Feel It - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Losing people is so interesting because like; No, I don't want to speak to you ever again. Yes, I think about you on your birthday.

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I'm lazy about someone who doesn't make mistakes. I have the deep sleep of someone who prefers the warm. I like the risk. Of those who take risks. I have a deep admiration for those who follow their heart. I believe in free people. Freedom to be. Good courage to show yourself. Slap your face! That's the way I am. I have a million flaws. But I live to feel.

~ Clarice Lispector

I'm Lazy About Someone Who Doesn't Make Mistakes. I Have The Deep Sleep Of Someone Who Prefers The Warm.
Eu Tenho Preguia De Quem No Comete Erros. Tenho Profundo Sono De Quem Prefere O Morno. Eu Gosto Do Risco.

Eu tenho preguiça de quem não comete erros. Tenho profundo sono de quem prefere o morno. Eu gosto do risco. Dos que arriscam. Tenho admiração nata por quem segue o coração. Eu acredito nas pessoas livres. Liberdade de ser. Coragem boa de se mostrar. Dar a cara a tapa! Eu sou assim. Tenho um milhão de defeitos. Mas eu vivo para sentir.

— Clarice Lispector

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2 years ago

When words in black & white on a piece of paper can make your whole body feel such strong emotions because of how well the intensity is built up.......i mean round of applause👏👏

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7 months ago
Based On The Way Touya And Fuyumi Behaved In Their Very Early Years, I've Always Gotten The Impression

Based on the way Touya and Fuyumi behaved in their very early years, I've always gotten the impression the Todoroki family started out with something of a healthy dynamic.

The reason they were born was pretty twisted and Endeavor's ambitions may have made the foundation rotten, but I think they were 'fine' until the genetic disparity with Touya's Quirk was detected. What's sad about that is if Touya didn't have that issue, he and Fuyumi would probably have been the only two siblings. Endeavor wanted Touya for a successor. Rei wanted Fuyumi so that Touya would have a sibling and they could support each other.

Natsuo and Shouto were born because Endeavor's ambitions meant more to him than his family.

Based On The Way Touya And Fuyumi Behaved In Their Very Early Years, I've Always Gotten The Impression
Based On The Way Touya And Fuyumi Behaved In Their Very Early Years, I've Always Gotten The Impression

And tragically, Touya and Fuyumi are the only two kids in that family who can remember this happy life. It's why Fuyumi was so desperate to get it back, and in his own warped way, Touya also tried to reclaim it.

Based On The Way Touya And Fuyumi Behaved In Their Very Early Years, I've Always Gotten The Impression

Here's the thing that gets me, though:

It is very common and normal for a toddler to prefer one parent over the other. Usually, it's the parent they're the most family with: The one that stays home with and takes care of them.

Remember, to a toddler, everything is new and potentially scary, and that can often include a parent that is not always present: The parent that's working.

In the Todoroki house, Endeavor had his career as a hero, so we have the indication that Rei was the parent who stayed home. In that situation, the probability of Rei being the 'familiar parent' was more likely, so for Touya to prefer his father over his mother shows just how close he was to Endeavor. That probably happened because 1.) we can see Endeavor started training him at a very young age, and 2.) Fuyumi was the new baby and probably needed more attention from their mother, so Touya may have gravitated away from Rei on his own and went to his father instead.

Touya didn't see his father's ambitions for him. He didn't see that he was a successor as opposed to a son. What he, a child, saw and understood was that his father loved him and wanted to spend time with him. After the genetic disparity was detected and that pride and affection disappeared, he didn't know how to cope.

Based On The Way Touya And Fuyumi Behaved In Their Very Early Years, I've Always Gotten The Impression

In contrast, Natsuo and Shouto never even saw the family happy. Natsuo was three-four years old when this happened. Fuyumi looks devastated that things aren't her version of normal. Natsuo just looks confused because, again, everything is new to toddlers. This was the normal he grew up with. Touya attacking Shouto might be one of his first memories, so he never stood a chance and that is why he left home the moment he had the opportunity.

It also explains his lack of understanding for Fuyumi's hope for a normal family. Fuyumi's mindset runs as, "We had that once. It's possible to have it again." Which in its own way, expecting things can just return to the way they were is a little disrespectful to her brother that died, and I think Touya's reappearance did shatter her illusion since she never brings up 'being a real family' after Dabi's Dance.

The point is, since Natsuo never saw what Fuyumi and Touya saw, he can't see what she wants to return to, so her decision to forgive their father is one he can't comprehend.

Based On The Way Touya And Fuyumi Behaved In Their Very Early Years, I've Always Gotten The Impression

And if Natsuo can't remember the happy family, then there's no way Shouto does because this is what their home looked like by the time he was old enough to start forming concrete memories.

We're looking at two different sets of children, the older pair and the younger pair, who started out with very different childhoods.

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4 years ago
digbyarts - Digbyarts (is my art tag)

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