Author Advice - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

RANDOM WRITING TIP (from a writer who just got done actually WRITING, that’s how you know it’s good :D)

NEVER leave off writing at the end of something.

what I mean by that is if you finish a chapter, don’t stop there!! write at least a couple sentences of the next chapter, and then next time you write, it won’t be so hard to start and you’ll be starting off with stuff already there!!

also don’t stop at a scene that you’re having a hard time figuring out what to write next, or where you’re getting bored, or anything similar!! write past that, that way future you (especially if future you has executive dysfunction or is neurodivergent!!) won’t see that unnecessarily hard scene that they have to do and get discouraged!!

happy writing!!!

(also I’m gonna start putting a little disclaimer at the ends of these writing advice posts—quick disclaimer for my authors with OCD!! all writing advice is purely optional and meant to HELP YOU, and if something doesn’t click, don’t feel obligated to use it!! you know your story and writing style best!!)

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7 months ago

hey quick writing tip, this may or may not work but personally i’ve found that if you just force yourself to write, it is going to be absolute hell for the first 100–200 words, but after that it rlly starts flowing :D

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6 months ago


WRITE. just START WRITING. it’s gonna be super painful for the first few hundred words or so, and your concentration is gonna be super fragile, but after that it should get easier and you should get into the flow of it!!

obviously i can’t say for certain that this’ll work for everybody, but please try it. go sit down, set a goal, and WRITE. for me rn my goal is at least 500 words, but you could edit that number to be higher or lower, or just go on time writing instead.

the more you write, the easier it should get. as an autistic person, i suffer from executive dysfunction, and it is sooo hard to get writing done. you kinda just have to brute force it at first and then it should get easier.

let me know if this was in any way helpful!!

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6 months ago

idea for y’all writers!! if you’re having your boy characters go around shirtless in the summer, you should let your girls be shirtless too!!

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4 years ago

How to Write Skills and Knowledge

So, you’re looking to write a character with a fun new skill or area of knowledge! Awesome! We’ve all been there before, excited to write a character who knows a lot about something completely out of left field for us. The issue is this: that character has to know things we don’t.

If we approach the writing of this character with our own limited knowledge, it’s going to be extremely clear that someone with absolutely no knowledge of the character’s expertise wrote this character. If I write about a professional chef when all I do is make the occasional boxed mac and cheese from time to time… it’s going to show.

Do I have to be an expert in these things?

No! Not by any means. You don’t have to be an expert about most things to write about them, which is why we can write stories about other worlds and fantastic adventures. But when we do those things, we learn about them through creating them. There’s a process of creation and understanding, and that understanding is key - at least a base level is vital.

Afficher davantage

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1 year ago

Unleashing Your Potential: A Guide to Writing a Self-Help Book

Shaina Tranquilino

November 10, 2023

Unleashing Your Potential: A Guide To Writing A Self-Help Book

In recent years, self-help books have gained immense popularity as people seek guidance in navigating the complexities of life and unlocking their full potential. If you have a passion for empowering others and want to share your knowledge and experiences, writing a self-help book can be an incredibly rewarding endeavour. This blog post aims to provide you with valuable insights on how to write an impactful self-help book that resonates with readers.

1. Identify Your Purpose: Before embarking on your writing journey, clarify why you want to write a self-help book. Is it to inspire personal growth, offer practical advice, or provide emotional support? Knowing your purpose will help shape the content and structure of your book, ensuring it aligns with your underlying message.

2. Define Your Target Audience: Understanding who your target audience is essential because it allows you to tailor your content specifically to their needs. Consider demographics such as age group, gender, profession, or specific challenges they face. By empathizing with your readers' struggles and desires, you can create meaningful connections through your words.

3. Research and Plan: Thorough research is crucial when writing a self-help book. Dive into literature related to your topic, study success stories from individuals who have overcome similar obstacles or conducted surveys/interviews to gather real-life examples. Additionally, outline the chapters or sections of your book beforehand; this will give you clarity and ensure a logical flow throughout.

4. Develop Engaging Content: To make your self-help book stand out among others, focus on creating engaging content that captivates readers from start to finish:

a) Personal Anecdotes: Sharing personal stories and experiences adds authenticity and builds rapport between you and the reader. b) Actionable Steps: Break down complex concepts into actionable steps that readers can easily implement in their lives. c) Case Studies/Testimonials: Real-life examples and success stories provide credibility and inspire readers to take action. d) Exercises and Reflections: Include thought-provoking exercises or reflective questions that encourage self-discovery and growth.

5. Be Empathetic: Empathy is a crucial element in writing a self-help book. Remember that your readers are seeking solutions, guidance, and understanding. Address their pain points with compassion, offer reassurance, and provide practical advice that resonates with their emotions.

6. Provide Structure: A well-structured book makes it easier for readers to comprehend and apply the concepts you present. Begin each chapter with an introduction, outline key ideas using subheadings, include relevant examples, and conclude with a summary or takeaway message. This structure allows readers to navigate the content easily while ensuring they can refer back to specific sections when needed.

7. Edit & Polish: After completing your first draft, set aside time to edit rigorously. Pay attention to sentence structure, grammar, spelling errors, and eliminate any unnecessary jargon or repetition. Consider seeking feedback from friends, colleagues, or even professional editors who can provide valuable insights before finalizing your manuscript.

Writing a self-help book is not only about sharing knowledge but also about making a positive impact on people's lives. By identifying your purpose, understanding your audience's needs, conducting thorough research, creating engaging content rooted in empathy, providing structure, and polishing your work thoroughly – you'll be well-equipped to write an impactful self-help book that empowers others to unlock their true potential. So go ahead; unleash your wisdom onto the pages of inspiration!

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1 year ago

Take my advice with a grain of salt but it is really important to figure out your overall plot before you really start writing cause sometimes a scene looks better in chapter 5 then right at the beginning like you originally thought.

As Chapter 7 is approaching completion, I was curious to know from those of you who write (IF or just regular novels) what type of writer you are.

One of the biggest tips most IF writers get told is to plan for stuff because there are tons of paths to keep track of and it can be easy to digress and get caught in plotholes.

A fun fact for those who were wondering, at least 90% of Crown of Exile is written on the fly. My plans consist of chapter outlines that are almost always ignored and honestly, nothing but the major plot is planned (in my head because who needs to write it down?).

This is just for the sake of my curiosity because it feels weird being 400K words into the game without having details of chapters planned out 😅

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