Cw: Religious Themes - Tumblr Posts

grace chasity & God
nerdy prudes must die, team starkid \\ unknown \\ ray of hope christian church \\ rollercoasterwords, tumblr \\ nerdy prudes must die, team starkid \\ hell followed with us, andrew joseph white \\ nerdy prudes must die, team starkid \\ sun bleached flies, ethel cain \\ unknown \\ nerdy prudes must die, team starkid
π¦΄or 'boneβ // sender breaks one of receiverβs bone ( j...jaw. from...sukuna )
ββββββππππππ πππππ, πππππππππ πππ ππππππππ. lungs were screaming for air, stuttering and inflamed as they dragged in pathetic breaths. nails are digging into his skull, brunette locks coiled around a furled fist while the opposite pried an aching jaw ππππ open. no matter the torment, resistance is futile. his struggle begins to falter, either hand motioning with uncertainty of where they should grip onto for solace sake. instead palms brace themselves against the other's hips. pushing back against them, ultimately rejecting it with an eventual turn of his head. β stop. β mouth evades, fluctuating rasps that dither choking and steering in oxygen. β please. β you would kill him with such indignity ? this was beyond a mere human's capability, unmanageable by mortal constraints ... this πππ would be wise to yield from that realization before then something crackles, vision abruptly skewered, and muffled whines are reverberating around the cock plummeting down his throat. enforcing accommodation, unhinging the joints that dared defy him.
ββββββbones shattered around it, grinding against teeth with every uneven thrust. the priest is taking him without restriction now, and for a moment his fingertips were tearing at the looming figure above / vessels are ππππππππ across dim eyes. scarlet spilling over scleras, and brimming with tears that involuntarily stream down his cheeks. hallow gods, have mercy upon him. for he was a sheep among wolves, and stood idly by as they beckoned the devil's reign. trembling digits encircle the sigil draped around his neck, cradling it as though to garner strength. anything that ensured he could carry onward and be ππππππ for his unjust mistakes. alas, meek prayer remains unanswered. this entity poured into him, emitting bellowed growls as its seed doused organs. sight darkening around the edges, crimson drizzling from his nose and mingling with saliva coated skin. deep, embedded scratches are spiraling down the other's thigh. such unfettered cruelty, allowing the swine to suffer as you devour it at leisure pace.

ββββββleniency arrives to those who have earned forgiveness, this was to be his punishment. ππππ asunder, suspended in purgatory. his retribution shall serve for an eternity. as the alternate cock replaced its former and pressed along his bottom lip they were slackened, unable to deny access. however voice gurgled intangible words, swallowing viscous fluid whilst their gazes met. those various orbs are glowering back, overbearing and accompanied with a prominent leer. they spoke volumes, feeling the ππππππ being caress him fondly ... only to compel his body among corpse littered wood boards. they are surrounded by death, and rot. an audience to witness their faith's pollution. give blessings, despite the blood drowning your larynx. and endow your body as a gift, regardless of how it rips hungrily at your robes. the beast kept him pinned, wrists straining as pressure heightened behind their ruthless snare. it intended to crush them, and he would allow this to happen. @koseigu
Faith Meade
Backstory of the best worst Ventrue.
As promised I'm gonna do big posts about all of my OCs and hyperlink them in my big OC post, and the one I've got brainrot about right now is Faith, so here we fucking go:
In life, Faith was the only child of an incredibly, incredibly mentally ill single mother. Her mum was a devout Catholic, but some sort of schizoaffective disorder or straight up schizophrenia led her to frequent episodes of believing her daughter was possessed by the devil, a sinner, an angel, etc. She was often punished severely, being deprived of things or even, on rare occasions, beaten.
Faith has an eidetic memory. She's a character in a text-based chronicle, so it's nice and simple to roleplay this, as opposed to in a tabletop game. She was the "weird kid" at her school - not being allowed to see 'satanic' movies or play video games, or generally experience anything normal, as well as remembering everything perfectly and often explaining things in too much detail, she wound up often taking lessons aside from the rest of her class, which did not help her to make friends.
While I don't have an eidetic memory, this is borrowed from my real life. I was hyperlexic and very good at math as a kid, and distinctly remember reading Anne Frank's diary in P5 while the rest of the class read with the teacher, and studying maths with the special education teacher in a private room rather than staying in the classroom. Unlike Faith, though, I had some solid friends despite this.
She did a little better in high school, but not much. She wasn't allowed to hang out with her friends outside of school, so she missed out on partying and sleepovers and such, and her relationships with the girls in her friend group just weren't as deep as the ones the other girls shared with each other. She continued to study at an advanced level, and was able to apply for, and get into, university at just 16 years old.
