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Would Ciri really let fake Ciri and Emhyr continue to trick Cintra?
I know many think that Ciri prefers to be a witcheress, it makes sense she never shows interest in recovering her kingdom, not because she doesn't care about the fate of her homeland but because the amount of trauma and persecution she faces doesn't give her time or mental clarity to think carefully what to do, Ciri is a girl who has been constantly dragged by the tide of events and decisions that others make for her. But what would happen if, after healing emotionally and managing to control her power, she decides that she wants to recover her crown? What will she do? What will happen when, upon arriving in Cintra, he sees a false Ciri? When they tell him that a girl who pretended to be her married the guy who invaded his country and caused the death of his family? And if he discovers the real reason for the invasion of Cintra because her own father valued what a piece of paper and the words of a dishonest magician said more than the well-being of his daughter?
It would be a disaster and I don't think like many that Ciri is just going to turn around and never come back, she's going to be furious with Emhyr and she's going to want revenge, I remind you of Ciri's time with the rats, she's no stranger to spilling blood because it is upset, although I got over that phase seeing your biological father who tried to rape you to engender the king of the world living a full and happy life while your own life thanks to him has been hell can return it to that phase again.
Could he really be nice to fake Ciri? Many believe that Ciri will instantly understand the circumstances of the impostor girl. But if she is still angry because, after all, that girl is an accomplice to a deception by an invading nation to usurp the throne of Cintria, which the false Ciri does not have? right? And if even if she likes her, she refuses to let the charade continue, everyone believes that Ciri is going to allow her compatriots to continue being deceived and that she is going to focus on feeling sorry for a young woman forced to take her place. reverse? She pities fake Ciri but demands that she stop using her name and titles because they don't belong to her.
How will the people of Cintra react when the truth is revealed? That his true lost princess has returned and she is not the girl with the sad green eyes portrayed in that painting in the royal gallery of Cintra betrothed to the Emperor of Nifgaard but a woman with the powers of the ancient blood, with the training of a Witcher and the skills of a sorceress; that in addition the consort of the deceased princess Pavetta and the emperor are the same person and that the subject caused the death of his first wife and started a massacre just to commit incest with his own daughter, they were already revealing themselves from imperial control when unexpectedly their princess was found by Nifgaard and married the conqueror of Cintra, forcing them to lay down their arms. Those people are going to want blood, Ciri is going to want blood, and the rest of the northern kingdoms will very likely back her if she wants the crown that rightfully belongs to her.
I don't feel sorry for Emhyr at all when he faces the consequences of his vile acts motivated by a mere prophecy, that idiot was lucky that the author of Witcher wanted to end the saga quickly because another writer like George R.R. Martin would take decades to explain the consequences realistic to make decisions based on prophecies especially if you are in a position of great power with people who depend on you. Emhyr could take on his magically powerful daughter and a bunch of rationally pissed off people, looking for his head while not forgetting that his own people won't be happy that their ruler dragged them into a war with a nation they could have peacefully annexed by their marriage. with Pavetta otherwise he would have been obsessed with forcing his daughter to give birth to a son/brother who would supposedly save the world but in the end he did not have the strength to carry out the act but even so he chose to usurp his own daughter as how did the usurper with him, and give his inheritance to a young woman similar to her with whom he fell in love, I know it is more complicated than that and it was at that time the only way Emhyr saw to solve the mess he got everyone into But it doesn't change how that not only ruined Ciri's life but also that of hundreds who couldn't claim justice because they chose to be loyal to Queen Calanthe's granddaughter when that girl was an impostor.
The only one I really feel sorry for is false Ciri, she was a girl who lost everything in the war and unlike Ciri fate did not magically bind her to a monster hunting protector, that girl had to go through refugee camps and then through the child labor until being kidnapped and forced to assume the identity of another person who could die because no one is going to look for her because everyone thinks it's you.
That girl had to get used to a different culture while having to look like a Cintrian princess, most likely her life before the Cintra massacre was not very good because of how she clung to Lady Stella, Emhyr and her role as Princess Cirilla for the sake of it. comfort that each one gave her, and she refuses to give it up even if the real Ciri rightfully demands it, it would be a tragedy to see these two poor war orphans face each other.
And I think that the Cintrians themselves are going to treat her as a prostitute of the emperor who took the place of her true princess without empathizing with her tragedy.
What do you think?
Sometimes I just like to think about what it could've been if Geralt had gotten Ciri right after Pavetta and Duny died. If Calanthe was so weighed down by grief she realizes she can't take care of Ciri. So she orders Moussack to go find Geralt to collect Ciri. Imagining Geralt in a random tavern somewhere in Temeria, slowly making his way up to Kaer Morhen for the winter as autumn is approaching. Him having a gut feeling he should head up early, he thinks it's because something is wrong with Vesemir so he's anxious to make it through. But Roach needs to rest and well, it wouldn't hurt to get some extra supplies for the winter. Certainly wouldn't hurt to get some extra booze so he has relief from Lambert's grating voice on his ears. Besides, he and Eskel can stay up late and drink to their hearts content up in his room like they used to sneak around when they were teens.
