Chalco Yong - Tumblr Posts

Did some sketches of Ikora Rey and Chalco Yong right before Lightfall! I did a design of Chalco a few months ago. I wish we got more lore about her!

I did it for my favorite, hinted in the lore but not in game ship, Chalco Yong and Ikora Rey! Okay, Ikora to me is totally a lesbian. I think she was in a relationship with Eris Morn at one point. But her current gf is Chalco Yong. Ever since I read how much Ikora opens up to Chalco about her worries in the Witch queen collectors edition lore book, I've shipped these two together. I see them being a power couple, but also having a complicated relationship because they spend so much time away from one another with Ikora being a vanguard and Chalco doing her Hidden work. I really hope one day we see what Chalco actually looks like and she is featured in the game instead of being just a lore-only character.

Figured I'd make my own ship bingo for my specific ship opinions. (Feel free to steal!)

Me: let's work on some figure drawing!
Also me: *first one is two women holding hands* Let's make some Ikora x Chalco fan art!
Okay, so Bungie doesn't give us enough lore about these two, so I have some head cannons about them. Honestly still don't really know how these two meet, but they've worked together a lot in both Crucible and actual missions. Chalco is a fierce arcstrider and was taught a lot by Tallulah Fairwind (the first hunter vanguard) and often learned a lot about being an academic from Osiris. Spending a lot of time with warlocks/academics led Chalco to be one herself. Chalco always had feelings for Ikora but Ikora didn't realize it (I imagine Ikora dated Eris at one point). Eventually Chalco and Ikora do end up together.
Things were going great, but they had a bit of a rough patch when Osiris was exiled because the Speaker acted as though it was a unanimous vote to exile Osiris but both Andal and Ikora voted against this. Chalco by that point really liked Osiris and even tho she saw he wasn't the best commander/warlock vanguard, still believed he was an important academic to the city. Chalco later finds this out from Andal how the vote actually went. Chalco makes up with Ikora, but since Ikora is the vanguard now and Chalco is one of her most important Hidden in the field, they spend a lot of time apart.
I often wish we got more lore about Ikora's past beyond her Crucible days and she being Osiris' student, kinda like how they humanized Zavala with the whole Safiyah/Hakim story. And I just want more Chalco lore. I get excited to read it whenever it's given. I know we'll never see her in game, but I thought the same about Eido, and I was super thrilled when they actually put her in game. So I can hope maybe the same will happen for Chalco.

While I haven't played D2 recently, I've definitely doodled Chalco Yong and my warlock
While I might not be playing D2, I am doodling a lot of Chalco Yong and Ikora. Here is Chalco in some casual running errands in the city with various sweaters (some homemade by Zavala). Also, I doodled Chalco stealing Ikora's bond in the bottom right. I totally see this as the guardian equivalent of stealing your partner's sweatshirt--stealing your partner's class item. Rip anyone who dates a titan and is just stealing a hand towel lol.

My headcannon is Ikora is a lesbian and Cayde is pansexual. Ikora and Cayde are really good friends, but with both being Vanguards, there are often tabloids about them being a thing. So of course Cayde likes to play into this some days, like sneakily figuring out how to hold Ikora's hand in public or asking her to a dinner date. Results vary and oftentimes results in Sundance rezzing Cayde due to a nova bomb or a well placed arc staff when Chalco's nearby. But sometimes they actually do go to a restaurant together for dinner after a long Consensus meeting.
"natsu and lucy are just really close friends!" to you maybe. to me they're doing it sloppy style.
When I ship Ikora with both Chalco and Eris and Eris with both Ikora and Drifter, and this season is like, really sapphic gay...maybe I'm just gonna start saying they're in a poly/open relationship together lol. Three great female characters in a poly? Hell yeah! Tho would Chalco joke about Eris sleeping with the Drifter of all people? Yes, yes she would.
nah but what eris and ikora have going on is genuinely so gay like i like eris and drifters relationship more these last couple interactions but as friends. but ikora and eris?? bro what do you mean they haven’t been in a slow burn romance for the last like idk 500 years game time probably liiiiiike it’s rEALLY gay my guy kiss already
Me with Chalco
i love people with favorite characters who barely have any content. i hope you feast well on your three comically tiny bread crumbs tonight
Forgot to post this one! Inktober Day 19/20 2023: no prompt. This is what happens when you get the prompt "demon," start drawing a pose, not really feel the drawing, and then do fanart of Chalco Yong being a badass arcstrider instead using that original demon pose. Inks: Manyo Shirakashi, Noodler's Autumn Oak, Noodler's Brown, and a sharpie pen.

