Canon What Canon - Tumblr Posts

*gently places this down*
Wait, was Jessica confirmed to be a brunette in the books? If so, can I get a page number? I don't remember them saying what her hair was.
She was. I don’t have a page number though.
It's giving Winx Enchantix too and I love it

I absolutely love how every time the Jedi are dealing with a potential threat, they declare "In the name of the Republic!" like they're freaking Sailor Moon.

New Yord/Osha fic! Fluff because: as far as I'm concerned, this last episode didn't happen. They can go take a hike with this canon for all I care, fix-it fics it is.
TW angst but it does have a buttload of comfort and fluff.💛
Because our babies deserved better than this.💛
Reminder we have a Yorsha discord open peeps!! Dm @zorosnavigator or me @maul-of-shame to get an invite!!
and then they (including reggie) ran together and reggie officiated their wedding and the jegulus got married and that was the end of that.
okay but Barty is the type to crash Evan's wedding.
like a marriage to a pureblood girl from his parents and none of his friends (minus Reggie) are allowed and then at the "does anyone object to this union" part, Barty just comes striding in.
Hard cut to Klaus talking to the girl on the bicycle
Klaus: “Did we save the world or screw it up again?”
Bicycle God: “You were never the problem”
She holds up an action figure of Reginald and crushes it in her bare hands. Marigold lights emerge from it. Golden light envelops everything
Hard cut to Klaus waking up in bed. He is wearing pajamas covered in marigolds.Street noise can be heard from outside.
(From offscreen) “You okay, Hon?”
Klaus looks over and Dave is cooking breakfast in their flat
Klaus: “Yeah, just had a weird dream.”
Looks out the window and sees an empty lot where the Hargreeves mansion should be.
Klaus: “Wasn’t there a building there?”
(Naïve Melody by the Talking Heads begins to play over a montage)
Diego and Lila Are wrangling their kids into the camper van. One of the kids gives Lila a picture of her family in a field of bunch of orange flowers (marigolds)
Luther is stripping and the obsessed lady in the crowd is Sloan. He has a marigold in his mouth. He takes it out and gives it to her.
Viktor is playing the violin with Harlon. Sissy is setting the table. She sets a bouquet of marigold into a center vase.
Allison is gardening while Clare and Ray play in the yard. She is planting Marigolds.
Five is teaching at some university. An older woman comes in. “Dolores” he says as she kisses him. He has a Marigold in the lapel of his suit jacket.
Jennifer serves Ben at the dinner. Closeup on her pouring coffee. He has a Durango flower tattoo that says “Jennifer” and she had a marigold tattoo that says “Ben”
Cut back to Klaus staring out the Window
Dave: No, been an empty lot as long as I can remember
Klaus, smiles: Yeah, I don’t know why I thought that
Camera Zooms out from the window as music continues
Reginald, voiceover: And that is how our unlikely heroes manage to create one timeline where everything was fine.
BTS footage plays with the final credits 
Chapter Eight: To Put a Cat Amongst Pigeons

"So," Harry began, as Ruby inspected the books that the librarian had suggested, "I had a weird dream last night. The one with the screaming, and the green light, and our — our mum. But what's funny is that Quirrell was in it."
"Quirrell?" asked Ruby disbelievingly. "Well, he's a bit of a joke, isn't he? Maybe you had some weird cheese last night."
Pleased with what she found, Ruby hefted the heavy stack of books (all right, perhaps she'd been a bit overzealous) and started off in search of a table. Harry trailed behind her, frowning.
"I think I've got to speak to Quirrell," he said, sitting down opposite her with a serious expression.
Ruby snorted. "Never realized you were superstitious about stuff like dreams."
"I'm not," Harry protested. "It's just, we thought all this time our parents died in a car crash, but now that we know what really happened, I know that dream is really a memory of me seeing Mum — Mum die." His voice shook on the last word. "So, if magic is real, why not dreams? I've just got this feeling, I dunno. I really think I've got to speak to him. I just don't know what I've got to speak to him about, yet."
"If that's what you think," said Ruby, opening the first book from her stack.
"This House thing is stupid," said Harry, lowering his voice to a whisper as the librarian walked past them. "I mean, we can't meet in the library all the time — it closes at eight!"
He seemed disproportionately worried about this, Ruby thought. To her, it was all very, very simple.
"You're my brother," she said, rolling her eyes as she looked up from her book. "We're not going to have some kind of crisis just because Slytherins and Gryffindors don't usually get along."
In summary, Pansy put a rat in someone’s bed, Harry and Draco got in a fight, and Quirrell is acting sus.
Read from the beginning at FFN | AO3!
Chapter Twelve: Mirrors and Shadows (Are One and The Same)

“Is it normal what’s happening to me, sir? With the shadows?”
“N-Normal?” stuttered Quirrell. “Why, it’s e-extraordinary, Mr. Potter. I am so glad that you’ve c-confided in me. I always liked to go to P-Professor Slughorn myself, when I was your age.”
“Professor Slughorn, sir?”
Quirrell’s expression was strangely wistful.
“Y-Yes. Used to teach Potions, y-you know. Very admirable man. Extraordinarily helpful, to those who were a-academically or p-politically inclined. But you wouldn’t be much interested in that quiet sort of life, would you, P-Potter?”
After chaos, comes reflection... the shadows return.
On his friends’ request, Harry agrees to confide in a professor about the strange shadows lurking around him. Why not Professor Quirrell, around whom his scar hurts and magic stabilizes?
Of course, Harry doesn’t realize just who he’s talking to.
Read from the beginning at FFN | AO3!