Billy Hargrove Imagines - Tumblr Posts
Stranger Things Masterlist
Main Masterlist
By @chloe-skywalker
* = Requested

Billy Hargrove:
~ You To Stay
~ Halloween Party (Halloween)
~ Your Part Of My Family
~ I Promise
~ Secret Valentine’s Day Plans (Valentines day)
~ Interest (Part 1)
~ Interest (Part 2)
~ No Plans (Christmas)
~ No Plans Part 2 (Christmas)
~ No Plans Part 3 (Christmas)
~ Carefree
~ Scarred Freak
~ Way Better
~ Bruises
~ I Think I’m In Love With You (Valentines Day)
~ Purpose
~ Door Open Part 1
~ Door Open Part 2
~ Your To Important To Me
~ Easter Celebration
~ Knock Next Time
~ Moving
~ One Number Away
Eddie Munson:
~ Cheerleading Worth It?
Steve Harrington:
~ Coming Soon . . .
You To Stay - Billy Hargrove
Billy Hargrove x Fem!reader
Warnings: a little angsty
Word count: 1,538
Summary: We all know Billy had no choice but to leave California, that doesn’t change how he and the reader felt about it.
Authors Note: My first Billy Hargrove Imagine, but I do plan on doing a lot more of him. I feel they killed him off as soon as we got some character development and got to learn more of him. Always taking requests just FYI. Now for Billy as well. Kinda an Au I guess but that's just because I made this to be after the events of season 3 and Billy’s alive.
Stranger Things Masterlist
Prompt: "All I ever wanted was for you to stay. And you left"
@spidey-swift I believe this is has a prompt from you
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Billy pulled to a stop once he saw the oh so familiar house come into view. Even though he has been gone for a year nothing seemed to have changed. It looked exactly the same. He would know, he spent more time there than at his own home, when he lived here. God, he missed this place. The feeling it gave him. Safe. Home.
“Hello, Misses Y/l/n. I’m here to see Y/n. Is she here?” Billy smiled at his old girlfriends, well last and only girlfriends mom. She always made Billy feel like he was part of the family. Even told him that if he ever decided to tell the cops about his father’s actions she would take him in. Billy almost took her up on that offer multiple times.
“Long time no see, Billy. Y/n’s not here though.” Y/m/n smiled back at the boy. She knew he was here to see her daughter.
Billy sighed, he was hoping Y/n would be home. But since she wasn’t he knew a few places she liked to hang out at. Or at least use to. “It’s great to see you to. Do you know where she could be?”
Y/n’s mom sighed. She would have loved to give him an exact location as to where her daughter is, but sometimes Y/n stopped by places when she went out that she didn’t plan to. “She was going to go skate down by the beach. Y/n’s done a lot of skating since you left. She says it’s the only way-”
“-she can clear her head. Yeah, she mentioned that once.” Billy cut in not trying to be rude or anything, but he remembered one time he asked her why and she said the exact same thing. Billy nodded before thanking her, turning to leave.
“BIlly.” Y/m/n stopped him before he got to far away from the door.
Billy turned around with his hands in his jacket pockets. “Hmmm?”
“If you don’t find her she’ll be back for dinner. You can always come back.” she told the young man standing on her driveway with a smile.
Billy smiled, nodding in understanding to the older woman. “Thanks, Miss Y/l/n.”
Y/m/n smiled back at Billy. She always liked having him around before his father up and moved them. “I hope you find her Billy. She needs you, and you always needed her.”
“I still need her. More than ever.” Billy nodded giving her a tight-lipped smile, but it went as fast as it came. Unfortunately.
“Good luck. I’ll set you a place at the table either way.” she smiled at him.
Billy nodded in confirmation. “I’ll be there.” He turned and headed to his car mumbling under his breath “hopefully”. Billy got in his car immediately hauling ass to go find his girl.
^ ^ ^
Billy had been to literally every place that Y/n liked to hang out at except for one. He’s really hoping that she is just skating down by the beach. Billy knew the route she took down by the beach, he memorized it just in case something happened to her. Y/n also use to take Max with her, even though Billy hated the redheaded little girl. Y/n went out of her way to get to know Max. She took her with her to a lot of places. Not long after he started checking out the beach for her he saw her coming towards him.
“Hey! Cali Girl!” Billy shouted once he spotted her skating down on the strip by Huntington Beach. Once she looked up and saw him well, Y/n lost her balance. Billy was the only person that ever called her that.
“Oh shit.” Billy mumbled as they collided hard on the ground. Billy grabbing her hips to make sure that she fell on top of him, so he could cousin the fall. “I’m sorry, Y/n/n. I didn’t mean to make you lose balance.” He spoke softly, moving some fallen hair behind her ear.
Y/n shook her head, both in shock and to show him she didn’t mind. “It’s fine, Billy.” She flashed him a smile before continuing. “I’m more concerned about you being here. How are you here? Why are you here?” Y/n asked as she moved off of him, to sit on the ground across from him.
The two stared at each other for a few moments before Billy sighed. “It’s a long story, but if your willing to listen to it. I’ll gladly tell you… After we get these scrapes cleaned up.” He told her, pointing to her hands and knees that had gotten scrapped during the fall.
Y/n laughed shaking her head side to side. He may have left for a year but he’s deficiently her same old Billy. “You were always worried when I would ride my skateboard.”
He raised his eyebrows and gave her a look that said ‘seriously?’. “Cause this could happen. So as you can see I worry for good reason.” Once Billy got her to agree for him to take her home to clean the cuts, Billy picked her up bridal style but not before handing her, her skateboard, and took her to the Camaro.
^ ^ ^
Once they got back to Y/n’s home she told him he could park in the driveway. Billy walked around the car after he turned it off, he came around to the passenger side door. Even though they both knew she could walk Billy still picked her up and carried her into her home. Y/n’s mom waved lightly at them as they passed the kitchen. He carried her into the bathroom across from her room. Billy sat her down on the counter by the sink before he began treating her scrapes.
“So. . .you going to tell me that story now?” Y/n asked after watching him for a while. He was almost done cleaning her cuts.
Billy sighed but nodded, he knew he was gonna have to tell her sooner rather than later. “Yeah, uh. After graduation, I stayed there for the summer. Got a summer job as a lifeguard to save money to come back. A lot of crap happened in between that and now, that I’ll tell you about someday but not today. Probably not anytime soon. But I promise someday. Y/n, I’m sorry I left.”
She sighed, Y/n knows Billy had no choice in moving but she also knows that they promised each other to never leave the other. They both broke when he was forced to move, but even knowing those things it doesn’t change the fact that she wanted him and need him to stay. “Billy, I know you had no choice. But-.”
“But what?’ Billy asked with a shaky voice. ‘But’ isn’t exactly a good word to hear, especially in these kinds of situations.
Y/n sighed trying not to let tears fall but she knew a couple were bound to. “All I ever wanted was for you to stay. And you left.”
Y/n felt terrible for feeling that way but she couldn’t help it, she knows that if he could’ve he would nerve had left California or her.
Billy understood how Y/n was felt, he only ever wanted to stay as well. Billy reached up, carrying her face while also using her thumbs to wipe the tears away. He hated that he was forced to move from California, and leave her in the process. Billy felt exactly how she does when he was in Hawkins, he just covered it up by being an asshole. “I’m back now. I promise.”
“For good?” Y/n’s voice shook as she asked him. She is 100% sure that she could not handle him leaving again. Her heart wouldn’t be able to take it.
Billy let out a sigh of relief, before moving his hand up to cup her face and gently caressing her tears away and just admiring her. “Yeah. For good. As long as you’ll have me around.” He held his breath at the thought she might not want him to stick around since he’s left her once before.
Y/n pulled Billy’s hands down from cupping her face, she interlaced their fingers together and rested them in her lap before looking up into his eyes. Y/n could tell he was worried, whatever her answer was that would define where they go from here. She smiled at him before answering. “Billy, I will always want you around.”
Billy smiled and let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Good. Then I’m here to stay.” he stated smiling at her in adoration, man did he miss her. Leaving her was a big part of why he hated the move and hated being in Hawkins. In Hawkins, there’s no Y/n Y/l/n. the only person he’s loved since his mom left and the only person to love him back. She’s the last person on earth and the only one to actually know him, and there’s nothing on earth or beyond as he now knows- that will ever take him from her again.
Halloween Party - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,560
Summary: At Tommy’s Halloween party a certain couple talks about their secret relationship. Will they decide to tell everyone or will insecurities get in the way?
Authors Note: So basically I just wanted to be able to post a Halloween Imagine on Halloween. So I wrote this which I personally thought would be short but just the dialog ended up being on paper 9 pages (ten on google docs), then adding all the details and etc etc it filled up. This ended up longer than I thought it would be but I’ll never complain about that haha. I wanted to be able to post something on this holiday and I’m proud of this. I chose Stranger Things for the Halloween Imagine cause they actually go through the holiday in the show so perfect. Thank You and Happy Halloween
Prompts: “Oh yeah, I’m totally into cannibalism.” - @bookofmirth
“You’d be a lot more intimidating if you weren’t dressed like that.” - @olicityropes
Stranger Things Masterlist
Holiday Masterlist

“Come on Y/n/n. Cheer up.” Steve spoke from upfront in the driver’s seat after having been glancing back at his sister for the hundredth time. In the last 8-minute car ride.
“It’s a party, you love parties.” Nancy added giving Y/n a quick smile and glance from the passenger’s seat. Y/n appreciated their worry but it’s not like she could tell them why she wasn’t herself.
“It just wasn’t a good day ok? I’ll cheer up once we get there. Promise.” Y/n told them from the backseat. She just couldn’t wait till they got to Tommy’s Halloween Party, then she could get out of the car and go find the person she’s been missing all day.
Once they arrived at the party Steve, Nancy, and Y/n separated. She left her brother to have some time alone with Nancy. All the while Y/n went in search of a certain person. The party was already practically full so it was a little harder to find anyone.
Luckily enough for Y/n the person she was in the process of looking for had already spotted her and was heading over towards her.
When Billy reached Y/n he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back into his chest. Y/n let out a squeal of surprise. Billy leaned his head down a bit and started off kissing along her neck and shoulders. Before he decided to get a bigger reaction out of her and bite down on her neck. “WHAT THE HELL BILLY!”
“Just wanted to surprise my girl.” Billy mumbled into her hair as he kissed the top of her head, as he chuckled a bit at the reaction he got.
“By biting my neck?” Y/n asked turning her head to look at him with an amused look.
“Oh yeah, I’m totally into cannibalism.” Billy nodded, speaking with a totally serious face and tone. Y/n broke out into a smile and laughter, Billy ended up breaking and joined in.
“You’re so weird, and cute at the same time.” Y/n shook her head at Billy’s antics as she turned her whole body to face him.
“Thank you” Billy smirked proudly.
Y/n shook her head and chuckled “That was really only half a compliment.”
Billy’s smirk turned into a smile and he hummed before answering. “Considering you love both of those qualities about me, the whole thing is a compliment, Sweetheart.” The couple laughed softly at his statement, knowing it was completely true. After the two both calmed down the laughter Billy decided to ask the question he was pretty sure he already knew the answer to but it still was bothering him. “Your brother come tonight?”
Y/n looked up at her boyfriend, already knowing where this is coming from on his part. She nodded ‘yes’ while answering. “Yes. He drove me.”
Billy hummed, nodding to show he heard. Billy ran his tongue along his teeth, hanging his head before speaking. “I wish you would have let me drive you.”
“Billy. . .” Y/n sighed
“I know, I know.” He nodded already knowing where this would go. Where it goes every time.
“You didn’t want him to find out either.” Y/n pointed out to him, poking him in the chest.
“I know, it just sucks.” Billy admitted
“I agree.” Y/n agreed leaning her head against his chest with a sigh. “Maybe we should say screw it.” With that statement, Billy burst out in laughter as if that was the funniest thing he had heard all night. Y/n pulled out of his warm embrace to look at him. “I’m being serious Billy.” Y/n smacked him hard across the chest.
“Ouch” he chuckled, rubbing his chest that was turning red in the spot that she had hit. But it wasn’t hard enough to bruise. Both of them knew that. Billy forced his attention back on Y/n. “You’d be a lot more intimidating if you weren’t dressed like that.” Billy tilted his head sucking in a breath looking Y/n up and down, checking her out. Billy reached out to take her hips but Y/n moved a few steps back out of his reach.
Y/n smirked up at him and raised a brow. “Oh, so you like my costume?”
Billy nodded a little quickly, but he definitely likes it. “It’s fucking sexy.”
“Hmmm, so is yours.” Y/n hummed sizing up her boyfriend, who of course chose a costume that showed off his chest. Which Y/n love’s but right now she was trying to have a serious conversation about the topic at hand. “But I was being serious, Hargrove.”
“Oh so we’re back to last names, Harrington?” Billy smirked
Y/n sighed in defeat giving Billy her best puppy dog look. “Billy be serious for a few minutes, please.”
Billy gave a slight nod before surveying the house. He grabbed her hand and lead her to a more private area to talk about this. “Ok, ok. Tell your brother were together?”
“Yes” Y/n nodded
“Babe, we both know for a fact he’s gonna think I’ve just been using you to piss him off. Now that’s never been why, and I’ve tryed to make that clear in our relationship to you the best I can. The thought of your brother figuring out or telling him, in the beginning, was a bonus. To piss him off like that. Him having to deal with his sister dating his enemy. Priceless.” Billy stated as they entered an empty guest room. He sighed running a hand through his hair in frustration before continuing on with his explanation. “But now its different. Now I don’t want it to piss him off. Not on purpose at least. I’m serious about this. About us.”
Y/n smiled at him, her eyes filled with adoration. “I know, Billy. I’m serious about this too.”
“I just don’t want to lose you. Especially over something like that.” He admitted with a shake of his head. Billy did not want to lose her.
“You won’t lose me, Billy. I promise.” Y/n spoke gently but still with a firm tone so he would know she meant it, with all her heart. She rushed over to him cupping the sides of his face, stroking his fingers gently across his cheeks.
“Don’t get me wrong, Y/n. I would like nothing more than to tell your brother- tell everyone. I want to show you off, that your mine, to all the world. But I don’t want to ruin this.” Billy pointed between them towards the end, for emphasis. He scoffed at himself and the situation as he took a step back and sat down on the bed.
“No one will take what we have, Billy. I promise. Not my brother, not Tommy, Carol, Nancy, your father. No one.” Y/n stated as she took a step back as well, so she stood between his legs. Y/n’s hands were leaving Billy. “So what’d you say?” Y/n asked moving her left hand to cup the back of his neck and right hand down to intertwine their hands together.
“We can tell everyone. I’ll fight for us if anything happens.” Billy nodded, agreeing to let their relationship be known to the rest of Hawkins. They have both been wanting to since the begging but the two also knew it’d be better if they waited. Well, no more waiting.
“Me too.” Y/n agreed biting her lip, trying to contain her excitement.
“My fathers getting nowhere near what we have though.” Billy stated with hard eyes and voice. He was never gonna let his abusive, asshole father anywhere near his girl, or their relationship.
Y/n nodded in agreement, absolutely understanding where he was coming from. “I completely understand that.”
“Wanna go tell everyone now?” Billy asked wiggling his eyebrows while moving his unoccupied hand to hold her hip.
“Huh?” Y/n tilted her head, mouth open and eye wide in shock.
“Well, everyone from school is here tonight- or at least most of them.” He pointed out. But Y/n was still in a little shock. Normally having this conversation was like pulling teeth. An with how this one started off she thought it was gonna go that same way, but it didn’t. Y/n let out a series of small laughs which made him ask. “What?”
Y/n shook her head. “Nothing just. You went from not really wanting to, to wanting to tonight.”
Billy smirked pulling her closer with a tug, making her fall into him. “If we’re gonna do this we need to do this with a bang.”
“Wait, Billy.” Y/n pulled away to look at him as much as his grip would let her.
“You still want to drive me?” she asked amused but also hoping he still did want to drive her.
Billy nodded “‘course. Why?”
“Well, once we announce our relationship I don’t think Steve’s gonna wanna take me home. Or drive me anywhere for a while.” Y/n bit her lip giving him a mischievous smile.
“I’d drive you everywhere and anywhere if you’d let me.” Billy mirrored her smile before pulling her in for a kiss. They deserve to enjoy the last few minutes of their secret before the inevitable happens.
Your Part Of My Family - Billy Hargrove
Billy Hargrove x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 2,225
Summary: Y/n doesn’t want Billy to have to spend Thanksgiving alone.
Authors Note: I wanted to write something for this Thanksgiving. Something that had to do with the Holiday. I started this Thursday before thanksgiving (so last Thursday), and then in the span of 3 days finished all the non-dialog, typed it the day before Thanksgiving (yesterday). It was a little stressful trying to get it done and typed in time, and I could have just saved it for next year but I really wanted to post it today. Happy Thanksgiving!
Y/m/n = Your/Moms/Name
Y/n/n = Your/Nick/Name
Y/l/n = Your/Last/Name
Stranger Things Masterlist
Holiday Imagines Masterlist

