Danganronpa Ships - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
jealous kokichi headcanons??👀
Oooh this one will be fun !!! ~
I promise youll like this one anon I promise 💗💗

» You'd picture of how "evil" he is, he wouldn't get so jealous .
» when he saw this guy approaching you, he couldn't help but seethe [ CANT FIGHT THE SEETHERRRR ]
» he noticed how you were moving away slowly from that man .
» "heeeeey !! whatcha doin' s/o?!" he smiled and giggled , but you could sense he was a bit angry .
» "who's that guy ?!"
» "he looks kinda weird !"
» kokichi would constantly tease the guy until he finally scurried away as he looked at you , smiling .
» "um . . . what just happened?" you'd giggle nervously but look back at him .
» "you're not . . jealous , are you ?" you tilted your head , looking into his violet eyes, filled with something that wasn't content .
» "me ?!! Nooooo. .~ jealous ?!"
» ". . .not at all!" his voice broke . he was somehow nervous to admit he was jealous . he had a reputation to uphold, yknow !
» "well, i want you to know i don't prefer anyone but you . you can rest easy, Kokichi . and if any other people try to take you away, especially that guy , you can tease them to death, my consent !"
» ". . ." Kokichi was silent . he felt extremely loved in the moment, he could feel heat rising to his cheeks .
» it took a moment for him to respond . ". . .uh, y-yeah, haha ! i'll make sure nobody touches you, S/O !"
» was your supreme leader blushing ?! . . o-of course not ! well, what Kokichi would say anyway .
» he couldn't hide his face, that'd be too obvious . but his face was red, so that's obvious too .
» "grrr, S/O, y'know this is why I'm jealous when people talk to you ! you're so amazing, and i really hate to admit that . . . nnnngh . . ."
» he then did cover his face with his favorite, and fan-favorite checkered scarf .
» "b-but I love you . . "
» "Hehe, I love you too, Kichi !"
» you kiss his forehead and sit with him , buy him some Panta later, and cuddle him .
» basically giving him attention the entire day, but you know, that was usual so you doubled the attention, AND the affection .
» he's such a sweetie ! <3

Kichi is such a sweetheart ðŸ˜ðŸŽ€
I hope you enjoyed this one, anon ! ~
I felt going for some angst - fluff since I'm just built like that
i geniunely hope you enjoyed this, I def know I did
also sorry for responding very late but I was busy with school so I have finally delivered <3
vote away since i'm very invigorated
might release a contest soon idk
Because a lot of people asked for the tweets in question, well here they are:
Here’s about Shuichi being bisexual:

And here’s about Komaeda also liking women:

For this one, a girl wonders what she has to do to get Komaeda to go out with her, and he replies that if she helps Chiaki out first, then he'll consider going out with her.

And finally, for one of Komaeda's birthdays, Kodaka posted a photo of him and a female OC being romantically linked.

It's funny that when Kodaka tweeted about Shuichi being bisexual everyone screamed for joy, but when he tweeted about Komaeda being totally cool with going out with girls, everyone went blind.
Writing Rant/Advice: Part 2, OOC
It is 8:52 and I am slighly off my rocker again so why not rant? Again. Previously I hated on oversimplifying/changing characters with a specific focus on distilling down a character through TOO MUCH BAD ANGST and unrealistic sympathizing. Now we're on too:
this section will involve how fanfic writers tend to associate "sympathetic characters" with matriarchal figures. While this isn't necessarily bad, it tends to either go way too far or be mysognistic/homophobic/transphobic.
FIRST INSTANCE: Chicks With Dicks (sorry, that's just the name)
You(aka Me) wanted to read a fic about your favorite mlm queer ships! Maybe you are way too obsessed with fandoms on life support so you ship something like Saiouma or Wrightworth. Maybe you're a bit of a classic so you want Klance. Maybe you're a crack shipper so you conjure up some voodoo and pick 2+ names out of hate.
Either way you go onto AO3 looking for mlm ship content but something seems amiss? Your normally fiesty male lead who wears only shirts and pants now suddenly behaves like the most submissive "man" on the planet who goes by femboy and only wears skirts? Maybe your male character has turned to the holy yet sexy madonna herself for his "alpha macho manly man" who plays with red flags?
NO! The problem is the fact that the bottom in the relationship has been socialized like they're a stereotypical woman from a horrible romance novel or WATTPAD.
Referred to as a "boy/girl" instead of man?: CHECK!
Huge Madonna/Whore Complex?: CHECK!
Sexualized Due To Their Innocence/Virginity?: CHECK!
The Huge Prevalance Of Female-Dombinated Tropes?: CHECK!
Shipped With An Absolute Red-Flagged Macho Man?: CHECK!
You can see what I mean right? Literally the bottom is just if a "female character" changed their pronouns to he/him. Not even the descriptions change! I want to read Character A fall for Character B! Not feminized madonna who maybe has a dick and sorta looks like Character A but shorter and tinier fall into "love" with toxic as f#ck macho man who sorta looks like Character B but taller and stockier.
It's also just shitty because it's obvious these stories aren't meant for queer men to read otherwise the author would know better than to associate men to these heteronormative ideals of gay sexuality which conforms to old school stereotypes of the "Sissy" and markets itself the same way that straight stories are! It also tends to be:
MYSOGYNISTIC: Expect every single woman character to be either relegated to the side and never mentioned or horribly changed into a monsterous obstactle for the relationship.
HOMOPHOBIC: It's pretty homophobic to believe that what makes a queer character a queer character is not their existence but their presentation and actions. Turning queer men into simple caricatures of weak femininity and toxic masculinity is pretty shitty!
TRANSPHOBIC: Oftentimes these high fem characters are made to be trans which kinda sucks due to the association that a trans character must OBVIOUSLY act like their opposite gender! It tends to fetishize trans men in NSFW works :(
Seriously, just tag your stories as original works! I wouldn't have a problem with these stories if they weren't shoved in my face all the time!

I’m so normal about them (silly lie)
My rare pairs but they progressive don't any sense

I was shipping kyoko and byakuya in a "they'd be fucking hilarious" way but I'm actually shipping them now woah
Honestly I can never imagine Kaimaki being reciprocated. I know it was probably meant to be but Kaito just seems like "LOOK AT HOW COOL MY BESTIE IS" rather than liking her
Maki got attached to the first person that liked her, I don't think the relationship would've lasted long. Because at least in my opinion she wanted to be wanted, she didn't specifically want Kaito. She needed him to be the "perfect" first crush to give her a taste of how she should be treated
And in the scene where she confessed, he didn't seem to feel the same way. He was really nice but it just screamed "I'm ab to die and I want her to be happy" and at no point did he say he felt the same way
Ship what you want ofc, it's not toxic or anything but I can't see them dating. I feel like if Maki asked him out he'd be the kinda guy to go because he felt bad saying no.