Faith did her best at university. She lived in student accommodation, rather than with her mother, so she had a lot more freedom. She made a few friends and mastered her social skills, and while she still couldn't go drinking with them all at clubs, she managed to secure her first boyfriend, get into video games, and catch up on some media she missed. She prioritised her studies, though, determined to wind up in a high-paying job so she could get her mother into some sort of mental health facility, and enjoy an independent life away from her forever.
Faith maintained her Catholicism throughout her life. While her mother wasn't well, she had grown reliant on religion to get her through her experiences, and she just wasn't willing to give it up. She tried not to think too much about whether or not she actually believed in it all - her faith was a choice she was making. She ended up finding a church that she liked, rather than the one her mother attended - one with an evening mass, so she could juggle studying and part time work with her religion. The priest, a rather attractive man, considering your average priest, was someone she felt quite drawn to. She regularly went for confession, as someone who is quite self-pitying and self-deprecating, but she also ended up helping out with fundraisers and community projects, really finding something to live for between this community and purpose, her new friendships, and her career prospects.
She graduated and started working as a Sales Trader, the youngest in her company, and proved to have an incredible knack for it. Nobody can predict patterns quite like everyone who has seen and remembered every pattern, after all.
It is worth noting now, that Faith is a naturally very curious person - she often managed to find out things she shouldn't know. Occasionally, she would share this information with clients - and this bad behaviour came up in confession from time to time.
How was she to know that her beloved local priest was a kindred? And a Ventrue at that? Watching her develop over her teenage years from a strange, yet intelligent teenager, into a perfectly amiable young woman with a highly profitable set of skills?
The worst part, really, is that isn't even the real reason he killed her. Perhaps she could have understood, if it had been.
Viewforth by Night: A Winter's Ball, pt 1
Those that came before, and a ghoul priest.
Faith was the perfect obedient Ventrue childe for approximately two weeks.
She coped with this sudden, horrifying turn in her life by just... blindly trusting her sire. After all, this was Father Adrian. Her priest! He knew almost everything about her, he discussed her faith and her mother at length with her, he organised church fundraisers - whilst admittedly a monster, she saw him as an authority figure she could trust. She needed him to be an authority figure she could trust. He told her what was needed from her, and she was going to do her best to do it.
Until she first attended Elysium. She met the Keeper, first, who made a nerve-wracking dig at her sire - unbeknownst to Faith, it seemed the Father had previously had a string of childer. The Keeper stumbled - or feigned stumbling - for Faith's name.
"Ah, and the young one - er, Hope, was it? No, no, wait, er... Charity! Ah, er, no, she got diablerised last month..."
The first crack in Faith's perception of her sire had formed.
With her newfound mental Fortitude, however, she played the part of a smooth, confident young woman, giggling and smiling and correcting the Keeper, joking about the irony of her name in comparison to theirs. She was then presented to the Prince, quickly and efficiently - although it seems he can't quite help but make a dig about 'the last one' either, as she passes his test. In some small relief, he at least seems to imply that Faith is an improvement.
After this, Faith was encourage to go mingle while Father Adrian attended other business with the other Kindred priests of Viewforth. "Make some friends," he had said.
She went for the bar, and tried to appear confident as she asked if there was anything that she would be able to keep down. She had tried eating a handful of cereal, once, and knew that didn't work, and she'd tried water on a few occasions - she could keep it down a little, with the blush, but even then, her body was keen to reject it.
She didn't choose to relay it like that - she made the conscious, but stilted effort to come across more relatable, lamenting a failed attempt to eat a burger - that's a Relatable Food, right?
I won't go into detail of everything she said through the whole Elysium, I promise - I just need you to know that the first thing she did once her sire wasn't watching over her was lie. The only people who actually know this are me, the storyteller, and whoever else was in vc while I was memeing on Faith ooc as it played out. In character, I don't think people see her as particularly prone to lying.
Anyway: alchemy nonsense in this particular setting meant there were drink options she could keep down. She settled for a vodka cranberry, her go-to drink after coming of age. The vodka-cranberry will make numerous appearances, including a very, very sweet one later down the line.
There are a few other Kindred at the bar already, but Faith's attention is instead caught by a ghoul - praying in Latin over his glass of water. Blessing it, from what she can tell. He notices her as she notices something else - heads and conversation all around her turning to the man who's just brought a Salubri in on a leash.