“So what are you doing for Thanksgiving?” Y/n asked from her bed as Billy snooped through her dresser drawers. He always did after she went to the mall. Hoping to sneak a peak at any new lingerie she might have gotten. Y/n on the other hand was just laying on her bed, looking through a magazine Billy brought over with him. Specifically for her to read. She glanced up at him to see his answer to her question. Y/n has learned how to read Billys face very well since the two got to befriends, let alone since they’ve been together.
“Nothing.” Billy shrugged his shoulders. To busy looking through her underwear to look at her an answer.
“Billy, you can’t just do nothing. Its Thanksgiving!” Y/n exclaimed, moving to sit up on her bed, leaning against the headboard.
“Well my father and Susan are going to visit some of her family a few states over for the holiday week. Their taking Max but- my father said if I can’t behave than I might as well not go. Well, since I don’t want to go anyway I decided to stay here.” Billy explained with a scoff to start off with before talking. As he spoke Billy closed her underwear drawer and walked across her room and sat next to Y/n on her full-sized bed.
Y/n grimaced at Billy’s explanation. She knows all about how Billy’s father treats him. An quite frankly Y/n who would love to tell Hopper and get him out of there. “Billy…”
“Listen. I don’t want to spend the holidays with the Mayfields anyway.” Billy shook his head making a noise between a grunt and another scoff. Billy reached down to hold her hand. “None of them consider me family. To them I’m the boy who has a dead mother and a perfect father, and I don’t appreciate any part of my life. They don’t consider me family and it goes both ways. I don't consider them part of my family either. They don’t know me.”
Y/n reached her free hand up to run through her boyfriends curly hair. Silently telling him that she cares for him without saying it. “Well, if their stupid enough to believe that your father is a saint then screw them. They don’t deserve you, Billy.”
“Besides the only family I need is you.” Billy stated, leaning into her touch. He turned his neck to look his girl in her eyes. The sincerity in his eyes tell her just how much he really mean his statement.
For the rest of the Saturday the couple laughed, joked, talked, and messed around in Y/n’s room. That is till her mom came home from shopping, coming back with pizza and coke-a-cola. Y/m/n, Y/n’s mom told Billy he could stay for dinner (like always). He stayed and they all ate before Billy inevitably had to go home. No matter how much he wished he could stay. An as much as Y/n wished he didn’t have to, he did have to go home. Go back to his house, but she did get an idea.
# # #
“Hey, mom.” Y/n greeted in a tone suggesting that she had a question to ask.
“Yes, hunny?” Y/n’s mom spoke as she sat all the grocery bags down on the kitchen counter.
“I have a question. About Thanksgiving.” Y/n bit her lip, moving to help her mom unpack all the groceries.
“Shoot sweetheart” Y/m/n smiled at her daughter
She nodded looking away. Y/n took a deep breath before she turned away to continue putting food away. “Well… Billy’s family is leaving for the week, to spend the holiday with Max’s mom’s family, and Billy’s father told him basically he’s not welcome to join. So he’ll be-”
“All alone for Thanksgiving.” Y/m/n finished her daughters sentence with a knowing smile.
“Well I already planned on telling you that you could invite him to out house for Thanksgiving dinner.” Y/n’s mother told her after letting out a breath.
“Thank you mom.” Y/n smiled at her, turning to look at her mom.
“Its not like he wouldn’t be here anyway.” Y/m/n teased her daughter with a smirk and a wiggle of her eyebrows.
“MOM!” Y/n screeched out with a mix of shock and embarrassment on her face.
“Oh relax. I’m just teasing you.” Her mom laughed. Y/m/n walked closer to her daughter, pulling her into a hug before continuing. “I’m your mom. Its my job. An I don’t mind how much Billy’s over. Especially if it keeps him out of that house.”
Y/n hugged her mom back, enjoying her mom’s embrace. Her mothers words bringing her joy. The fact that her boyfriend wouldn’t have to spend Thanksgiving alone. “Well I’ll tell Billy when he comes over later.”
With that Y/n went upstairs to her room, to call Billy about him coming over later after his father, Susan and Max left on the road to head out of Hawkins.
It didn’t take long for him to pick up, glad that Y/n’s call could distract him from his fathers obsessive yelling about what he needed to do and not do while they are gone.
Billy agreed to come over once the car was packed up and his father was the hell out of dodge.
# # #
“You know I do have a front door. Right?” Y/n sighed not even looking up at the sound of her own bedroom window opening. Knowing who it was already. The only person who uses her window as a door, thee Billy Hargrove ladies and gentleman she joked in her head.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Billy scoffed smiling at her, before practically leaping across her room landing face first on the bed.
Y/n giggled at his words and at his actions. Her laughter being contagious Billy joined in. Once the laughter had died down some Y/n put her sketch book aside on her nightstand, and turned her body to face his on the bed before speaking. “Hey. So I asked my mom an she told me that she was already gonna tell me that if I wanted that if you wante-”
“Y/n” Billy interrupted
“Hmmmm?” She hummed
“Point.” he smiled at her cheekily
“If you want, you are welcome to come and join my family for Thanksgiving.” Y/n offered with a gentle smile
Billy let out a big dramatic sigh looking around her room, pretending to think about her proposition. “I’m not gonna pass up on your moms cooking.” He smirked. At his response Y/n rolled her eyes jokingly. Billy laughed and gave a quick raise of both eyebrows and a tilt of his head before he spoke. “And it’d be nice to be in a family- a real family environment.”
Y/n grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers. Getting his attention to look her in the eyes as she stated seriously. “You are family, Billy.”
He smiled at her with adoration in his eyes. “Should I bring anything?”
Y/n shrugged “If you want to. You don’t have to.”
The young couple both readjusted their positions on the bed and as Billy rested his head on Y/n’s stomach he spoke up. “Hey, Y/n.”
“Yes Billy?” she answered
Billy moved her shirt up a little and gave her a kiss on the stomach. “Thanks”
“No problem.” Y/n smiled, running her fingers through his hair.
# # #
It was Thanksgiving day and most of Y/n’s family had already arrived. Y/n had been helping her mom out the night before and most of the morning getting all the food ready. All that was left was for her notorious bad boy boyfriend, who is actually a big softly, to show up.
“Could you get that, Y/n/n.” Y/m/n asked Y/n as the doorbell went off and her hands are full with a hot turkey in a pan.
“Yeah, sure.” Y/n nodded heading out of the kitchen to the front door. As she got to the front door and opened it, there stood her boyfriend. “Hello, handsome.”
Billy smirked. “Hello, gorgeous.” He stated leaning in to kiss his girl on the lips. As soon as the kiss started to get heated Y/n’s mom came into the doorway and the couple pulled apart.
“Ah! Billy, come in. I’m glad you could make it.” Y/n’s mom greeted the young man and pulled him into the warm house. Hawkins being very cold in the winter.
“Thank you, for extending the invitation.” Billy thanked Misses y/l/n, smiling gratefully at her. He knows he could never truly express how much he appreciated this and everything else she’s done for him.
“Billy. You are part of this family.” Y/m/n stated seriously to the young man who has stolen her daughters heart.
Through out the night Billy had a great time chatting with Y/n’s family. Every single person treated him as if he’s been in their family since the day he was born. Playing with her younger cousins and helping serve out the food. Y/n admired the way Billy got along so well with her family, her younger cousins, and helping with the food as much as he could. She knew Billy didn’t get to have things like this, but seeing him in this setting. Carefree. It warmed Y/n’s heart that she could do that for him.
Billy had changed so much since they started dating. His bad boy persona had died down, he got into less fights, and so much more… She also gave him a place to hide from his abusive father and the judgment of all the towns people as they jokingly called all the people of Hawkins.
She gave him a place to call home, and a family.
Billy gets to be himself in this environment. With her. Billy completely fits in with her family, home, and life. Billy truly believes they are meant to be together, not that he’d say it out loud. At least not now. But he will protect what they have with his life.
“Billy if you would like you can stay over tonight.” Y/n’s mom told him with a smile. She did not want him to be alone. Whether its a holiday or not.
“Yeah. Thank you Misses Y/l/n.” Billy thanked nodding shocked at her offer. Then again he shouldn’t be. She did these kind of things for him all the time.
“Just leave the door cracked.” she winked teasing the couple suggestively.
At this Billy chuckled loving his girls moms antics and humor. Y/n on the other hand blushed at her moms implement. “Will do, mom.”
With that Y/n and Billy headed up the stairs to her room, pretty much all the guest had already left for the night. Once they got in the room Billy smirked and let out a laugh. “I really enjoy your family, babe.”
“Their your family to now.” Y/n turned to him with a smile that told Billy all he needed to know. She bit her lip walking over to him. “My mom told me that you became family the minute the we got serious serious. And when she saw you treated me with respect, and that you weren’t the jackass everyone in town thinks you are.”
Billy gave a “nawww” shaking his head with a smile of amusement. “Can’t have anyone but you and your mom knowing I’m nota complete asshole.”
“Max knows” Y/n smirked when Billy rolled his eyes, Y/n decided to continue on with her words and with approaching him with a knowing look. “Look I know you pretend to hate Max, but I also know that you do actually care about her.”
“God, why did you have to befriend the brat.” Billy shook his head and groaned.
“Cause she’s not a brat. And you know it !” Y/n poked him in the chest
“Yeah, yeah.” he mumbled
She came chest to chest with him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Looking up at him with admiration in her eyes. “I’m glad you came tonight. You deserve to have a good Thanksgiving.”
Billy wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her impossibly closer. He smiled at her with the same amount of admiration if not more. “I’m extremely grateful to have you in my life. An it was nice, to finally have a normal Thanksgiving.”
Y/n smiled up at him. “Love you.”
“I love you too.” Billy smiled back at her, before they leaned into the kiss. Which lead to Billy pushing her back gently till the back of her legs hit the edge of her bed. Making the both of them fall on to the mattress. Y/n started giggling into the kiss. Needless to say it was a great Thanksgiving for the both of them. Y/n got to have the love of her life over for Thanksgiving, and Billy got to have a nice and fun Thanksgiving with the love of his life. Girl of his dreams.
Maybe for the rest of the Hargrove boys life Thanksgivings will be like this. At least he damn well hopes they are.
I Promise - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 769
Summary: Billy is infatuated with Y/n.The only girl who will basically tell him where he can shove it in Hawkins. But with that being said will she say yes to a date?
Authors Note: Prompt #495 @creativepromptsforwriting is the whole base for this Imagine. Its really short so I’m sorry to everyone that follows me for that. I had 3 pages left in one of my note books and I wrote this. (I ended up having to add to the back of the 3rd page so kinda 4 pages). Even though it’s short I still really enjoyed writing it and I’m glad I wrote it. Also I’m trying out adding “Masterlist” and the masterlist for the series the character is from. Is that easier?
Stranger Things Masterlist

