Cyberbullying - Tumblr Posts

My mom tried searching up my bully's instagram and asked me his full name:
1. Mom nobody puts their irl names online anymore (especially not my bully who mf probably has z at the end of his username)
2. Mom are you trying to cyberbully a 15 yr old kid for bullying me? Ur like 40-
“Idols is that we don’t have to commit a crime or something controversial for people to blow little things out of proportion & judge us. I could never understand the mentality of those people. Like when an idol smokes on a MV, say I get criticized for that at 31.” — Min Yoongi





Why is the first question for a Fan Survey about the chemistry between the members and not about music? Isn’t Hybe’s slogan “we believe in Music”? 🤔😏🤨

Oh! I forgot what Bang Sihyuk said:

Me: “with the global success you had it was the best opportunity to change things in kpop and make the example, you could have choose another respectful strategy for that. People sincerely love them and putting them against each other wasn’t necessary. It’s sad and pitiful. Look all the hate and the harassment today! People are stuck in the fanservice narrative and can’t differentiate it from reality. These boys deserve better!”
A YouTube reaction to Taehyung by an American Korean language teacher:
He broke down his style of speech in detail. He said Tae mostly speaks very politely and even when being direct he inserts "softeners". The guy added that his correct speech is rarely shown in the subtitles, which he believes Tae is possibly aware of.
Is the company promoting "savage" V for entertainment?
This is really sad!!!
It was a fascinating video.
What about the company’s rude captions in official company content? (They’re so many that I can’t put all of them here. It has always been like that since the beginning.)

"It broke my heart," he says. "They abandoned me."
"These people don't want the truth," he says. "They dismiss everything that doesn't align with what they already believe."
"The people who are doing this to me will never stop," he said. "They just won't believe me no matter what I do."
"I was doing everything they asked and it was never good enough," Lee says. "That's when I realized that they weren't looking for answers, they just wanted to destroy me."

Interview with Bighit CEO Yoon Seok-joon of BTS Shinhwa: « THERE’S NO FANDOM. THERE’S ONLY CUSTOMER »
Interview: "the other companies see customers while HYBE sees loyal fans, that's why we are different and we had BTS"

Don't let skin color prevent you from shining your light. ❤️🌺

Focus on the main aspects of being human: the mind and the spirit.🌈

Be proud of who you are, no matter the tone of your skin. ❤️🌺

Eliminating aspects such as racism from society makes us more connected. 🌈

The purity is heart is what determines the greatness of someone. ❤️🌺

The determinant of who someone is is based on their behaviour, not skin color. 🌈

Visit the Global Guide site for Taehyung: 🔥

Cyber Safety (thiz cat cyberbulliez)
hey friend
dont kill yourself tonight ok
you have a really pretty smile and i know its not always easy to manage one but itd be a bummer if we never had the chance to see it ever again
youre really important and you matter a lot so stay safe and try and have a nice sleep
Pls stop spamming the clown emoji, I know you really want attention but I don't really have the desire to know what your face looks like.
But I guess your red honking nose is aight. 4/10.
Your answer is complete bullshit. What the dazai anon did is nowhere as serious as what you are doing. You want her personal life basically sabotaged, and all she did was send you a couple of cruel messages that made you have a bad day, guess what? That’s everyday for the dazai anon. She’s just fucking tired of the treatment her favorite character faces form this shitty fandom, even his own “stans” join in the hate against him but there seems to be some hypocrisy against chuuya or even the fucking pedophile mori.
All she did was send mean things out of frustration and anger, she deserves to feel that way. I don’t agree with death threats, but nothing about her behavior is “harassment” or “grooming minors” you’re all dumb fucking idiotic children and it shows seeing how you label petty internet fights as “crimes”, at the end of the day, did you lose your degree? did you lose your job? are you in constant fear and suicidal ideations because you’re scared you’re going to jail over THE FICTIONAL CHARACTER CHUUYA NAKAHARA of all things???? No! You are completely fine and living your life with no fears or anxieties as she is. Your blog is also completely useless btw! No one is gonna make a case on this, your parents didn’t which is why they asked u to delete the previous blog. Follow their advice again and leave the Dazai anon the FUCK alone and have the balls to actually face her without holding legal threats over her head. You pieces of shits.
What she does is tell people to kill themselves and say that she hopes they die, that their pets die, that they fail their finals, that their mental health/life gets worse. All over fictional characters, and we are just documenting it. At most she might get a fine, or have her Tumblr/Twitter privileges removed. I'm not sure how that second one would play out but I know people have been banned from sites.
As for the. having a bad day bit. I've mentioned this to her before but I have several disorders that make everyday hard for me too, most notably that I've been either passively or actively suicidal for the last 6 years. How do you think her damn near constant hate and harassment of me and my friends affects my mental state? I say it doesn't get to me because it doesn't incapacitate me and I don't want my friends to worry. The shit builds up. I have blocked her, I have reported her, I have ignored her, I have asked her to leave me alone. None of that has worked.
I understand the frustration she goes through, that's the whole reason I don't interact with the pjo fandom anymore. I was taking everything personally, I couldn't play nice with others and I realized that I was problem so I stopped interacting with it. That is my oldest special interest that has kept me alive multiple times. I do not post about it. Because it is unreasonable for me to ask everyone else in the fandom to only see it my way.
She has become the problem here and needs to deal with that. It is not fair to everyone else here for her to decide that her way is the only right way and everyone who disagrees is against her specifically. She absolutely has every right to feel angry or frustrated but she does not have the right to take that out on everyone else, if she doesn't want to block people and respect people blocking her she needs to leave until she can play nice.
As for the legal action, she can stop harassing people right now and case will likely go nowhere. And I have tried to talk to her about the things she does without "threatening legal action" and she called me a cunt and stupid and jobless and a dickrider and a doormat. She isn't willing to talk things out and treat others with respect, so we have this blog. And we have gotten a few asks regarding legal action, we haven't answered them publicly because Kavya tends to harass anyone mentioned here.
i’m gonna go on a rant for a sec.
it is truly terrifying how uneducated a lot of teenagers are now. hurtful words that spew out of their mouth endlessly and they think it’s funny. words such as “retarted” or “n*****”. and it’s “only meant as a joke”. i’m here to say that these words, are not a joke. people used to be seen as these things. i’m calling out to anyone who uses these words regularly, and thinks it makes them funny or cool. it doesn’t. it makes you look like an ass. it makes you look like a fool and it makes you childish. i’m not here to call people names, before people start calling me out. i’m just sick of listening to a group of girls call another girl a slut when she a. didn’t even interact with them in any way and b. is a virgin. the definition of slut is a woman with many sexual partners. so how exactly is she a slut, if she is a virgin? this is ridiculous.
sorry if i offended anyone in any way. i just really needed to get that out of my head. if i offended you, there is no need to say anything to me about it. just block me and move on. if you feel you must say something, please dm me and we can discuss it. this post was not meant to offend anyone. it was simply to get my point across that students in middle school- high school shouldn’t be using the words “n*****” and “retarded” and “slut”..etc. especially not directed at each other, when they don’t even know the true meaning of the words.