Wayne Enterprises - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how Bruce Wayne is keeping that vintage dark academia aesthetic instead of that modern gray minimalist bs?

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2 years ago
When Dad Gives The Kids Wayne Enterprises Merch But One Of Them Named Tim Is Not As Photogenic As His
When Dad Gives The Kids Wayne Enterprises Merch But One Of Them Named Tim Is Not As Photogenic As His

when dad gives the kids Wayne Enterprises merch but one of them named Tim is not as photogenic as his brothers and sister

instagram // twitter

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10 months ago

If Thomas Wayne was a surgeon then that means that he wasn't running wayne enterprises while alive. So I present to you: Martha wayne took over the company.

Young Thomas Wayne meets Martha Kane at a gala and they become fast friends. Martha is smart and cunning, business savy, more than Thomas was. So he convinces her to go to business school (rather scandalous for the time- assuming it's the late 40's) while they are in school and Thomas is going through medical school the two fall in love and by the time Martha graduates they decided to get married and Martha Kane is now Martha Wayne. Shortly after Thomas graduates his father decides that he can no longer run WE and Thomas, being an only child is troubled. He didn't want to run the company and honestly hadn't thought of what to do when his father stepped down. Lucky he had a brilliant beautiful, and did he say brilliant wife who just so happend to go to business school.

: ) I regect model Martha wayne because that's boring, CEO Martha wayne who was simply a fashion icon and often on the cover of magazines is better (nothing wrong with model Martha but I want Martha to be more than Bruce's mom)

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1 year ago

wayne enterprises almost certainly has clothing as one of their retail subsidiaries and i like to imagine it getting really profitable just because bruce spends so much time listening to models bitch at parties. all of their product lines have names like “It Has Real Pockets” and “Not See-Through” and “Full-Length Sleeves” and “Secret Elastic Waist”. the marketing department is like “okay obviously these are all working titles” and bruce is like “no. leave it. that is what it’s called.” and they try to talk him out of it but he owns a helicopter and you can’t argue with a man who owns a helicopter. they sell so fast. the women of gotham are well-dressed and comfortable and always have somewhere to keep their phones.

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7 years ago

Five Times Stephanie Brown Made the News

This fic is for @ladykattz who I offer a million apologies for being so late. I hope this fic makes it up to you.

Prompt: “Can you do something with Stephanie being Tim’s date to a gala or visiting him at Wayne Enterprises for whatever reason? I just wanna see how all these high class or professional workplace people view this unknown girl who is constantly chilling with the Waynes.”

1. The first time Stephanie made the news, she was fifteen and Gotham exploded at the news of another vigilante working their way through the Gotham underworld. Word on the street was, this one wore purple and had hair bright as the sun. Among themselves, Gothamites gossiped. Some didn’t believe she’d last a week, others thought she’d make it to a month. No one believed she would ever truly succeed. Behind her mask, Stephanie narrowed her eyes and swore to prove them wrong. 2. Stephanie makes news again as Stephanie, friend of the elusive Cassandra Cain, whom which journalists would sell their organs for to get an interview. They watch as the blonde chatters freely to the sole daughter of Bruce Wayne, a smiling often flitting across her face, one mirrored easily on Cassandra’s face as well. At one point, Cassandra Cain laughs so hard she doubles over, clutching her stomach. Her eyes wrinkle, and the newspapers papers dub her a beauty in a beat. Who is this girl, who seems to familiar to the most elusive and impassive members of the Wayne Family?

3. The third time Stephanie made it on the news, she was seen in the arms of one Timothy Drake at the Wayne Gala. The same mysterious blonde hanging out with Gotham’s princess was now firmly established as the girlfriend of one of Gotham’s prince. The news story only briefly brushed over how Tim’s eyes never left his date, how under the soft lights the two smiled like gems. How Dick’s arms often wrapped about the two like family and Damian dances with Stephanie and over again. Mostly, it focused on the elites throwing themselves into a tizzy as they fumed over a common girl on the arms of one of the men in highest demand. This blonde, with her obnoxious laugh and cheap jewelry had the nerve to steal one of the most wanted men, and did so in a Macy’s dress. The ladies decked out in Gucci and Swarovski diamonds fluffed their hundred dollar insured hair in disgust. The elites scorned and scoffed, but no one could deny the happiness radiating off of the couple. Nor could they deny that the words “pompously overdressed clout” left Stephanies lips multiple times as the couple laughed themselves into oblivion watching the Elite of Gotham flush purple. 4. The fourth time Stephanie made the news, it was after an interview with a Wayne Enterprise secretary. The anonymous secretary provides multiple reports on the recent sunshine appearing in the Wayne Enterprises. It would appear that rain or shine, a blonde female would skip up the stairs to the Wayne Tower, press a kiss on Mr. Drake’s forehead (which, in the 279 days that she has observed Ms. Browns arrivals, have never failed to bring a happy smile to his face) and cheerfully encourage the workers to keep up the good work. Ms. Brown, the secretary raves, is a miracle worker. She was thoughtful too, always asking Mr. Wang about his daughter and Mrs. McClain about her hospitalized father and Mr. Mendoza about his newborn. It was as if, she writes, entrapped in her shining blonde hair and blue eyes was the sun itself. It certainly had a favorable effect among Tower the workers and Mr. Drake himself.