“No” Y/n stated shutting her locker
“Come one, please.” Billy whined taking a step closer towards the only girl in Hawkins that resists him.
“I said no, Hargrove.” Y/n turned looking him in the eyes hoping this would be the last time she had to state it.
“Y/l/n, just give me a chance.” Billy pleaded. With his reputation he knew it would be hard to get her to believe he was truly serious, he’s ready to beg if needed.
“I’m not gonna be just another notch on your belt. So no.” y/n spoke very clearly hoping that she made her point clear to Hawkins resident bad boy. An with that she left him standing in the high school hallway. Left to process what she had just told him and watch her walk away.
Even though Y/n seemed to be trying to make it very clear to him Billy is determined not to give up. He wants her, and what Billy Hargrove wanted Billy Hargrove got. Just this one wasn’t going to be as easy to get. But worth it.
* * *
Once he got out of the doors he spotted her sitting there. It had been four days since the incident by Y/ns locker in the school hallway. Billy figured he gave her time to settle down from how annoyed she had gotten at their last encounter. So he’s going to try again, and upon seeing her all alone out front of the school, it seemed like a good time as any.
“What do you want now, Hargrove?” Y/n asked not even glancing up when she felt someone approach her. There was only one person the would while she’s working on homework outside of school. All her friends having left early.
“Please, just give me a chance? I’ve never tried this hard to get a girl before.” Billy asked softly, not in his usual sounding voice. Not gruff or cocky. This got Y/n to look up curiously. Now the look on his face and his tone got her rethinking her decision.
“I-I don’t know Billy.” Y/n stuttered shifting on the step she was sitting on. Now not knowing if she should give into him, and her recent thoughts of giving him a chance. That maybe he means it.
“Well, I got you to use my first name so I must be getting somewhere.” he laughed out in relief, but jokes aside it was true. But by the look on Y/n’s face that changed from unsure to annoyed once again said he wasn’t helping himself. “Ok, ok bad joke.”
Y/n sighed gently shaking her head from side to side picking up her bag and stuffing her homework and school book back inside, getting ready to get up and walk away. “Billy, I would love to give you a chance but…”
Billy could tell his time was clicking with her even considering saying ‘yes’ this time. “What if I make you a promise?” he rushed put hoping it would pique her interest. At least enough to get her to stay.
“What kind of promise?” Y/n asked trying to keep her face neutral to not show how interested she was in his proposal.
“Well, for starters you wouldn’t be another notch on my belt.” Billy tried lightening the mood with a joke. A joke that happens to use her own words from a couple of days ago.
“What else?” she rolled her eye’s hoping she wasn’t wasting her time asking him to continue on.
Billy nodded understanding he wasn’t getting anywhere with his current tactics. “I promise, after this time I won’t try again.”
Y/n stood there for a minute letting his promise sink in. She has been liking ~secretly~ the attention he had been giving her the last multiple months. An maybe she did like him like he’s claiming he likes her. “Fine. Deal. Better make a good impression Hargrove.” She sighed, hoping she doesn’t regret this and end up broken-hearted.
Billy on the other hand was already trying to think of the prefect date. Of course he’s been on dates before but those were just to please the girl enough to let him into their pants. But this date, this date is important. To prove he’s serious about wanting to be with her and making a real relationship with her. That she won’t just be another hookup or as she so welly put it “notch on his belt”.
Billy’s determined, determined enough to maybe ask Max and her friend El for ideas. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
Interest - Billy Hargrove
part 1
Billy x Fem!reader
Steve Harrington x sister reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 746
Summary: Steve doesn’t like Billy. Billy doesn’t care for Steve either, but Billy likes Steve’s sister. Does she like Billy back?
Authors Note: this has 2 parts but I might make more might not
Stranger Things Masterlist

“Why does he have to constantly look over here?” Steve groaned, turning his head back forward. Throwing his sandwich down onto the table in frustration.
“Who?” Y/n raised a brow in question while taking a bite of her own sandwich.
“You know who.” he rolled his head to look at her, annoyance clear in his eyes.
“No, I honestly don’t.” Y/n laughed, shaking her head with wide eyes, finding her brother's attitude hilarious. “Who are you talking about?”
Y/n had a pretty good idea of who Steve was talking about. The two haven’t gotten along since he arrived in town. An Y/n blamed that on Steve’s ex-friends.
“Hargrove.” Steve rolled his eyes and mumbled out his last name.
Y/n scoffed. “Why do you let him bother you so much?”
Steve looked at her like she was crazy for even asking that question to him. “He’s a dick.”
“I would say he’s a womanizer maybe, but dick? I think Tommy’s a bigger dick if we’re judging.” Y/n smiled at him but it was her smile of knowing she was right in what she had just said.
“Maybe. But I still say Billy’s more of a dick.” he shrugged looking down again. Y/n knew it was because he knows she’s right. Y/ns always said that Tommy and Carol were bad news and a couple of assholes. Steve never listened and look what happened.
Y/n chuckled at his sour behavior. “Is it because he dethroned you?”
“What? No!” Steve sat up and reacted quickly and it made Y/n laugh.
“Just asking.” She lifted her shoulders and tilted her head to the side. It was hard to hide her smirk. “Look I got to get to class or I’ll be late. Try not to kill him, please.”
“No promises.” he grumbled watching her as Y/n headed off to class and out of the cafeteria . Soon everyone would be going off to class as well. What didn’t sit well with Steve was that he noticed out of the corner of his eye, Billy Hargrove keeping his eyes locked on Y/n.
^ ^ ^
While Steve was leaning against his car waiting for Y/n to finish up talking to her sciene partner. He noticed a certain pair of eyes watching her. “Got a problem, Hargrove?”
Billy smirked, blowing out his cigarette. “Nope. Just enjoying the view.”
Now Steve was fuming. He knows Billy would say anything to get under his skin, but he just can't help it. “What did you just say?”
Billy smirked watching Steve strut over towards him face red with furry. “I’m not afraid of you, Harrington.”
“Then what did you just say?” Steve squared up to him. Standing right infront of Billy almost toe to toe. Billy was doing everything he could to control himself and not hit Harrington in the face.
“I said, I was enjoying the view. And the view was your sister.” Billy smiled an all teeth smile. He love’s getting a rise out of Steve, but he is trying to control his temper nowadays.
“Stay the hell away from my sister.” Steve growled ready to lay hands on the mullet wearing boy. There was no way in hell Steve was gonna let Billy Hargrove lay a hand on his sister.
“You don’t control me, Harrington. If I want to look at her I will. If I want to talk to her, I will.” Billy stated with a smile but with a condescending tone.
“Over my dead body.” Steve shoved him. Not hard enough for him to fall but it did move him back a bit.
“I’m fine with that.” Billy just laughed it off. Harrington was becoming the aggressor, my how the tables have turned, “I’ll be her shoulder to cry on.”
Y/n ran over noticing the two boys' interaction. Seeing her brother lay his hands on Billy, that was enough. Y/n jumped in between the two, placing her hands on her brother’s chest to keep them apart. “Steve. Steve, let’s go.”
Y/n could feel Billy’s hands rubbing her lightly across her lower back, and all she could think was ‘thank God her brother was holding eye contact so he wouldn't see the placement of Billy’s hands. “See you later, Harrington. And your sister.” Billy smirked watching as Y/n dragged her brother back over to his own car so they could head home. Oh boy was this gonna be interesting.
Part 2
Carefree - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 418
Summary: Spending all night listening to music and watching movies.
Authors Note: Just a short fun Imagine that I think is needed. We need to make time to be carefree everyone does and not many do.
Stranger Things Masterlist

“I could spend all night like this.” Billy stated from up upon Y/n’s bed smiling at the scene before him of Y/n in his button up and a pair of her underwear just moving about her room organizing.
Y/n turned to look at him, she knew he meant it in so many ways. Billy never wanted to be apart or not touching her. She made him feel loved and cared about and he would always completely forget about his dick of a father.
The two met not long after Billy and Max moved into town.Y/n became fast friends with Max which helped ease Max into the party. Billy couldn’t keep his eyes off Y/n after he first saw her. But even though she thought he was handsome Y/n didn’t like his attitude. So Billy had to work for it. And the payoff was completely worth it was refreshing to not have a girl falling at his feet.
An Y/n wouldn’t have it any other way. Billy treated her like a princess. She loved having him over and being with her. Her mom loved him and that’s all that mattered. Billy loved her mom, admired her really. She raised Y/n with so much love and care as a single mother and Y/m/n treated him as if he was her own son. Something Billy hadn’t had is a very long time.
“Then why don’t we?” Y/n smiled butting her lip. It’s not like he didn’t spend the night all the time anyway. Besides Y/n hated him going back to his house. Plus she slept better with him beside her.
“Ya sure?” Billy asked, his face giving away that he wanted confirmation on what she was implying before answering.
Y/n could see a hint of nerves in Billy’s eyes so she moved over towards her bed and got on it. Crawling closer to him on her knees once she reached him she moved back to sit on her heels. “My mom love’s you and not in the creepy way that some in this town do. Stay the night Billy. We could have fun and hang out all weekend.”
Billy smiled. “Yeah, okay. Thanks.” Billy leaned forward to kiss her forehead. Y/n knew it was his silent way of saying how much he appreciated her, her mom, and their relationship without actually saying it. And he did, he really appreciated what they have, and so does she.
Scarred Freak - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!reader (eventually)
Steve x Fem!reader friends
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,335
Summary: Billy notices y/n for the first time, but there are rumors about her that concern him so he asks Steve for some info.
Authors Note: I was thinking should I make a part 2 to this? Leave a comment below
Stranger Things Masterlist

