What Else - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago
This Guy Can't Seem To Decide What He Wants His Hair To Look Like... So I Keep Changing It.

This guy can't seem to decide what he wants his hair to look like... so I keep changing it.

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2 years ago


(Spoilers; just in case anybody hasn't watched it yet)

Buffy season 2 is just such a Rollercoaster of emotions (mostly in terms of Bangel)

First, we're like will they get together? Then they get together and we be like "YESS".

But then Spike tries to kill both of them and then there is this really emotional, heavy scene where they say they love each other and then Buffy says she's ready and they sleep together.

But then Angel (read: Angelus) wakes up and then starts killing people. Now Buffy and gang is confused and so is the audience. (I'm not sure about the timeline it's been long since I watched the show)

He starts killing people and his cruelty towards Buffy is just shocking cause aNgEL aCtiNG LiKe tHaT tOwaRDs bUfFy?!?!?!

Then you see Buffy suffering because this is the first time she slept with somebody and then he started killing randomly. We see her, we feel her.

(this is touched upon in season 4 again which is why this show is one of the best! The details people! DETAILS!)

Then we get to know about Angelus's curse. Now I felt bad but it made sense. Angelus was cruel. He was cursed with a soul and if he experienced a moment of true happiness then he would lose his soul. Then he spends the next 100 years as Angel trying to atone for his sins (I guess?). But the one moment he found happiness and it broke him

I don't know when this episode aired "I only have eyes for you"

But you have Buffy as James (best plot twist ever) and saying "You don't just wake up and stop loving somebody!" Which is literally what happened with Angel

And THEN he kills Jenny. Buffy realizes she HAS to kill him. (That episode was heartbreaking and also so twisted. Angelus is one kind of a villain!)

Then she has problems. Her mom found out about her slayerness, her friends were in danger, Giles was being tortured by Angelus, she has to team up with Spike to save the world because Angelus wanted to release hell (or something) AND she got kicked out of school.

Now she goes to kill Angelus and stop hell (cause that's her job as a slayer) and she gears up to fight. She's alone. She finds strength in herself and fights back and almost kills him but Willow decides to get Angel's soul back.

Now she's fucking torn because Angel doesn't remember anything but she has to kill him because killing him is the only way to stop hell. She takes a moment to herself and then kills him.

She leaves Sunnydale in the season finale.


This is the most emotionally tiring season yet I would watch it over and over BECAUSE OF the emotions portrayed. They don't make this kind of stuff now (maybe I haven't watched enough shows but there's a certain magic in this show which just can't be recreated)


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1 year ago

AHDHJWOQKS trying to be not jealous over here with two of my favs seeing boongi in theatres together šŸ˜­ iā€™m joining you in spirit with this little game šŸ˜ˆ

*play responsibly, any beverage is welcome, this is for fun*

take a drink when:

yoongi cat smiles

the audience makes him laugh

yoongi tells the crowd to love themselves

thereā€™s a special guest (bonus points if itā€™s woosung or IU??)

yoongi flips the audience off

ANY hip thrusting movement

you see him switch from yoongi to suga to agust d and vice versa

heā€™s being dramatic af

he chooses a galaxy from the audience

obvi whenever he drinks, you get to too

when he tells the audience to get louder/ā€œlet me hear you SCREAMā€

he pours water on himself/the audience

finish your drink if you see someone in a wedding dress

he makes you cry šŸ˜­

gonna see boongi on the big screen with @here4btsfics šŸ˜šŸ„°

Gonna See Boongi On The Big Screen With @here4btsfics
Gonna See Boongi On The Big Screen With @here4btsfics

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1 year ago

put in the tags what ur tumblr would smell like as a scratch n sniff

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3 years ago

Ok ok ok.... so the sane thing would have been to just go on the internet and search,Ā ā€œwho does Eadlyn Schereave marry?ā€, but I decided to spend ANOTHER very important evening reading The Crown.

You donā€™t understand, its not the gravitational pull of these kitsch titles that is attracting me, its the extreme repulsive force of reality. There are grave things in my reality, that I really really need to be ignoring, which is what is inducing me to spend 2 consecutive important evenings in the pursuit of this story.

First of all, I canā€™t believe my gay wish came true. I did NOT see that coming. The good thing was that the author came up with perfectly logical plausible reasons, for them applying in the selection, even though they were gay. The bad thing was that I felt like they were clichĆ© gay characters. You know the quiet pessimistic, I will never find happiness one and the really happy, friendly, angel on earth, has-a-girl-best-friend one.

Second of all, the translator. Interestingly he was much less interesting as a character in this book as compared to the last book, when I am sure that the author would have wanted the opposite effect. So that was a bummer even though my prediction came true. We donā€™t even get to know him enough to justify his being the hero of the story.Ā 

Also despite his being however smart and funny and brilliant, it is blaringly obvious that he is not one for a public life. I canā€™t believe him marrying a queen. You canā€™t just ignore that side of things.

And somebody tell me how she gave him the royal signet and no one even noticed?

I canā€™t believe that I went from rooting for this guy in the first book to tearing apart their relationship in the second.Ā 

I am eternally grateful to Marid. Though he was a clumsily inserted and badly used plot device.... he really brought a lot to the palace and the story. Both literally and metaphorically.Ā 

Kudos to Josie for earning the fastest-character-transformation-Iā€™ve-ever-read prize. Most unbelievable as well.

If you want to know where I was standing when Eadlyn made her appearance on the report at the end of the book. I was right there shouting angrily with the advisors. I am not entirely sure what enlightenment she was supposed to get on seeing Maxonā€™s scars. But announcing a constitutional monarchy, without ever consulting your advisors, office, the public, previous ruler or anybody for that matter seemed extremely irresponsible to me. I get that she is queen. But this is not done. I can understand why people were continually trying to overthrow her.

