Batfam Hcs - Tumblr Posts

i spent too much time on this but fuck it
examples of what outfits they’d all wear

steph & dick (lil shirt lil pants)

babs & tim (lil shirt big pants)

dami & cass (big shirt lil pants)

jason & duke (big shirt big pants)
Art idea: Batman pokemon au
Bruce: corvoknight, *cubone, noivern
Dick: *phanpy, togekiss, shiny umbreon
Jason: houndoom, *pikachu, staravia
Tim: pidgeot, talonglame, *vulpix
Damian: *eevee, hawlucha, fearow
*pokemon are associated with their civilian identities
Still trying to think of pokemon for everyone else
If Thomas Wayne was a surgeon then that means that he wasn't running wayne enterprises while alive. So I present to you: Martha wayne took over the company.
Young Thomas Wayne meets Martha Kane at a gala and they become fast friends. Martha is smart and cunning, business savy, more than Thomas was. So he convinces her to go to business school (rather scandalous for the time- assuming it's the late 40's) while they are in school and Thomas is going through medical school the two fall in love and by the time Martha graduates they decided to get married and Martha Kane is now Martha Wayne. Shortly after Thomas graduates his father decides that he can no longer run WE and Thomas, being an only child is troubled. He didn't want to run the company and honestly hadn't thought of what to do when his father stepped down. Lucky he had a brilliant beautiful, and did he say brilliant wife who just so happend to go to business school.
: ) I regect model Martha wayne because that's boring, CEO Martha wayne who was simply a fashion icon and often on the cover of magazines is better (nothing wrong with model Martha but I want Martha to be more than Bruce's mom)
I head canon that the bat siblings have definitely broken boards of half rotten wood by hitting each other with em as well as have put dents and cuts in stuff around the manor (as well as other places) by throwing knives at each other.
My reason, both are things me and my brother have done on multiple occasions.