School was something Y/n liked at one point. But of course, there were bullies. Although she could normally get through it no problem, but ever since the whole upside-down thing happened. It was harder. Yeah, now she had some more friends and all but the bullying had gotten worse after her accident.
During the whole upside down and lab thing Y/n had with Steve and the party ran into some Demodogs. Protecting El Y/n jumped in front of her, which ended with her side being bitten into by all those thousands of teeth. She was able to hide it for a while, especially since it was dark out that helped. But eventually, Y/n had lost so much blood that she had collapsed. After rushing her to the hospital the doctors were able to save her life.
Y/n didn’t mind the scars that much, they showed she survived that night. But with all the rumors around town, the bullying just got worse. Sure Steve wasn’t a part of it no more. But his old asshole friends? They loved to taunt her. All the time.
An that’s exactly what happened every morning in the school parking lot, and today was no different. As she and Steve stepped out of their own cars next to eachother, the two normally carpooled and switched between whose car to take but Steve had to do some stuff after school so they didn’t today. As soon as they got out of their cars the two friends instantly heard snickering. Steve shook his head pissed while Y/n just rolled her eyes.
“Look there’s the scarred freak.” Tommy taunted as usual.
“Get some new material prick.” Y/n spat out towards the grade A jackass.
“Oh? It speaks.” Carol joined in with a sinister looking smirk on her lips.
With that Steve had heard enough for one morning and stepped up in front of Y/n, effectively blocking her from his ex-friends and their insults. “Fuck off Carol, you to Tommy.”
Y/n grabbed onto his arm to hold him back, having noticed Steve’s anger rising. “Steve it’s fine. Let’s just leave. Come on.”
Steve gave into her pleading, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they headed towards the school. It made him feel like he was blocking her from any more crap being said. Leaving the assholes of Hawkins behind in the parking lot.
Billy had watched the entire scene play out in front of him. He didn’t want to add himself into it since he was trying to understand the situation before him. He didn’t understand what Tommy and Carol’s problem was with this Y/h/c-ed girl. Billy had never seen the girl before. Maybe once or twice. But what was running through Billy’s head now, why did they call her ‘scarred freak’? If he was being honest she was the most beautiful girl in all of Hawkins.
There was one way to find out. She seemed to know Steve pretty well. An with the way he seemed to get protective over her, he must know. And it just so happened they have gym together.
After their P.E. ended everyone hit the locker rooms to shower. Billy waited for Steve to get in and most of the others to leave before getting in the shower himself. “So what’s with the girl you were with this morning?”
Steve lifted his head with a raised brow confused from Billy’s question. “Y/n? What about her?”
Billy nodded. “Why do Tommy, Carol, and some others call her a ‘scarred freak’? I didn’t notice any scars.”
Steve sighed, debating on if he should tell the mullet-haired teen or not. Billy hadn’t taunted Y/n that morning and maybe if he knew would continue not to. “Y/n was in an accident a year ago. It happened in the woods. I was there, along with some others. She got attacked by something- an animal. It was…bad. Y/n almost died. She hid it for a while but once she lost too much blood she fell on unconscious. Full on blacked out. We rushed her to the hospital, the doctors were able to stitch her up and save her but it scarred. It’s pretty light but there’s a lot of it. They’re hidden along her torso, back with some on the top of her thighs and some across her arms. She normally keeps them covered. SHe’s not afraid to show them really, but with all the comments she gets from kids at school and sometimes around town. Sometimes she feels self-conscious.”
Billy stayed silent, intentionally listening to what Steve was telling him. Billy shook his head, letting out a harsh breath. “That’s some messed up shit.”
Steve nodded in agreement. “Yeah. It is. So maybe tell your asshole friends to knock it the fuck off.”
“They were your friends first Harrington.” Billy countered with his signature smirk.
“Hmmmhmmm, they were and Y/n was one of the people who showed me that their assholes. I mean I already knew that but she showed me that I didn’t need to keep them around. If you know what I mean.” Steve stated before turning off the water, getting out to get dressed. Leaving Billy with the words that had been exchanged.
Billy nodded even though he was alone in the shower now, mumbling. “I do.”
^ ^ ^
Of course, once Y/n and Steve exited the school the teasing continued in the parking lot. Y/n rolled her eye’s turning to look up at Steve. “Let’s just leave.” The more Tommy and Carol continued she could tell Steve was getting more and more annoyed. “Steve it’s not worth it.”
Even though Steve wanted to go over and knock the crap out of them he knew Y/n said what she said to calm him before he headed over there pissed. Steve sighed “You gonna be ok? I can stay if you want.”
Y/n shook her head. As much as she appreciated his offer she didn’t want to keep him from what he had to do. “I’ll be fine. I need to talk to Max about some stuff.”
He sighed not liking it but he did have to go and talk to the kids as soon as possible. “Fine. Call me later, k?”
“Yeah.” Y/n nodded letting the fluffy haired boy go. As she stood there Tommy kept up his comments. Y/n may not be bothered by her scars most of the time but with all comments sometimes she felt inscure about them. “Tommy, I swear if you say one word I’ll beat the crap out of you. And you know I can.”
“You touch him and I’ll call the cops.” Carol crossed her arms defensively with a sly smirk on her lips.
Y/n crossed her arms over her chest turning to fully face the nasty couple, now it was Y/n’s turn to smirk. “Do it, Carol. I know Hopper. I am good friends with his daughter as well. Who do you think he’ll believe or even side with?”
Tommy went to open his mouth when Billy decided to open his mouth. “Tommy I swear you open your fucking trap and I’ll run you over with my car.”
Tommy scoffed “Whatever man.”
With that Tommy and Carol left not feeling like they held the power anymore. Which left Y/n and Billy alone. Billy knew she could handle herself but after his conversation with Steve earlier, he felt like he wanted to know her, and maybe it was time to cut his so called friends out of his life.
“You didn’t have to do that.” Y/n spoke shuffling her feet around not looking at him. Why did the newest heartthrob of Hawkins Indiana suddenly want to defend her?
“I know.” Billy stated looking at her with a look that Y/n couldn’t decipher. But maybe this was the start of a new friendship or maybe even something more.
Way Better - Billy Hargrove
Billy x reader!Harrington (Fem!reader)
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,335
Summary: 4th of July celebration plans for the kids, Billy gets roped in. But Y/n will be there so it won’t be all bad.
Authors Note: Happy Independence day my Fellow Americans!
To everyone else hope your having a great summer!
Stranger Things Masterlist
Holiday Masterlist

“Hey.” Y/n greeted as Billy came in through her window. It was a normal way for Billy to enter since her brother hate’s him and Billy doesn't like him very much either.
“Hey.” Billy greeted back as he stood up fully and walked over to her. “Why are you in your room?”
Y/n shrugged as she put her book down. “Fighting with my brother.”
“Ah, well he makes it easy.” Billy nodded sitting on her bed facing her.
“That he can be.” She agreed smiling at him.
With that, the two just started talking about anything and nothing all the same. Being on summer break had its great privileges. Especially since they graduated and didn’t have to go back to that Hawkins hell hole.
After getting snacks and bringing them back up to Y/n’s room, the two sat up against the headboard of her bedframe. There was something billy wanted to ask her about.
“What are you doing tomorrow night?” Billy asked as he popped a chip into his mouth.
“4th of July?” Y/n squinted at him. Did he just not know the day? Or did he hate 4th of July? But Y/n had a inkleing that his father had something to do with it.
“Hmmm.” he nodded
Y/n wiped her hands off on her shorts before thinking about it and them answering. “Um, during the day the kids- including Max are coming over to swim, and then later we’re all going to a hill that we know of. Perfect spot to watch the fireworks.”
“Yeah, I heard about the Max part. Niel and Susan have ‘asked’ me to go with her throughout the day.” Billy explained with a grumble.
“Hmm. Asked huh?” Y/n knew all to well what that really meant.
“In a very Niel way.” Billy gave her a tight smile, knowing she would get what he meant.
“So he threatened you.” she hummed trying to control her anger towards his father. Y/n was the only person who knew besides Susan and Max. If Y/n was gonna murder anyone, it’d be Niel Hargrove.
“Yup.” Billy knew how much y/n hated how his father treated him. He hated it to but it was nice to have someone who cared. Cared about his situation and cared about him. Yeah, his dad did threaten him about going everywhere with Max on the 4th of July. Billy just hoped Y/n would be there to. “But on the bright side, it seems you’ll be there the whole time. So that makes things way better. Get to spend the whole day with you.”
Billy smiled leaning over so he could start his assault on her neck. y/n couldn’t help but giggle at his actions because one she found it cute and two it tickled. “Knowing you’ll be there makes it way better for me too.”
Y/n and Bily moved into a more comfortable laying down position, with Billy laying on top of her bit resting most of his weight on his forearms. They stayed like that till Billy had to head home.
After Billy left Y/n headed downstairs to make dinner with her brother. Y/n couldn’t wait to go to bed and wake up with it being Independence Day. She knew it was gonna be fun, it was one of her favorite holidays. But now that the whole gang and Billy were gonna be there. It was gonna be so fun.
^ ^ ^
“So your asshole boyfriends coming I was told.” Steve spoke as he and Y/n were getting all the food cut up and out for everyone since they’d all be arriving soon.
“Can you not?” Y/n sighed looking up at her twin brother. She understood that he and Billy didn’t like each other but he was seriously gonna try and start something? Today of all days. And even when he knew it was also the only way for Max to some today? “You know this is one of my favorite holidays, so can you not bash Billy? Please?”
With that said the two continued on with their task but Steve could never handle them being at odds.
“Hey.” Steve said getting her attention. “I’ll be chill, okay?”
Y/n smiled at him gratefully. “Thank you.”
“No problem.” Steve nodded hoping to not regret this. But just wanted her to be happy and sadly for him, Billy makes his sister happy.
“Well, I’m gonna get changed into a swimsuit and you should to. Everyone will be here soon.” Y/n smiled at him as she headed out of the kitchen.
“Yeah. Will do.” Steve agreed as he finished his portion fo the setup before heading upstairs to get changed.
It wasn’t long after they both changed that the kids and others like Nacy and Johnathan started showing up.
The last to show up was Max and Billy. But that was expected. “Hey, Max.” Y/n smiled as the redhead girl entered the Harrington house.
“Hey y/n.” Max greeted, as she looked at the older girl that had become like a sister to her. Max couldn’t help it, she ran over to Y/n and hugged her tight. “Thank you.”
“For what?” Y/n asked, alittle shocked at her behavior. Why was she thanking her?
“You make him happy.” Max stated as she pulled out of the hug, smiling at the female Harrington.
“He makes me happy to.” y/n smiled at Max. It was nice to hear and it was nice to say.
Max smiled at y/n one last time before heading out back to the pool where everyone else was.
Meanwhile, Billy had entered the house but judging by his face he didn’t hear what max said. Or her.
Billy stopped in his tracks as he saw Y/n standing in the kitchen in a bikini. He dropped his bag and licked his lips. “You look.”
Billy didn’t bother finishing his sentence as he scooped her up into his arms, bringing her into a very heated kiss.
“Thank you. You don’t look bad yourself.” Y/n bit her lip as they pulled out of the kiss.
It was a fun, hot summer day but everyone was shaving a great time. Everyone hangout at the Harringtons and swam pretty much all day. Once it started to get dark everyone got dressed in some kind of clothing. At least the girls did, the guys only had to put on shirts.
Then they all headed out to where they planned to watch the fireworks. It was a place Billy hadn’t been to before.
“So how do you know of this place?” Billy asked as they walked up the hill.
Y/n shrugged her shoulders as they walked hand in hand up the hill. “Kids found it years back.”
“It’s nice, and you were right. It’s got a nice view. For Hawkins.” billy stated as they reached the top.
“Well, since I showed you the best view of Hawkins. You better show me the best view in Cali.” y/n smiled up at him, hugging his arm. They plan to get the hell outta Hawkins. y/n had lived there her whole life she wanted to see somewhere new. Not like their parents were ever home. Steve didn’t know what he was doing. Plus no one wanted to stay around with the upside down and everything that kept coming back.
“Oh I will.” he smiled back at her. Billy couldn't help but be excited to take her to California. He pulled her closer and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “You can bet on it.”
“Good. I’ll hold you to it.” Y/n squeezed him around the torso. She couldn’t wait for him to show her around his home state and town.
And then the fireworks started and everyone looked up, watching the beautiful spectacle light up the sky. Billy couldn't help looking back at Y/n in his arms. “I hope you will.”
Bruises - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of abuse
Word count: 691
Summary: Seeing Billy’s bruises at school and not believing there from a fight.
Stranger Things Masterlist

“What’s with the bruises?” Y/n asked as she approved Billy at his locker. He had a lot of new bruises on him like he has some other times. But these looked worse than normal.
“Got in a fight in gym.” Billy answered with a shrug although Y/n noticed the slight pain in his eyes as he did so.
Y/n shook her head knowing that he hadn’t got in a fight in the gym. She knew for many reasons but for her, it was easy to tell they weren’t bruises that just happened, they were from at the very least last night if not the night before. “No, you didn’t.”
“What makes you think that? Hmm?” Billy asked with a gruff tone even though he knew that wouldn’t intimidate her in the slightest. y/n noticed also how he stiffened at her statement.
“These are older. I’d say maybe Saturday night or Sunday. They're not from today.” Y/n stated softly with concerned eyes as she gently touched his wrist and Billy didn’t pull away from her kind touch. The truth was to him her touch calmed him. Made him feel safe.
“Not here.” Billy said quietly giving her a look that had vulnerability in his eyes. An emotion he only ever let her see.
Y/n nodded in understanding, rubbing his pulse with her thumb she asked. “Then where?”
“After school. I’ll drive you home. We can talk there.” Billy spoke as he shut his locker. He knew she understood him and was the only person who cared about him. He could trust her, he does in fact. But he couldn’t do it at school, not with listening ears present.
“Okay.” she nodded at him. With that set the two continued on with the school day, normally Billy would’ve suggested ditching but Y/n was pretty sure he wanted school as a distraction today which meant whatever happened might’ve been really bad.
After school Y/n and Billy met outside in the parking lot by his car, once Max got to the car and inside they took off. Billy dropped Max off at home before they headed off to Y/n’s for a quick stop.
They got out of the car and headed inside, once they made it inside the two went to the kitchen for drinks and snacks. They decided to take their drinks and snacks on the road, climbing back into Billy's Camaro they headed off to an empty field that overlooked some scenery Hawkins had to offer. Y/n and Billy got out of the car and sat on the hood. There was a bit of silence between the two as they sat so close they were touching. Billy smoked for a bit and y/n was waiting patiently for him to finish, not wanting to push him into talking about it right away.
“What happened Billy?” Y/n asked softly after he put out the cigarette.
“My dad.” he stated, those two words were all that needed to be said for her to understand. Billy looked down not wanting to look her in the eyes.
Y/n shook her head but her features remained soft. “Billy I told you-”
“I know, I know.” Billy nodded letting out a sigh, knowing she was right.
“Then why haven’t you come to me?” she was concerned why he hadn’t come to her sooner.
Billy shrugged looking down to where he was reaching for her hand. “I’m not used to someone caring.”
Y/n nudged him and squeezed his hand before stating with a smile. “Well get used to it.”
Billy smiled back at her returning the squeeze. “I guess I will.”
Billy leaned in and pulled her into a kiss, cupping her cheek with his free hand before moving his hand down to her nack. Y/n pulled back a little bit before getting off the hood so they could head back. “You are staying with me tonight, no arguments.”
“Yes ma’am.” Billy smiled jokingly giving her a salute before he to got off the hood of his car. He didn’t know what he’d do without her.
No Plans - Billy Hargrove
Part 2
Billy x Fem!reader Harrington
Warnings: none (I don’t think)
Word count: 2,602
Summary: Billy ask’s his father to go over to Y/n’s for Christmas Day. Susan asks that Y/n comes to theirs for Christmas Eve in exchange. Neil makes it that or no he can’t go. So Y/n goe’s to the Hargroves for Christmas Eve.
Authors Note: Next Christmas Day 2023 Its Christmas at Y/n’s! (3 parter over the course of 3 years)
P.s ~ Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! And others!
Stranger Things Masterlist
Holiday Masterlist
Part 1 (2021) ~ Part 3 (2023)

