Biracial - Tumblr Posts

Op this is everything

Made this in like a minute out of frustration over a couple memories. Is this anything

The handshake meme template with a muscular white guy and a muscular black guy shaking hands. The left arm says “people who use multiple gender/sexuality labels”, and the right arm says “mixed race people”. The middle with the clasped hands says “being forced to “pick one” on surveys/forums”.

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Ironically often, the people talking about not judging others based on the colour of their skin are the same people saying that mixed race people can’t be/don’t look mixed race because they’re too pale or too dark

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Having to hide your whiteness with Asians and having to hide your Asian-ness with white people is exhausting.

I come across less Asians and look more white so most of the time I’m having to censor what I say just so white people don’t start asking loads of racist questions and talking about how I ‘don’t look mixed’.

Although it is funny when they’re being asianphobic in front of me and I look them in the eye and say “I’m part Asian”.

sometimes being wasian is like hey how would you like to be ostracized by asian people and treated like shit by white people and maybe half your extended family will call you an abomination sometimes to add a little flavor how does that sound

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3 years ago

I am once again asking people to please stop white washing Alastair, Magnus, and Aline in drawings and gifsets. Just because they're biracial doesnt mean you can draw them as white or use white models for them.

Honestly I thought we had nipped this in the bud but alas. 🙄

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1 year ago
My True Story: Behind My Smile (on Wattpad) Https://

My True Story: Behind My Smile (on Wattpad) First of all, I'm not a liar I'm honest, second, I'm blessed I'm grateful to be alive and I'm not the type to be messed around with I'm a warrior of God is what God called me to be and right now I'm a prophet in training by Angie branch who is my foster sister I've been and seen so much worse things but Jesus kept me in the mist of it all I am happily engaged but things that I prayed for came years later even though I lost a few people or maybe a lot in my life time but what had I been through is true but other liars in my life tried to cover it up so don't let their mistakes fool you in this book cause Greater is He that is within Me that Is King of Heaven and not of this world earth is His Foot Stool!!!!!!

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2 years ago

so you want mixed babies...

I bet you think your mixed race kids are gonna pop out of the womb all cute for you to post under #mixedbabies on your fucking facebook! oh em gee mixed race people are inherently more exotic, more beautiful, I wish MY kids were mixed race! but I'm not racist, you see, because race mixing is the future! having mixed babies is going to solve racism! I bet you're white and want a person of color as your boyfriend/girlfriend to fulfill your weird fetish! good for you, you fucking racial fetishizer. fuck you, fuck people who think mixed race is a ‘type,’ fuck you gross-ass racists and your fetishes.

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2 years ago
"The Cloud Of Unknowing" Acrylic On Vellum Paper. Hey Ya'll. I'm Going To Be Less Interactive In The

"The Cloud of Unknowing" Acrylic on Vellum paper. Hey ya'll. I'm going to be less interactive in the coming months on here, as I'll be looking for work. I'll keep sharing art weekly though. If anyone has any art job leeds, or suggestions on selling artwork, by all means please share. 🙏 ..

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11 months ago

There's a colorism issue in the black community. No shit, right? But what people fail to acknowledge is the colorism light people face. I'm talking mixed race and albino people. There's this bar of 'black enough' that just fucks us over and I don't fucking fit in anywhere racially because of it. AND THEN? If that wasn't bad enough, some people uphold a 'too dark' meter?????? Make up your minds, do you want to shit on light skinned folk like me or the dark skinned folk? If you answered yes to either fuck you figure out how to not alienate people from your own community.

I tend to just say I'm black, because if I reveal the fact that I had the audacity to be born mixed with white I would be fucking crucified in some spaces. My black identity is not taken seriously. I tried to fit in as a 'white' person for about fifteen years, with half of that being subconscious (ex: refusing to boxbraid my hair and using relaxer and pressing it often to keep it manageable. For the record my hair is kinky straight but my roots have always tightly coiled). It didn't work because I was sniffed out. Fucking shocker/sarcasm. I wasn't white enough either. I'm fucking tired of the race shit, I'm tired of racism, I'm tired of colorism.

Do better.

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7 months ago

that's what I'm saying! being biracial is such an isolating experience because your racial identity is not taken seriously no matter where you go. I'm black and white, and I look so obviously mixed that I cannot blend in anywhere. When I was younger I tried my damn near hardest to be white, but stuff like my hair would give me away. My skin color is very light, but not quite white passing since it's a little too colored for that. It sucks. It's a limbo between not feeling black enough and not being white enough either.

being biracial between white and poc will always be so alienating for me I don't relate to anyone. I don't quite fit in with whites but I don't quite fit in with people of color. been more white passing than the rest of my family doesn't help

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6 months ago

'I think it's very disrespectful to both, really. Whether it's Indian or black, I think it's very disrespectful to both' okay, so Trump is willing to misconstrue what it means to be biracial in order to leverage himself. That's super fucking insulting to me, and I hope it's insulting to other biracial Americans. If you don't give a fuck about trans or disabled people, at least you can acknowledge the guy's strategic racism. In the very least. Because this guy doesn't care about minorities, he doesn't even care about his fanbase of white people who, to me, appear to be mostly cishet and abled with some exceptions. If there are people who still go on to vote for this scumbag, that says a lot about them as people. They're self-entitled, stupid individuals who really think Trump has their interests in mind, and that's all that matters to them is that their own interests are being acknowledged and upheld... no matter how many people are harmed in the process. Sickening.

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4 months ago

Reminder that if you aren't biracial, you can fuck right off with what you think biracial individuals get to call ourselves. You can take your 'black people/poc are supposed to look like THIS' and shove it up your ass, too. I get it, I'll forever be a mere racial outlaw to YOU, but I'm still black. get over it.

y'all want us to 'pick one' but then get mad when we do. y'all just hate biracials and it couldn't be more obvious, we can't win to you.

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