Be Your Own Inspiration - Tumblr Posts
Poem: Caterpillar
A Haiku
Caterpillar, you
Are stronger than you think. Soon
You will spread your wings.
Poem: Fixing
I don’t want to chop my hair off;
I don’t want to sweep the floor.
Years-old strategies for fixing me
aren’t fitting anymore.
Find a new job and new wardrobe
to suit up my older self.
Grow my hair out. Make new friends.
Light a candle. Make a mess.
When I whittled myself down for weeks,
who but I should wield the broom
to brush away the parts I’ve shed
and build myself anew?
I'm lazy about someone who doesn't make mistakes. I have the deep sleep of someone who prefers the warm. I like the risk. Of those who take risks. I have a deep admiration for those who follow their heart. I believe in free people. Freedom to be. Good courage to show yourself. Slap your face! That's the way I am. I have a million flaws. But I live to feel.
~ Clarice Lispector

Eu tenho preguiça de quem não comete erros. Tenho profundo sono de quem prefere o morno. Eu gosto do risco. Dos que arriscam. Tenho admiração nata por quem segue o coração. Eu acredito nas pessoas livres. Liberdade de ser. Coragem boa de se mostrar. Dar a cara a tapa! Eu sou assim. Tenho um milhão de defeitos. Mas eu vivo para sentir.
— Clarice Lispector
Natural Beauty
Of COURSE I like my own posts.
It's motivating that someone enjoyed my work, even if it's only one person
even if that one person is me.
Everything changes when you begin to LOVE YOURSELF. You no longer send out energy of desperation or need to be filled from the outside. You become a powerful source within yourself that attracts better. The more you love who you are, the less you seek validation and approval.
Stay Positive, Friends! ❤️