Do What You Love - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

“The idea of the future, pregnant with an infinity of possibilities, is thus more fruitful than the future itself, and this is why we find more charm in hope than in possession, in dreams than in reality.”

—Henri Bergson

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1 year ago

“Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love.”


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1 year ago

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

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1 year ago

The more you love yourself/take care of yourself, the more you attract what’s meant for you

Love yourself in a healthy way

not in an egotistical way

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1 year ago

Love yourself:

Be mindful of your inner thoughts

Be mindful of the words you speak

Be honest to yourself and others

Accept yourself

Trust yourself

Keep learning

Follow your passion

Do what you love

Service to others/volunteer

Share relevant info for free

Eat natural/whole foods, consume wisely

Read/learn from YouTube

Be supportive

Practice gratitude

Take care of your overall well-being (mentally and physically):


Lift weights if you can

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3 years ago

this is your friendly neighbourhood reminder that you are allowed to do things even if it goes against the “brand” you’ve created for yourself.

you’re known for drinking coffee, but want a hot chocolate today ? that’s alright.

known for staying up late, but want to go to bed earlier ? that’s okay

and the best bit is, you don’t owe anyone an explanation either. do what makes you happiest, even if what that is changes over time. it’s alright and i love you.

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1 year ago

I think this goes for anything really. In retrospect, that's how my mother thought about most the shows I watched, but she never once told me it was dumb, and always asked questions. I think all relationships can benefit from the idea of "I am happy you are enjoying the thing you enjoy" because even if I hate it, I can enjoy you liking it.

the saddest sight in the world is a married couple at a musical and the wife is super excited and happy and the husband looks like he was dragged along and he’s making a big deal about how much he doesn’t want to be there and the wife gets embarrassed or ashamed. this isn’t a funny post, it’s actually heartbreaking and i see it happen at like every other musical i attend.

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1 year ago

31 -

Something I’ve been thinking about lately: we really aren’t in control of anything. Life is going to happen, people are going to people. I think having a false sense of control, a false sense of ego - this is our ultimate hubris.

Why do we care so much about the opinions of others? They never have the full story.

I recognize I speak from a place of privilege and not everyone has the same opportunities or freedom to choose.

If you think about it, we are all so wrapped up in our own heads. No one, NO ONE, is thinking about me as much or in the same way I think about myself. It’s a double-edged sword: we don’t really matter to anyone else as much as we matter to ourselves. It’s a lonely thought. At the same time, it’s so freeing. Those humiliating moments, those mistakes & regret we hang onto and let color everything we think about ourselves moving forward - people aren’t thinking about them the way we do. In fact, I’d venture to say that most of the time, they may not even remember.

Example: I went to a meeting with my good friend while I was visiting my mom. He’s in recovery and he brought up this time that he was being irresponsible & drove over my foot with his car and I was so angry at him. I can’t even recall that happening. Same thing - I brought up this time that he was telling me how broken he felt and I condescendingly told him “well if you know there’s a problem, then go fix it - maybe you just don’t care enough to”. Lol not my most empathetic moment. He barely remembers that conversation.

Everyone is living their own reality. I’m coming to realize truth and fact are not the same - truth is actually incredibly subjective. It’s dependent on the individual and their perception/their beliefs can skew it. It’s like when two people look at the same picture and feel something different. Or when two people are asked to recreate a work of art and their creations are different from each other, in addition to being different from the original. Similar, but not exactly the same.

Wealth, status, power - these are all social constructs. These are ideas. Who came up with them? Certainly not a higher being, but another human before our time. I won’t delve into this too much, but none of it really matters in the long run. That fancy car, being a CEO, being with someone “out of your league” - it won’t give you the validation you seek. It won’t add or take away from who you are, what your intrinsic values are.

So what to do with all of this? Still trying to figure it out but I think it boils down to - do whatever the fuck you want. No one cares, no one’s looking at you (if they are, they’re looking at themselves in you - projecting). This is life, we all get one shot, so don’t be afraid. Acknowledge your past but don’t let it consume you. Every day is a new day, a new opportunity, to: do what you love, say what you feel, start again, change the future.

I’m sitting on a plane to go back home & I’ve had a bit of caffeine lol.

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