Be Who You Want To Be - Tumblr Posts
Reblog if you support non-binary people <3
(I'm trying to prove a homophobic person in my class wrong :3)
I am sad
Something feels
How do I figure out what?
A lost dream?
A confused fantasy?
I want something more
But I can't define it.
This is the story of my life
The lost child
Aiming to take on God.
No promise of death or life
But the need to question remains the same.
I have never been able to place myself,
And now it has only gotten harder.
I find I am unable to admit
Even to me
What it is that I want.
I have seen everything
Every image of myself
Above and below.
God and the sinner
The devil and the savior.
I have found that righteousness is a point of view
And because of this
Nothing is ever pure.
I broke the law
Spat in its face
Even though
I formed its soul.
These words are nonsensical
I've written long enough to see my own joke.
I can't stop.
Some part of me continues to believe.
I want to be truthful.
I want to stand before myself and not flinch.
My nature has been to run
And this fills me with such guilt.
I once held such lofty ambitions for my soul
But what are these dreams
Given my wickedness?
I have worshiped myself
Failing to question my worth.
God is guilty
And I am god.
How far I have come
Since I sat on the Mount.
Writing long poems
Only for myself.
Not oblivious
To my own condescension.
Rambling because I can never tell when to quit.
I live in self hatred;
In self doubt.
I wanted all the world to be free
But then aimed for them to be slaves to me.
How do you overcome your own soul?
Your own nature and sprees?
I can't understand it.
I can't even give it a name.
Yet I keep on writing
As I avoid my own glare.
I hate who I am
Only because it exists in a world with others.
When alone I love myself
Until my own selfishness dawns on me.
I am not all knowing.
I am not perfect.
I am still God
But what does that even mean?
Wrong from the start.
Wicked from my beginning.
A foolish arrogant idiot
Who believes only they know the truth.
All the while evil reigns
Using the same laws
I laid down.
Everything goes up in flames
And I descend through my own guilt.
An unworthty savior
Battling through their own humanity.
That people are more worthy of themselves
Than I could ever be.
Figuring out how to exist
After my own decent
I fumble through it all
Stumbling over my own identity.
One day I think I will live,
And it will be after I've laid down my arms.
My own arrogance
My own profered up ego;
My own declared divinity.
It will be beyond my own need be wo shoped;
My own need to be loved by all.
One day I will learn to accept myself
And in that moment
I will be able to understand
How little I actually matter.
The world holds itself accountable.
It doesn't need me.
I was never anything worth thought
And yet I am.
I exist for me.
I am that I am.
I stand before myself
As all of creation stands before its self.
All I want is to live
And for each being to live.
Free of our hate
And free of our need to be right.
Beyond the power or others;
Free from the authority of adjacent souls.
I unbound by antagonistic lives
That obscure our view of infinite dreams.
Eternity is a long time to entertain ourselves
And I cannot be sure where we all are.
If done ever
Who can be sure
All we have is this moment
Ok praying to be alive.
It is more than anyone can actively undertand
Or maybe I am just so small.
All I know is this day to day survival
Battling with hatred and love.
One day I hope for peace
But I cannot be sure.
Faith is a weapon held against those who try
And I am one
Who has yet to figure out how.
So I write long wonder poems
Because I never know when to quit.
This is why death exists
To cut short assholes
Like myself.
I hate my life
And yet I love it.
It exists for me
And I struggle with it.
There is so much injustice I have let slide
Because I was preoccupied with my own aggrendizment.
I failed to see the suffering that exists
While focusing on
The metaphysical of humanity.
I thank you for forgiving me.
For humoring me all the more.
If you pass me over
I understand that too
For it is important to do so.
God never understood the world they created.
It wasn't like them.
I spite of their intentions
Their creation was an accident.
So I am.
A lost soul
Amount lost souls.
A whispering dream
As each individual is
When facing who they are
Before only themselves
Stretched beyond eternity.
This is my fear
And this is my dream.
My heart can't bear the final words
And so it stretches beyond its own sound advice.
I can't let go.
I refuse to let go.
This is for me
Trying to understand
"why anything?"
I hope you can forgive me.
Who else will save me from hell?
I hope we all make it
When we each can forgive ourselves.
I don't know how to end it.
I don't know how to live it.
I want
I want
I want more than this body can give me.
Forgive me
Forgive me
Forgive me.
Show me how to be better
A lost soul
Unable to find their way.
I love you all who made it this far.
You are my inspiration;
My reason for maturing as a person.
Love me
Hate me
Teach me how to be me.
A mask made self aware
The last vestige of me own soul.
Dream or yourself
And maybe I will too.
We are each worthy of godhood
As much as anyone ever has been.
Eternity is a long time to exist.
All that matters
Is that you are satisfied when you choose your end
I want it more than anything
A final sleep
And then my peace.
Wear it, do it, see it, be it, live it, love it!
Don't let society's expectations become your restrictions!
I'm lazy about someone who doesn't make mistakes. I have the deep sleep of someone who prefers the warm. I like the risk. Of those who take risks. I have a deep admiration for those who follow their heart. I believe in free people. Freedom to be. Good courage to show yourself. Slap your face! That's the way I am. I have a million flaws. But I live to feel.
~ Clarice Lispector

Eu tenho preguiça de quem não comete erros. Tenho profundo sono de quem prefere o morno. Eu gosto do risco. Dos que arriscam. Tenho admiração nata por quem segue o coração. Eu acredito nas pessoas livres. Liberdade de ser. Coragem boa de se mostrar. Dar a cara a tapa! Eu sou assim. Tenho um milhão de defeitos. Mas eu vivo para sentir.
— Clarice Lispector
For those who were curious, yes my hair is real😅