Darth Vader X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Ignite the Stars Masterlist


Darth Vader x GN!Sith!Reader, Darth Sidious, Original characters, mentioned: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Count Dooku, Padme Amidala, Ahsoka Tano

Word Count: ~13k (atm)

Warnings: canon typical violence, swearing, trauma, manipulation (Palpatine and past Dooku), angst, murder

Summary: Darth Vader thought he was prepared for anything his Master threw at him: rebels, Inquisitors, hidden Jedi. Nothing surprised him much anymore. That was until a disturbance left him face to face with a darksider connected to the man Vader insisted he wasn’t anymore. A wronged, beaten Dark Jedi and a manipulated, broken Sith Lord seem like a recipe for disaster. 

But…aren’t the most beautiful mosaics made with jagged pieces?

*pictures and divider are mine*


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2 years ago

Never Forgotten//

Vader x F!Reader/ Ch 8

Never Forgotten//

(A/N: ILL BE OFF MY HURT COMFORT BINGE SOON DW, but the slow burn is finally starting to spark!!! also if u get a chance i’d love ur input on the question in the a/n at the end!)


You comfort Vader after his fight with Obi-Wan and he has some revelations

Warnings: cursing, nightmares, emotional trauma, injury description


You requested he had at least a week to recover, which the emperor surprisingly agreed to. He needed to heal physically and emotionally.

You moved him to his room, which he never really got much use from. You spent each moment with him, letting him work through his thoughts, changing bandages, and just keeping him company. You wanted him to get better so he could be back to himself, but you enjoyed being able to spend time with him.

The more you were around him the more your heart hurt. You were beyond falling in love, now your heart was pained by how much you yearned for him. But everytime you were close to telling him how you felt, your fears of rejection and the unknown held you back. You didn’t know if your heart could handle it if he rejected you, so you settled for this limbo.

Presently, Vader was lying in his rarely used bed, pristine sheets covering his lower half. Today you helped him put on his arms since their repairs were finished, but you left his legs off because they needed more fine tuning. He was without his mask and left only in undergarments to allow his wounds to breathe. He slowly began providing details about his past and how he and his former master split.

“I tried to tell him that from my perspective, the Jedi were evil. They used me for years, they used him, but he didn’t want to hear it” Vader spoke from his bed as you walked around his room.

You understood their relationship was an intricate one, you understood Vader’s hatred of his old master, but you could also feel his pain. He truly cared for Obi Wan.

“After the incident on Mustafar, I could not rest until I found him. He did this to me. He took everything.”

You could see from his perspective and Obi-Wan’s. Anakin was taken advantage of and to him, Obi-wan ruined his life. But it was his own actions that led to many complications in his old life. And Obi Wan should have payed more attention to Anakin’s shift and been there for him, but he was only following his morals, just as Anakin was.

You walked over to him and placed a gentle hand on his cheek, he stopped talking and met your gaze. The frustration and pain in his face subsided momentarily. He placed a metal hand on your forearm as you thought about how to comfort him. Slowly, but swiftly you wrapped your arms around him and rested your head in the crook of his neck.

“Well, I’m here if you need anything” you whispered, tightening your grip.

Vader was caught off guard. You were embracing him, comforting him. His heart began to flutter, thank the stars he wasn’t hooked up to the vital machine or else it would be beeping like crazy.

He slowly leaned into your touch and lightly placed his steel appendages around your waist. He relaxed and breathed in your calming scent. Lavender mint with a dash of sea breeze.

“Thank you, F/N” he said to you, as you rose from his side.

He debated risking it all just to tell you how ethereal you were. But he was too afraid. How could you come to love someone as vile as him. He was fearful of your response. He lost everything he held dear, he didn’t want to lose you too.

If he only knew.

You smiled at him, “always.”

The more time you spent with him the more you noticed the yellowish hues in his irises had subsided. What was left were the eyes of Anakin.

Your Ani.

You got back up and began meddling with some stuff on the desk. “Do you ever tire of being the fear striking Lord Vader?” You asked.

He laid his head back onto his pillow and stared at the ceiling as he let out a sigh.

“I am contempt with my duties, though sometimes I tire of the cowardice everyone shows in my presence.”

You giggled, “Well you are pretty intimidating Ani. The first time we reunited you almost choked me to death”.

Though you were lighthearted with the statement, he cringed. That incident deeply troubled him, how could he do that to you?

His F/N.

“And for that I am more regretful than you know, F/N. I am truly sorry.”

He was beyond ashamed of the incident and quickly steered away from that conversation.

“Do you remember the soup my mother used to make?” Vader asked as you turned to face him.

“Of course I do! It was only the most delicious thing in all the galaxy! I especially liked when she’d shape the bread that went with it into tiny animals.” You beamed reminiscing about the delectable meal.

“Wow, I did not expect you to remember it so fondly.” Vader quipped.

“I remember Watto craved it so often he made me try to recreate it. Obviously I never could get it quite like the Shmi Skywalker” you responded.

He smiled to himself, this past didn’t hurt to remember.

“Oh! What was it? Do you remember what your mom used to say about us? she used to say it all the time” You asked, you remembered what she said, she said you two would be married. You always blushed when she would tease, but it made you feel happy every time she would. You just wanted to know if he remembered it.

He rested his hand over his mouth and laughed. “That I do. How could I forget, “Mrs. Skywalker” he teased.

You stopped in your tracks, he was always a smooth guy, but damn, you forgot how much of a tease he was. You blushed, but hoped he didn’t notice.

“Yes, she always did say we would be wed” he chuckled to himself.

Masking the excitement the best you could you agreed, “Yes! That’s it, that’s what she said! Haha, how could I forget? I mean we were the best looking pair in Mos Espa.” Now it was his turn to blush

“Indeed” he said, he could feel his lungs working overtime to compensate for his fast heart rate. He could feel himself wheezing.

You quickly picked up on his discomfort and grabbed an oxygen mask to place over his face. He thanked you and focused on regulating his breathing. You nodded and began to start the nightly routine of cleaning around his ports and rubbing the ointments into his skin.

This routine had become quite comforting for the both of you. He loved to feel your gentle hands over his battered body and you loved just to be close to him. __________________________________________

You spent the last two nights in his room, sleeping on a chair close to his bed so you could monitor him periodically throughout the night. The chair was not comfortable whatsoever, but you would sleep there if it meant helping him in any way. He seemed to have nightmares, but he never woke up because of them. But tonight was different.

Around midnight you were awoken by heavy breathing and thrashing. You cracked your eyes open and dimly saw Vader fighting in his sleep. This nightmare was different though, he was muttering a string of “No’s”and “Please’s”. You walked towards his bedside through the dark of the room, you began to sit by his side as he shot up.

He winced at the sudden movement and gasped when you placed a hand on his shoulder. Instinctively he initiated the force to protect himself. You felt your air passage cutting off, before he noticed it was you. He immediately released his hold and began to pant, “sorry! I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m-“.

He was shaking violently, you didn't care about what just happened, you understood having instincts, nothing to apologize for. “It’s ok Ani, It was a dream, You’re ok”

You drew him into your chest as you held the back of his head with your hand. He desperately clung onto you and burrowed his face into you. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” he kept repeating.

You held him tight and ran a hand down his back soothingly, careful of the saber burn near his shoulders. You let him cry into you as you comforted him.

“It’s ok Ani, It’s ok.” You cooed as he began to calm down. “Do you want to talk about it?” You asked him, tilting his face towards yours.

He hesitated before shaking his head. You were too pure to be burdened with his fears. You nodded and continued to hold him, his steel digits grasping at the fabric of your nightgown.

After he calmed down you began to head back to your chair before he grabbed your wrist.

“Wait. Please don’t leave me.” He pleaded. “C-could you lay with me?”

Of course you would. You would do anything for this man.

You nodded and hopped in under the covers next to him. You turned on your side to face him, but before you could roll all the way over you felt his tight embrace around you. He breathed you in and sighed into your hair. He felt safe.

“Ani, are you sure you’re alright?” You asked, turning in his arms to face him. His eyes were clenched shut, but slowly softened and opened to look at you.

“Now that you’re here, I am.” He said once before closing his eyes again. You rested your head on his broad chest and welcomed his warmth. You felt happy. You provided him comfort and if you couldn’t be his love, at least you could be something to him.

After a while you shifted to having your foreheads touching. He had descended into sleep once more, but he still had a comfortable grip on you. You admired him secretly as you peeped open your eyes. He looked so peaceful, so beautiful. He was always a beautiful boy, even now just as he was.

Without thinking you tilted up to kiss his forehead. The sensation of his scarred face felt different on your soft lips, but it felt good nonetheless. You felt comforted by his presence. If you could just stay like this forever, playing house in your mind. You wanted this to be your new normal, you wanted-__________________________________________

On the other end of the kiss there was Anakin. He wasn’t fully asleep, he was waiting for the chance to gaze upon your sleeping face. Instead he felt your lips on his face.

Your lips.

He could have melted on the spot. There was such a tenderness to your kiss, he could feel the way your breath hitched once you backed away.

Were you nervous?

No, he’s the nervous one here.

Was it possible that you harbored similar feelings to his own? Could you care for him in the way he did for you?


He couldn’t. He didn’t know if he could open himself up to love again. Yet he heard a small, distant voice in the back of his mind, “Go ahead, let her in, Ani.”


She gave him her blessing to move on. She encouraged him to go to you.

He was free.


