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Claire “I’m done with your bullshit Matt Murdock/I’m no one sidekick” Temple

#meets Claire #is instantly rejuvenated

i’ve started watching daredevil and i have some thoughts
daredevil au where everything is the same but matt wears heart shaped glasses bc foggy got them for him the first april fools they we’re friends as a gag gift and matt just never switched them bc he thought it was funny and hey it’s not like he can see them
#MATT MURDOCK: I'm a really good kisser 💋

Trans Matt Murdock
Ok I know I’m not the first one to do this but yesterday I was board so I fucked around and transed Matts gender.

{Image Description: Matt Murdock a white man with fluffy brown hair and scruff. He is not wearing his glasses and his eyes are squinting because he is smiling really big. He is lounging upright on his couch one of his arms is resting on the back of it. He is shirtless and all of his scars are visible and in addition to the canon scars OP (thats me!) has photoshopped top surgery scars onto him. End Image Description}
Some bonus trans head canons:
-Matt knew from a young age that he wasn’t a girl. Jack thought he was just a tom boy for the longest time. Matt came out right before the accident. Jack started to call him Matty as a sort of transition from Madeleine (his dead name) to Matthew. Matt liked the name. Jack let him cut his hair and wear more masculine clothing.
-*TW for transphobic language in this section* When Stick started training him he was a huge biggot. He would call Matt by his name and use the right pronouns but made sure he felt shit about himself for it. He would call him Matty but in a not nice way, more like the nickname Maddy derived from his dead name. He would also say things like “god your the weakest boy I’ve ever met” “your a fucking pussy” “a real boy your get up and take it” “a real boy wouldn’t complain” and other horrible things.
-*TW transphobia in this section* the nuns kind of ignored his gender. They mostly deadnamed him and used she/her pronouns. Father Lantom was a bit better about it.
-At 18 one of the first things he did was take the money Jack left him and start Testosterone and get top surgery. By the time he hits law school he’s been stealth for a few years. Even though he has transitioned he still has a lot of internalized transphobia from Stick and the orphanage and very much hates himself for not being born cis.
-He and Foggy meet at the beginning of L1 and Foggy is pretty nervous because they have been out and proud as nonbinary for a long time and they realize that Matt is Catholic. When they tell him he handles it really well and uses all the right pronouns but doesn’t come out to them quite yet.
-Its not until half way through L1 that Matt finally tells them. Foggy is ecstatic and helps show Matt that being trans is something to celebrate instead of be ashamed of. Matt still has internalized stuff but he doesn’t hate himself as much as before.
-Matt has to go to Planned Parenthood every two weeks to get his T injection because he can’t fill up the syringe on his own. When Foggy finds this out they’re like “Hey I could totally do that for you!” and Matt is just :o {surprised face}. Foggy reiterates that its totally fine if he feels more comfortable going into the clinic for it, its totally his choice which they will completely respect. Matt actually hates having to go in every two weeks and takes them up on the offer. They go together at the next appointment and the nurse shows Foggy how to do it and they practice a few times with a small amount of saline. Foggy does Matt’s injections from then on.
-After they start Nelson and Murdock, Karen (a trans woman) find out that Matt has never once been to pride despite Foggy (who has been every year since they were a teenager) trying to get him to go. She makes it her mission to get him to go and finally he relents. He’s nervous because the noise will mess with his senses and the crowd will make it hard for him to navigate with his cane. He would die before he says this but Foggy and Karen are perceptive and promise to guide him the entire time. When they go Karen goes shirtless (she's on estrogen but has not had surgery) because you don’t need boobs to be a woman! She does crazy eye makeup one eye has trans colors and the other has bisexual colors (credit for the idea of Karens makeup goes to @marvelvibess) Foggy paints their nails black and Karen does their makeup which is similar to hers but instead of the trans colors its nonbinary colors. They also wear a pronoun pin. Matt goes a bit more low key with dark blood red nail polish and eyeliner and a two small pins one trans and one bisexual. Foggy also gets him rainbow sunglasses which he wears. They all have a blast.
-After The People v. Frank Castle and the office breakup Foggy stops doing Matt’s T shots. They are really mad at him. So, Matt calls Claire. She's just happy that he’s called her for something thats not a life threatening injury. After Defenders when Matt wakes up at St. Agnes and he’s well enough he goes back to his apartment to steal his supplies. Sister Maggie begrudgingly does it for him (she's not sure how to feel about her child being trans but its obvious that this is who he is so its kind of a if you can’t beat him join him type thing). After Season 3 and the trio get back together Foggy starts doing it again.
And thats all I have for trans Matt Murdock!
TLDR: Matts known he’s trans since he was little. Stick was a dick about it. He starts transitioning at 18 and Foggy (who is NB) starts doing his shots for him. Karen (a trans woman) and Foggy drag him to pride. Claire does his injections after the office breakup then Maggie does it after that until they all make up again.
Ableism in the Defenders Saga
Something that I noticed while watching the NMCU shows are how differently Matt gets treated from Jessica, Luke and Danny. Neither Jessica or Luke want to be vigilantes. Jessica has to be persuaded by Trish and Malcolm and Luke has to be pushed by Pops and Claire. Even then they both only do it when it becomes clear that by not acting people will get hurt/raped/killed. I don’t really have any intrest in Danny and haven’t watched much of his show but from what I understand his friends are pretty supportive of him too.
Then theres Matt. Literally all of his friends have tried to get him to stop and given him shit for trying to help people. Even Claire says she can’t date him because of Daredevil then turns around and dates Luke. Now Claire can date whoever she wants and I don’t ship Matt/Claire (NurseDevil???) but just purely from that standpoint its pretty hypocritical. The only difference I can think of between all of them is Matt’s disability. As a disabled person myself I can confidently say that abled people get incredibly uncomfortable when the people they think are helpless/need protection are not helpless and able to stand up for themselves. So, a disabled person who goes out and protects others? Unthinkable.
But Phoenix! You cry, Jessica, Luke and Danny all have physical enhancements/powers that Matt doesn't have! Don’t they all have valid concerns? Well let’s take a look at Frank. He has 0 powers and yet all his friends support him going out and doing what he does and when they do argue its about his penchant for maximum casualties or trying to get him to stop meddling in government business, not out of fear for his safety. Matt is just as competent, if not more so, then Frank is. I mean sure his hand to hand is good but the only way he beats Matt is with guns. Hell Matt even beats Danny, the guy who was trained since childhood to be a master martial artist and supposedly fought a dragon.
So really the only reason I can see for people to give Matt shit for his activities is ableism and seeing as Foggy says some incredibly ableist shit I don’t think this theory is that far fetched.

Don’t patronize me.