“So are you guys excited for Christmas break?” Susan asked as the small dysfunctional family sat around the table to eat dinner. Something they had recently started doing, per Susan’s suggestion. To make them bond more as a family.
“Yes.” Max answered as she put food on her plate just to end the silence.
“I actually have something to ask about Christmas.” Billy spoke up knowing now was possibly the best time to ask. Susan could possibly help persuade his father to say ‘yes’.
“Go on.” Neil narrowed his eyes towards his son. Waiting for him to ask whatever he wanted to ask.
“Y/n’s parents have invited me to spend Christmas day with them at their house. I was wondering if it’d be okay with you, I’d accept.” Billy explained nervously, not looking his father in the eyes. He just focused on grabbing food like Max.
“Well, we’ll miss you but I would think it’d be okay.” Susan spoke up after moments of just silence. Susan smiled, she liked Y/n and the effect the girl had on Billy. She made him happy, calm and seemed to distract her step-son from his fathers actions. “How about since your going to Y/n’s for Christmas day she come’s over here for Christmas Eve?”
Susan would love to have Y/n over for Christmas Eve, but since she basically gave Billy the okay before his father said anything she wanted to put a suggestion out there.
“That sounds like a great idea Honey.” Neil smiled over towards his wife. Looking over to his son an idea of his own popped into his head so he looked to Billy with almost a smug look. “Let’s make it a deal. You can go to your girlfriends for Christmas Day as long as you both spend Christmas Eve here. If she doesn’t then you can’t.”
Billy nodded to show he understood. “Yes sir.”
Now he had to ask and tell Y/n. Hopefully she’d be okay with coming to his, but he wouldn’t blame her if she said no. His house wasn’t the most welcoming.
^ ^ ^
“Done.” Y/n stated looking completely serious at him. When Billy told her his father’s conditions for him spending Christmas with her Y/n answered without a second thought.
Y/n shook her head when he spoke her name, already knowing he was going to try and change her mind. He never liked her being anywhere near his father. “No, Billy. I said done. Done deal, I’ll gladly go over to your house for Christmas Eve.”
Billy’s corners of his mouth twitched upward at the lengths she would go for him. “You don’t have to.”
He knows his house isn’t the best environment. It’s stressful and you're always on edge waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“If it means you can come over for Christmas Day then yes. I do. One night your family won’t change my mind about you.” Y/n cupped his hand between both of hers, adding pressure to reassure him. Y/n has been with Billy long enough to know that he feared his father would drive her away. But that was never gonna happen.
“I’m sorry. In advance.” Billy apologized for what he was sure was gonna be a very awkward Christmas Eve.
“Don’t be.” Y/n shook her head. Y/n never put the actions of others on someone else's shoulders. Y/n loved Billy for him and his fathers horrible actions or words will never change that.
^ ^ ^
“You're actually going to his house?!” Steve’s eyes were bulging out of his skull upon having heard of his sister's plans. The Hargrove/Mayfeild home was not the friendliest place from what he’s overheard Max say.
Y/n was in the middle of picking out her shoes and jewelry when her brother barged into her room having heard the news.
“Yes, it’s the only way he could come over here for tomorrow. His dad’s a dick.” She mumbled under her breath, but honestly Y/n didn’t care if he heard her. Neils ultimatum was just to try and ruin Billy’s plans to come over to hers for the holiday. “We’re not staying the night. We’re coming back here after.”
Steve knew there was no changing her mind and he did understand why it was important to her to have Billy over tomorrow. Steve sighed before saying. “Be careful.”
Y/n smiled at Steve and his brotherly protectiveness. “I will.”
Not long after Y/n and Steve’s conversation ended the doorbell rang and since nobody in their family was arriving this early it could only be Billy.
“Hey. You look beautiful.” Billy smiled looking Y/n up and down once the door opened. She was wearing a beautiful red velvet dress, which conveniently matched his shirt.
“Thank you. You ready?” Y/n blushed, smiling at his compliment.
“Yeah.” Billy nodded, reaching out for Y/n’s hand. They were halfway down the driveway when Steve decided with a huff that Billy was different around Y/n. His sister was making Billy Hargrove a better person.
“Hey!” Steve called out just as Billy had closed the passenger door. Billy turned to look at Steve with a furrowed brow, had he already done something wrong in Steve’s eye’s? He opened and closed the door for Y/n, he was being a gentleman. Hell he didn’t suck face with her the second she opened the door so. . . “Look after her.”
Billy nodded at Steve to assure him he would. Steve wasn’t the only one worried about tonight. Billy never knew what would set his father off and he never wanted Y/n around when that happened.
“Are you ready for tonight?” Y/n asked once they got on the road. She knew he was probably nervous, he never liked having her in his house.
“Nope.” Billy shook his head in one strict nod.
“Too late.” Y/n let out an amused breath. She reached for his hand nearest to her, luckily it wasn’t the hand he had on the steering wheel. That was normally always his left. Y/n squeezed his hand tightly to calm some of his stress, something she was sure she was gonna have to do a bit of tonight. “It’ll be ok.”
Billy let out a deep breath, squeezing her hand back. “I hope so.”
The drive felt faster than normal to Bilyy as within seconds it felt like he was parking in front of the dreaded residence.
As they got out of the car the young couple walked up the pathway to the small house hand in hand.
The door was opened by Susan who was dressed up in a green Christmas dress that had Christmas characters printed on it.
“Merry Christmas Mrs. Hargrove.” Y/n smiled politely at Max’s mom who was smiling back at the two teenagers.
“Merry Christmas Y/n, and please call me Susan.” The older woman stepped aside to let them in.
Billy would never understand how Y/n could be so nice and polite to people’s faces.
“Thank you for inviting me.” Y/n nodded as they walked further into the home. At least it looked more like a home because of the Christmas decorations, which she was sure was all Susan.
“Oh you're always welcome sweetheart.” Susan liked on the rare occasions Y/n came over. Billy seemed a little more relaxed when around the y/h/c-ed girl.
“Hey Max.” Y/n greeted as the young red head ran over to her, wrapping her arms around her torso. Y/n hugged her back.
“Hey Y/n.” Max greeted back, enjoying the moment before pulling away. She loved Steve’s sister/ Billy’s girlfriend. Y/n treated her like a sister, and Max loved it. “Thanks for coming, and Merry Christmas.”
Max was glad Y/n accepted to spend Christmas Eve with them. Max was going to spend the later time of tomorrow with the party, she was glad Billy was going to spend it with his girlfriend. Neither of them wanted to be in that house any longer than they had to.
“It’s not a problem. Merry Christmas too.” Y/n smiled at her. Y/n liked Max, she was the sister she never got.
“Billy.” Max rolled her eyes as she greeted him as well. Since they were in ear shot of their parents.
“Runt.” Billy said quietly back so his father and Susan wouldn’t hear him.
“It’s Christmas, can you two be social?” Y/n cut in looking between the step siblings with pleading eyes.
Max and Billy narrowed their eyes at each other but both could agree between them like this that they’d be sival for Y/n’s sake. “Fine.” They both agreed at the sametime.
“Thank you.” She said smiling at both of them before the 3 headed into the main room.
Not long after Dinner was ready so they all sat around the small table. It was a little uncomfortable at first with a lot of tension in the air. The food wasn’t horrible, it was actually pretty good. Small talk was made during dinner. Under the table Y/n and Billy’s hands were clapsed together. Y/n was aware of the scrutinizing gaze from Neil Hargrove, but she chose to ignore it.
After dinner Y/n helped Susan and Max clean up, and Billy stayed to help since he didn’t want to be alone with his father. Or have Y/n alone in this house.
Once they finished all of them moved into the living room sitting around on the floor were Max, Billy, and Y/n. Y/n had been pulled down to sit between Billy’s legs by Billy who smirked at her as innocently as he could. Susan and Neil were sitting on the small couch looking over them.
Susan announced they could open their presents and Y/n was excited to see what the two could have gotten. Max started digging out gifts from underneath the tree.
Y/n was trying to keep Billy from tickling her sides when she heard Max speak.
“And here you go Y/n.” Max handed her a wrapped present that indeed had her on the tag hanging from the ribbon tied around it.
Y/n looked up towards Susan and Neil with a surprised and shocked expression. “Oh you didn’t have to get me anything.”
Susan waved her hand in a dismissing notion with a bright smile. “Nonsense.”
“Thank you.” Y/n smiled, thanking them before opening it.
Billy leaned his head down to whisper in her ear. “You don’t have to like or keep it.”
Y/n knew he didn’t want her to feel obligated to do anything. But in all honesty the Y/n really did like gift. It was beautiful. Turning her head to the side she answered. “I do like it.”
“I have a gift for you to open tomorrow.” Billy told her as he unwrapped one of his gifts, arms still around her torso as she leaned against his chest.
“I have a gift for you to.” Y/n smiled, turning her head to look at him, she couldn’t wait to see him open his present.
After presents were opened Y/n and Billy stayed around for awhile, for Maxes sake Y/n told him. As they walked to the door after saying goodbye to Max, Susan and Neil followed them. Which Y/n could see added tension to Billy’s shoulders.
“Thank you for a fun Christmas Eve Mr & Mrs Hargrove.” Y/n stated politely with a well rehearsed smile. Billy knew it but no one else did, besides maybe Steve. But Y/n truthfully thought it wasn’t a bad night. The food was good, Neil was social for the most part, the conversations weren’t bad. But knowing how Neil normally treated Billy, that irked Y/n beyond belief. Billy knew that.
“Your welcome honey.” Susan was happy to have had her over and that she seemed to enjoy the evening.
“Hope your family doesn’t regret having him over for the holiday.” Neil said with a condescending smile on his face.
“We won’t.” Y/n stated with a strong tone in her voice. Making it clear that Billy’s presence was welcome in her home with her family.
“We’ll see.” Neil narrowed his eyes for a quick second before they went back to normal.
“Let’s go.” Billy spoke softly, handing Y/n her jacket. He didn’t want to seem brazen and give his father any reason to say he suddenly couldn’t go.
“Goodnight.” Y/n said as they left out the front door. Once they were in the camaro and on the road, Y/n turned to Billy and scoffed. “Your dads a dick.”
Billy let out an amused laugh, wondering how long she had been waiting to say that for. Billy smiled over at her. “Thanks for going tonight.”
Y/n smiled back at him. “My pleasure.”
“Oh it will be.” He winked at her, flashing a smirk in her direction.
Soon enough they arrived back to the Harrington household, a spot had been saved for Billy in the driveway. Once they got out and walked to the front door upon opening it 3 kids rushed towards them screaming.
“Hey guys!” Y/n kneeled down embracing all of them at once. Billy watched as he closed the door.
“Who’s that?” The kids asked, pointing at the mullet haired boy behind their cousin.
“That's my boyfriend, Billy.” Y/n told them as she glanced back at Billy for a second.
“Hi Billy.” The kids smiled at him and waved.
Billy replied awkwardly, not used to children being so joyful about his presence. “Hello.”
The two boys and girl turned their attention back to Y/n before telling her. “Y/n, we’re in our jammies.”
Y/n nodded letting out a laugh. “Yeah I can see that.”
One of the boy’s crossed their arms and pouted his lip before saying. “We have to go to bed soon.”
It was obvious to any one over the age of 10 that the kids were pouting about having to go to bed soon. It made Billy chuckled deeply.
“That’s the only way Santa will come.” Y/n told them with such a kind and enthusiastic voice. Billy admired it, how she was with children. It made him start to think. Which it in turn made him zone out for a bit.
“Really?!” They all said at the same time super excited.
“Yeah.” Y/n nodded encouragingly, hoping they’d believe for as long as possible. “So go get ready for bed, ok?”
With that said they ran off, Y/n laughed watching them run off. When Y/n stood back up to full height and turned to face her boyfriend she noticed that he was fully focused on her.
“What?” She asked slightly nervously at what about her was getting this attention.
“You were cute with them.” Billy said, pulling her into him. He smirks with mischief in his eyes. “You’d make a sexy mom.”
Billy never saw himself with kids but hot damn did that scene before him change his mind.
“Oh really?” Y/n looked up at him through her lashes with bright red cheeks, and it wasn’t from the cold weather.
“Hmmm Hmmm.” He hummed, leaning in to kiss her.
Before Billy could get to heated with the kiss, they are around her family after all. Y/n pulled back with a warm smile on her lips. “Well we should go to bed to. Tomorrows a long, fun day.”
Purpose - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!reader
Warnings: none I don’t think
Word count: 545
Summary: Prompt: Cuddling, playing with Billy's clothes subconsciously
Authors Note: I really like this idea, it's something I know I have done myself. With my friends for my anxiety and just cause. I also thought it was really cute.
Stranger Things Masterlist