(a/n: okok yes comfort overload, but i think i have an idea for the ending. Idk how i’m gonna intertwine it with the cannon end tho :/ ngl, i don’t wanna add luke and leia, but what do u guys think?)

taglist: @dokoni-mo , @the-official-memester , @wizardofrozz , @guinea-pig16 , @jar-of-moondust , @stxrrielle , @katsukiswrld , @eskel-adores-lilbleater , @yvette-ace , @lordfishflakes , @venus-armote , @emuxmu , @msblazer , @organasith , @loversjoy , @khaleesihavilliard, @sxoulchvn, @madeleine-w , @abby-22 , @astra-1780, @hyojin-2579, @lollaa-puff, @ayothatsano, @alexandra900925, @arelisskywalker , @mara-brekker

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2 years ago

Imagine you watch Anakin defeat Sidious, however, he becomes Vader in the process. What will be of you, then?

Warnings: it’s loosely based on “Defying Gravity”.

Warnings 2: soft smut, drama, angst and action. No minors.

Recommendations: besides the main song that inspired this fic, “My Immortal” and “Anywhere” by Evanescence aided to the most dramatic fic I’ve written so far. Lol. I blame my moon in ♏️.



Darth Sidious smirks as he overpowers you moments after resisting his attacks.

“It is useless to defeat me, my dear. As admirable as your attempts had been in fighting me, there is no point in trying further.” His smirk is wiped out of his face when angst comes. “Surrender now and I’ll spare your life. You will be a great addition to the dark side!”

“Never!” You yell at him.

It’s when he lifts your body as if you are this little useless thing. The air in your lungs starts to dissipate. You look for Anakin, where is he? Nonetheless, you still offer a great deal of resistance to the enemy of your Order, much to the former chancellor’s dismay.

However, you now begin to suffocate. Despair runs from your head to toes. The sense of powerlessness is overwhealming. There are tears going up to your eyes as you struggle for your life. It’s when you realize that the best you can do is accept your destination. You loose the grip of your saber and it drops on the floor; your conscience begins to drift and you are suddenly so tired that you don’t see Anakin’s angst.

That he sees you sent to sacrifice as if you are a lamb gives light to the Chancellor’s betrayal. It’s not enough that he fought his own Master, no. He is about to lose you too.

And he realizes he’s been a puppet all along.

This ends tonight.

Anakin takes his saber and his next move is not predicted by Palpatine who enjoys torturing you. Because he’s occupied in seeing life leaving your body, the former Chancellor and now self proclaimed Emperor takes a second or two before Anakin’s saber finally puts an end to his life.

Anakin curses the man before running to your side.

“You’re not going to die, Y/N! I’m not letting you to die!” He yells at you. Tears begin to form a puddle in his now yellow eyes.

Anakin then takes your unconscious body to his ship. You are staying with him, whether you like it or not. Whether you are alive…or not.


Ten years earlier.

You have recently celebrated the fifteenth year of your life with the only family you had: Master Y/C. He was like a father to you, he had rescued you from serving Jabbah as a young girl. You’ve paid him not only with gratitude but an admirable loyalty.

Master Windu was worried for you because this only showed how easily you formed attachments, but Master Y/C dismissed his concerns. He was only a paternal figure to you and there was nothing wrong with that. It was, in fact, the disposition of a good heart. And to many ways he acquiesced to this role, since the masters were the closest thing to a father for many younglings. He even gave you a birthday party!

Your memories as a Padawan were filled with cheerfulness and fondness because of him. Until the day Master Y/C was killed in battle. You were utterly devastated. Though you showed an incredible display of strength of character by masking your sentiments to those in Council, earning thus their trust, you were heartbroken.

However, you were not aware that this Padawan who was pretty much the same age as you sensed something was wrong with you. He thus followed you, worried. Even he knew about your close ties with the aforementioned Master. How could you be indifferent to his death? If it was Obi-Wan who had been killed in his place, he would not show the same control of his sentiments like you did.

To his relief, you proved to be a human being. You bursted into tears and the boy sensed anger in you. He waited until you stopped shaking to take a seat by your side.


You were startled at first. Where did he come from? Did he see you crying? You were about to panic when he took your hand in his—a genuine, spontaneous gesture of caring and concerns

“Hey, hey. It’s okay. I’m not going to tell the Council about how human you are.” His sarcastic remark made you smile a little. “Honestly, I don’t know what’s wrong with these people. Grief is expected in these kind of situations. We are not heartless beings. If it was with me, I’d be mad.”

He was surprised when you said:

“But I am mad. I am so angry. I hate Dooku.” You sobbed out. “He’s so cruel. How could he do this? How?”

“I don’t blame you for feeling the way you do. Like I said, had anyone killed my Master, I’d be feeling the same way.” He hesitantly placed a hand over your back and rubbed it. “I’m sorry for your loss, Padawan Y/N.”

You remembered looking at that boy with blue eyes. It was the first thing you’ve noticed, such deep blue eyes that held the same feelings that you were feeling. A prelude of a storm? A question for which you did not care to search for the answer. Not at the time anyway.

“How do you know my name?”

“I’ve paid attention to Master Yoda.” His answer brought you a chuckle, which pleased the boy. “I am…”

“Anakin Skywalker.” You did not cease to surprise him. He took a like of you.

“How do you know my name?” The same question you asked, he posed it.

“I pay attention that is all.” You made him chuckle too. “Who is your Master?”

“Obi-Wan Kenobi. You know… I think he could train you too.” Anakin suspected this was too early to suggest, but the idea of you desolated was an image that would stuck in his mind even years later.

“I don’t know.” You sighed.

Sadness returned again as you rested your chin over your hands. You’ve never contemplated a life without your master. He made the trainings interesting, the teachings far from boring, and you were getting prepared for your first mission.

However, Anakin would not give you up easily. As he looked at your long hair, tied in a braid, and noticed your delicate features, something within seemed to rise. Perhaps motivated by this unnamed sentiment, he insisted.

“Come on. You can’t give up like that. That was not what your master would have wanted. I promise you, it will be fun.”

“But I don’t think a Master can train two Padawans at the same time.” You reminded him.

But Anakin was overconfident with his idea to let your perspective bash him. One exchange of glances and, voilà, the two of you started out as friends.


Current days.

You open your eyes and see you are breathing via some machine. It takes some time to realize you are in a different scenario. Your head seems to weight on your shoulders, you are dizzy.

You unconsciously lift your hand to massage your neck. For Maker’s sake. You grumble before you stand. The room where you are is dark and cold. A shiver runs over your body.

Where am I?

You struggle to leave this litter, but once you do, you hear an almost mechanical breathing. It startles you.

“Who’s there?”

Your voice betrays the horror that has taken grip of your heart. You remember you were about to die in Palpatine’s hands. The very remembrance of how powerless you were brings you close to a panic attack had Anakin not showed up.

Or the person under the dark cape who you presume to be him. He rushes to your side.

“My love, my love.” You don’t see him, he’s behind you, but his familiar touch… it makes you shiver. “Are you well? You are safe, I promise you.”

“Anakin…” You swallow hard before turning at him. You don’t need to see him to hug him tight. “Am I alive?”

“Yes, my dear Y/N. You are. I would never allow you to slip through my fingertips like that.” You sense his metallic hand play with your hair, now loose at your back. “I’d cross a thousand paths to keep you alive. I’d do anything to keep your heart beating.”

You know he means it, every word. It’s what consoles you, what gives you tranquility. However, you are pulled away from his embrace. It’s when you realize there’s something going on.

“Anakin? Why are you pushing me away?” Your voice sounds more tearful than you’d care to admit. “Look at me. What happened? Where’s Palpatine?”

You step forward but he steps backwards. He refuses to let you see him, much to your consternation.

“Palpatine’s dead.” He makes a pause. His breath is mechanical again. “Stay where you are, Y/N. I don’t want you see me.”

“What? Ani…”

“That’s not my name anymore!”

You sense the anger in his voice. You don’t need to overthink it to realize what has led him to where he is now. All that darkness… You feel it flowing. Nonetheless, you step in his direction. He is not moving when you push his hood carefully.

Anakin holds your wrist. His grip is tight, moved by angst, but also frustration and hurt. When looking at you, you see scars in his cheek and the color of his eyes have changed.

A tear rolls down your cheek.

“Something has changed in you.” You say, forgetting how to breathe.

“I’m through with playing their game. Palpatine may have been gone but I am not here to be anyone else’s puppet.” He let’s go of your wrist and turns his back against you.


“I said that’s not my name anymore!” He screams at you. But you are not frightened by it, though your eyes are blurry by tears. “I’m Vader.”

“You can still be the Jedi you want to be.”

He senses your conflicted sentiments. He turns at you, he too ambiguously angry.

“You cannot pull me down. I’m through accepting limits because someone said so. Too long I’ve been chained by others.” It’s when he softens. “Y/N. Come with me. Together we will be unlimited, we will be finally free to be whomever we want to be. There’s no fight we cannot win.”

He gently lifts his hand to caress your cheek, you incline yourself into his touch. You do the same to him, neither seeking to escape the bond so strong one feels for the other.

“Everyone deserves a chance to fly. I’m flying free. You, above all others, know that I have nothing to be fixed.”

A sob comes out. He is tempted to embrace you, to console you. Vader lifts your chin, trying to read what is in your heart.

“So what is going to be your answer, Y/N?”


Five years ago.

You were there when he told you about Padmé Amidala. It shouldn’t disturb you this much. That day he confided you he kissed her, you found out the news were far from pleasant to you.

