Introduce Me Into Clown Culture - Tumblr Posts
To all clowns:
I’m sorry, I’ve misjudged you guys my entire life. Y’all are really cute and sometimes scary in a dramatic way instead of terrifying (I think that’s more like harlequins or jesters?)
The colors and patterns are really interesting to me. if someone could send me classic clown costume patterns (of that’s a thing) through dm that would be amazing
All that said, thrift shop clowns are cursed like 100% cursed I’m sorry, but omg dude.
Me and my SCP friends after we finally breached containment, killed everyone in a 50 mile radius, and made the entirety of Pittsburgh turn into black licorice.

When I tell you that I couldn’t stop laughing until I drew this just know that that’s the honest truth.
*Hands The Boys an obituary*
Read it and weep, Boys
Hey, Hetalia fandom
Okay now that’s out of the way, are you guys still alive I’m concerned for my childhood anime. I’ve seen the tag but not when they were posted so
Brilliant idea
Someone makes a website that compairs BPM of songs. Like you type in your song and then the website shows you songs with the same BPM. Why would this be useful you ask? Simple! I want to create mashups without having like five tabs open.
You know, it never occurred to me that I could BE an online presence.
What if I revived every dead fandom at once? What chaos would that cause? Is it worth it? Because I’m only seeking comfort in the form of group nostalgia in the end.
I’ve decided to be the next Sappho, but instead of poetry I’m going to gently reach into your throat, slowly. As my fingertips touch your skin you’ll feel warmth. A soft warmth as my hand keeps going, phasing through your skin. Through your muscle. Your vocal cords will part gently for me, and they’ll relax for the first time in a long time. I will take the blueish black feeling in your chest. You will feel light. I will stay there as long as you need me to. You will feel safe. I will take your vulnerability from you. You will feel peace.
I forgot what it was like for a second, long letter to follow.
Felt sad today. Should I document?

Dude he finally got that burger.

The sequel.
Barney Calhoun.
Your wet floor sign doesn’t FUCKING scare me, man! I’m not even fucking phased! You wanna know why??
What do you mean The Great Gatsby isn’t my intellectual property now?
What’s that, old sport? Copyright? My word dear boy, just buy the copy machine and let’s be on our way!
Those posts about sharing oranges with someone and being human together are so humanizing, but also so so alienating.
I feel like I’m five seconds from becoming a DBZ blog for a month until it combines with Half Life and Hylics or something and I make funny art about it
The recognition of Self