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1 year ago

Hey gang! I plan on still playing through to the Final Shape. I'm taking a little break now before next season. I already got my gilded Iron Lord and Haruspex titles, and I wanna take a mini break from the game with all the recent bungie news.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do after TFS. I love the lore and the characters and designs, but I'm not sure where Bungie is going with the game. I don't think TFS is a proper conclusion because there are still so many loose threads to complete (fikrul the fanatic and the scorn, savathun and Xivu, the vex, the other Eliksni houses, the curse on the dreaming city, etc, etc). And I would love to see more of these played out. But idk if I'm just gonna watch YouTube videos of these things or continue playing after TFS. I think I'll wait until Bungie gives us more information about what is coming next for them and destiny to decide.

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1 year ago

This is interesting. I'm cis and I've definitely imagined myself in multiple ways. Like I see myself as who I am. Sometimes I see myself in a more openly queer way (cause rn I'm in the closet to most people irl). Sometimes I see myself in a specific persona of "Bubo" (it's a nickname my bf calls me irl), which while close to myself, feels slightly different. And I've just viewed myself as a concept. What does it mean to be [insert my name here]?

When you picture yourself in your mind, do you imagine yourself precisely how you look in real life, or do you see something else (an alter ego, a person who looks differently, another being, etc.)? When you're visualizing from the first person's pov, whose hands are you seeing? If you have aphantasia, consider "seeing" as a metaphor for the way you think of the concept of yourself.

The main options (we put them here due to the character limit):

🪞: I only imagine myself the way I look like irl.

🪆: I imagine someone/something that represents me.

✨️: I imagine myself in multiple ways: the way I am, as another being, as an abstract concept, you name it.

Please reblog for a bigger sample size and feel free to expand on your answer in the comments / tags!

Credit to @anon (we added a few options).

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1 year ago

Me today: yeah, I'm not gonna be on d2 the rest of of the season

Also me: omg they dropped new info in the Imbaru Engine! I need to sign on quickly!

Hey gang! I plan on still playing through to the Final Shape. I'm taking a little break now before next season. I already got my gilded Iron Lord and Haruspex titles, and I wanna take a mini break from the game with all the recent bungie news.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do after TFS. I love the lore and the characters and designs, but I'm not sure where Bungie is going with the game. I don't think TFS is a proper conclusion because there are still so many loose threads to complete (fikrul the fanatic and the scorn, savathun and Xivu, the vex, the other Eliksni houses, the curse on the dreaming city, etc, etc). And I would love to see more of these played out. But idk if I'm just gonna watch YouTube videos of these things or continue playing after TFS. I think I'll wait until Bungie gives us more information about what is coming next for them and destiny to decide.

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1 year ago

Bubo: so since we are hatching a whim, can we keep it in our house?

Tripore: ......absolutely not Bubo. No baby Ahamkaras or other dragons in our house.

Bubo: but they're so cute! 🥺🥺🥺

Tripore: no. Their wish magic is dangerous and you already have some Ahamkara bones.

Bubo: but they're not cute! 😭😭😭

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1 year ago

Fellas, I knew the theme of next season. I leaked it early with my Festival of the Lost costume.

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1 year ago

I absolutely love that our guardian was the one to figure out the 15th wish. Like I already headcannon that my warlock is super artsy and part of the Hidden, but this just cements it. Also, the young wolf must be really good at puzzles at this point for them to be like, "hear me out. Savvy has the long awaited 15th wish on her wing." Like, it makes sense when we think about us finding the Ahamkara egg, but idk how the YW went from dots on Savvy's wing to the actual symbols we need to punch into the Wall of Wishes. I would love to know more about how we came to the conclusion of the possible four symbols to use.

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1 year ago

I actually really loved Osiris when I began learning more about him. Meanwhile Mara I thought was a bitch and didn't like her. But now that I've learned more about both Mara and Osiris and have seen them in multiple stories, they're both some of my favorite characters.