You were aware of his sentiments for her, of course. As your friendship grew throughout the years and you’ve become an apprentice to Obi-Wan Kenobi—-(it was comical how he received Anakin’s importunating’s request: “What? You spoke to the council before me?! Anakin, for the Maker’s sake, this was out of your league and you were not allowed to…” and then, “Oh, they actually allowed it?! Fine, then. Bring the girl to me.”)—-you easily formed an attachment to Anakin. You didn’t become aware of this until then.

You lied down in your bed, upset about Anakin being smitten with Senator Amidala. Your heart never ached like this before, but you would deal with your disappointment alone. That was the best manner to face it.

You stared up the ceiling, trying to find a way to mend your disappointment. You didn’t consider weeping, but tears came uninvited. They somehow soothed this unwanted discovery. You embraced your pillow and there you stayed. You were about to fall asleep when you heard a knock on the door.

Who that might be?

You rubbed your eyes and cleaned your face with the sheets before throwing a robe as you moved to open the door. To your surprise, Anakin was standing right before you.

“Ani! Why are you up so late and and why did you come to me?”

He looked somehow heartbroken. You welcomed him inside, unable to refuse him any help at all, specially when he appeared so troubled. That day you noticed his insecurities, but underneath them the first signs of his unresolved angry issues.

“Padmé and I had…uh…our first misunderstanding.” He then started telling about his jealousies concerning Clovis and how she was close to kiss him—or so he thought. Admittedly, he’d been wrong to judge so: his perceptions were clouded by his sense of possessiveness towards her. Where’d that come from? He was unable to stop hitting the man. “Something snapped inside of me, Y/N. I don’t know what that was.”

It was not until you came to hold him close that he noticed you had been unwell.

“Hey. Hold on a minute.” He paused and made sure you looked at him. “I’ve been talking about myself, but you… Have you been crying?”

“No.” You lied without second thoughts. “Come Ani…”

He held your wrists and forced you to look at him. He narrowed his eyes, studying your emotions.

“You are lying.” Anakin accused you. “By the Maker, I’ve been selfish by talking about me. I should have asked about you, I should… Fuck. What kind of friend am I?”

“Shush.” You managed to release your wrists and embraced him. “Can we not talk about it? You are not a bad friend. You are not a bad person, Anakin. Neither a bad boyfriend. You just need…to trust in Padmé more. You should talk to her tomorrow.”

You couldn’t even believe in yourself. Sending him away to the woman he loved. You could hear that small part of you, poisoning your good intentions with disdain and self despise.

Anakin reluctantly parted from the embrace to look at you.

“Do you think so? Do you think she’d forgive me?”

You smiled at him.

“I do. Everything always gets right in the end.”

But Anakin sensed something was wrong with you. He could not, however, find the guts to approach you about the matter specially because you shielded your mind and you successfully distracted him by giving great relationship advises.

You soothed his distress, but it was not until he led you believe he went to his quarters, disguising his signature after the door was closed and you said goodbye to each other, that he heard you cry.

It was heartbreaking for him to hear you sob, specially because Anakin couldn’t open the door and surprise you on the act so he would console you. He felt powerless before you. Somehow, he thought he was connected to the reason why you were crying yourself to sleep.

It shouldn’t be this way. Why, Maker, am I sensing I am the reason why she’s hurting? It’s not what I want. To be her disappointment, to be the reason why she’s broken inside.

Anakin ran his hands over his hair, going back to his quarters as disturbed as when he came looking for you.


The next day he hoped to approach you, so he’d talk about what happened without raising any kind of suspicious that he knew you cried yourself to sleep. His eyes followed your moves carefully, hoping to capture any chance you’d be showing some sign of hurt that would allow him to intrude.

Turned out that he began noticing your long braid, the white cropped that had one long sleeve and another very short, showing your belly. Anakin didn’t like how some of the troopers seemed to notice your curves, looking at your hips as you came to meet Obi-Wan.

“Is there something distracting you, General Skywalker?” Rex said when noticing his stare at you.

“Uh?” Anakin turned at his friend and smirked. “Maker, no. I was lost in my contemplations, that is all.”

“Of course, if that is what you say to your conscience.” He teased the Jedi. “I thought you were seeing Senator Amidala. What happened?”

Anakin had the decency to blush.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, Rex. Come, we have some mission to discuss.”

However, when his eyes sought for you, Anakin came to realize he had a choice to make in the end, didn’t he? It was either you or Padmé. He sighed.


“You are going to Naboo”, you were telling Anakin. “I convinced Obi-Wan that you have matters to discuss with Senator Amidala so you can resolve whatever pendencies you have with her.”

Anakin stared at you, shocked.

“You would do this for me?”

When you smiled at him—a smile that, however, did not rise to your eyes like in the past, or in whatever occasions he was with you—, Anakin finally comprehended what was the reason of your weeping. Fuck, I don’t deserve you, Y/N. You are too good for this world.

“Of course. What are friends for, eh?” You assured him. It only confused him more.

As he watched you engage in conversations with the troops, perhaps flirting with one or other—why would you smile at Fives for Maker’s sake?—Anakin came to realize how selfish he was for unwillingly share you with anyone else at all; and how possessive he found out he could be when it came to you.

No. This is just something temporary, it is the darkness tempting me. I must resist.

Unaware of his thoughts, you sought to distract yourself from him. It was when you were summoned by Obi-Wan. You were told about the mission you were assigned to Mustafar. Curiously, Anakin decided to meddle.

“Master, with all due respect, but you cannot send her there. It’s dangerous.”

“Hello there. I’m here!” You protested.

Anakin shoot you a glare.

“Not now, Y/N.”

Obi-Wan folded his arms and stared at his first Padawan, glancing at him with a mix of amusement and annoyance.

“You underestimate Y/N’s abilities. If the reason why you are saying so is your concern, believe me, Y/N has every capacity for this. Besides, let us not forget she is just as Knight as you are.” He referenced the recent trials you and Anakin went through and were knighted as Jedis at long last.

“I am going, Anakin”, you told him, surprised for his overprotective sense towards you. “You need to accept that. Besides, I thought you had a mission in Naboo?”

He glared at you. Anakin refused to speak to you. But this would not last too long. He’d been plagued with nightmares about you in Mustafar. You’d been dragged there by General Grievous. After defeating him, you were found fighting Count Dooku. Yet, he overpowered you. Every night he barely slept well. Every night the possibility of losing you posed as a real threat.

Where are you, Y/N? Come back to me. Come back safely.

When looking at a sleeping Padmé, Anakin was forced to acknowledge a very difficult truth. Maybe she was never the one to reside in his heart.

Two years ago.

“Look at the stars, Y/N.” Anakin brought you to the roof of the temple. A secretive place that used to be his and his alone—no one ever dreamed about the existence of a place where it was possible to see the universe as it was. He took you there to help sooth you after you returned from your mission.

You had regressed physically hurt and psychologically damaged, a fragile thing that broke your pride. To prevent you shield yourself, Anakin brought you there. And here you were.

“They are beautiful. Intense and free. Wild even”, you contemplated, your head lying in his shoulder. “What are your thoughts about it?”

You made the mistake to look up at him. You were aware that Anakin and Padmé were no more, but hopelessness still resided in your heart. Yet, you forgot about the struggles you’ve been through when his blue eyes were so inviting, so tender, so… intense. All at the same time.

“It gives me peace and inspiration to pursuit the liberty of myself. It makes me wonder whether I’m capable of defying the gravity.”

You giggled.

“A dreamer and a fighter. You never cease to amaze me, Anakin Skywalker.”

His heart skipped a beat. There was much to be said, but after all he went through with Padmé, he was still reluctant to make the first move. When searching for your feelings, Anakin knew nothing had changed.

“What took you so long to notice me the way I am?” He responded sarcastically, smirking when you giggled.

“I’ve always seen you as who you truly are.” It was the truth, you never missed the small details of his personality—even the unspoken dark side you’ve began to sense to grow. “To me, you can’t fool.”

Anakin laughed. He sought after your fingers and locked with his. You remembered the feeling: his callous hand against your soft one giving you a warm feeling. It brought you the silliest of the smiles, so meaningful—yet you were afraid to dive in. You were still traumatized—facing Grievous left you profound scars.

And Anakin was aware that. He had no rush, though. He’d take his time. And you were thankful for that.

“The funny thing about the space is that we know little about it”, you said. “You have to promise me that one day we will explore it.”

He laughed heartily. The mere sound of it seemed to wipe away your fears and restaure your internal balance again.

“Indeed I will. I swear to you…” He paused so you looked up at him. Your eyes were locked. “….I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”

“I appreciate it, Ani. More than anything in the world.”

The two of you exchanged smiles. It was all that mattered back then.


A year before the rise of the Empire.

You were dreaming about a strange place. You were in Mustafar again. As you landed in this volcano place, you saw Obi-Wan and Anakin fighting each other.

“Don’t!” Wasn’t it how Grievous predicted it was going to be? Didn’t he warn you? Nonetheless you tried to stop the fight. “Please don’t! This is not how it should be! Please!”

No one seemed to hear you. Except one single person. You turned and you weren’t surprise to see Dooku there. There was a huge fight, but you ended up defeated. Burning in the lava, left barely alive.

You woke up, your face bathed in tears. You were plagued by this anxiety, this torment so full of energy. Your hair was falling loose over your shoulders as you stood and went to dress your Jedi’s clothes. It was raining outside and still dark when you grabbed your saber.

You had to deal with whatever that was weighing on your chest. The next thing you knew, you were outdoors. Under a heavy rain. Practicing with your blue lightsaber. And you wept because you knew this dream was going to happen. And you hated it because you were weak to prevent it.

