Blm Resources - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

What a :) wonderful day :) to remember that Black Lives Matter even weeks after protests! :) Keep learning! :) Buy from local black companies! :) Read! :) Watch movies directed by and starring black people and people of colour about their histories! :)

Keep fighting the good fight. If we shut up and allow this to be a trend, they (aggressors) win. Don't let them win!

(A good website for petitions and information is; look up lists of black history movies on Netflix and actually watch them!)

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4 years ago

Fresh list of organizations that need funding after this week

A lot of the lists on tumblr have been circulating all week and some of the organizations have taken in as much as they can use with the size/scope of their mission. I signed up to the excellent Reclaim the Block and they just posted this list on their facebook.

Black Table Arts -  Gathering Black communities through the arts, towards better black futures.

Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en Lucha - CTUL is a worker-led organization where workers organize, educate and empower each other to fight for a voice in their workplaces and in their communities.

Du Nord Riot Recovery Fund - Du Nord Craft Spirits is a Black-owned distillery with a building that was damaged. They’ve “received a tidal wave of love and support from across the nation and many have asked how they can help… Therefore, Du Nord is establishing this fund to support black and brown companies affected by the riots.”

Little Earth Residents Association - Food and safety needs for residents of Little Earth of United Tribes.

Migizi Communications - MIGIZI Communications advances a message of success, well-being and justice for the American Indian community. Support them rebuilding after fire.

Minnesota Healing Justice Network - We provide a supportive professional community and mutual aid network for wellness and healing justice practitioners who also identify as IBPOC (indigenous, black, or people of color).

Northside business support - support businesses on Minneapolis’s Northside that have been impacted by recent demonstrations.

Pimento Relief Fund - We’re partnering with Pimento to provide black business without insurance relief after white supremacists set them on fire during the protests. 

Powwow Grounds - send via paypal to - Native-run cafe, currently providing meals to elders, protectors and community, purchasing medical supplies, fire supplies, cooking supplies. 

Southside Harm Reduction- Southside Harm Reduction Services works within a harm reduction framework to promote the human rights to health, safety, autonomy, and agency among people who use substances. 

Spiral Collective - A volunteer full-spectrum reproductive options and support group comprised of doulas, birth-workers, and passionate reproductive justice advocates. based in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, occupied Dakhóta territories.

Women for Political Change - Holistically investing in the leadership and political power of young women and trans & non-binary individuals throughout Minnesota.

Unicorn Riot - A decentralized media organization that has been live-streaming uprisings 

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4 years ago

Hi! Please stop scrolling for a sec and sign this petition!!! I can't donate anything so this is the best I can do. If you can't donate either, please share it!!!

Sign the Petition
Demand Justice for Casey Christian Goodson Jr

Thank you and stay safe!!!

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4 years ago

Justice for Casey Goodson | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

ONLY SIGN IF YOU ARE AMERICAN. 2020 is honestly the worst year ever, but we can slowly get better. Let's work together for the next few weeks!

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4 years ago

Fundraiser for Tamala Payne by Kaylee Harper : #justiceforcaseygoodson

#justiceforcaseygoodson, organized by Kaylee Harper
Casey Christopher Goodson Jr. was a 23 year old man who was unexpectedly taken from us. He was s… Kaylee Harper needs your support for #just

PLEASE DONATE IF YOU CAN!!! IF YOU CAN'T, SHARE IT!!! Ok I know I've been posting and reblogging a LOT of stuff that might be considered SJW content but this is really, REALLY important. The point is, 2020 was a crap year, and we should try to make it better for the last few weeks :)

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4 years ago

blm + other world issues

blm + other world issues
blm + other world issues
information about blm and other world issues that i will try to constantly update!

PLEASE SHARE, SIGN, AND/OR DONATE!!! More info on BLM and other stuff that's going on rn! Let's end 2020 on a kinda good note!

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4 years ago

do not ignore this

our momentum is slowing down. we can’t let our dashes go back to normal when the world is not normal. so, if you are reading this, you are ~legally~ obligated to choose 2 numbers below; you must complete the task of those two numbers today. don’t pretend you didn’t see this. either do them right now or set a reminder to get it done before the sun goes down. the timer starts now. choose two. 

sign some petitions. LINK HERE. if hasn’t accused you of being a bot yet, you haven’t signed enough. 

watch these youtube videos. LINK HERE. do not skip the ads. this is a way to help raise money without having to donate any.

sign up to get daily actions. LINK HERE. after filling out the form, you will receive texts Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays telling you what action to take. 

text or call for any of these victims. LINK HERE. this website is extremely helpful, well organized, and practically does all of the work for you.

donate some money. LINK HERE. if you have any more money to spare, please donate it to one of these funds.

follow every single one of these organizations on social media: blcklivesmatter, colorofchange, reclaimtheblock, showingupforracialjustice, and civilrightsorg

post these important sources to your social media. LINK HERE. you have no idea who it might help. 

read this article and forward it to at least one person. LINK HERE. 

watch this video explaining the racial wealth gap. LINK HERE. it’s really informative and only about 15 minutes long. 

do some reading. LINK HERE. this link has a ton of great resources to educate yourself. read at least one. 

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4 years ago

Black Lives Matter Donation Playlist

For those of you who can’t donate as much as you’d like, or want to contribute more to BLM, check out this playlist. It is made up of videos that donate their ad revenue to BLM.

Play it in the backround, plug in headphones so you don’t have to hear it if you don’t want to, whatever. Don’t skip the ads! Use all the tips you’ve learnt from and about streaming and put them to good use. 

Every view counts!

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4 years ago

Black lives matter ♡

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