“You okay?” Billy asked as they sat in class. He had noticed that the last couple of months Y/n whenever she got quite or even if they were near eachother. Y/n was always touching him, cuddling into him or even playing with his clothes. Billy had a theory that she might not know she’s doing it or why.
“Hmm? Yeah why?” Y/n hummed looking to him with questioning eyes.
Billy shok his head before leaning over a tiny bit to kiss her on the forehead. “Nothing.”
Billy believed he had his answer now, but he didn’t acre he was just happy having her close.
A few weeks later they were sitting on the hood of Billy’s car in the school parking lot. Carol and Tommy were there and Carol felt the need to put someone down. Y/n just happened to be the target of the day.
Carol tilted her head with an evil smirk on her lips, and eyed Y/n up and down before speaking. “A little clingy there Y/n.”
Y/n shifted feeling uncomfortable now in her own skin. Which irritated Billy immensely.
“Fuck off Carol.” Billy spat out which slightly scared Carol but she covered it with a scoff and changed her focus. Billy gripped Y/n’s hand tighter in his and turned his head a bit to look at her. “You're fine, y/n/n. I promise.”
Y/n smiled up at him through her lashes, leaning her head on his shoulder gratefully. “Thanks.”
“No need to thank me.” Billy told her, shrugging his shoulders but not to much he didn’t want to disturb her.
^ ^ ^
“Am I clingy?” Y/n asked sitting on Billy’s bed. Neil and Susan had gone out and taken Max with them. So since the house was empty Billy felt okay enough to have her over. That she’d be safe since his father was gone.
Ever since Carol’s comment the other day she hadn’t been able to stop thinking bout how much she did touch Billy.
“What?” Billy turned his head to look at her lightening quick.
“What Carol said-” Y/n started as she looked down playing with her fingers nervously.
“Carols a fucking bitch that couldn’t tell a cow from a rat. Don’t listen to her.” Billy growled going back to his task.
“Okay.” Y/n mumbled out softly, which caused Billy to look back at her. Studying her for a second before appoarching her.
“Hey,listen to me.” Billy stated cupping her face in his hands, lifting her head enough to look him in the yes. “Your not clingy. Okay? Your not.”
“But I’m constantly touching you-”
“So!” Billy exclaimed raising his shoulder up before dropping them. Billy didn’t want to change their dynamic for the world. He felt special when she touched him like he had a bigger purpose than he thought in the world. “Y/n/n, I love that your constantly touching me, or playing with my clothes or- anything. I enjoy it. It makes me feel like I have a purpose. I’m your comfort.”
And that he was, even if Y/n didn’t want to admit it out loud Billy was like a security blanket to her. And Billy wouldn’t have it any other way.
Tag list:
@gruffle1 @padawancat97
I Think I'm In Love With You - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 830
Summary: A jealous Billy leads to a confession from him.
Authors Note: ❤️💕💖🍭🍷🍒Happy Valentine's Day! Even to my single readers out there!
Stranger Things Masterlist
Holiday Masterlist

Y/n was looking in her long strength mirror trying to decide on a top for the party tonight. Y/n was to head out to the party soon, she was gonna park her car at a friends and Billy was gonna drive them both to the party. It took some convincing but Y/n got him to agree if he drank too much that she was driving them when they left. Billy did threaten her if she scratched his camaro.
Y/n finally decided on the red top and applied some lipstick in the mirror when El entered her room.
El looked at her big sister, well the girl that became her big sister but El learned DNA didn’t matter when it comes to whose family. She smiled. “You look pretty.”
“Thank you, El.” Y/n smiled brightly to the younger Hopper daughter.
“Where are you going?” El asked with a puzzled look.
“To a party. So don’t tell dad.” Y/n turned and answered as she put on her jacket. Hawkins wasn’t known for being very warm. As far as Hopper knew she was spending the night at a friends.
El pretended to zip her lips and smiled mischievously at Y/n. With that Y/n walked over and kissed El on the head before grabbing her keys and heading out.
After parking her car and getting in Billy’s at their pick up location, byt the quarry. They headed to the party after a somewhat quick heated kiss. As soon as they pulled up to the party they headed inside, Billy’s arm around her shoulders and Y/n’s around his waist.
Not long after their first two drinks Tommy had dragged Billy away and instead of standing there alone Y/n went over to a friend of hers she spotted earlier. Steve Harrington.
The two ended up hanging out, talking and laughing for what felt like hours. When Billy had finally come back into the house and started looking for Y/n, he saw red. Out of all the people she was hanging out with, it had to be Harrington.
Billy knew if he went over and beat the shit out of Steve then Y/n would hate him and that took forever last time to fix. SO instead of getting his fists bloody he stormed over to them and grabbed Y/n by the wrist. Dragging her out of the house and to the camaro. Billy opened the passenger side door and got in, mainly out of curiosity. She wanted to know why he was acting this way.
“Woah.” Y/n said as he got in and took off speeding. Looking at him and his actions it was obvious Billy was upset, but about what was her question. “Are you okay?”
Billy felt her eyes on him as he drove, tapping roughly on his steering wheel. “Why were you hanging out with Harrington?”
Y/n let out a sigh. They’ve had this conversation before. She knew that really he was just insecure about her leaving him. “Billy, he’s my friend. Has been since we were toddlers.”
Billy scoffed, shaking his head. “You could’ve just come and found me.”
Y/n nodded, she could of but she doesn’t particularly like his friends. Who could blame her. “I do have other friends you know.”
Billy pulled off to the side of the road and parked. It was rare for the radio to be off in Billy’s car, but right now he really needed to talk to y/n and he wanted to actually hear her. “I know you have other friends besides me, I know that. But Fucking harrington?!”
“Billy, what's really going on?” With her question the both of them sat in silence. Y/n noticed Billy’s body language change, he seemed nervous so she reached for his hand and interlocked their fingers. “You know you can tell me anything.”
Billy ran his tongue across his teeth in contemplation before shifting his attention to their hands. He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb before answering. It was now or never. “I think I’m in love with you and that scares the shit out of me.”
Y/n dipped her head to hide how big of a smile was upon her face at his confession. It was nice to hear that that's how he feels about her. “You're not use to this emotion, so it’s gonna be scary. But guess what?”
She knew he was probably freaking out on the inside, not being use to feeling certain emotions.
“Hmm” Billy hummed, looking at her. Waiting to hear her answer.
“I think I’m in love with you too…” Y/n smiled at him. Billy let out a sigh of relief before he pulled her to him, and the two fell into a very heated but passionate make out session. With new feelings relieved Y/n had a feeling that their relationship was gonna get even more heated.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97
Door Open (Part 1) - Billy Hargrove
Part 1
Billy x reader Hopper
Warnings: none really
Word count: 1,644
Summary: Hopper finds out his oldest daughter has a boyfriend and wants to meet him.
Authors Note: There is a part 2 that will be posted soon. It's already typed and in my queue.
Stranger Things Masterlist
Part 2

“El door!” Hopper yelled out as noticed the door to his youngests room closed shut. With a boy in there.
“Why?” El questioned as she opened the door and stuck her head out.
“Why?!” Hopper asked with raised brows.
El nodded “yes”
“Because I said.” Hopper answered, looking her in the eyes.
“But why? Y/n gets to keep her’s shut.” El wondered out loud with squinted eyes.
“What?” Now Hopper was confused.
“Y/n gets to keep her door shut.” El looked Hopper in the eyes, upset with his ‘door open’ rule.
“Well, Y/n doesn’t have a boy over or a boyfriend.” Hopper told her still a little dumbfounded at this conversation.
“Say you.” El mumbled but apparently not low enough.
“Excuse me?” Hopper spoke, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Nothing.” El tried to cover up but Hopper wasn’t going to let it go, turning to go back into her room.
“El.” Hopper said using his deep angry voice, getting the young girl to turn around again to look at him.
El sighed wishing she said nothing to begin with. “She does.”
“She does what?” Hopper questioned his body tensing.
“Y/n, has a boyfriend.” El stated looking down at her feet. Not wanting to see Hopper’s face.
“Since when?” Hopper questioned but when El gave no answer he tired again. More stern this time. “El, since when?”
“8 months I think.” El said reluctantly, looking anywhere but at Hopper.
“8 mon-” Hopper couldn’t even believe this. How could he not have known this? How did he not notice anything? God sometimes he really thought Y/n should become a detective, she’d definitely be good at the undercover work.
“Please don’t tell her I said anything.” El pleaded before she went back into her room to continue hanging out with Mike.
All Hopper could do was nod numbly. He was going to have a talk with his oldest daughter when she got home.
^ ^ ^
“Y/n.” Hopper spoke as Y/n entered the cabin like normal.
“Hmmm?” Y/n hummed in acknowledgment that she was listening.
“We need to talk.” He stated from his spot on the couch. With a simmering expression, holding in his anger. Which isn’t exactly directed at his daughter.
“What about?” Y/n asked as she came around to sit on the couch alongside him.
“I heard through the grapevine that you have a boyfriend.” Hopper stated taking a sip of his beer before he continued and trained his eyes on his daughter. Watching her behavior. “That you’ve been together for almost a year. How come you never said anything?”
Y/n looked down to her lap, she had been caught and didn’t know what to say exactly. “I was nervous too.”
“To tell me?” Now he felt a little bad. “Why? You can tell me anything, you should know that.”
“Dad, you can be very protective, and intimidating…” It was going to go bad at this next part if it led to what she thought it would. “And I know that you don’t particularly like who he is.”
“I’m your dad, of course I’m going to be protective over you. Just like I'm with El. As for intimidating, that's my job as your father.” Hopper stated, he had to keep explaining his job as a father a lot recently to his girls. But now he really also wanted to know the bigger question. Who was the guy? “Now who is this boy that I apparently don’t like?”
Y/ shifted her eyes away from her father as she mumbled the name. “Billy.”
“Hargrove?!” Hopper screamed with bulging eyes and he stood up in shock, hoping he heard wrong.
“Yeah.” She confirmed, shrinking in on herself. But Hopper couldn’t even yell in that moment he was speechless.
“You don’t know him.” Y/n stated and Hopper just sent her a look. He’s met the kid and he doesn’t like his attitude. Y/n shook her head at his look knowing what he was thinking. “Not really. He acts like a completely different person at school and around town then he is with me.”
Hopper looked at his daughter for a moment. Really looked at her and he could tell this was important to her so he sighed, turning to face her seated form. “I wanna meet him.”
“What?” Now she was confused.
“I want to meet him. Bring him over for dinner tonight-”
“He can’t tonight, but he is available tomorrow.” Y/n spoke efficiently, cutting him off. She knew how Niel was, there was no way Billy could come on such short notice tonight.
“Fine. Tomorrow.” Hopper agreed.
“Okay.” Y/n nodded relieved and she got up off the couch and headed to her room.
“Oh.” Hopper spoke up before she could shut the door to her room. Turning to look at her dad waiting for him to continue, hoping that she wasn’t in more trouble. “Your door stay’s cracked from now on.”
Y/mn nodded letting out a breath of air, hoping to not be in even more trouble. But now she was going to tell Billy.
^ ^ ^
“He wants to meet me?” Billy looked very anxious since Y/n explained what had happened last night. But could you blame him? He’s had run-ins with Sheriff Hopper and they weren’t the friendly kind.
“Don’t look so afraid, Billy. It’s normal, he found out about you and he's gonna want to meet you.” Y/n said with a smile on her lips, slightly amused at his behavior. He just kept pacing with wide eyes.
Billy nodded at her words. “Ok. I got this.”
“Yes, you do.” Y/n nodded in encouragement. Meeting the parents was something Billy didn’t do, but he was willing to do it for Y/n. She got up off his bed and cupped his cheeks. “I believe in you.”
“Is he pissed?” he asked, looking into her eyes trying to get a read on his answer.
“No, not really. I was told that the door has to at least be cracked from now on. But otherwise he seems to be giving you a chance. That's good odds.” She told him with a cheerful look in her eyes and on her face. Y/n was optimistic, and Billy hoped she was right.
“Yeah, I guess.” Billy sighed, he needed to prepare himself for tonight.
“I know.” Y/n smirked, biting her lip as she looked up at him through her lashes.
“Haha” Billy mock laughed before pulling her into a very heated kiss.
^ ^ ^
“Are you nervous Billy?” Y/n asked watching him drive them to the Hopper residence. He was bouncing his leg and tapping his fingers.
“Yes.” Billy stated flat out glancing for a second away from the road to Y/n. His face said it all with a look of pure honesty and fear.
Y/n looked at him in shock, trying to hide her amusement at his confession. “I didn’t expect you to admit it.”
Billy shrugged one shoulder looking back to the road. “Well, I am. That tell you something?”
Y/n reached over to grab his free hand in hers, hoping to provide him with some reassurance. “Calm down. It’ll be okay. I’ll be by your side the whole time. I promise.”
Once they pulled up, as they got out of the camaro El came running out of the house and hugged Y/n.
“Hey, El.” Y/n greeted, hugging the younger girl back.
“I’m sorry.” she mumbled feeling bad that she outed the girl that took her in as a little sister.
“Its all okay, really. I’m not mad, El.” Y/n stated trying to reassure her that she wasn’t mad. Y/n pulled out of the hug making El look her in the eyes so she would know how serious she was.
El nodded a little in relief and a little just to show she understood. Then she shifted her attention to Billy. Hopping he couldn’t be pissed that she outed his relationship with Y/n.
Billy shook his head coming to stand next to them. “I’m not either.”
“Stop standing there and come in and eat.” Hopper yelled as she stood in the open doorway with a hard expression on his face.
With that the 3 headed inside and sat down to eat. Conversation consisted of small talk mostly at first but there was a reason this dinner was taking place. They should get to it.
“How’s Max?” El asked halfway through their meal, wondering about her friend.
“She’s good.” Billy said before taking a sip of his soda.
“So Billy.” Hopper spoke up, putting his fork and knife down.
Billy gulped. “Yes, Sir.”
“What are your intentions with my daughter?” Hopper asked, cutting to the chase.
“No, its ok. He’s gonna ask at some point right?” Billy stopped her, like she said earlier. These things needed to be done and said. “My intentions are mainly pure with Y/n.”
“Mainly?” Hopper practically growled out, looking at the mullet haired boy with narrowed eyes.
“Well, we do makeout and. . . cuddle.” Billy choked out the last part while Y/n and El snickered. Yeah they cuddle, amongst other things.
“Nothing else?” Hopper ticked his jaw ready to wring the boys’ neck.
“Not really Sir.” Billy shook his head with a smile on his lips, taking a bite of his steak.
“Not really? What's 'not really’ supposed to mean?” Hopper leaned forward placing his forearms on the table, staring Billy in the eyes. He should tread carefully with the look he was giving Billy.
“Well the other things are all of and when y/n wants.” Billy stated looking Hopper in the eyes. He was being brave, Y/n thought. Stupidly brave.
“Hmmm.” Hopper hummed before he continued to eat. At least he seemed to respect his daughter.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila @cherriebat @fandom-princess-forevermore @goth-cowgirl-03
Got stories in the works for both men.
Who's should be posted first?
You all seem to love my Billy Hargrove stories.
But I haven't posted for Eddie yet?
Your To Important To Me - Billy Hargrove
Billy x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of demo dog attack
Word count: 1,829 (+ I added after it posted more lol)
Summary: prompt “What did you do to yourself? Let me see your arm, please?” / You get attacked by a Demo dog and Billy notices the bloody bandage. Some things need to be talked about and solutions need to be made.
Stranger Things Masterlist