Then out of the blue he sees Moussack, and dread fills his entire body. He doesn't keep up with news outside of what Dandelion tells him. So when Moussack is telling him Calanthe is summoning him he's thinking "oh fuck, she's changed her mind and is going to execute me."
But Moussack reassures him he's not going to be harmed. Calanthe is asking for him because of his child surprise. And now Geralt is really worried. What happened to them? Are they okay? Are they hurt? Did they die? They're only a few months old, there's so much that could've gone wrong. So he agrees to go with Moussack.
Calanthe looks a mess when Geralt sees her. Eist is by her side as always, trying to comfort her. Pavetta and Duny are nowhere in sight and it's making Geralt extremely antsy. Calanthe tells him the news, her voice is hoarse from all the crying she's been doing. Geralt sympathizes with them, gives them his condolences. And then that's when he realizes "oh. OH. OH NO". Sure enough Calanthe tells him she can't take care of herself, how could she care for a baby. Geralt refutes telling her "they're your grandchild, I don't want to rip them away-" and Calanthe tells him then it's a girl. And for a split second his brain gives the helpful thought of "oh I have a daughter" and Geralt is having an internal meltdown right there in the throne room. But he can't refuse. His entire basis for not coming back and claiming her is because she has a family who cares about her. But now that family is saying that they can't care for her, not because they don't love her, but because they do. So Geralt agrees to take her.
The first time he meets her he is entirely captivated by how small and precious she is. The moment he holds her he feels overwhelmed with such a fierce protectiveness and he can't help but absolutely adore her. He is trying so hard to stay stoic and unemotional but the moment he's alone with Ciri back in that old tavern he'd been at he just holds her and smiles. If he'd been a normal man, he probably would've burst into tears by how happy he was. (he did later once she got settled into Kaer Morhen, when he and Eskel did end up drinking up in his room. They're talking about the usual things, and then he looked over to her in her makeshift crib and just started bawling. Eskel freaks out and asks him what's wrong and he replies "I just love her so much."... Yes Eskel teared up.)
Then he has to go through the lovely moments of "how the fuck do you raise a baby" which Vesemir watches with so much amusement. Geralt raided most of Kaer Morhen's library and Nenneke's office for books about parenting. (Kaer Morhen has none, unsurprisingly.) He eventually asks Eskel to go to Oxenfurt and grab Dandelion and any books about parenting, childhood development, psychology and women's health he can find. (He is DREADING eventually having The Talk with Ciri but he won't be unprepared.) Dandelion is completely awestruck with Kaer Morhen of course however, nothing shocks him more than seeing Geralt looking bone tired with a 5 month old baby wailing in his arms, trying to soothe her.
"uh... What ya got there, Geralt?"
"H e l p."
Where's Yennefer? What about Yennefer?? Geralt is hesitant at first to even tell Yennefer he has a kid. But she sends him a letter one day, asking him where he is now that it's coming up on spring. (Ciri's first bday!!! Yay!!!! Also oh gods planning a birthday?!?!?!?? That's a thing??????) So he does tell her, and she understandably to her character demands to see this child surprise. So again, sends Eskel on out (pls Geralt, he's your childhood best friend, not your errand boy.) to go get Yennefer. Yennefer storms through the main hall, not even acknowledging Lambert and Vesemir, and right up to Geralt. How did she manage to find her way through the halls without ever being there before? Geralt doesn't know and he's scared by it. Yennefer spots Ciri, who's doing her tummy time. To which she's very fussy about and gives the nastiest glares an almost 1 year old can to her father. Yennefer is absolutely gobsmacked that Geralt was being genuine. She points to Ciri, then to Geralt, then back to Ciri, to Geralt.
"YOU?????? HOW????"
"I'm really bad at making jokes."
Yennefer adores Ciri, but Ciri is a little skeptical of her. Who is this strange woman????? Where is her dad?????? Where's her other dad (Dandelion)???? How dare she smell nice and be warm???? Ugh as if she'd let her feed her!!! No way! Yennefer is always completely drenched with baby food whenever she attempts to feed Ciri. Geralt tries so hard not to laugh at her. Ciri is absolutely seething by the end of it and is only contained when Geralt picks her up and holds her securely. Then it's like little devil Ciri never existed, she's all smiles and babbling happily to her dad. Yennefer gets really disheartened over it. Late at night she ends up crying over it, thinking it wouldn't matter if she was able to have kids or not; Ciri proves she'd be a horrible mother anyway. Geralt doesn't know what to say at first, but he knows it's not true. Yennefer is trying her best, it's just that Ciri is really fussy. She even fusses sometimes when Dandelion holds her. He tries to comfort Yen, and ends up deciding the best thing to do is hold her and tell her that she's doing amazing. He doesn't think she believes him because she's still got a very somber look on her face the next day. She becomes reluctant to take up care of Ciri because of the incident. Well about after the third day of this Ciri gets fussy again. Geralt is taking a well deserved nap day. He's back in his room snoozing away. Yennefer and Dandelion are with Ciri in the library, one of the warmest places in the keep. Dandelion wipes his hands of the ink that stains them and picks her up and checks if she's soiled. She isn't, so he asks if she's hungry. She thrashes around in his hold and turns in search of Yennefer and starts grabbing towards her. So Dandelion hands her over to Yen. The moment Ciri's resting against Yennefer she settles down.