But yeah, an old Egyptian man makes sense when they are describing the most powerful warlock whose name is Osiris. He's named after an Egyptian god of death! And while it's just a name, he can be from somewhere else, it is still fitting. And having Sagira's name meaning "little light" in Arabic reinforces this notion. But I suppose it's obscure enough that people might not know. My bf had no idea Osiris is an Egyptian god, but I know this from years of reading Greco-Roman and Egyptian mythology as a kid. Also, I don't understand how it's confusing to people Osiris is old. Like, the wise old wizard/scholar trope? And lightbearers can be any age?? Of course Osiris could have been young, but it makes more sense if he is older. Especially to play up the teacher-student dynamic of Osiris and Ikora's stories. Also, he's gay. And people can just be gay! And Osiris and Saint aren't very trope-y gay men, they're just themselves and happen to be in a relationship together. Like, wow, yes, I too would write love poems and literally fuck up time for my "friend."

how someone feels about osiris really is an (unfortunate) litmus test for whether or not they're someone whose opinions can be trusted. Like, hey, you! Can you be normal about a gay Egyptian Jewish man? Especially if he's not polite? Especially when he's neurodivergent, and shows strong traits of that neurodivergence? What does it say about you that you preferred him when Savathun was masquerading as him and being nice to you while she undermined the City, but not when he was being rude and blunt and fighting for the good of humanity?

Because if you don't like him just because he's an ass, that's fine, but if you hate him yet are chill with Mara* being a dick then you miiight want to think about why that might be the case.

(*to be clear I also fucking love Mara, but she's more of a test of 'can you handle morally grey characters' than a test of good faith since she is, canonically, a straight-up bitch. A bitch with good intentions, and I love her, but also a bitch. Osiris, however, presents more of a nuanced situation because of racial biases towards Middle Eastern men)

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1 year ago

"never trust how you feel abt ur life after 9pm" is a spring & summer & fall rule. for winter it's never trust how u feel abt ur life after 4pm

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1 year ago

There is a lore entry this season where there is an awoken celebration mentioned. It's called the "Night of Ascents" and it's a yearly celebration of the awoken leaving the Distributary. Some awoken space magic allows them to view this journey. I absolutely love how we got to see a new bit of awoken culture! I wonder if the awoken in the last city also celebrate it. I can definitely see this being something both reef and earth born awoken celebrate.

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1 year ago

Oh gosh. I really hope this is why cayde is around in the Final Shape. Honestly it would be an interesting reason for Cayde to be back.

But if Crow gets his wish, I wonder what the consequences will be of it this time? Maybe this is why Cayde is only in the Traveler. Will Cayde actually lead us in the right direction towards the witness? I know Bungie is marketing it as, "hey guys, hang out with your vanguard buddies one more time!" But perhaps Cayde will lead us astray. Or perhaps Cayde is fine as a ghost and some other thing will be messed up now. I guess we have seven months to see.

Also, poor Crow. He's probably not gonna trust Mara or himself with this new manipulation.

Unforseen Consequences Exotic Ship Lore. Welp. I Think This More Or Less Solves Why Cayde Is In The Portal.
Unforseen Consequences Exotic Ship Lore. Welp. I Think This More Or Less Solves Why Cayde Is In The Portal.
Unforseen Consequences Exotic Ship Lore. Welp. I Think This More Or Less Solves Why Cayde Is In The Portal.

Unforseen Consequences exotic ship lore. Welp. I think this more or less solves why Cayde is in the portal. It might not just be the Traveler reconstructing our journey. It's because Crow wished for it. He is clearly not talking to real Mara here, and instead it's an Ahamkara apparition, mimicking how Uldren spoke to the same. It literally says that "the illusion fades" and then she invokes anthem anatheme.

We know Crow will get his wish. However. What will be the unforseen consequences.

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1 year ago

Just completed a full run of the Coil, and it was a lot of fun! I can definitely see how it's hard to do with matchmaking tho. The first attempt we did, we had a hunter just flying through, so we weren't getting enough shards for the secret chests. The second time, we had a strand titan who was really good and we got through the whole thing in an hour (It was a bit worrisome tho doing the last bit of boss DPS with no lives lol). We definitely got lucky that time with the random titan we paired up with. But yeah! It was fun! I really liked how it went back and forth between collecting/platforming and the boss fights. Plus the added difficulty of it progressively getting harder was fun. And it's in the Dreaming City, so it's right up my alley.

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1 year ago

I was wondering if we could start collecting them this week! I noticed a triumph for the seal was called "Feline Familiars" and I knew we'd be collecting more Dreaming City cats this season!

There's cats to collect..... and they pur... And they're called starcats.... Guide for first two.