“Thank you, Joyce.” Y/n thanked the older woman as she wrapped her arm with goz. Y/n's wrist to elbow had been bleeding and torn up by a Demo Dog that had latched onto her arm. But as far as Y/n was concerned, it could’ve been a lot worse.
“You don’t have to thank me, Honey.” Joyce shook her head giving the teen girl a soft smile. She was trying to comfort her, knowing that Y/n had to be in a ton of pain. Joyce thought of her as a daughter, so seeing her but like this. It really pained her to see Y/n in pain. With the situation they were in it happened often, one of them getting hurt but they couldn't change that.
“Still” Y/n tilted her head as she pulled on her jean jacket, trying to be as cautious as she could be of her arm. She could feel throbbing pain in all the punctures as she moved her arm around.
“You're welcome.” Joyce nodded in return. She knew Y/n would keep saying thank you if she didn’t accept it.
“Hey” Steve walked over to the table that the two women were sitting at. “I can take you home if you want?”
“Yeah, that’d be great. Thanks Steve.” Y/n nodded standing up to follow him out of the Byers house.
“Yeah, no problem.” Steve nodded, giving her a small tight smile. Steve and Y/n became friends back when the whole upside down stuff started. The two became fairly close friends. Sure they still had some awkward moments and with everything that happens in Hawkins sometimes the awkward moments were the ones they loved the most. Because they were normal. A grimace of normal in their very confusing and stressful lives.
Steve drove her home. The car ride was pretty silent on the way to Y/n’s house, but once he pulled up he asked. “Is your arm gonna be okay? Are you going to be okay tonight? Alone."
“If it’s not you can call me anytime.” Steve offered as she stepped out of the car. He wanted her to know she had a friend that would drop anything and be there if she needed.
Y/n nodded softly before letting out a sigh. “Yeah I should be.”
Y/n didn't necessarily want to be alone or know for certain that she would be okay but she was a big girl and knew she could take care of herself.
“I’ll call you if it get bad. Promise.” She smiled, telling him before shutting the car door and heading inside. She appreciated the sentiment.
As Y/n entered her home it was silent, her mom being at work and all. It was only her and her mom and Y/n liked it that way. Plus being home alone after something like this was better. No one around to worry so much. Y/n was sure that Joyce would call her mom and tell her what happened. It was easier at times that Y/n's mom knew about the upside down. So Y/n went to the kitchen to grab a drink before she headed upstairs to her room.
“Holy Shit!” Y/n practically screamed as she jumped when entering her room to see Billy there on her bed watching t.v. Clenching her chest with her hand she asked. “How long have you been in my room?”
Billy shrugged, muting the television and resposting himself to be facing her in a sitting position instead of laying down. “A while. Where’ve you been?”
Y/n shrugged, using only one shoulder due to the painful throbbing in her other arm. “The Byers. Helping the kids.”
“For 6 hours?” he asked with raised brows. What could she have been doing over there for that long? Billy felt like she wasn’t telling him something. And that feeling happened often to him when she disappeared and was gone for so long. Especially if she was with those little brats his step sister hanged out with.
While Billy was thinking that Y/n was thanking her mom for the t.v. in her room, because Billy was distracted and didn't notice Steve was the one that dropped her off. That didn't need to be brought up at all right now.
“Uh, yeah. It was an emergency.” Y/n answered not really knowing how to answer. So she distracted herself by stripping off her jacket and then her shoes.
Suddenly Billy reached forward and grabbed her hand, gently pulling her closer. “What’s on your arm?”
‘Fuck’ Y/n thought. Moving her arm so much must have added pressure and pushed more blood out. Y/n thought she felt a tareing sensation. It was her blood wetting the goz. “Uh- bandages?”
Billy gave her a ‘I’m not stupid’ look, like ‘no shit’. “Why are there bandages on your arm?”
Normally it was Y/n who patched up Billy. Billy had never seen her with an injury like this before, let alone one that was bleeding fresh blood.
“We had to go out into the woods, and I got hurt.” It was the best she could explain it without also lying to him. Y/n hates lying to Billy, especially since he’s been so truthful with her.
“What did you do to yourself?” Billy asked, trying to get a better look but Y/n pulled her arm away. This just made Billy’s concern grow bigger. So Billy asked again, this time pleading with her. “Let me see your arm? Please?”
Y/n whipped her head to face him. “Hey! I got attached, I did not do this to myself.”
Billy smirked a little at how he got the truth out of her so simply.
“Oh damn you, Hargrove.” Y/n rolled her eyes at seeing his reaction. Damn him and knowing her so easily. But she also loved that about him. Y/n bit her lip trying to hold back her smile at what he could get out of her.
“Can I see your arm now?” he asked again, hoping she’ll let him see and examine it.
Y/n let out a sigh moving to sit next to him on her bed. Sitting at an angle so he could look at her arm.
“Damn it.” She let out a frustrated groan at seeing exactly how much blood had stained the goz. Now it is definitely gonna have to be changed before she went to bed. Y/n was hoping she wouldn't have to change it till the morning. Suddenly after looking at her arm Billy abruptly got up off the bed. Y/n followed him with her eyes confused. “Where are you going?”
Watching him leave the room filled her with worry. Was this to much for him? But after about 5 minutes he came back, entering her bedroom with ibuprofen, a coke, and had apparently dug through her bathroom for supplies to clean and change the bandages on her arm.
Y/n felt so heart warmed that he wanted to do this for her. But what if he changed his mind after actually seeing the wounds? Y/n knew it was just insecurities talking, Billy’s seen, done, and possibly had close to worse. “Billy, I can do this later-”
“You help me all the time, especially with this kind of thing. Will you just let me help you, for a change?” Billy said, cutting her off, looking her in the eyes. He wanted to take care of her, in all ways. And not just as a ‘returning the favor’ kind of thing. Billy turly cares for Y/n, hell he’d go as far as to say he loves her. Having only ever loved one other person in his life (his mom), this was special to him in ways he had a hard time expressing.
“Thank you.” Y/n smiled gratefully, dropping the whole ‘don’t need help’ facade.
“You're welcome.” Billy nodded, accepting her thanks.
“You know. I wish you’d let me in more so I could help you with other things.” he hinted to how he’d like to know what caused her disappearances for hours and the injuries she gets.
Y/n would love to tell him about everything, the upside down and Hawkins lab. But she also didn’t want to tell him. He had enough to worry about with his dad and she didn’t want him to get hurt. But it also wasn’t just her deasion. “If it was just my deascion you would be. An I’m trying. I really am but you haven’t made the best impression on the kids, Steve, Nacy, and Johnathan. Or Hopper. And they all have says in who knows as well.”
“What about Joyce?” Billy asked noticing that Y/n left out the older woman. Once he got the old goz off and started cleaning the blood off. Billy could see all the little puntucers, almost like teeth. But There were hundreds if not thousands. Billy couldn’t think of anything that could cause this.
“She saw us on a date a few months ago and doesn’t think you are how you seem. Which she is right.” Y/n explained telling him with a shy smile. That had been an awkward conversation with the woman, but she was supportive of the relationship. Which was appreciated.
“I hate that you got hurt. Y/n, those looked like teeth punctures, but not from something normal.” he sighed, trying not to show how worried it had indeed made him.
“I hate when you get hurt to.” she stated before letting out a deep breath. Y/n knew that this conversation was going to happen at some point. She shook her head, biting her lip. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you what bit me.”
Billy had to nod in agreement that he probably wouldn’t believe it if he didn’t see it with his own eyes. “Then let me see it.”
Y/n’s head shot up right and her eyes filled with shock and panic. “What? So you can get hurt or possibly killed to?! No!”
“Why won’t you let me protect you?!” Billy questioned moving his focus to look her in the eyes, having finished wrapping her arm in new goz.
“You protect me plenty as it is.” Y/n agured back.
“I want to protect you from this to! Obviously no one else is.” Billy stressed, lifting his hand gesturing to her arm.
“You have no idea how much worse this.” Y/n raised her injured arm looking him in the eyes. “Could have been if any of them weren’t there. They do protect me.”
Billy shook his head. “Not enough for me, they don’t.”
“I can’t lose you. You're too important to me.” he stated passionately, no longer yelling. Billy didn’t have much, he never has. But he has Y/n, and he didn’t plan on losing her, she means too much to him to let that happen.
Y/n took a shallow breath before scooting closer to Billy as the two sat on her bed, making it dip further. Y/n knew what Billy meant and she appreciated it. He means a lot to her too. She didn’t want to lose him either. “You're important to me too.”
“Let me be there next time. Then I have to be brought into the loop.” Billy shrugged, picking up Y/n’s none injured arms hand, intertwining their fingers. There had to be a way to let him into what was going on in the crappy town in Indiana.
“I don’t want to lose you either, and that chance increases if you are brought into this!” Y/n stressed as much as she could using her eyes and tone of voice. They’d lost enough people due to the Upside down, its creatures and Hawkins lab.
“I don’t plan on ever losing you or losing me.” He stated leaning in, resting his forehead against Y/n’s. “Besides, wouldn't it be safer for me to know so I can protect myself?”
Y/n sighed, he had a point. “I’ll talk to them tomorrow. Okay? But I can’t promise anything.”
Billy nodded in understanding. “I’ll find a way to protect you whether they say yes or not.”
“I know you will.” Y/n smiled, closing the gap with a kiss.
Yeah she’d talk with the others, but she knew it was gonna be a no. But she also knew that Billy wouldn’t give up. Not on this, not when it comes to her being there with him forever. It was endearing, even if she was afraid he’d get hurt.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila
No Plans - Billy Hargrove (3/3)
Part #3 (3/3)
Billy x Fem!Reader Harrington
Steve x Fel!Sister!Reader
Warnings: Stranger Things, none
Word count: 1,787
Summary: Now that the Christmas Eve at the Mayfield/Hargrove home obligation was fulfilled, it’s time for Billy to experience Christmas at the Harringtons.
Authors Note: Finale part 3! Here it is everyone! Enjoy! Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday’s!
Stranger Things Masterlist
Holiday Masterlist
Part 1 (2021) ~ Part 2 (2022)