The ghoul doesn't let her off the hook, asking her if something is wrong. She bleats out an apology and a "Lord be with you."
He makes some strange comments about her shame - and Faith is ashamed. We were given the task of coming up with our character's secrets at the start of all this, and one of Faith's was a secretly-held shame about what she is, the pleasure she takes in feeding, the pleasure she felt in the embrace - so she starts panicking. She lies again, saying she actually feels quite lucky. He asks why she feels the need to hide with such fervor, and she denies hiding anything.
"I suggest you find a new confessor," he says. She stiffens, horrified, then perseveres - she giggles as if this wasn't devastating, a deepening of the crack, and asks his name, turning to small talk.
He accepts this - introducing himself as Richard McCarthy, a ghoul belonging to a character that was originally going to be someone else's player character, but sadly the player never materialised. A Brujah sitting nearby has been hearing this go down, and intervenes - as soon as the ghoul introduces himself, she introduces herself in turn, Kenna Rake. She gestures for the bartender to get Faith another drink.
Dear reader, these are two of Faith's three new parents. She just doesn't know it yet.
Faith sits by, uneasy, as the pair discuss the Brujah's drifter habits, and the ghouls experiences with Malkavian vitae. Unbeknownst to Faith, the ghoul had an unfortunate outburst of Bard's Tongue before she arrived at the bar. She starts watching the man with the Salubri, for a while, but she doesn't have the context to learn anything from her observations.
Two kindred who were at the bar earlier in the night make their way back over. They seem acquainted with the Brujah. One is a Banu Haqim ancilla. The other is a Setite neonate.
It is worth noting the Banu Haqim's player was kicked from the game, for OOC reasons (though there were quite a few complaints and warnings to the player through their time in the chronicle about their character). This character will eventually sort of randomly stop showing up.
The Banu Haqim character, Clayton, goes to talk with the Keeper soon after arriving back. The Setite assimilates into the conversation - she's in a somewhat bad mood, after an interaction with her sire, and is slightly terse with the ghoul. This does nothing to help Faith's unease. She looks around for her sire, and smiles when she spots him - bolstered by the fact he, while distracted, would likely see if anything bad happened.
The Setite looks over to Faith, and just asks - "so, how new are you?"
She explains she's only been around two weeks, sings her sire's praises, and starts asking the others about themselves. The Setite is open about herself, and Faith takes advantage of this, keeping the focus on her, asking personal questions.
The Setite is called Sage, something Faith will find out later, but I don't want to keep writing "The Setite." I'll do posts about each of the coterie members eventually - Sage was an interesting one.
Sage had been quite timid in life - and now was a sexy, hot prostitute, controlled by her sire. This conversation was brought to an end, however, when the ghoul - a very old looking gentleman - brought out his 30th birthday card. A recent one. He was not actually 30 - and we went on a tangent, so I still don't actually know why he had that. 30 years with his domitor, perhaps?
Sage says she was turned after finishing university, at 24. Faith admits she herself just finished university at 21, and the group talk about their various studies - Faith double-majoring in Business Studies and Economics, while Sage had studied Occultism. Richard confirms with Faith that she is, in fact, Catholic.
I really want someone to know: Faith fucking talked like this at the start of the game:
"I will say, it's odd to think that vampires... actively keep an eye on mortals. I'm a Sales Trader, youngest in the company, so I suppose I've got 'Ventrue' written all over me, but I just... never expected anyone to be paying much attention to me. Least of all the good Father, suppose he paid more attention to my confessions than I thought," she giggles, glancing briefly to Richard, "the idea that the Tremere 'would have got you' is so odd to me, but I suppose it's more than likely true, huh?"
You will not catch her talking like that after her sire went missing, unless it's to another authority figure.
Sage slips Faith a business card as she goes to speak to another Setite, leaving her with Richard. The Brujah's player wasn't around for a while, so she faded into the background. Faith, seeing an opportunity, asked Richard to take a turn about the gardens with her.
Outside, he's much less threatening - he was a priest, once. He seems to hold Faith's sire in low regard, and he spends some time explaining to Faith the less pleasant aspects of Kindred-hood that await her. He's of a Noddist inclination, and shares this with Faith.
A series of events throughout the campaign have actually primed Faith to go Sabbat. I doubt she will, due to lack of opportunity, but fuck me, she'd be the easiest recruit ever, after what she's been through so far.
They discuss whether Cainite's can be free of Cain's curse, and Richard - now known to be centuries old - advises her on her path forward, and gives her a very important gift, with mention of but a single word:
Faith's body language changes as he speaks - she appears to open up slightly, losing the practised nature she carries herself with in the presence of her sire. She wears a soft, seemingly genuine smile - as if relieved to hear this.