Anakin had been awakened by the disturbance he felt in you. He had such a strong bond with you that he sensed your suffering. Your pain. Your angst. He pulled his clothes and went after you.

Anakin was perplexed to find your quarters empty: where the hell did you go? His guts then led him outdoors. And there you were. In open field training harshly with your saber.

Maker, what happened? Why were you on the rain?!

He rushed over you.

“Y/N! Y/N! What the fuck are you doing on the rain?” Despite your resistance, Anakin managed to take you away from the heavy rain and cold wind. He led you instead to his quarters where he placed a towel around your shoulders and ensured the ambient to be warm for you.

“My love”, he said in such a way that warmed your heart. You looked at him fondly. “What’s the matter? Talk to me.”

“I was so angry.” You sobbed. “I had a terrible dream, Anakin. The worst was to know, to feel it will happen and I will not be strong enough to prevent it. The pain is just too real. I cannot… I cannot battle alone, I cannot heal!”

You put your hands to hide your face and cried. Anakin’s heart broke when seeing you like this specially because the anger that plagued your heart has been plaguing his for some time now. He was not a stranger to these sentiments—specially concerning the nightmares. He hugged you against him.

“That’s not true.” Anakin rocked you against his arms and you’ve leant into him. “I’ll be there for you, remember? The same way you’ve been there for me. You still have all of me. This pain will ease with time, I promise.”

Anakin lifted your chin and he gently wiped away your tears. You loved him so much that it became so clear the attachment in your eyes. He felt it too. He leant his forehead against yours.

“You know I’ll never leave you, Y/N. You are everything to me. You have always been. I love you.”

“I love you too.” You smiled. A light amidst the darkness came within you. He took your pain away. “I love you more than anything I hold dear. I love you with every inch of my soul. I have always loved you, Anakin Skywalker, and I always will.”

Anakin’s eyes went teary in turn because of how you opened up yourself to him; because your words could have easily been spoken by him. It didn’t surprise neither of you that after the cold, there came the fire.

His lips sought for yours. You left the towel drop your shoulders as you were quick to respond his kiss. His hands held your waist and the next thing you knew was that you sat on his lap. The kiss was urgent, captivating, dominating.

His hands ran up and down your back, removing your Jedi robes. You did the same thing to him, never daring to part the kiss. You were finally subdued by every passion that ran upon your nerve, boiling your blood as he pulled your hair. You wanted more, both of you did.

As the kiss broke so you could catch your breath, you’ve realized you two were without your clothes. You stared into each other’s eyes, slowing down the passion that seemed to burst. But there was neither regret nor shame in both parts.

“Y/N…” Anakin said at long last, eyeing you with desire and want; but also love. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

You responded him with a passionate kiss. Anakin sighed heavily when you did. He took you to his bed, taking a good care of you as he moved his body over you, tangling yours with his.

“I need you, Ani.” You mumbled, enjoying the kisses on your neck, how his hands moved from your back to your chest, caressing your breasts and moving down to the between your legs. “Oh.”

Anakin smirked, aware he’d made you forget all of the distress, all darkness. However, something snapped inside of him.

“Look at me.” He commanded you, gently but firmly all the same. “Look at me, angel.”

“Yes, my love.” You did so obediently, breathlessly.

“You are mine.” He didn’t ask. But in his eyes, you saw a shadow of doubt.

You smiled at him. He warmed you not physically but in so many other ways. You cupped his cheeks with your hands, bringing his head to you.

“Always. Always yours to command.” You vowed, beaming at him.

Anakin’s smile spread on his lips. You could tell by the Force that this was the reassurance he needed. So he kissed you and you melted against his touch.


Current Days.

You turn at Vader at long last. He waits for your answer however impatiently so. You touch his cheek, caressing it softly.

“It took me some time to realize how you’ve longed to be free. How you’ve been chained all your life. I wasn’t the only one to carry traumas, to carry scars.” You step forward, closer to him.

You don’t say much, letting the words slip into his mind, so he savors their meaning. His hands are placed around your waist, pulling you against him. With no hood to hide his features, you see tears rolling from his eyes.

“I wanted to save you. I’d never meant any harm to you.” It is all he can say.

“I am not here to fix you, Anakin. No one is going to hold us down anymore. You are safe now.” You gently wipe away his tears. “I’m here to fight away your fears the same way you did mine. I love you. Whether being Anakin or Vader, I love you.”

The man you love closes his eyes. He won you. His heart seems to be relieved of the long time pain had plagued him. You, however, did manage to heal him. Your goodness balances the darkness in him. Nonetheless, there you are. Just the two of you.

“My wife.” He opens his eyes and uses the word that he knows had always been the reason why you blush, specially after he married you. And he smiles as you do so, after all this time it has the same effect on you. “Together we’ll be invincible.”

“I don’t mind as long as we are together, my husband.” You lean into his embrace, smiling at the word that leaves your tongue.

“I am not letting you go.” So Vader says firmly, possessively and gently.

Darkness has never felt so sweet. And you’ve never been in peace…



Vader is reclining in bed as he watches you dress. He is attentive to how your hair drops in cascade, to your curves, how sensually you always move. However, he also sees how happy you are. When the two of you are alone, he allows himself to be his former self again. The old Anakin you once knew… Did he ever disappear, though?

And here he is again. He leaves his bed and stops right behind you. He enjoys to see the unending effect he has on you: the grip Vader has of your heart, how it races every time he’s nearby, how you swoon whenever he comes at you. But mostly, as it happens now when he snakes his arms behind you, how you get wet when his skin warms yours in a mere single touch.

“My Empress.” He greets you with kisses around your neck, his hands lying around your waist and sneaking right into your belly. He smirks when sensing your reaction. “I didn’t allow you to get dressed.”

You giggle softly, leaning against his chest—you never cease to admire his strength; has he always been this strong?

“We have appointments with…”

You gasp when his metallic hand gets right into your womanhood. Your mind goes instantly blank.

“You were saying?” Vader smirks wide as he removes your gown, eyeing how desire overcomes your body.

“My love…”

You try to resist, but damn it doesn’t he know your soft spots? As he cups your breasts, giving bites around your neck—making sure there are visible bruises, though thankfully there’s makeup to cover them—-so you are remembered—as if you needed a reminder—that you are his.

“Are you mine?” Vader asks you as he teases you endlessly.

“Yes!” You gasp, your moans going louder as you are about to climax. “Yes, I’m yours!”

As you do, you get rid of your gown and lead him right back to bed. He smirks as he watches you bossing him there. He lets you slide into his lap after taking a good care of him, but of course he has to hold control over you even there—as if you don’t enjoy that at all, by all means.

But there’s no time to play as he thrusts into you. What had started as an intense display of passion, it is now a slowly, gently and tender lovemaking.


You are locked in his arms, pleasantly so. You turn at him, now stuck in these yellow eyes that stare into your y/c ones. Vader is amazed by how, even though you joined his side, you remain uncorrupted. After all these years, you may have flirted with dark forces but you are still you.

“My angel.” He nuzzles against your neck before pressing his lips against yours.

“My love.” You beam at him, playing with his curly hair, gently stroking his cheek.

“We should explore the galaxy…” And his old self is here again, much to your delight. “I promised you, didn’t I?”

Your smile spreads easily on your lips. He remembers. You lean your forehead against his.

“I don’t wish to distract you from your duties, though.”

“You are not. You are my duty, Y/N.”

Many would later say that whilst Vader ruled as Emperor throughout galaxy, you ruled him back home. And by extension you may have contributed to his rule not being as ruthless as many of his followers desired to be.

“As you are mine, love of my life.” You hold him against you. “You are my stardust, my dear love, everything I’ve wanted and more. You are the sun of my existence and I shall always gravitate around you, ignited by the love that lives in me and brightens us.”

Vader detests how sentimental he is with you. His eyes begin to blurry upon your words, so sweet, so full of love and devotion. It’s in the same degree of intensity he loves you. You never judged his actions, his heart. You never tried to amend him because, in your eyes, he was not broken. Even after all these years, you take him as he is and you love him fully and intently.

“I love you, my darling.” He whispers, giving in to the goodness there’s still in him.

How could he fight it away when you bring it so naturally? How could he deny that you make him better everyday as a man? All he wants is you. And all you want is him.

You cuddle him, nuzzling against his neck, refusing to let go of him. There is peace in him as there is in you. Duty is not the death of love, doesn’t seem so anymore.

For as you said, he is your duty now.


His hood is eclipsing his features. A long dark cape hides his frame as his yellow eyes stare into the long galaxy. He has little patience with bureaucratic matters, leaving some of these to you.

But where is Y/N? Where is she?

He hates that you take long time to join him. But the scent of roses defeats his impatience. Vader doesn’t have to look away to know you’ve arrived at last.

Dressed in a dark gown with long sleeves and details in red, following the regal style of galactic princesses, you too dress a cape over your royal style as you walk in the throne room.

You smile as you know Vader awaits you. Discreetly, you float towards him. It’s when you take his hand, locking your fingers together.

“You took so long to come.”

“You should have patience, my darling. An empire is not ruled by itself.” You giggle as you lean into his embrace.

Vader smirks at your statement.

“Power suits you well.”

“I wouldn’t say that. I have a responsibility.” You defend yourself, aware how this might sound.

“If that soothes your conscience…” he chuckles. “You cannot pretend you were not born for it, though.”

