Bowling For Soup - Tumblr Posts
Every couple of months I have to re-learn that Bowling For Soup wrote the Phineas and Ferb theme song before will smith from men in black shows up at my door and completely erases that fact from my brain
Obscure Song Theory
Okay, okay, everybody's heard Short Skirt, Long Jacket by Cake. HOWEVER. I have a theory about its subject, Miss Kitty/Karen.
Now, there's a line near the end:
At Citibank, we will meet accidentally We'll start to talk when she borrows my pen
NOW here's where the real shit kicks in, okay?
There's this song by Bowling for Soup called Ohio (Come Back to Texas). It has the following line at the beginning:
But then she went to Cleveland With some guy named Leland That she met at the bank
The narrator in Short Skirt, Long Jacket is actually LELAND FROM CLEVELAND and it takes place during a trip to Texas where Kitty/Karen (the subject in Ohio) is making a deposit on her loan from the local Citibank to buy her car with cupholder armrests.
I have no other evidence to support this theory except for this. However, my conviction is pure and true.
Still thinking about Almost by Bowling for Soup in which they censor drunk and fourteen but do NOT censor slut and breastes.
I almost got ----- at school at ------ Where I almost made out with the homecoming queen Who almost went on to be Miss Texas But lost to a slut with much bigger breastes
Why did no one tell me Bowling for Soup has a song called I Wanna Be Brad Pitt?
I know 50% of Wordgirlies don’t know who “Bowling For Soup” are but THE THUMBNAIL IS WAY TOO GOOD FOR ME TO JUST NOT POST THIS!❤️
Nothing has ever felt so right as sitting on the floor behind a table at a bowling for soup show scrolling on Tumblr