"huh, guess she just wanted her mommy." Dandelion comments and Yennefer starts crying. (Dandelion's face morphed from aww to OH FUCK)
The bigger Ciri gets the more rambunctious and energetic. Geralt couldn't be prouder that they're all raising her to be genuine to herself and that they've broken the generational trauma. Vesemir pats Geralt on the shoulder one day and tells him "I'm proud of you, Wolf" and damn, if that doesn't make him want to cry. He doesn't of course, only meeting Ciri made him cry from joy. And oh how she gives Lambert a run for his money. It's hilarious to see a 60-something year old argue with a 4 year old. They get into the most stupid arguments too. "blue is better than red!" Or "I'm taller than you" which is the most absurd because it's always Ciri who starts it. Geralt thinks it's because Lambert is the shortest besides Vesemir. But Vesemir has only become short due to his old age, and Ciri already gives him a hard time for that. ("Why are you so fat and old? Aren't you a Witcher like Daddy?" She said once and Vesemir just paused and looked at her like "why would you say that to me". She burst into a giggle fit at his crushed expression.)
The argument will always, without fail, go:
C: I'm taller than you.
L: no you're not? I'm 5'11!
C: well I'm 8 feet tall!!!!
L: more like 2 feet tall!
Then she'll stand on the chair so she towers over Lambert.
L: fine well I'm older.
C: no??? My birthday is first
C: uhhhhh I hate to break it to you, but no you're not. You've been lied to your whole life.
C: uhmmmmm god.
Then when Coën finally meets one of the Wolves and comes up to Kaer Morhen he's shocked to see someone so young. At the time Ciri was around 7. She calls him ugly and walks away to the stables. Coën is just left flabbergasted while Lambert and Eskel are laughing their asses off. Geralt apologizes to him, while trying to hold in his laughter. Coën becomes like an older brother to Ciri, and he gets on her good side by helping her prank Lambert.
When Ciri hits 12 she does get her period, and Geralt is like "OH GOD OH FUCK HOW DO I TALK TO HER ABOUT THIS I DONT WANT TO MAKE IT-" and Yennefer walks into the room and goes "I told her, we're good."
Then comes the "boy talk" Where Ciri brought up that a character in a romance book was attractive and Geralt went into "No one is good enough for my baby girl" dad mode and brashly announced "you're not allowed to date boys until you're 21."
Yennefer slaps him on the arm and Ciri looks at him almost offended.
"jokes on you I don't even know if I LIKE boys. Maybe I just like this character's personality." She replies sassily. Geralt cannot argue with that logic. (And yes 2 months later, she goes on a day trip with Yen and talks to a girl her age. She comes back and Geralt asks her how it went and she says "I definitely like girls." And walks up to her room to take a nap. Geralt celebrates as soon as she leaves "YES!!! I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT SOME BRUTE MESSING WITH MY DAUGHTER FUCK YEAH" Yennefer reminds him that some women are just as bad and he crumples to the floor in agony. Now he has to worry about brutish women hurting his daughter.)
Essentially, I just love that Geralt has a daughter, and that he's so proud of her and loves her so much. Their relationship is just so 🥹❤️ I adore them.
If you are thinking about soft headcanons for Eskel/Eist, I would very much love to hear them 😍
I know I was asked this a few days ago but I wanted to sit and let my thoughts kind of brew, and instead of soft wholesome headcanons, I totally think they’d be that soft chaotic ship?
Like I bet they totally did the dirty on a house roof once, or head a picnic in a tree. They’ve totally trained and sparred together too, and has made out in every hidden place they could find, twice. I saw something for Eist and Eskel, but also Calanthe was also apart of what they had and I agree
I bet Eskel gets scrambled after a night with those two, it also probably keeps Calanthe on her high horse, knowing she can reduce a witcher like Eskel to pleads and begs.
I swear the scene where Tissaia walks in and sees everyone in cuffs and Sabrina ask Keira why isn't Tissaia secured and Keira is just like "what the fuck do you expect me do I'm not trying to get killed".
Like really Sabrina? This is Tissaia De Vries, The Rectoress of Aretuza. The person who trained thousands of girls including Phillipa and Yennefer. The woman who taught you all everything you know. You thought she could be put in handcuffs without a fight?