You roll your eyes. However, if you search in your heart, you’ll see he’s not entirely wrong. You do appreciate conducting political affairs, even though you try doing it moved by a sense of justice. You feel heard and seen. Not… Not just some former slave who the Jedis looked pitifully to.

You blush at your thoughts, though.

“You don’t need to embarrass yourself for thinking so.” Vader says before your silence, reading your thoughts. He makes you look at him. “I’ve been there too. Forget this life now, Y/N. You are safe with me. No one is going to stop us. It does little good to look back.”

“I have no need to look back when I’m with you.” You tell him honestly. “I just…”

You don’t know how to say, but there’s no need to. Vader understands you perfectly. He takes your hand and there presses a kiss. How a simple gesture soothes your fears.

You smile at him.

“Feeling better?” He asks you in a whisper.

“Yes. Thank you, my Emperor.”

Vader smirks at you.

“My Empress.” He brings you even closer if this is possible. “How about exploring the galaxy, eh? I’ve recently learned about a planet that our tentacles hasn’t reached yet.”

You giggle.

“You must promise me the domination will be peaceful though.”

“Have I ever refused you anything, dear love?” Vader looks at you with such affection and tenderness that he smiles when he hears your heart skipping a beat.

“I love you, my sun, universe of my being..” You beam, leaning to kiss his cheek.

When there’s just the two of you, it feels like the old days, where you were just Y/N and he was just Anakin Skywalker.

“I love you, my stardust.”

And there you stay, heading to explore the galaxy as you vowed in your youth.

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You Were My Only Hope


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Angstember Prompt - “For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you."

You had been on your own for a long time now, floating through the galaxy and never staying in one place long enough for anybody to know you, hiding your identity and shutting yourself off from the Force completely whilst trying to push through each lonely day without focusing on the emptiness around you.

Obi-Wan had long since taken off, exiling himself to Tatooine to look after the boy, Anakin’s boy. Some days you almost caved and went to the planet but you weren’t quite sure either you or Obi-Wan were prepared to face your past life just yet. The two of you weren’t the same people you had been all those years ago, Anakin’s downfall and death had taken something from both of you that hadn’t yet been replaced.

You had loved Anakin, had loved him more dearly than anything else. You had been praised for how well you followed the Jedi Code but it wasn’t true, for Anakin Skywalker you broke the Jedi Code everyday even if he never knew. You had known he had a relationship with Padmé, though you hadn’t quite known the extent of it, had no idea they were married, but it didn’t stop you from loving him.

Even though Anakin didn’t love you as you loved him, it didn’t mean he didn’t love you in his own way. The two of you had grown up alongside each other in the Temple, you were Anakin’s first and best friend. Whilst Obi-Wan wasn’t actually your Master, he had been in every sense of the word other than officially. You had spent more time training with him and Anakin than you had your own Master and if the Jedi allowed a Master to take on more than one Padawan you knew Obi-Wan would have happily accepted you as his own alongside Anakin. Over the years you became everything to each other, something closer than friends and somehow more intimate than lovers, there hadn’t been anything the two of you didn’t share with each other, at least you’d thought there were no secrets between you right up until Anakin’s fall.

Seeing the destruction he had caused, the death of Padmé, leaving the bodies of children behind in the Temple, helping with the murder of Jedi across the galaxy and making sure that the few who had escaped had bounties on their heads forever, turned your stomach. You knew that if you had had the chance all those years ago you would have done anything to change it, would have given up everything so long as Anakin kept his light.

There was nothing you could do though, Anakin was dead, Obi-Wan had pulled you aside shortly after Padmé had given birth to the children and tearfully told you what had happened on Mustafar, told you that Anakin was gone. The two of you held each other, knowing that nothing would be the same again and you hadn’t stopped the tears that poured from your eyes, soaking the cloak Obi-Wan wore.

From that day on you had been lost, jumping from one planet to the other and it was only when you came across a group of Inquisitors that you were glad you had been running, glad you had shut yourself off from the Force. You had hidden yourself in the shadows, easily blending in with the sketchy figures around you as one of the Inquisitors Force choked a Jedi they had found. You knew this was common, any Jedi found was to be killed, the Empire wouldn’t rest until they were. You had grown numb to it, had seen it happen too many times, in the early years you had wanted to react, wanted to help the Jedi but you knew that meant exposing yourself and you couldn’t do it.

“Where is Y/F/N Y/L/N?” One of the Inquisitors snarled and you felt your eyes go wide and forced yourself to swallow against the sudden lump in your throat.

You knew the Empire was looking for Obi-Wan for whatever reason, over the years you had heard whispers of his name but nobody had found where he was yet, only a few people knew that information and none of you would ever betray Obi-Wan.

The question was, why were they looking for you?

Ever since you’d overheard that conversation you had cut down your time spent on a single planet, making sure to keep your face covered whenever you had to be surrounded by people and kept your head down. You had dodged many Inquisitors in the past few months and again the urge to go to Obi-Wan for help was strong, the urge to reconnect with the Force and call out to Obi-Wan but you never did.

Instead you ran and you hid and you didn’t talk to anybody that wasn’t necessary. You were good but there was only so much you could do without the Force to help you, for it to warn you when danger was near. It didn’t surprise you nearly as much as it should have when you rounded a corner and saw your little shack in the middle of nowhere surrounded by Inquisitors, a ship not too far away.

Without your own lightsaber it really wasn’t a fair fight and it wasn’t long before you were being marched into the ship, a collar around your throat to cut you off from the Force despite you having done that yourself many years ago.

You didn’t say anything though, just let them shove along, rolling your eyes as they gloated about catching you before you were being pushed into a small, dark room. The door shut behind you and you were glad to be separated from the troopers and Inquisitors, if only to be rid of their constant taunting that was nothing more than an annoyance.

You had no idea where you were being taken, you could feel the ship moving and you could feel it making the shift to hyperspace. You spent the journey sitting on the floor, legs crossed as you let your mind wander. Even as a Padawan you had struggled to mediate, your Master hadn’t had the patience to teach you after repeated failures but Obi-Wan was more than happy to sit opposite you and guide you through it no matter how long it took. Mediating without being surrounded by the Force felt pointless but you still tried, if only to pass the time.

At some point your peace was disturbed as the door opened and you opened one eye to see a female Inquisitor enter the room alone. You regarded her for a second longer before letting your eye fall shut again, not giving her a reaction. She waited for the door to shut before she spoke.

“Anakin Skywalker has been waiting a very long time for you.” She told you and you couldn’t hide your reaction.

Your eyes shot open, staring openly at the woman in front of you in shock as your back stiffened with her words.

“What did you just say?” You asked, voice low and cold.

“You heard m-” She started to say but cut herself off, staring back at you for a moment before letting out a laugh, one that showed just how much she enjoyed having some sort of power over you as a smirk spread across her face. “You don’t know.”

“Know what? What do you know of Anakin?” You asked, not having pieced together what she knew.

“You don’t know,” She repeated, glee written on her face as she continued, “You don’t know what became of him.”

“He died.” You said through gritted teeth, annoyed at whatever tactic she was playing.

“Oh no, Y/N. Anakin Skywalker didn’t die, Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader.”

Your blood ran cold at her words, your head already shaking in disbelief because that was impossible. You hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting Vader but when one travelled the galaxy as much as you did you heard the stories. There was no way that was Anakin, no way.

“You really didn’t know.” She murmured, pulling you out of your thoughts and glaring at the smirk that was still on her face. “I guess you are right, your sweet Anakin Skywalker is long gone, Darth Vader is who remains.”

With those words she turned to leave the room, leaving you with that bombshell as you tried to sort your thoughts out. There was no way Obi-Wan knew, he would have told you. He, like you, believed Anakin had died on Mustafar but clearly he had received help, something had happened after Obi-Wan left with Padmé.

Even knowing what you knew about Vader you had to believe that Anakin was still in there somewhere, buried deep down under Darkness. Had you known he was still alive you wouldn’t have wasted years running around the galaxy, you would have done anything you could to bring him back to you.

For the first time since you had shut yourself off from it you wished you could connect with the Force.

It wasn’t long after that you felt the ship land, the doors to your cell were sliding open and two Inquisitors flanked by a handful of troopers were revealed. One of the Inquisitors wrapped their hand around your arm and dragged you along, the other gripping your other arm once you were close to him. You let them lead you through the ship and it took a good few minutes before you arrived in front of two heavy looking doors.

Upon seeing you and the Inquisitors, as well as the troopers who had followed you, the trooper standing guard opened the doors and you were shoved forward. You kept a bored look on your face but it was quickly replaced by a sad look as you saw Darth Vader standing in the room.

That couldn’t be Anakin and yet even without the Force to guide you, you had a feeling in the pit of your stomach, one that turned you cold, that the Inquisitor hadn’t been lying.  

“Leave us.” Vader ordered, his voice modified through the suit, sounding nothing like Anakin.

The Inquisitors and troopers left the room and the door fell shut behind them leaving you alone with Vader. You stood tall, a neutral look masking the pain and sadness you felt, staring into the helmet of Darth Vader.

“You have been difficult to find.” He told you and you couldn’t help but smirk, you had only become aware of the fact that the Empire was after you a few months ago, you wondered just how long you’d had a bounty on your head. “I have you now and you will tell me where Kenobi is hiding.”

You struggled to keep your mask in place, struggled not to let it show how painful it was hearing the hate filter through the mask. How had things fallen apart so badly, how had Anakin Skywalker, the person who had never failed to give you hope all throughout the clone wars, the person who you only ever saw the best in, fallen so hard? How could that boy who looked up to Obi-Wan, who had loved him dearly, not even bring himself to say his name? Only able to spit it out like it was poison.