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1 year ago

I just saw that we are getting OWL themed armor for the Dawning and I'm stoked! The bottom of the warlock robes look so similar to the ones I designed my warlock! I'm so excited to have something more similar to my headcannon design of Bubo's armor! Also, I mean--Bubo is literally Latin for owl. I am here for the owl armor lol (also I'm jelly hunters get the freaking cool owl head helmet)

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1 year ago

Eris bringing her pet Ahamkara skull like

I know you said no pets but would it be ok if i brought a flaming skull

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1 year ago

New wish dragon lore, but more importantly new canon queer characters in D2! This is in the "Second Gift" chapter of the "Gifts and Bargains" lore book (it's from the Starcrossed exotic mission). And we get this banger line when Taranis is showing Riven around his Black Garden lair:

New Wish Dragon Lore, But More Importantly New Canon Queer Characters In D2! This Is In The "Second Gift"

That details about Uldren and his partner! Jolyon and Uldren were in a relationship! Of course, it doesn't specify who Uldren's partner is, but we know Jolyon went to the Black Garden with Uldren and with the recent dialogue between Crow and Petra, where Petra is kind of a wingman for these two, yeah, I think it's confirmed.

Not only are they officially canon, but this also means Uldren/Crow is bisexual like Mara! Because Uldren was in a relationship with Jolyon and Crow had feelings for Amanda. I've always assumed he was bi (possibly pan when it wasn't confirmed if Mara was bi or pan), but it's nice to get confirmation! 💙💜🩷

Add that to my list of D2 characters who I think are bi/pan getting confirmed to be as such: Drifter, Mara, and now Uldren/Crow. Can Bungie confirm that Andal and Cayde were hella pan and very much gay for each other next?? The Final Shape is coming up with memory/ghost Cayde, soooo....perfect opportunity

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8 months ago

Omg I just finished the final shape and it was so good!! I was in tears watching the final cutscenes. Definitely one of the best Destiny expansions. I'm not sure if I like this one more or Witch Queen, but right now it's the Final Shape. I have so much fan art I want to draw now!

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8 months ago

I'm so glad my boyfriend introduced me to destiny! The lore is absolutely great! I love the cast of characters. I have too many headcannons now about some of my favs.

It's an ongoing joke that my bf didn't explain d2 well enough for me for a long time, so I thought it was some minor free to play game (this was his COVID lockdown game). Finally I just tried it on his account. He wanted to remake his warlock. He already had a human titan and an exo hunter. So, he wanted me to remake his warlock into an awoken. I got to customize them. And I made my warlock Bubo. I quickly wanted to make my own D2 account and I remade my warlock on there and she's been my main ever since. It's been a great getting into this game!

Omg I just finished the final shape and it was so good!! I was in tears watching the final cutscenes. Definitely one of the best Destiny expansions. I'm not sure if I like this one more or Witch Queen, but right now it's the Final Shape. I have so much fan art I want to draw now!

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8 months ago

My bf and I did the Final Shape mission where we went to Europa with Mithrax and Ikora was on the comms. Afterwards, Mithrax comments on how Eido looks up to the "Great Ikora Rey." I didn't even have time to comment about how Mithrax is talking about my favorite nerdy eliksni when my bf says, "just date Eido already. You like her. She's nerdy. You just want a cute date in the city where you two can have tea and discuss human/eliksni culture, and also talk about how you both look up to Ikora. And probably a dreaming city star cat would be there that you would be petting." My bf knows all too well I just want to go on a cute tea date with Eido.

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8 months ago

I started drawing Crow based off the little bit we saw of his new drip on the cutscene. I wasn't able to see Crow in the tower like twice after completing the final shape. And then I finished my sketch (not inking it luckily), I checked the tower again and of course Crow was finally in his spot. I had to change parts of the drawing lol. I was imagining the tassels would have a feather pattern but it's fun with the hunter symbol too!



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8 months ago

My biggest gripe with the Final Shape was the lack of Ikora's ghost, Ophiuchus. I know he is a very quiet ghost and he and Ikora don't have the best relationship (they had a period where they didn't talk for a good 61 years and there is a lore entry this season where Ophiuchus thinks about how he and Ikora are still very much important to each other but not friends like they used to be).

I feel like maybe this could have been a good point for them to reconnect a bit of what they've lost over the years. Like, Ophiuchus also has been around for centuries, seen some messed up things during the dark age, seen the creation of the city, watched Ikora grow from a new light to a crucible main to one of the most important warlocks ever, seen the arrival of the black fleet, etc, etc. And we know from the lore that he is a ghost who thinks a lot and has a lot of personal theories, like the connection between ghosts and guardians that he told Sagira about. It would have been fun to see his reaction to the pale heart. Or to see his reaction to the loss of Targe. Perhaps it was a point in which Ikora tells Ophiuchus how much he means to her, even if they've had many differences and fights over the years.

I know Bungie doesn't like adding too many characters into narrative at once, which I totally understand, but this felt like a time for at least a little bit of dialogue between Ikora and Ophiuchus.

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