staring at you, leading you to say, “what?” they reply “wait a minute I wanna look at you” before pulling you into a kiss

- them grabbing your hips to get past you

- kissing in the rain. Need I say more?

- pulling them into a kiss by their necktie/you getting pulled into a kiss by your necktie

- them being speechless when seeing you all dressed up

- their hips being the exact same height as the kitchen counters. That’s all imma say but ifykyk.

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3 years ago

late night, deep thoughts, red eyes and a broken heart..

breath is getting heavy, the light is coming on and the blanket is getting cold.. the lips are bleeding, the tears are so sweet.. it hurts, but i haven't felt anything for a while.. feelings are intense and meaningful, but empty and inexplicable..

sadness? no.. it's just the "beautiful f4cking love"

Late Night, Deep Thoughts, Red Eyes And A Broken Heart..

Letters to capitu, "my me".

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3 years ago

sincere tears, intense feelings, the heart is sinking and beating fast for a virgo, 97's, isfp-a..

stars cry as they admire his eyes

Letters to Capitu, "my me".

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3 years ago

(...) so eve fell in love with lilith.

Letters to Capitu, "my me".

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3 years ago

people really like you or just like the idea about you?

Letters to Capitu, "my me".

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3 years ago

i think i'm sinking and losing my life.

while i lay on the bed, i ask my burning tears if a long and beautiful dream could take this pure pain away.

i know that i destroyed my feelings, but i can't accept killing my soul.

Letters to Capitu, "my me".

I Think I'm Sinking And Losing My Life.

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3 years ago

(...) e um dia, eu irei subir todos os seus degraus, irei olhar todas essas pequenas luzes lá do alto e ouvirei os sons da cidade na beirada de seu ingrime penhasco de concreto; e enquanto presto atenção nas risadas, nas conversas, nos passos de cada pessoa que passeia pelas ruas, olharei para o céu - o mesmo que foi tão pouco admirado pelos meus olhos - e irei me despedir com densas lágrimas que lavam aos poucos o meu rosto.

e enquanto estiver voando para essa linda liberdade, sentirei dores jamais imaginadas, um arrependimento intenso tomando o meu peito a cada pequeno segundo que a ansiedade vai se acomodando no vazio da minha alma.

e então, o tecido com coloração avermelhada, será o último em que meu corpo estará coberto, e estará carregado de tudo que um dia me fez passar noites com os olhos brilhando e com a mente amargamente atormentando a minha doce e sincera vontade de respirar.

(...) E Um Dia, Eu Irei Subir Todos Os Seus Degraus, Irei Olhar Todas Essas Pequenas Luzes L Do Alto

Cartas para Capitu, "meu eu".

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3 years ago

"only if you knew how much i liked you.. i probably wouldn't have cried that much."

"only If You Knew How Much I Liked You.. I Probably Wouldn't Have Cried That Much."

Letters to Capitu, "my me".

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3 years ago

her name starts with 'A', as well as in "and in an amazing day..."

Letters to Capitu - "her!"

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3 years ago

October, 5th

she looked at me and i felt my soul alive again, and my heart was really fast, but my world stopped..

everything about her is so succinctly detailed that i could spend hours and hours talking about her smile

October, 5th

Letters to Capitu - " Her !"

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3 years ago

the dreams die like the dreamers, so keep your dream alive and you will live forever

Letters to Capitu, "my me".

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3 years ago

October, 6th

i'm a poet, and she brings grace to words; she is the city lights, lighting the streets of my life.

i hate the nature, i hate the way everything is becoming so small next to the amazing goddess she is.

Letters to Capitu - "Her!"

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3 years ago

4 de novembro,

já não sei se a descrição minuciosamente construída por pequenos versos é apenas a romântica vista de um jardim em plena primavera, com seus perfumados e coloridos campos, ou se tudo é sobre a delicada curva do sorriso dela e as brilhantes cores do meu olhar.

4 De Novembro,

Cartas para Capitu, "Ela!"

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3 years ago

November, 5th

every word is so empty, every morning is really sad and my eyes are looking for your red and lovely lips

your touch was so near of my skin that i could feel your heart even if I haven't seen the stars in your soul

brave is like an object, you lost when you need the most but it was with you all the time.

November, 5th

Cartas para Capitu, "Her!"

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3 years ago

November, 20th☆

November, 20th

i'm trying to understand the star signs

Cartas para Capitu.

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3 years ago

26 de fevereiro de 2022,

o pecado extremo de um reflexo que, ao brilhar em seus cristais, o delicado contorno da imagem é desenhado e preenchido pela chama do ódio impassível antes aclamado em seus campos de espinhos

Cartas para Capitu, "meu eu!"

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2 years ago

7 de setembro de 2022

lá fora chovendo

e eu no quarto chorando

shhh! silêncio

essa alma precisa lavar as calçadas

~ minha tempestade

Cartas para Capitu, "meu eu"

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4 years ago

~ Night thoughts ~

Holy shit I love Minato Namikaze so much. I love him I want to hug him and just aaaaaa

I love him. I don't need a reason why but I could list a hundred of them 😭💕

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