Where had it all gone wrong?

“It’s really you then isn’t it?” You asked him, despite your neutral face your voice betrayed you, quivering slightly before you forced yourself to take a breath. “I didn’t want to believe her when she said you were Anakin but it’s you isn’t it?”

“Don’t use that name!” He spat, one arm raised with a clenched fist and you found yourself  a few feet in the air, Vader cutting off your breath as he Forced choked you.

It was child's play, you could handle being Forced choked, Anakin knew it as well as you did. You had been through worse during the years of the Clone Wars, suffered worse things than a choking. The Clone Wars had been tough, you’d been kidnapped more times than you could count, tortured even more, Anakin had been by your side throughout it all, you both knew this was nothing.

“Skywalker was weak, he was useless.” Vader said as he stopped choking you and you just about stayed upright as you were dropped to the floor.

“Anakin was never weak and he was far from useless. He was the bravest person I have ever met, he inspired loyalty, he was a hero.” You said, stressing the last word as you gave Vader a look of distaste. “Can you say the same about yourself?”

“You abandoned him, left him to die. Don’t speak to me about loyalty.” Vader snarled and even without the Force you could feel his anger, his pain and frustration.

You had to believe there was more than that there though, that there was some light no matter how small and dim, there had to be.

Anakin couldn’t just be gone.

For years you had lived thinking he had died, alone and in pain, left behind by Obi-Wan. You hadn’t blamed Obi-Wan, you had had years to dwell on it, years to run it through your head and knew full well that if you were in the man's shoes you wouldn’t have been able to kill Anakin either.

Even now as you stood before the darkest and most twisted version of Anakin, knew of all the pain and horror he had inflicted on the galaxy, even now you knew full well if you had the chance you wouldn’t be able to kill him.

You could practically see Master Yoda in your mind, shaking his head in disappointment as he spoke about attachments.

“Abandoned you?” You asked, shaking your own head as you stared at him in disbelief. “I thought you were dead. If I had known, if I had even had an inkling that you were alive, believe me I would have found you myself. I would have done everything I could to break through all the darkness surrounding you.”

“You expected me to believe that?” He scoffed and you glared at him. It was hard talking to him like this, not just because of the anger and the hatred but because of the helmet. Anakin had always been so expressive, his every emotion played out on his face but now the man hid behind the helmet.

“You know I’m not lying.” You told him and he remained silent for a few moments.

“There was a place for you at my side, there still is a place for you.” He told you suddenly, voice quiet but firm and you felt your eyes widen, there was no way he thought you would ever turn to the Dark Side but then again you had once believed he would never fall. “All you have to do is tell me where Kenobi is.”

“You know I would never betray Obi-Wan, Anakin.” You told him and watched as he took a step closer to you, towering over you but you forced yourself to meet the helmet.

“I am not Anakin.” He told you, anger clear in his tone and you couldn’t help the sad smile that pulled at your lips.

“You will always be Anakin Skywalker to me.” You said softly before you were slammed into a wall by the Force, Vader doing nothing more than pinning you against it. “And for what it’s worth, I never gave up on you. No matter how lost you are, no matter how far you stray from everything you once believed in, I never gave up on you, not when I saw what had become of the Padawans, not when the order was given for the Clones to kill us. I still believe in Anakin Skywalker.”

Vader stayed silent, the only sound in the room was that of his breathing, heavy through the helmet. You knew you were pushing it, knew this was a dangerous game but you didn’t care, you had to know if Anakin was still there, still believed in the man you had once known, the man you had spent every day loving.

“You are loyal to a dead man.” He told you finally and you felt your eyes close, desperately trying to think of a way to push through the Darkness. “It makes you weak.”

“Lucky for me then because the man I believe in isn’t dead, I know it. The man who held me when my Master was killed, the man who snuck me out of the Temple in the middle of the night because I wanted to see the celebrations, the man who took more beatings and hits than he needed to just so I didn’t get hurt, the man who helped me see the Light when everything seemed so dark during the war. That is the man I believe in and that is the man I know to be alive, to be within you no matter how deeply you have tried to bury him.” You told him, voice shaking and tears filling your eyes but you forced them back, not letting them fall.

This wasn’t about you, this was about bringing Anakin back.

“You can’t tell me this is the life you wanted Anakin. You’re nothing more than Palpatine’s weapon, he ripped everything from you; Padmé, your child, Obi-Wan and me. And for what, Anakin? What did you get out of it that was worth losing everyone?” You keep your voice soft, watching as his fist clenched at his side and you wished so badly you could see his face.

“None of that matters now.” Vader said after a moment of silence and you hated how you couldn’t hear his real voice, how his emotions were hidden through the helmet, robotic and stoic and not giving away anything. “The man you knew is gone, accept it and give up your weak and foolish hope of his return.”

You shook your head, refusing to do as he said. No matter what happened on this ship, even if he killed you, you would die knowing that Anakin was still in there, that one day, maybe not any time soon, Anakin would break through the Darkness surrounding him. Maybe he would break through himself, maybe he would eventually find Obi-Wan hidden away on Tatooine and Obi-Wan would be the one to break through. It didn’t matter how it happened, all that mattered was that you truly believed it would.

“I will never give up hope for Anakin Skywalker.” You told him, standing straighter and looking at the helmet, his anger and annoyance clear even without the Force helping up and the helmet covering him.

“Enough.” He said, using the Force to lift you off the ground again back still pressed against the wall. “I have grown tired of listening to you talk about a dead man, your pathetic attachment to him makes you weak. You could have joined me, Y/N, you could have joined me. Instead you keep your loyalties to a man long dead and a man who will die at my hands.”

Even though you’d been through worse pain, worse torture, suddenly this felt like the most painful thing you had ever experience, the worst kind of pain imaginable, a type of pain that made you cold and empty inside. There was no fear but something shifted around the two of you and you could practically see the thick Darkness clinging to Anakin.

You knew he was so far into it, knew the chances of you leaving this alive were slim to none and yet somehow you weren’t scared. The thing you felt most was your absolute heartbreak as you faced what had become of the man you loved but you knew he’d come back.

He had to.

“You have tested my patience long enough,” He snarled, stepping closer until there was no distance between you. “Now, you will tell me where Kenobi is!”

As he spoke he raised his hand, stopping you from taking breaths and you could feel his phantom grip tightening on you with each second. You stared at him, stared into the helmet that hid his face from you and knew you were going to die but you were not going to die betraying Obi-Wan or Anakin’s children.

“Anakin,” You choked out, voice a broken whisper as you felt yourself getting lightheaded, “I know you’re still in there, I know you can hear me even if you’re not ready to right now.” It was hard to speak, throat closed up and his grip only got tighter with your words. “I know this isn’t you, it can’t be, not after everything. You will find your way back one day, I know you will and you have to know, even with whatever happens today, I never gave up on you.” Your vision was going bleary as you forced yourself to stay conscious. “I love you, Anakin Skywalker, always have, always believed in you.”

Your words were barely audible at the end, his grip on your throat too tight to breath by now and the last thing you saw before your vision blacked out was the helmet of Vader, emotionless and betraying nothing as you choked out something unintelligible before letting your eyes fall closed.

Vader let go of you, let your body fall to the ground. He walked away, desperately trying to ignore the feeling deep inside of him, buried under a mountain of Darkness, that felt guilty, felt heartbroken and angry. Your final words were a declaration of love, a promise that you had always believed in him.

He stormed out of the room, fists clenched at his side as he forced down that part of him, the part that was Anakin Skywalker, no matter how much he denied it. You had been right, not that he would ever admit it but Anakin Skywalker had always been there, a weakness to Vader. He had thought he had destroyed every bit of Anakin Skywalker, thought he had rid himself of such a weakness but then you had come along and reignited the tiny bit of Light in him that he had never been able to kill.

But now you were dead and there was nobody left in the whole galaxy that believed in him. You were dead by his hands and even though your dying words would never leave Vader’s mind, no matter how much he tried to forget them, there was no hope left in the galaxy for him.

That hope had lived and died with you.


Darth Vader Taglist /

@heyitsaloy​, @f-sant​

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Ready to Run

Ready To Run

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Angstember Prompt -  "I need you to run. Run away and never come back."

Notes - so ooc but I love vaderkin

There were plenty of moments over the last few years where you had figured you should stop searching, that whatever you thought you knew was wrong. You’d hit more dead ends than you could count, every time you came close to something it seemed to be snatched from you. It was always one disappointment after the other but despite everything you carried on.

Obi-Wan had told you what had happened on Mustafar all those years ago. He had told you that Anakin had died, that he had left him there to die but you didn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe it. Not when you still felt something through the Force, something dark and twisted and barely recognisable but no matter how far it strayed from the Light you would always recognise it.

Anakin wasn’t dead.

He couldn’t be.

You refused to believe he could be. For the first year, after Padmé’s funeral, after Obi-Wan had left with the child and the other had been given to Senator Organa, you did nothing. You sat and you mourned for your Master, for the man who had taken you on when you were only a child, barely coming up to his thigh as you accosted him in the training room and forced him to spar with you.

You still remembered those times, you had known Anakin before he was Knighted and yet you knew he was yours. You had never particularly gotten along with your crèche mates and always felt so left out, especially as more and more of them got picked by the older Jedi. You had all been left in the training room, plenty of other Jedi working on the forms but you were only focused on Anakin. 