One time I mentioned to my bf that Eris is a hunter and he was like, no, she's a warlock. And so I had to explain to him that no, she is very much a hunter lol.
I like picturing hunters and titans who are very much researchers (Eris and Chalco being hunters but doing their own research and experiments and my titan, Cynthia, is an exo scientist who the fireteam questions whenever she is taking apart an exo frame in her apartment). It's not just warlocks who obsess and do experiments lol.
The fact Eris was a Hunter when she still had her Light still baffles me, sometimes. She's the most warlock-coded character there is, more so than some actual Warlocks. The whole "obsession" thing, being referred to as a witch, the slightly unethical experiments, the general mysticism...
Then I imagine Eris as a stereotypical hunter, smashing into ceilings, accidentally stabbing herself with her own knives, getting her cloak caught in's pretty funny
Everyone, I am deceased. Chalco Yong disturbs Ikora's mediation in lore during this solstice and Ikora gives in to Chalco's distraction. And then they get dumplings together. My headcannon Chalco x Ikora is still strong. Chalco uses void light which is fun because I've always imagined she's an arcstrider first and foremost, but stealthy void hunter is her second go to, just for her hidden work. Gosh, I'm so unwell. I didn't expect to be eating so good. Bungie give me more of this! Please give Chalco a character model too! Now I'm picturing this whole scene and Ikora and Chalco leaving Ikora's hidden office to get dumplings while holding hands. I need to draw more Chalco fan art.

Planning some more sapphic fanart of Ikora and Chalco. Will it actually happen or is it just going to stay as a concept? We shall see.

"with love, Chalco" // Chalco and Ikora wip
Had to contribute to the Ikora Rey week! I want to do this with markers, so it'll take some time before it's done (probably not before the end of the week, which is why I'm posting the wip). I've always loved Ikora and Chalco's relationship since we got the juicy Hidden Dossier lore book right before Witch Queen (if you're an Ikora simp, you must read the book).
Yes! For those of you who don't know Chalco lore, I use two different things specifically for Chalco from the game. One is the Dragon's Shadow hunter exotic because it has the flavor text, "It is my honor --Chalco Yong to Ikora Rey" (probably Chalco's response to Ikora asking her to be in the hidden) and it has the Hidden Creed on it. I've just always imagined after that this exotic piece is the one Chalco actually uses. And the other is we actually know Chalco's color scheme! We have the "Chalco's Finery" shader in game! I use the old version of the shader for how I color in Chalco (the new one makes the terracotta color look very dark red, even tho there is no dark red when applied to something). Like two years ago, I drew her design based around dragons shadow and this shader. I might dump a pile of my Chalco and Ikora art on Tumblr today.

"with love, Chalco" // Chalco and Ikora wip
Had to contribute to the Ikora Rey week! I want to do this with markers, so it'll take some time before it's done (probably not before the end of the week, which is why I'm posting the wip). I've always loved Ikora and Chalco's relationship since we got the juicy Hidden Dossier lore book right before Witch Queen (if you're an Ikora simp, you must read the book).

Ikora and Chalco holding hands, going to catch up eating dumplings (and copious amounts of tea) after everything that happened during the Final Shape (see this lore entry)! My contribution to Ikora week 2024! It's been fun making sapphic fanart of them. I need more gay fanart of them in the world!
My bf bought an apple tablet and a pencil for it. I visited him this past week and he let me play with it. I ended up downloading Procreate and playing with it. I drew four doodles while I was there lmao. I might need to buy my own tablet for drawing. It's just super easy to use Procreate with the minimal knowledge I have of digital art programs. So here is Minerva in his favorite shell and a Chalco Yong sketch!