5. The fifth time Stephanie makes the news, she is a new hero. Another year, another gala, another outing as one of Gotham’s most well established couples. Tim slips his arms around Steph’s waist and she leans up to press a soft kiss onto his jaw, raising her hand to admire the gleaming diamond on her finger. Together, they greet all those who congratulate them on their recent engagement. A soft love wraps around them, and happiness radiates off them. Stephanie takes great delight in bragging about the newest Revlon eyeshadow and the upcoming Fenty Beauty release as the ladies gather around her. A few titter and clutch luxury powders, but she’s proud to see that majority of the women are listening intently to what she says. It never fails to delight her when girls walk up to her to strike a conversation about a product she recommended. Still, of course something goes wrong and this it comes in the form of the Condiment King, shouting about his own power and youth and lost chances. When the rest of the elites rush back and a jumble of confused shouts and scared expressions, Stephanie takes the opportunity to punch him right across the jaw- after she chews him out for even thinking about interrupting her special moment and her engagement. Not on her watch, she snaps, glaring down towards the trembling Condiment King, aiming a kick towards his ribs. What a girl, the elites whisper among themselves. How selfless, how heroic. Her fiancé is a lucky man. What a hero.

Behind them, the Wayne family grins.

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8 months ago

I want so bad for Bruce to have been on Shark Tank in the dc universe, but Brucie Wayne isn't business enough. You know who is? And who I would love infinitely more to be on Shark Tank? Timothy Drake.

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8 months ago

Thinking about Gotham Public Schools again.

You have to wonder if just Gotham generally being Gotham impacts what students learn in school.

Are students taught from a young age how to solve riddles in english class? We always had like warm ups we had to do in english class like a prompt to write about or something. Do Gotham kids have to solve riddles every day to practice?

What about Chemistry class? Do they learn the chemical composition of fear toxin/joker venom/bane venom/etc and how to neutralize or make an antidote? Do they learn how to test water and chemically and biologically filter it to make it drinkable in a pinch? Do they learn how to filter air and make an on the fly gas mask?

Are they taught self defense in PE class? Do they start in kindergarten and is it their longest unit?

Do they learn how to defuse a bomb in engineering class?

Is there a whole unit in biology about Ivy's plants and pollens?

Is half their health class just dedicated to basic first aid? Do they learn more complicated stuff like how to give stitches or fix a bullet wound?

Is criminal psychology or forensic the highest demanded elective at the high school?

Do they learn about the the black market and underground economy in Econ class? Do they talk about the basic monopoly Wayne Enterprises has on Gotham? Do they talk about the historic causes of poverty?

Are they taught about crime lords influence in politics?

Do they learn about vigilantes and rogues in their history class?

Is the "what jobs do your family have" assignment never used because honestly who wants to hear about your uncle or parent or cousin working for Joker or Penguin or Black Mask?

IDK just like what do Gotham students learn that freak out anyone else when they hear it?

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It's pride month baby~

So, how does Batfam piss off the homophobes?

Dick: launches his drag career

Jason: kisses Roy

Tim: exists in canon

Damian: changes his cape colors

Duke: Your Fave Is Queer: A Slideshow

Cullen: blasts queer punk anthems

Stephanie: dyes her hair rainbow

Cassandra: dump garbage on their doorsteps

Barbara: publicly reads the story of Achilles

Harper: wears a tuxedo

Carrie: unveils new pronouns

Kate: dates their daughter

Alfred: speed-officiates a bunch of weddings

Selina: paints her claws with different flags

Bruce: donates to every queer charity

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