Your eyes had found him easily in the room and you watched him in wonder as he trained with his Master, moving like he was completely at one with the Force. Of course you were distracted enough that your crèche mates noticed and laughed at you, even back then Anakin was well known throughout the Temple and one of the boys in your group had called you stupid and foolish for even daring to look at Anakin, laughing as he declared you unworthy of any Jedi’s time yet alone Anakin Skywalkers.

You weren’t one to back down though, to let the boy think he had won with his harsh words. Instead you squared your shoulders back and jutted your chin out before turning away from them and walking the length of the room, avoiding the other Jedi as you went, before you stopped in front of Anakin and Master Kenobi.

“Is everything alright, young one?” Master Kenobi asked softly, pausing as he spotted you first and Anakin turned around to face you a second later, raising an eyebrow down at you.

Now that you had actually made your way over here you felt a little nauseous and it felt like the air had been sucked from the room but when you glanced over your shoulder you saw your crèche mates staring at you wide eyed and the boys mouth hung open so you nodded to yourself before turning back to Anakin and Master Kenobi.

“I was wondering, if it’s not a bother,” You started, voice slightly shaky but you forced yourself to continue. “Might I spar with Padawan Skywalker please?” 

Anakin’s eyebrow seemed to raise even higher, surprised at your request as he turned to Obi-Wan who was doing a better job at hiding his own surprise but he could feel his curiosity through their bond. 

‘Well?’ Obi-Wan seemed to ask him wordlessly, cocking his head to the side and Anakin shrugged, sure it wouldn’t be a challenge but their time in the training room wasn’t meant to be, not today, they were only in here to burn off Anakin's excess energy. 

“Of course, young one, my old bones could use a rest anyway.” Master Kenobi told you, his tone light and joking and he smiled at the small giggle you let out.

“What’s your name?” Anakin asked you as he gestured for you to come closer, easily looking over you and seeing a group your age staring over in shocked amazement. 

“Y/N.” You told him softly and Anakin smiled as he crouched down to be at eye level with you, holding a hand out for you to shake, both Obi-Wan and Anakin noticing how you shook slightly as you took his hand.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Anakin.” He told you, still smiling as you, his smile widening as you finally returned the gesture. “Let’s see just what you’ve learnt then.”

From that day on you seemed to attach yourself to Anakin and at first he may have grumbled about it, rolling his eyes at Obi-Wan amused looks, but he had to admit it was nice. He knew the stories that went around about him, most of them were grossly over exaggerated but people believed what they wanted and it had left him isolated from many of his peers, though the fact he hadn’t grown up surrounded by the Jedi didn’t help.

It was nice having you around.

He already knew he was taking you as his Padawan, even when he was Obi-Wan’s Padawan, he trained you. The two of you met two or three nights a week in the training room and you showed Anakin what you had learnt that week and what you struggled with and Anakin was always quick to help and it wasn’t long before your instructors took note of your improvements.

When you weren’t in the training rooms you could be found in Anakin and Obi-Wan quarters, sitting at the table with Anakin by your side as he helped you through homework questions you struggled with. Some areas of learning were so dreadfully dull but Anakin was always able to brighten them up and you found yourself actually remembering his teachings. 

Once Anakin was Knighted he was surprised that it was Master Yoda of all people to be the one to suggest you as his new Padawan, not that Anakin was complaining of course. He immediately jumped at the chance, perhaps a bit too eagerly if the amusement coming from Obi-Wan told him anything.

Not much changed after that though. Anakin had already been planning on meeting you in the training rooms that evening but he cut your training short to lead you back to his chambers where the two of you celebrated and Anakin sat you down close to him as he went about braiding your Padawan braid. 

It wasn’t all that long into being his Padawan that the Clone Wars started and you, as Anakin’s Padawan, seemed to be thrust into the midst of it. Anakin always kept you close to him, warning you not to stray from his side unless it was life or death, always hating the war much more when you were in the danger zone. Sometimes you couldn’t be with him constantly on the battlefield and those times you were instructed to stay close to Rex or Obi-Wan, both of whom protected you as fiercely as Anakin did.

Your training grew every day, of course it had no choice but to when you were up against the droid army or, on several terrifying occasions, General Grievous himself. Some days when the war became too overwhelming your thoughts wandered back to when you had first met Anakin, when you had inserted yourself into his life. Even now as the war went on and Anakin became the poster boy, getting sent out on the most dangerous missions and bringing you along, you didn’t regret it, if you could do it all over again you would always choose Anakin. 

But times like this, times when you reached out into the Force, times when you woke up in pain, feeling too much anger and too much hatred flowing through your veins you couldn’t help but doubt that decision.

You shook your head, panting into wakefulness and began breathing through the anger you knew wasn’t yours. Somehow, even after whatever had happened to Anakin, the bond between you was still very much alive. In the first year it was quiet, leaving you alone in your head for the first time since Anakin had braided your hair gently but then whatever wall that had been built up seemed to fall down and you were overwhelmed with so many Dark feelings.

It took longer than it should to realise they weren’t yours, to realise that you hadn’t survived everything just to turn to the Dark Side now. 

Once you realised it was Anakin you had to brace yourself against the wall to keep yourself upright because Obi-Wan had told you Anakin was gone. Had he lied? Did he not know? You debated telling Obi-Wan, you were sure you could find a way to comm him or just go to Tatooine yourself but you decided against it.

Obi-Wan had been devastated by the loss of Anakin. It had truly taken a toll on him, a toll you hadn’t even seen during the war. You weren’t sure you wanted to tell Obi-Wan that you could still feel Anakin, not when it was so dark and twisted.

No, you had thought to yourself, better to wait until I find Anakin.

But you had been looking for years, years spent hiding your true nature, years spent desperately trying to follow the pull of the Force, begging it to lead you to Anakin and though it never had you didn’t give up hope even though some days you came close to it.

You would find Anakin Skywalker.

And then one day, completely by chance, you stumbled across a ship. It didn’t feel like Anakin but it did feel like the anger you felt deep in your veins, it felt like the bone deep pain that had tears filling your eyes and you wondering just how Anakin dealt with it. 

The door was closing and you had a split second to make a decision. With a little help from the Force you easily slipped in before the door slammed shut, trapping you on the ship. 

It wasn’t until you glanced around for a hiding spot that you paused.

Stormtroopers. This was the Empire.

Oh Anakin, you thought to yourself, feeling a wave of sadness run through you but it didn’t last long before it was replaced with…was that annoyance? Seconds later the bond seemed to fill with confusion and you struggled to figure out if it was yours or Anakin’s.

In the entire time you had felt Anakin you had never felt anything but anger, frustration, pain, loneliness...never anything else. Maybe he was on this ship, maybe they were keeping him prisoner and that’s why he was in so much pain all the time. The closeness had always allowed Anakin and you to share feelings through your bond much easier than when you were at a distance, it made sense that the bond still followed that rule no matter how corrupt one side of it was.

There was another part of your mind, one that you tried to cut off before it could whisper its thoughts into your head that told you another reason as to what Anakin could be doing on an Imperial ship. You couldn’t- you refused to believe it. Anakin wouldn’t do that, at least not the Anakin you had known but that was before he fell. 

Shut up, you whispered to yourself as you made your way further into the ship. Anakin’s confusion was growing stronger, as was his annoyance and you couldn’t help but grin. It was nice to feel something else through the bond, it made Anakin feel like Anakin again. You resisted the urge to send your own feelings flowing through the bond, not yet sure if he knew it was you he was feeling.

You were so focused on the bond that you only realised a second too late that a stormtrooper was rounding a corner, slamming straight into you and sending you falling to the floor. The trooper immediately raised his gun and called for backup and you were surrounded before your hand could touch your lightsaber.

Two of the stormtroopers forced you onto your feet and you struggled against them to no avail. 

“Take her to the cells, I’ll alert Lord Vader to the intruder.” One of the troopers said and the two holding you nodded and began to drag you along as fear filled you. 

You’d heard the stories and seen the aftermath of Vader’s work. It was terrible and cruel and always left you feeling cold whenever you ended up on a planet Vader had left in ruins. 

You had also heard of what he did to prisoners and desperately tried to break the troopers hold of you long enough for you to grab your lightsaber. There wouldn’t be much you could do if you did get free, by now the ship was already moving through hyperspace, but you could hide and take down as many stormtroopers as possible until the ship landed.

Unfortunately that plan would have to be scrapped as you were thrown into the small holding cell, the door slamming shut behind you and you cursed silently at your poor decision making. Now you were at Vader’s mercy and you weren’t holding out much hope of Vader coming to your aid.

You don’t know how long you sat there, crossed legged on the floor with your eyes closed as you focused on your bond with Anakin. From his side you could feel anger again but the annoyance was still there as was a small bit of curiosity that you really had to focus on to feel. 

You let the feel of Anakin wash over you even if he was darker than you remembered him being. Beneath the corruption and the tar like darkness that seemed to cling to him was Anakin Skywalker. It was faint but he was there and you knew you could help him, help him as he had helped you thousands of times over. You just had to get out of this kriffing cell to find him.

For the second time in as many minutes you were so focused on your bond with Anakin that you missed the movement in front of you. This time instead of a stormtrooper it was the door of your cell opening. It only took you a second longer to open your eyes, your mouth going dry as there before you stood Darth Vader.

He towered over you, even more so since you were sitting on the floor. The black cape hung around him and made him look more intimidating. Then there was the breathing filling the silence, the mechanical, steady breathing that sent a shiver down your spine.

