Combine - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago


小田急電鉄 小田急8000形


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3 years ago

小田急電鉄 小田急ロマンスカー 赤・青・銀


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1 year ago

The combine looks amazing, Barbie would absolutely drive that. But I'm amazed how easily you made the wheat. It looks so soft!!

I did another one… might actually have to commit to an art YouTube channel if this keeps up.

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That's correct

For the sake of argument however(not saying I think Empire wins, I voted Combine), but in Star Wars the rebellions is made up of vast amounts of people spanning numerous planets, in Half-Life 2 it is up to a small amount of the last remnants of a broken Earth to push the Combine operation off Earth.

Still, I feel the Combine could probably win against the Empire, as there whole thing(form what we see on Earth), is using the resources of who they're invading to take over

Example: Combine soldiers with human guns

Do provided reasoning if you'd like

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7 months ago
It's Been Too Long Since I Last Painted, So Here's A Rough Wip I've Been Working On For About An Hour.

It's been too long since I last painted, so here's a rough wip I've been working on for about an hour.

Portal and Half-Life sharing the same universe is one of those things that is really cool given how drastically different they are, I wanted to show that in this painting.

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8 years ago

Her latest girlfriend, or victim if you wanted to call it that, sighed in pleasure, giving herself over to Valentina. 

Valentina steadied herself as she was hit by a wave of pleasure. Maxine’s mouth caressed hers, pushing all that she was through it. The changes had already started.

Val’s hair extended, pooling in lush, thick tresses about her. Maxine pressed harder, a neat pixie settling around her slender neck, and Val moaned, losing control.

Her breasts... they surged outwards, the enormous juggs growing past K cups, bigger than her head. Maxine was flat as a board, and her hips narrowed into her lover’s broad expanse, even as her fingers dug inside the eager, ever more sensitive gape between the thickening thighs. 

Maxine soon had to stretch a little to continue, as Val arched her graceful neck up the undersized deck chair, and her feet ran over the end. Val was more beautiful than ever, her large eyes sparkling above a pretty nose and divinely plump lips. 

Maxine shivered, feeling herself becoming more ethereal, as the two truly began to merge. Valentina gasped. She must have been close to nine feet in height now, and her fading lover was doing all the opposite of stopping, mastering Valentina even as she diminished. Valentina squealed in orgasm, and Maxine, now translucent, shrunken to but two and a half feet, grinned before burying her face in Val’s throbbing cunt. 

Valentina was lost, hit by wave after wave of pleasure, growing uncontrollably.

Legs grew longer, smooth and curvy, with keen, firm muscle covered by a plush softness. Ever taller, her bucking was rapidly demolishing the deck chair, as well as the parquet below. Val’s moans grew louder and louder, and Maxine writhed, growing ever more excited, feeling their senses merge. Val’s ass stuck out, angling her pelvis into the air like she was made to be fucked, and the juicy meat thickened, widening along with her hips which tapered obscenely from her slim waist, hair cascading either side of her. Her boobs hung down to leave only the smallest midriff, heavy and pulsingly sensitive, their enormous weight keeping Maxi in place, and covering her. Like walls beside her, they grew higher and thicker, and Max could only marvel at a nipple almost, and then bigger than her face. She grinned, and finally sank into the cleavage, her fingers working over Val’s clit to the last...

mysafetystars - Safetystars

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2 years ago
I Would Like To Thank The Modern Combine Harvester Today For Ensuring That I, A Weak Little Book Man,

I would like to thank the modern combine harvester today for ensuring that I, a weak little book man, do not need to be involved in agriculture to feed our population. One of the most significant labor-saving machines for our agricultural production, this mechanical marvel combines reaping, threshing, gathering, and winnowing all into one seamless process.

Simply divine!

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