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Super Mario - Incorrect Quotes
Source: @theonlyhokuspokus
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Changed the second-last pannel and I like this so much more!
Otherwise you would have the big puppy eyes but not very well rendered and so out of place, lol.

AL HC Moment (friendly-brotherly FxN)
N: F, I thought we were besties..
(Calculator ship)
F: Sorry N, but I always wanted to *f*ly a ship.
Know what? Same. 😭 That’s why I had to make a sequel!

It’s nice to know I’m not alone in feeling that Espio isn’t quite so above it all. Yes, he is an undoubtedly talented and capable ninja, dedicated to his craft and proud of it…but he’s also still sixteen years old.
And I mean that in the best possible way! I would not have been this zen at sixteen!
Also, head-canon that because he’s basically the team dad/dad friend/promoted to parent, Vector hears a LOT of “Bo-oooss” being called like that whiny “Daa-aaad” noise and can do zippo about it.

Part 2 of Espio acting his age for once and Vector aging like milk.

The oldest brother right to haul your little siblings around

when you’re trying to get your brother to medical attention but he keeps flagging down every passerby to take a photo (how is he the one getting blackmail material in this situation???)
sorta follow up for a sketch I did of Dick carrying Jason