“What are you doing?” Y/n asked Billy as he took a pillow and blanket off of her bed and set them up on the floor in a makeshift bed.
“Anyone could walk in-” Billy started to answer, gesturing to the door. Billy normally would sleep in the bed with Y/n. But with how many people were staying in the house he didn’t want to set a bad example for himself to her family. But Y/n stopped him.
“Stop, Billy. You are sleeping in my bed with me. That's finale. Just keep your clothes on and if someone comes in we’ll be good.” Y/n stated picking up the blanket and pillow off the floor shaking them out and placing them back on the bed, before she got undressed to put on her pj’s.
“Just don’t want to make a bad impression.” Billy told her, watching the door apprehensively.
“Billy, why do you care what my family thinks of you so much?” Y/n asked him sitting on her bed watching him change into his own pj’s. Great view Y/n thought in her head.
“I don’t plan on letting you go so it’d be nice if your family liked me.” Billy stated moving onto the bed sitting next to her. He never cared about what parent’s thought of him before now. There was more at stake with y/n in Billys mind.
Y/n hated how he felt the need to get her parents approval. She means sure if he were to act like the Billy around town then they’d probably hate him, but she hated how he felt he needed to be not himself to impress her family.
Y/n sighed reaching out to hold his hands in hers before explaining something she felt was very important for him to hear. “Oh Billy. You don’t have to do that. I don’t care if they like you, because I don't care what they think. I’m glad you're here because it’ll make this holiday bearable. My parents like you Billy and it drives my brother nut’s. Normally our parents are always gone so we celebrate by ourselves Steve and me. Sometimes we invite friends over to celebrate with us. Like the kids Max hangs out with, Nancy, Robin, Johnathan, I could go on. That’s honestly the way I prefer it. Just Steve, me and the people we consider family. Like you.”
The only person Y/n wished liked Billy was her brother, but she knew there were a lot of reasons on both sides why they didn’t get along.
“Why are they here hosting them?” He asked her with an inquisitive look. He was confused if they were never really around. Why were they hosting all their family this christmas?
“It’s their turn this year. Trust me they weren’t happy about it.” Y/n let out a sarcastic laugh remembering how upset her parents were to have to cancel their vacation plans. Y/n snuggled up into Billys side as they repositioned themselves to lay down under her covers getting ready to sleep. “I’m just glad you're here. I couldn’t imagine doing this without you.”
Billy pulled her as close as she could possibly be to him, kissing the top of her head. “I’m not leaving. Promise.”
^ ^ ^
“Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!” The kids came barging into her bedroom screaming her name. Effectively waking her and Billy out of their peaceful sleep.
“Hmmmm, what?” Y/n asked in a very tired, sleepy voice opening her eyes to look at them.
“Come on, get up! Santa came!” They grabbed her shoulder, shaking her whole body.
“Well, how about you go wake your parent’s up and we’ll meet you there.” Y/n suggested and the kids left to do as Y/n said.
“Are they always that loud?” Billy groaned, turning on his side facing her.
“No, they're just excited.” She shook her head smiling at him.
“Where are you going?” Billy pulled her back down to the bed before she could get up, wrapping her arms tightly around her pulling her back into his chest.
“If we don’t get up they’ll come back.” Y/n laughed, smiling at how sweet his actions were, loving how clingy he always was in the morning.
“They wake you to?” Steve asked from the doorway rubbing his eyes and yawning.
“Yup.” Y/n smiled over at her brother, craning her neck to do so.
“Hey, can I have a moment with Hargrove here?” Steve asked once Y/n and Billy had gotten up and were heading out of Y/n’s room. “Uh, sure. I’ll go downstairs. Start helping with breakfast.” Y/n looked between her brother and boyfriend unsure if this was a good idea to leave them alone. But Billy gave her a nod singling it would be okay.
“What do you want, Harrington?” Billy asked once Y/n’s footsteps could be heard going down the stairs.
“Just wanted to say thanks. For taking care of my sister yesterday. Max says that Neil is an ass so. . .” Steve looked to Billy hoping he didn’t want to fight Steve was done fighting with him. And he never won anyways. But he really just wanted to talk.
“I wouldn’t let anything happen to her.” Billy clenched and unclenched his fist resisting the urge to punch him for even insinuating that he would let his father lay a hand on Y/n.
“I appreciate that. Look, can we just call a truce? At least for today if not for good. For Y/n.” Steve nodded with an appreciative look, he could see it in the dirty blonde. He truly cared about his sister and that took awhile to sink in. But it had now and Steve didn’t want to cause an eventual rift between him and his sister.
“For Y/n.” Billy agreed to Steve’s idea, it was time they got along for Y/n. BIlly didn’t plan on leaving her so he and Steve needed to bury the hatchet. “I’m sorry. For everything.”
“Did you just-’
“Not happening ever again so take it and move on.” Billy didn’t apologize often. So Steve needed to just leave it and move on. Take the apology and never mention it again.
The two nodded and headed down stairs to join everyone else.
“Hey, breakfast is ready.” Y/n greeted the boy’s as they entered the kitchen. Y/n had put some bacon on her’s and their plates along with cinnamon rolls. Cinnamon rolls were Steve and y/n’s tradition for breakfast on holiday’s.
“Thanks, sis.” Steve took his plate from her outstretched hand.
“Thanks.” Billy grabbed the other plate from her.
“Everything okay?” Y/n asked as surprisingly of what they could have talked about as they went to sit down.
“Everything's fine. More than.” Billy leaned over and kissed her on the lips before digging into his plate.
After breakfast everyone opened presents after opening present’s everyone slowly got dressed. Y/n and Billy headed up to her room to get dressed themselves.
“Hey, I still have that gift for you.” Billy spoke up once the door was shut to Y/n’s room.
“You got me gifts. I’m allowed to give you them as well.” Billy really loved the gifts she had gotten and he was excited to see her open his gift.
“Oh, Billy. It’s beautiful.” Y/n was stunned at the gift. It was a matching necklace and ring. On the back of the necklace and inside the ring were her’s and Billy’s entails.
“I figured if you couldn’t wear one you could wear the other.” He explained to her, he knew she didn’t always wear necklaces but she always had a ring on or one or the other.
“I love them. Thank you.” Y/n smiled up at him before turning around to have him help her put on the necklace as she slid the ring on.
“I was hoping you would.” Billy grinned happily and relieved that she loved them.
“Can I ask you something?” Y/n turned to face him.
“Yeah.” He nodded.
“Why are you and my brother getting along? Hell your acting like friends. I’m not upset by it, I’m actually kind of happy about it, but it’s also kind of freaking me out. You hated each other just yesterday.” Y/n moved to sit back on her bed hoping to get an answer about earlier. It’s making Y/n feel a little crazy watching them get along. She loved it but it was odd.
“We called a truce.” Billy told her with a shrug.
“Why?” Y/n tilted her head confused.
“Why do you think?” He teased asking her with a knowing look in his eyes.
“Me?” She furrowed her brows and her eyes widened. Y/n was confused at their timing if that was the case. “Why now?”
“I think he might have realized I’m not going anywhere and I’m not using you.” Billy told her moving to stand between her legs. He hated that at first y/n and Steve thought he was trying to use her. Sure he flirted with her just to piss Steve off. But he never planned on using Y/n. This was the longest relationship Billy has ever had.
“Thank you.” Y/n smiled at him gratefully knowing it couldn’t have been easy to do that for her.
“Anything for you.” He whispered against her lips before pulling her into a kiss which in the process ended up with them falling back onto her bed, with Billy hovering over her.
“Let’s get dressed and head back down.” Y/n suggest once they broke apart as she ran her hand’s up and down his biceps.
After they got dressed and went back down stairs the day continued and they played games and just hung out with the family. Steve and Billy acted like friends the rest of the day, but if you asked Y/n she watched them actually get along and share things in common. Y/n didn’t think they were doing much acting at all.
The day went by fast and everyone sat down in the family room to eat dinner. After that Billy and Y/n headed up to her room for some quiet time.
“Did you have fun?” Y/n questioned hoping he did, it seemed like he had.
“Yeah, I did.” Billy smiled a guinea smile at her he reached up to run a hand through her hair.
“It was a fun first Christmas together.’ Y/n hinted hoping he got that she wanted to spend more Christmas’ together.
“One one many to come.” BIlly smirked, enjoying the thought of her words.
@padawancat97 @gruffle1 @starkleila @fandom-princess-forevermore @cherriebat @shadowmoonlight0604
Easter Celebrations - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!reader
Warnings: religion is mentioned if that is a warning?
Word count: 648
Summary: Billy’s family doesn’t really do holiday’s. Not like most families at least. So why not join in and see how his girlfriends family celebrates them. He was invited after all.
Authors Note: Don’t ask me why pretty much all my holiday imagines end up being “Billy Hargrove” imagines. Because I don’t know why it ends up that way. I think it’s because the character just ends up working perfectly for my idea of the story.
P.S - Easter is a religious holiday so if that’s a warning them there you go. Warned, but I only really mention that they go to church not any views or etc…
Also to those who celebrate it Happy Easter!
Stranger Things Masterlist
Holiday Masterlist

(gif does not portray what goes on in the story on this one its just different I hate reusing gifs)
“I’m so glad you came.” Y/n smiled at Billy as she opened the front door to let him in.
“I wanted to see how you do Easter. I’m sure it’s a hell of a lot different than how it’s been done in my family.” BIlly shrugged putting his hands in his pockets as he entered her home.
“Well, my little sister isn’t up yet. So no eggs have been hunted, and no basket’s touched.” Y/n told him excitedly, closing the door behind him, pulling him into the living room. “Mom made you a basket too.”
Billy looked at her in shock. “She didn't have to do that.”
“She wanted to.” Y/n smiled reassuring him that it was okay, Y/n reached out for his hand and squeezed. And it did.
^ ^ ^
“So how’s Easter so far?” Y/n asked, nudging him with her arm as they sat next to each other on the couch.
“I’m shockingly enjoying it.” Billy smiled at her. He was enjoying it, more than he thought he would. Watching Y/n help her little sister hunt for egg’s and they even did egg’s filled with treats for the dog’s. Her mom was even nice enough to put together a basket for him like Y/n said. Filled with different chocolates and some other stuff.
“I’m glad.” Y/n nodded with a smile also on her face.
“Billy, hunny. We’re going to church in an hour for Easter service. You can stay here if you want. Catch up on some sleep I’m sure.” Y/n’s mom offered not wanting to force the young man to join them.
“Actually…” Billy stopped Y/n from getting up from the couch and her mom from leaving he says with hopeful eyes. He actually wanted to go, he hadn’t been since his mom was around. Hence the necklace. “I’d like to join you all. If that’s ok.”
Y/n turned to look at him, trying not to show her shock. “Of course it is baby.”
“Great. We leave soon.” Y/m/n sent a smile the boys way before going to finish getting ready and help her younger child and their cousins as well.
“Are you ok?” Y/n asked once they headed up to her room for some privacy.
“Yeah. Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Billy nodded, not sure why it seemed to be a big deal.
Y/n shook her head side to side not wanting him to think she didn’t want him to come. “Just checking. I mean, have you ever been to church before?”
Billy thought for a moment but he trusted Y/n. So maybe he should share a little more of himself with her. She knew more than most people anyway.
“Back with my mom. When I was younger. I remember what I learned there. It’s always stuck with me.” Billy told her thinking back on his childhood, the few good memories he has.
“Does that have to do with the pendant?” Y/n asked curious since he was in a sharing mood. Moving across the room to stand in front of him as he currently sits on her bed.
“Yeah. It was my mom’s, she gave it to me. It always reminds me of her, and that one day I might see her again… Thank you. For inviting me to celebrate Easter with you and your family.” Billy explained, resting his hands on her hips as she played with the pendant around his neck.
“Billy, you’re part of my family. I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Y/n smiled happily running her hands over his shoulders.
“I’ll always enjoy every day of any life as long as you're in it.” He stated pulling her to fall on top of him laying back on her bed, and the two started to passionately make out. After all, they had some time before church.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila
Knock Next Time - Billy Hargrove
Billy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mention of nudity
Word count: 368
Summary: Max walks in on Billy and Y/n in bed.
Stranger Things Masterlist

Y/n and Billy had enjoyed themself’s last night. Having had the Hargrove household all to themselves provided the perfect opportunity for them to get intimate. Billy had woken up to the sun shining through the window. Next to him is his gorgeous and sexy Y/n.
Billy decided to wake her up by kissing and sucking along on Y/n’s neck. Which didn’t take long.
“Good morning Handsome.” Y/n smirked up at Billy as he hovered over her having just woken her up.
“Good morning sexy.” Billy smirked back, eyes sparkling with mischief. “You wanna pick up where we left off?”
Y/n licked her lips smiling at his brilliant idea. “I’d love to. . .”
As the couple got into their activities, luckily they didn’t get to far into things because the door to Billy’s room burst open.
“Billy can you take-” Max started but once she saw Billy and Y/n in bed together she stopped before exclaiming. “Oh GOD!”
“Hey Max.” Y/n blushed smiling at the redhead.
“Max what have I said about knocking?” Billy grumbled which Y/n felt since he was laying on top of her.
“Well maybe don’t be naked 24/7.” Max rolled her eyes facing away from them. Not wanting to see anything of either of them.
“Knock next time.” Billy shrugged, not caring.
“Don’t worry I will.” Max scoffed and gagged.
“Good.” He scoffed back.
“Max, what did you want to ask?” Y/n cuts in otherwise she knew just jeep going. The two never stopped bickering, just like blood related siblings.
“I’ll wait.” Max grimaced before she left, closing the door behind her. “Gross.”
“She should listen to me the first time.” Billy mumbled, pissed off.
“Why are you naked all the time?” Y/n asked giggling as she thought about all the times poor Max must’ve walked in on Billy doing God knows what.
“Freedom baby.” Billy smirked, teasing her.
“You're so weird.” Y/n laughed, shaking her head at him.
“Now where were we?” Billy mockingly asked as he dipped his head down with a smirk on his lips at the thoughts running through his head of what they were about to get up to.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila