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1 year ago

I wanted to check something in the Clone Wars fandom, so please vote

photo of Temuera Morrison in Jango Fett outfit from shoulders up
screencap of captain Rex from shoulders up

And if I could: those eyes have nothing to do with racism, but with changes that come with animation

Many live action and animated characters have different eye colours on the same character, like Saw Garrera(dark brown and green) or the Grand Inquisitor (white and black whites of the eyes).

More fantasy-like eyes make the alien heritage seem possible, and with Jango being mandalorian it's almost impossible for all his grandparents to be humans.

I personally like golden-brown eyes on clones

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8 months ago

Local immortal very annoyed to be brought out of retirement to save the world again.

make me want to read your book in one sentence.

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10 years ago

mutuals this is actually really fun go

Send me a ”hey” and i’ll do this:

1. First impression: 2. Truth is:  3. How old do you look:  4. Have you ever made me laugh: 5. Have you ever made me mad:  6. Best feature: 7. Have I ever had a crush on you: 8. You’re my: 9. Name in my phone: 10. Should you post this too?

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4 months ago

Goodness gracious. I will pray for you

I hate Lana Del Rey so much her music sucks I cannot fucking stand her.

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8 months ago

Recently I learned that my computer does not render scenes very well

Even though I'm not very happy with how it turned out, I figured I might aswell share since it took me about two and a half days just to render the thing,

(it was supposed to be a simple looping animation, and I wanted to focus more on the background, but apparently, my computer doesn't handle that stuff well)

I am very tired right now, if it wasn't already obvious, lol

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9 months ago

Also! While I was yapping about the lore to my besty, they were confused and asked for me to make a relationship chart for the characters, so I did and wanted to also share it here!

Also! While I Was Yapping About The Lore To My Besty, They Were Confused And Asked For Me To Make A Relationship

(edit: I didn't realize until now, but it looks like Auron and Charlie know Sugarboo, the blue is the relationships between them, Seth and Alphonse!)

One note though: you'll see a little nickname in parentheses next to Sugarboo, Rook and Casper's names. These were their code names in the mob.

Rook's was Ground Zero

Casper's was Ghosty

And Sugarboo's was Angel of Death (or just Angel, thought I might change it to be Death Angel bc of Lucien's listener)

Anyways, yapping over unless anyone wants to know the lore behind the code names!

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10 months ago

Glad to see my umbraphillia was helpful. The 360 sunset (that's the official term and I hate it) is one of the most striking things when I first saw an eclipse and I felt like that's something I wanted to see with their design.

I was thinking about your annular suns design and if your still working on it I have a suggestion for some colors to include.

I Was Thinking About Your Annular Suns Design And If Your Still Working On It I Have A Suggestion For

During totality, there's a unique effect I call an "Eclipse Sunset" basically the sky takes on most of the same colors as it does at dusk but since the sun still high in the sky, you end up with this fantastic indigo color as the color fades up into the blue sky. It's difficult to get pictures of, it's more purple IRL. So it might be interesting to include some of those purples and dark blues in the design (maybe even a bit of white for the edge of the shadow?)

COUGH sorry if the doodles look messy, I was having an adrenaline rush

Anyways! That’s not a bad idea to think about! Tho Suns is more based off the Annular eclipse (aka the ring of fire) I decided to actually go with both the Total and Annular Eclipse to see which one is preferred by both you guys and me.

And tbh with you… I’m loving the Total Suns one!

I Was Thinking About Your Annular Suns Design And If Your Still Working On It I Have A Suggestion For

Was debating so hard to not give Suns blue eyes but fuck it they look pretty w em.

Annular Suns has much bulkier, fluffy clothing. Sorta trying to match the fire like and intimidating w it. And I couldn’t stop thinking about giving them a hat because AAH

Total Suns has slimmer clothes but more fur going around their body and they have much colder feel to them. They kinda have an armor theme going on lol

Both their foreheads are dark in color cuz I thought that would be pretty cool, especially with the eclipse themes.

ANYWAYS! Thank you so much for the ideas! Suns is a struggle when it comes to designing them for me and you helped so much!

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10 months ago
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu
En Espaol: Aqu

En Español: Aquí

¿Does the clothes make the lamb, or does the lamb make the clothes?

Some outfits and headcanons of my lamb while he looks great and remembers what modesty is, thanks to his older brother (owo)/

Since "it's just wool" is an excuse that, for me, only works when the other creature is not another sheep XD

¡I hope you like it!

Extra: An observation about a cat and a lamb...

En Espaol: Aqu

They are dancing (ouo)

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3 years ago

We stopped in downtown Corning to get pizza with my grandparents last night. While they and my sister were inside ordering, my mum and I were sitting on a bench near by and talking. While there was a lull in the conversation, this man walked by. I want to say he was about 5'8, stocky, and had an extremely stark farmers tan. He had dark, chin length hair that was pushed back, and a goatee. He wore a wide brimmed, leather cowboy hat, a t shirt with the sleeves and part of the sides cut off, loose jeans, and cowboy boots with spurs on them. The shirt had a whole paragraph about "the future of agriculture" on it. As he walked past us, his spurs a-janglin', he said in a surprisingly high and superior voice "It pays to be a military brat". Once he was out of earshot my mother proclaimed him "interesting," at the exact same time as I said "my husband".

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1 year ago

The all time SLUTIEST thing a man could possibly wear is an open shirt with one of those white vests underneath, tucked into their pants.

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