"Golconda?" she asks, speaking softly - her voice betraying her desperation to know more, "I'm not familiar with the term."
She's literally a two week old fledgling but my god she is speedrunning.
They debate whether the pursuit of "goodness" is selfish if you're doing it just because you're a vampire. They talk about Richard's experiences as a Cistercian, and now as a ghoul, being passed around from domitor to domitor over many, many years. Over the course of the conversation, she decides Richard is someone she can trust - and successfully makes her first friend - not a kindred, but a ghoul, and one with a rather potent dislike of her sire.
Eventually, they head back inside, after she becomes a little more keenly aware that Father Adrian wouldn't want her outside with a ghoul all evening.

Martyr'd. I'm a bit too nervous and scatterbrained to start my comic right now, but I wanted to get my concepts and art out into the world, so this'll have to do for now ^^".
A thought of mine: They say artists can will anything into existence, but when I try it never turns out the way I wanted it too. Itβs always off, always being wrong. never how I wanted it to exist.
Mr. Sunny Smith, aware of the connections between the last paragraph and the thoughts of God:
Finally, my husbando is there πππ
My version of The Doctor. The commission is made by @vixxman (Larrikin on Telegram). I love making artists' put their watermarks, 'cause giving credit imo is not enough even if it is a commission. Come on, the guy put his soul into his art, it's the least I can do. Anyways.
The Doctor (Bezaliel)
Gender: man.
Race: fallen angel (Christian mythology based).
Age: over 2000 years old.
First drawing:
First row: the appearance without shadows.
Second row: the true appearance.
Mouth is not visible, but contains sharp teeth (not as sharp as The Dealer's, obviously). Bezaliel wears a golden headpiece only in hell and used to always wear it before The Fall.
The appearance in the game is an illusion and was given as a punishment for losing to The Dealer. The lore will be under the cut.

The last art (without headpiece) is heavily referenced by:
Horns: @/expensivebrowniez on Tumblr.
Ponytail: Jotdan Love model.
Teeth: @/kipine-art on Tumblr.

Appearance: According to legends, no one have seen what Bezaliel looked like before and after The Fall. The Dealer saw the fallen angel's true form when he caught Bezaliel, but in the form of a shadow. After becoming The Doctor, Bezaliel took on the appearance of the man he is in the game aka an illusion.
Key features: made of shadows, horns, sharp teeth, ponytail, golden headpiece that covers forehead and chin. On the sides of helmet there are folded wings. They were open before his fall from heaven. He wears the dusted and tattered robe of an angel he once was. His illusion form has boots, but The Doctor himself is barefoot.
Personality: Generally calm and resigned to his work. He was stressed only three times during his entire time on earth: during the first (and currently last) club check-up, when he dragged out a half-dead satisfied player (the guy was a masochistic participant) and after seeing Mellow resurrection without Bezaliel's help. The stories of both are silent on the details, and the Doctor chose not to ask any questions.
Background: Previously was called Bezaliel (biblical motives, but I donβt follow the Bible completely) and the Shadow of God. Was cast into hell alongside Lucifer. When God died, Bezaliel came out to earth and explored, gliding through the streets like a shadow. During his stop at a motel, he was unable to sleep due to the noise coming from the nightclub, where Buckshot Roulette takes place. When he saw, what was going on at the nightclub, he decided to drag away the corpses of players and bring them back to life. Before him players died immediately, so it was a shock for The Dealer to see the lost players in front of him again. Later, Bezaliel was securely caught, and The Dealerβs charming talking lured him into a bet, where if he won, The Dealer would have stopped playing Buckshot Roulette for two weeks. In case of defeat, the fallen angel would work for Dealer, which is what happened. After this, in the roulette was added the ability to return to the game in the second and first rounds.
Relationships with the others:
Towards Dealer: used to him, so more neutral than negative.
Towards most of the players: "Work is work".
Towards Mellow: neutral, when they come, The Doctor usually takes a day off and gives high five when he sees Mellow. In a condescending way.
Towards Ethan (My friend's OC): was impressed and disappointed at first, but then got used to him.
Towards Jake (another BSR OC of mine): neutral, they don't see each other often.
Towards Reaper (the last BSR OC of mine): undecided. Literally, The Doctor can only say he is fine with Reaper's existence and OK in his presence.
Likes: day offs.
Dislikes: when something doesnβt go according to plan (rarely shows that he is stressed), treating open fractures and broken skulls, cold.