I deserved more politics than this book could give. I deserved to be let out of that damned palace in the whole of the 2 books.Ā 

Can I remark how her whole ā€˜my life is mine not yoursā€™ speech on national TV was so idiotic. It stood against the whole balancing act between public and private life thatā€™s been going on throughout the book. Also people in places like her absolutely cannot say or opt for something like that. In my culture, every person has aĀ ā€˜dharamā€™, a duty corresponding to each different identity that they have. Following their duty is more important sometimes than doing their will.Ā  I know I am reading a love story. But that monologue felt unncessary as long as she wasnā€™t marrying Marid. Marid was the peopleā€™s choice and she was opposing it already whether marrying Henri or Erriko. Then why say all this? Since it wasnā€™t connected to her enlightenment anyway. I honestly didnā€™t even understand why she couldnā€™t marry Erriko in the first place.

Also I like that she knew that speaking words in his mother tongue would make Erriko feel less nervous. And the subtlety in the fact that he had changed his given name. In the beginning I had imagined Eric as a short teenager, for some reason while everybody else as adults, and the princess as a really tall huge person. This stuck with me even when they came together, which made a funny picture in my head.

The whole time I kept getting reminded of Princess Mako.

I know writing such a long post is not acceptable on Tumblr. But I really needed to rant. I hope they wonā€™t put me in jail for this. Anyway nobody is going to actually plod through it. So it doesnā€™t matter.

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2 years ago
1 year ago

ok so.... what's up?

You don't remember me? I don't blame you. I don't post anything since fuckin May

So...if anyone care, I was struggling with school and stuff, I needed more time to focus on that so I stop posting

Also I change my fandom and style..multiple times and I wasn't sure if post here in...all that time gap

I apologize for being dead on here and to clear things this will happen;

1st: I already ended school, for now, and I can post more till February. I'll try to be active again

2nd: this will turn into a multi fandom account, the principal fandoms will be:

ā€¢ Total Drama

ā€¢ Sally face

ā€¢ Eddsworld

And maybe Danganronpa

And there's characters that probably will be my favorites to post

3rd: for sure I'll post more traditional than digital, especially sketchs

And 4th: it's a fact, I'll Post things bout my fandom oc's, Backstory or design, idk

And I think that's all, maybe I'll change my username, photo and theme, or not, who knows?

Again, I apologize with you guys, I'll take this a in a new way so...for now

Bye bye, cya!

Ok So.... What's Up?

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7 months ago
vlada-slavik - _Slavikāœ¦

hey so like this is crazy lol

im excited to see the "evidence" youll gather against the sparklecrit community.

im not mentioning you for a reason, and i know youll see this and probably send death threats my way, like you typical whiteknighters do, but this is extremely immature of you. youre a whole 19 year old? and youre spending your time making a document against a whole community of people?

maybe you should account the millions of things kc has done and soured in the community herself. the people shes legitimately hurt? the bunch of anon asks in my inbox stating their experiences with kc and how she HURT people. not just, a simple slick comment that was offhanded, but whole bad experiences.

i wouldnt also be fucking surprised if you called me the "only civil sparklecrit blog" because for some reason people call me that.

also, i noticed your comments on your post as well, claiming we all do this "out of spite". are you blind? MAJORITY of us have it stated in our pinned posts, that we created these blogs because kc cant fucking stop mocking our disorders and representing them in such poor manners. because kc cant stop erasing actual disorders and makes it feel like she only includes those disorders in her comics because then she gets a free pass to make fun of every aspect of them.

also, you mentioned how kcs art "isnt" regressing. you claim her art got "consistent". when there is SO MUCH evidence of kc doing quantity over quality. the amount of art i can find so easily and point of the flaws. the hemera comign out art? why do ALL of their heads look like FOOTBALLS??????? the most recent piece of art? what the fuck are eves hands???? the 8 year celebration of sch art? football heads, again! also, their poses are SO stiff. the art of all the cometkids? why are their bodies fading out of existence????? what ??? also 99% of kcs art anymore is so stiff and barely lively. and kc draws claws like finger tumors. theres SO MUCH more id say, and can and will say, but thatd make this post very lengthy.

not to mention, kc herself has essentially soured the comic itself. v4 was so boring and so anti-climactic, and was just filled with a bunch of sex jokes. it as honestly disgusting from some angles and its soured the comic for myself. i cant even enjoy cc without sly being joked about and havign another sex joke comic or another big wings joke or her mental health with mocked every other fuckign piece of art.

also, i dont know why you mean by we soured the community when all the whiteknighters of the sch community make us out to be terrile people who like to attack people, when we are just trying to point out that wed all like to enjoy sch and cc without feeling like everything is a sex joke or another mental health mocking moment.

maybe take your fucking head out of your ass and realize youre just as much of the problem in the fandom as much as you make the sparklecrit community to be. maybe if you blocked us and tags then you wouldnt be whining and making a stupid doc on us.

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5 months ago
My Precious Babies

my precious babies

(that one veil scene 14 thing but not in the shipping way)

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9 months ago

Why did I just notice that I'm always inlove or like fictional characters with either bright blue eyes that you could use as a lamp or other eye colors that are so gorgeous scrumlicous yummylicious... hm...idk either. BUT YOLO IG ITS MY TYPE OR SUM

Why Did I Just Notice That I'm Always Inlove Or Like Fictional Characters With Either Bright Blue Eyes

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