Darlings - Tumblr Posts
dukeceit mayhaps? only if you're fine with it :3

i need to draw them more holy shit i missed them

when a woman wants revenge even the devil sits back: female rage in bollywood

Prince Trystane had taken to the game at once, and Myrcella had learned it so she could play with him. She was not quite one-and-ten, her betrothed three-and-ten; even so, she had been winning more oft than not of late. Trystane did not seem to mind. (requested by anonymous)

Darlings, dir Jasmeet K. Reen (2022)

" Once there was a flood in the forest. A frog was resting on the river bank. A scorpion stuck in the floods requested the Frog, "Please help me cross the river!" Thee frog asked, "What if you sting me?" The Scorpion replied, "Silly, if I sting you then we will both drown. Why would I kill myself? The Frog believed the Scorpion and let him hop on his back. They began to cross the river but as soon as they reached the middle of the river, the Scorpion stung the frog. The Frog asked, "Why did you do that?" The Scorpion said, "I am a Scorpion, stinging is what I do. It is in my nature." Some men are scorpions, dear. They never change, Badru. "
-Darlings, dir Jasmeet K. Reen (2022)


Ten Major Artists:

Wong Wong & Lulu

Pepper examining himself before commencing a self-portrait

Pepper’s self-portrait

Tiger the spontaneous reductionist

Misty goes off the wall

Minnie, the abstract expressionist

Minnie’s Reindeer in Provence, 1992.

Smokey painting after an hour in the catnip patch

Smokey at work

Ginger’s Stripped Bare Birds, 1992.

Princess, the elemental fragmentist

Charlie, the peripheral realist

Lovebirds 💖💜🖤 #lovebirds #prinxiety #newsandersidesepisode #rvirgilsanders #romansanders #sandersides #ships #love #sandersidesfanart #cute #drawingsanders #mr.sanders #sandersidesart #selflove #animatic #flirtingwithanxiety #darkstormyknight #fair #creativityanxiety #aspects #darksides #lightsides #inbetween #darksideofdisney #relation #cosplaygoals #sketchingwithmygf #darlings https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNN9aPH-xT/?igshid=17kubj78qs2so