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It's not over, BLM is still going strong. Hold the police Accountable

What Racial Fetishising looks and sounds like.
Post created by @vibesofablackgirl on Instagram.

BLM’s six original demands concided with their vision statement.
ig: genrisemedia

Follow @mengwe on Instagram

Third in a series of comics about safe and conscientious protesting in a time of pandemic. Stay safe. Stay woke. Stay angry

What even are police at this point anymore cuz I sure as hell don’t fucking know 😒

Milwaukee Police Have Been Caught Sex Trafficking Children By Neighborhood And Nobodies Talking About it
Originally 2 girls went missing in the neighborhood and after many attempts at trying to get police to help, which they refused to do, the community took it upon themselves which is how they landed on the sex trafficking house
“Before we came out here, there were nine kids missing, after we came out here four kids were returned,” said community organizer Frank Nitty, narrating a live video on Facebook from the scene around 7:00 p.m. But the number of kids returned might only be two, as Morales later reported one of the teenage girls wasn’t found and Nitty said another child ran away.
This was all Live Streamed on Facebook
multiple fires being set by unidentified individuals (most likely to get rid of evidence) and gas and non-lethal force being used by the police department.
Demetrius, the steamer who filmed the cops sneaking children out the back of the house is targeted by police for reprisals. They just pulling him over and are arresting him for nebulous reasons and are impounding his car. An angry crowd is gathering.
Cops tear gassed and shot at crowed with rubber bullets
People who went inside the cops’ child kidnapping/rape house say they found a room with a bed and floor covered in blood
As for the house? Well the house not only burned Tuesday night but also has a lengthy history of visits from the Milwaukee Police Department. According to its dispatch log, officers have visited the home at least 27 times in the past four years. The house was burned last night by a crowd after members of the group charged that criminals were using the home and others nearby for sex trafficking.
Cops parked their van near the house and quickly rescued the SEX TRAFFICKERS by putting tarps over their faces to hide their identities and get them safely away from angry crowed.
Source / Source / Source / More Video
To whoever this makes uncomfortable, I'm sorry but this isn't a fight between black vs white; this is good against evil.

Memorial mural in Dallas for Garret Foster, who was gunned down at a Black Lives Matter demonstartion in Austin, Texas on July 25, 2020.
A car drove an intentional path around and between several guide cars (the cars positioned to block traffic from entering the march), then proceeded to pull into the middle of the crowd.
When protesters walked up to the car to back him off, the driver reached out the window and opened fire point blank with a handgun, unleashing several rounds and killed Garett, who was pushing his fiance’s wheelchair in the crowd.
Garrett is a dedicated individual who did not deserve this, and his fiancee Whitney is now left without her husband and primary caretaker.
Garrett will be sorely missed by his family, community, and now the world.
Rest in power Garrett. Mourn the dead, fight like hell for the living!
This man, Mac Smiff, has put it out there crystal clear:
“We came out here dressed in t-shirts and twirling hula hoops and stuff, and they started gassing us. So we came back with respirators, and they started shooting us. We came back with vests, they started aiming for the head. So we started wearing helmets. And now they call us terrorists. Who is escalating this? It’s not us.”

Black-on-Black crime is merely a deflection from the real problems at hand. End of story.
Stay safe and educate! ✊🏽
Follow @bfpnola for more and check our bio for over 200 free social justice and mental health resources!
Fucked up 🤬

Via @nastyfeminism on ig

8.24.20. Kenosha, WI
Police shoot Jacob Blake 7 times in the back as he gets into his car. The city has taken no action against the officers yet, but has deployed force against community members and called in the National Guard. Protests across the country are starting tonight in solidarity with Kenosha, WI and Jacob Blake, who’s currently still in “serious condition.”
If y’all are really about Black Lives Matter, support me. My name is Bella and I am a Black queer activist who has been doing social media protests for two months. They need more attention. These are some resources and information. Next Saturday I am hosting a social media protest to help Black people struggling with money for: HRT, top surgery, medical bills, food, rent, housing, and more.

Jacob Blake is more than just “A Black man shot 7 times” he is more than a statistic, more than a number, more than a victim of police brutality. He is a father of beautiful children and we need to have more empathy while speaking about this, his babies had to WITNESS THIS. Black trauma continues to be brushed under the rug and everybody continues to try to make us try to justify it. While I am grateful to hear he is okay, that doesn’t mean I’m not angry. Don’t stop demanding for justice! BLACK LIVES STILL MATTER! Protests have been happening for THREE MONTHS NOW. But there are plenty of victims of police brutality who don’t get to say they survived. I truly hope the officers involved get charged for attempted murder.

Please reblog this, this is a very important signal boost!