Blm2020 - Tumblr Posts
hey guys, so i wanna bring focus to what's going on in my city, Portland, OR:
We've been doing peaceful protests since the murder of George Flyod and the only time anything has been violent was when cops started getting violent. Trump made this statement about overpowering protesters and true to his words, he has deployed many federal troops here. I'm talking about the US Marshals and Homeland Security to name a few. They're kidnapping people into unmarked vans and have been tear gassing/shooting us with rubber bullets and it's gotten pretty bad.
Someone had to do a reconstruction of their face because he was hit by a rubber bullet. Why was he shot? Because he gently shoved a can of tear gas away from him. Not towards the troops or anything - just away from him.
These troops are not identifying themselves as well. Governor Kate Brown and Mayor Ted Wheeler has asked Trump to get these troops out but he has refused.
I don't understand how they thought using this type of force was going to stop anything - people are even angrier now. As of tonight(18th), the Portland police precinct was caught on fire, but it didn't burn down.
Please, if possible, get the word out cause not many media outlets are speaking about it. We want these troops out.
There is no peace unless there is justice.
Holding cops accountable shouldn't even be a question. There can't be a 'few bad apples' - you wouldn't say the same thing about doctors. And how is it that they could peacefully detain mass school murders but felt threatened by a woman, rightfully sleeping on her bed? Or a 12 year old kid with a toy in his hand? Or actually using a legitimate $20 bill while shopping? How are you afraid for your life?
And did you know that by law, cops are not actually legally bind to protect people? A judge saw it to that - so if they're not legally bind to protect us, what is the point? In overpoliced neighborhoods, cops take an infinite time to respond to anything. And just based of statistics? Many, many, reported cases don't actually get solved.
Again, please spread the word on what's going on here in Portland, OR. Thank you.
Black Lives Matter. Although I don’t have money to donate, and I live on the other side of the world, I will do my best to help you.
Black Lives are Important and Wonderful. Stay safe out there :)

Keep fighting
I’ve been wanting to share this comic ever since I noticed that after the first two weeks of protesting most of social media started “going back to normal” as if there aren’t still people walking out and protesting making sure this movement doesn’t go silent or looked over. I appreciate every single individual that is out in those protests helping and being vocal for this change. Also those continuing to spread word and help out through petitions and donations. I wish y’all to stay safe and well.
Absolutely amazing :D

Request by @jammies122 for the @mlbforblm giveaway prize 🧡
Hi! Please stop scrolling for a sec and sign this petition!!! I can't donate anything so this is the best I can do. If you can't donate either, please share it!!!

Thank you and stay safe!!!
Justice for Casey Goodson | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

ONLY SIGN IF YOU ARE AMERICAN. 2020 is honestly the worst year ever, but we can slowly get better. Let's work together for the next few weeks!
Fundraiser for Tamala Payne by Kaylee Harper : #justiceforcaseygoodson

PLEASE DONATE IF YOU CAN!!! IF YOU CAN'T, SHARE IT!!! Ok I know I've been posting and reblogging a LOT of stuff that might be considered SJW content but this is really, REALLY important. The point is, 2020 was a crap year, and we should try to make it better for the last few weeks :)
blm + other world issues

PLEASE SHARE, SIGN, AND/OR DONATE!!! More info on BLM and other stuff that's going on rn! Let's end 2020 on a kinda good note!
This one person I know is getting on my ass because they think I'm not doing enough for the BLM movement, but the thing is, I'm doing the best I can, they got mad at me because I'm not preaching to my friends, I'm busy informing my siblings and parents why this is important. And the way I am makes it hard for me to fully commit my entire life to the blm movement. The way the world is gets to my head and makes me want to never get out of bed, and I can't deal with that again.
Don't get me wrong, this movement is incredibly important but people have a limit on what they can take in and do in a certain period of time before they break down and can't handle it. Mental health is important for people of all races and everyone needs a break sometimes
jacob blake was shot seven times in the back by cops in kenosha, wisconsin, on 23 august 2020. he is currently in critical condition and fighting for his life. here are a few links to support him and aid the pursuit of justice:
gofundme for jacob blake and his family
petition to charge the cops who shot jacob blake
milwaukee freedom fund: bail funds for protesters in kenosha
call or email kenosha state officials, compiled by twitter user @ankita_71
split a donation to bail funds across the country
feel free to add updated information or other links!

New video: Should The Church Get Involved With Social Justice Issues Part 2 | LINK TO VIDEO --->
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#SocialJustice #Injustice #TheGospel #BLM #Racism

New video: Christian First And Your Race Last| LINK TO VIDEO --->
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