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Is anyone even surprised at this point? #blm #blmmovement #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatters #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #blacklivesmattertome #blacktranslivesmatter #blacktranslivesmatter🏳️🌈 #blacktranslivesmatters #blacktranslivesmattertoo #blacktranslivesmatter🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 #lgbt #lgbtq🌈 #lgbtq #race #racism #racisminamerica #racismisreal #racismisavirus #racist #whitesupremacy #whitesupremacyisterrorism #whitesupremacykills #whitesupremacyculture #whitesupremacistterrorism #whitesupremacistsareterrorists #whitesupremacistsociety #trans #transgender https://www.instagram.com/p/CCBktvCpeNk/?igshid=1w4vrhlzafl8d

#race #racism #racisminamerica #racismisreal #racismisavirus #systemicracism #systemicracismisreal #systemicracismmustend #systemicracismkills #systematicracism #systematicracismisreal #systematicracismexists #systematicracismmustend #white #whiteprivilege #whitepeople #whitepeopledosomething #racist #nonracist #ally https://www.instagram.com/p/CCG5Lg_JqTO/?igshid=12e5tzy9asm9u

#blm #blmmovement #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatters #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #georgefloyd #justice #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforfloyd #justiceforcornelius #justiceforcorneliusfredericks #justiceforfredericks #corneliusfredericks #race #racist #racistcops #racism #racisminamerica #racismisreal #racismisavirus #systemicracism #systemicracismisreal #systemicracismmustend #systemicracismkills #systematicracism #miakhalifa #justiceformiakhalifa #adult #adultvideos https://www.instagram.com/p/CCHOhLvJyp8/?igshid=d9felin3l0jf

Donald Trump is a white supremacist. Full stop. If you vote for him you’re a white supremacist. Full stop. #trump #trumpsupporters #whitepower #whitepowersuspension #whitepowerstroke #whitesupremacy #whitesupremacyisterrorism #whitesupremacykills #whitesupremacyculture #whitesupremacist #whitesupremacistterrorism #whitesupremacistsareterrorists #whitesupremacistinchief #whitesupremacistsociety #donaldtrumpisawhitesupremacist #blm #blmmovement #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatters #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #race #racist #racisttrump #racism #racisminamerica #racismisreal #racismisavirus #confederates #confederatestatues https://www.instagram.com/p/CCIBL65pOEl/?igshid=1tl7qg2i2sanz

#blm #blmmovement #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatters #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #race #racist #racistcops #racism #racisminamerica #racismisreal #racismisavirus #justice #justicefortamir #justicefortamirrice #justicefortamirrice✊🏾 #justicefortamirrice✊🏿 #tamirrice #tamirricewas12yearsold #tamirrice🙏🏾 #patriciamccloskey #patriciamccloskeygetsconsequences #firepatriciamccloskey #arrestpatriciamccloskey #lockuppatriciamccloskey #guns #gunsgunsguns #firearms #gunlaws https://www.instagram.com/p/CCIEIvmJqec/?igshid=58f2vae6z578

Third slide onward confirms what I’ve been saying: Donald Trump is a white supremacist and a nazi. The fact that you can even buy that shit online is absolutely unacceptable on every fucking level. Vote this fucker out or we’ll be singing Horst Wessel Lied as our national anthem. #blm #blmmovement #blacklivesmatter #blacklivesmatters #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 #blacklivesmatter✊🏾 #race #racist #racisttrump #racism #racisminamerica #racismisreal #racismisavirus #donaldtrumpisawhitesupremacist #nazi #nazipunksfuckoff #nazism #donaldtrumpisanazi #trump #trumpsupporters #donaldtrump #donaldtrumpsucks #donaldtrumpracist #orangeman #orangemanbad #fucktrump #fuckdonaldtrump #lib #libbie #liberal https://www.instagram.com/p/CCJAMdHJdJa/?igshid=cu9jbq0a124

Blake Neff works as a writer for @tuckercarlsontonight who is a Fox News anchor. Tucker is a racist and stalks women #race #racist #racists #racism #racisminamerica #racismisreal #racismisavirus #blakeneff #blakeneffisaracist #blakeneffisracist #cancelblakeneff #tuckercarlson #tuckercarlsonfuckshisroomba #tuckercarlsonisaracist #tuckercarlsontonight #tuckercarlsonsucks #canceltuckercarlson #firetuckercarlson #fireblakeneff #arresttuckercarlson #foxnews #foxnewschannel #foxnewssucks #foxnewstoday #cancelfoxnews #fuckfox #fuckfoxnews #fucktuckercarlson #fuckblakeneff #convicttucker https://www.instagram.com/p/CCjzl9wpC9u/?igshid=1xv3sp42gkm6v
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We’re always overlooked... #antiasianracism #antiasian #antiasianhatecrimes #asian #antiasiandiscrimination #antiasianracismanddiscrimination #racist #racistwhitepeople #racists #racism #racisminamerica #racismsucks #discrimination #discriminationsucks #discriminationiswrong #discriminationagainstasians #covid #covid_19 #corona #coronaviruspandemic #coronavirus #coronavirusdisease #coronavirusdisease19 #virus #viruscoronavirus #wearenotavirus #wearenotthevirus #asiansarenotavirus #race #asiangirls https://www.instagram.com/p/CLa5fYZJ_gd/?igshid=110lk1usoflqd
Me and this lil ol Mexican lady were talking in Spanish and this old white bitch in a wheelchair said, "We're in America, why don't you speak English?" and the lil Mexican lady told her, "You have legs, why don't you walk"
I nearly died. I gave her free coffee.

New video: Christian First And Your Race Last| LINK TO VIDEO ---> https://youtu.be/cnLc4n6rKus
Please check out today's upload. Leave any questions, comments, or suggestions you have. Subscribe, like, and share. Click the link above #Christian #Christians #BLM #Blacklivematter #BLMmovement

New video: Standing United As One Race Under God| LINK TO VIDEO —-> https://youtu.be/VcyyrzVe_MA
Please check out today's upload. Leave any questions, comments, or suggestions you have. Subscribe, like, and share. Click the link above
#christianity #christianliving #WhitePriveledge #racisminamerica #race

Who are the Black Hebrew Israelites, and what do they believe about salvation? What they believe might just startle you as they believe salvation is exclusive to them and people that look like them. If you are, know, or have never ever come into contact with this group, then you definitely need to see this video. You never know when you'll have to put what you know to the test, so it's best to study God's word and be ready to give a reason for the hope that you have.
Premieres today! Don't miss it! Link to full video: https://youtu.be/BUe-8vjUnAY
new idea!
the next time you see/hear a white racist call a person of middle eastern descent a terrorist or an asian person a virus, just call them a tyrannical colonizer :)
if they wanna stereotype and entire race, two can play the game
i will break them

this is america
You definitely know when someone is a closet racist when their excuse for not writing a POC character is because “I don’t know how to write for them” like what do you mean by that exactly? You are writing fiction. It’s fantasy so you don’t need anything special to write for them, you are just a lazy racist that won’t acknowledge it.
look at this, kids, Brazilian TV shows a man dressed as Mexican, cultural appropriation😰😞disrespectful Mexican people