He didn’t speak, not even when the door shut behind him. You wished you could see his expression, wished the helmet was gone so you had half a clue as to what to expect but instead you were left staring at the expressionless helmet, giving nothing away.

Even with your fear and anxiety you still felt Anakin through the bond, perhaps more strongly than you had ever before. There were a wide range of emotions running wild within him, all pushing their way through the bond and making you feel them. He was confused, he was hurting, he was worried, he was angry, he was sad, he was terrified.

You hadn’t felt Anakin be fearful since the bond opened itself up again and now that you had it sent a cold feeling to your stomach, gone was any concern for your current situation and in its place was worry for Anakin.

So much worry in fact that you had momentarily forgotten about Vader until he spoke, the single word causing you to jump.

“Y/N?” He asked, his voice completely devoid of emotion thanks to the modulator.

How in Sith’s hell did Vader know your name?

Then suddenly the wave of fear and terror rolling from Anakin’s side of the bond seemed to grow and you couldn’t decide what to focus on. Probably best to focus on Vader first, Anakin could wait a while longer.

“What are you doing here?” Vader hissed at you, or it was as well as somebody with a robotic modulator could hiss. His words had you staring up at him, fear slowly slipping away and replaced by confusion. “Answer me!”

Suddenly, almost as if somebody had flipped a switch, you put the pieces together. You almost slapped yourself for not figuring it out sooner but then again you didn’t want it to be true, you couldn’t believe it but the proof was here.

Anakin was here.

“Anakin?” You asked, voice barely a whisper, the sound seemingly pulled from your throat as your voice broke on the word.

“Do not call me that.” He said and a choked sob slipped out of you, tears filled your eyes as you pushed yourself onto your feet, all fear gone now as you took a step closer to him.

“Tell me it’s not true.” You whispered, hoping you’d open your eyes and it would just be another nightmare that plagued you. From Anakin’s side of the bond you felt sadness and let out another sob. “Kriff Anakin, I’ve been searching for you for years and all along you were…”

“You shouldn’t be here.” His voice seemed quieter, like behind the helmet he was talking softly and you wished more than anything that the helmet would go, you wanted to see him.

“I was looking for you.” You told him again, swallowing around the lump in your throat and Anakin lifted his hand. You should have been scared, how many times had he raised his hand to Force choke innocents? But you weren’t scared and you had no reason to be, not when he brought his hand to your cheek and brushed away a tear that fell from your eye.

“You shouldn’t have come.” He told you and you hated the robotic, emotionless tone of his voice, you wanted to hear Anakin, your Anakin. “I can’t risk him knowing you’re here, Y/N. What he does to Jedi- I won’t let that happen to you.”

“Anakin-” You began but he cut you off.

“I’m not Anakin, not anymore.” He said and you shook your head, lips twitching as Anakin’s thumb brushed your cheekbone. “The ship is ready to land, when I say run I need you to run. Run away and never come back, Y/N.”

“Anakin, I can’t leave you here.” You cried, bringing your hand to wrap around his gloved one but he shushed you before you could protest more.

“This is who I am now. You can’t save me this time, Y/N/N, but you can let me save you. Let me do one thing right.” He begged and you could feel his pain as strongly as your own.

“Anakin, please.” You whispered and Anakin brought his head down, the helmet gently knocking against your forehead and you let out another sob.

“I’ll always be with you, our connection is strong.” Anakin told you, his voice as soft as it could be through the modulator and you let out another sob before you forced yourself to take a deep breath and nodded against him.

Anakin held you against him for a few seconds longer before he pulled away and you felt the ship land. You had no idea where you were but you would do as Anakin instructed, one last moment with your Master, one last chance to follow his instructions before he disappeared from your life again.

“Ready to run?” He asked quietly, the door to your cell opened and he led you out, watching as you took another breath and nodded. “Good, don’t stop running. We're on Irilla, you shouldn’t have any trouble hiding.”  

“Thank you Anakin.” You whispered after you passed a group of stormtroopers.

Anakin didn’t say anything else, he couldn’t risk being overheard, not when any of his small indiscretions always seem to make their way up to Sidious. If Sidious knew about you, knew that you had the ability to bring the small bit of Light inside him forward, he knew Sidious would see to it that you were killed and that was the best outcome, Sidious wouldn’t be so quick about it.

Anakin knew he had no choice, he would gladly take on whatever punishment Sidious chose to inflict upon him for letting a Jedi go. Thankfully the stormtroopers didn’t know you to recognise just who you were to Anakin so Sidious would only believe it had been a random Jedi. 

He could work with that.

The ship doors opened and he led you off it, the planet was cold and dark but it was filled with seedy characters conducting even seedier business and Anakin knew you’d be able to hide amongst them for a few days before finding yourself a way off this planet. 

He ordered the troopers to start unloading the ship and discreetly gestured for you to follow him, dismissing the two troopers who tried to follow him. He led you into the forest, knowing there was a city not too far away, you would be safe there.

“You have to go now.” Anakin told you, knowing you could feel his pain through the bond as he watched your nose crinkle as you tried to push away tears.

“Come with me.” You pleaded and he smiled behind the helmet, wishing he could but he had made his decision. One day, maybe, he would come and find you if you kept the bond open. One day he would make his move against Sidious and be free of the man but for now he had a role to play and you couldn’t be anywhere near as he played it.

“We’ll see each other again, my dear Padawan.” He told you, bringing his hand to your cheek and resting his helmet against your forehead again. “One day this will all be over and we will find each other but you have to stay away for now, stay far away and stay safe.”

“I promise.” You whispered, forcing down a sob. “Stay safe, Anakin, may the Force be with you.” 

Anakin held you against him for a moment longer and you nodded at him before turning to run towards the city. Anakin felt cold but he also felt something he hadn’t felt in a very long time.

He felt hope.

“May the Force be with you, my Padawan.” He murmured to himself, knowing that he would see his plan to the end if only so he could find you again.


Darth Vader Taglist /

@heyitsaloy, @f-sant, @midnightlikeschezyt, @punkpirate82, @bookfrog242,

Tags :

I kinda wanna make sfw and maybe a little (not a lot) of nsfw stories for everyone but not specifically fem reader because people write a lot and tag x male reader under the tag but it's fem reader explicitly. So I'll do requests. I'm in these fandoms currently.

Obey me!

Twisted Wonderland

(Especially azul he's my favorite character)

Star wars

Hazbin hotel (don't get me wrong I know aroace people do have platonic and romantic in their relationship sometimes but it's mostly to satisfy their partner. But 100% no smut for alastor,nifty and the eggboys. Also not for Charlie and vaggie either sorry)

Call of duty modern warfare

MHA (only writing for the adults in mha nsfw I swear if someone ask for a bakugou smut I'll soccer punch them 😭🙏) (only sfw for the class 1-A and toga..

Creepypasta. (If yall ask for toby and Jeff it's the new toby that's an old man and Jeff as in Jeff hodek. Not no emo teenager. But I will do emo teen Jeff woods in SFW.) (But I don't know why I need to say this but NO OFFENDERMAN LIKE??)

Marble hornets.

Undertale. (Only sfw)

DC: so bat children, batman, Clark kent, etc.

What I will do: smut, fluff, NSFW (it doesn't just mean smut it also means gore) angst, child reader, if you want the reader to have a mental disorder you struggle with and get comfort by the direct character/s you say, wholesome.

What I won't do: rape, pedophilia, age regression (Im sorry I just don't feel comfortable writing it), somnophilia, basically anything bad and criminal.

What I'll do if it's a TW (I will warn you at the beginning if it's a TW thing.)

what I won't do: fem reader. If you're a fem reader you can read the stuff that has gender neutral on it though. But not trans male reader or AMAB reader.

What I will do: amab reader, trans male reader, nonbinary reader,

Tags :
1 year ago

More than this

A/n the anakin appearance in ahsoka show got to me, that's all i can say

warnings: i didn't think too much about realistic timelines and i lowkey prioritized vibe over canon (as usual tbh), also written very quickly bc i'm supposed to be studying for a test so typos maybe? and maybe not great lol,, lowkey manipulative anakin but he's in his villain era so

Summary: Similar vibes as that force "facetime" thing with kylo and rey,, basically anakin 'facetiming' his not gf after killing off a bunch of younglings bc she's going through it and he's that committed


You're sick of it. Not of meetings or of political discourse or of trying to do the right thing for your people. You're sick of pretending like your entire way of life doesn't have an approaching expiration date.

The door to your bed chambers shuts with a groan loud enough to mask your irritated sigh. You squeeze your eyes shut so tightly you see stars before resting your forehead against the solid surface.

At least you're alone now. For now.

It won't be long before someone finds you. Another meeting or lesson or worst of all--another suitor. You don't want any of it. In fact, you might not ever want to speak to another person again.

"Not surprising."

You turn around too quickly, the back of your head hitting the door with a soft thump. Some combination of a shout and gasp tries to crawl up your throat but just as quickly the urge vanishes.

"Great..." He's standing at the other end of your room, confident like he has a right to be in your chambers. Like he's actually-- "I'm being driven to insanity."

He tilts his head slightly, expression revealing much too little. "I've told you." He takes a step forward. "I'm real."

At this point, he's given you several reasons to believe the stories he's told you. That the force he wields for whatever reason has chosen to connect the two of you. Considering what you've been briefed on regarding the current state of the Jedi, you might be better off if the stranger that keeps finding you does turn out to be a hallucination.

A question settles in your chest the way it often does when he appears. Now that you know about the rumored fall of the Jedi that has your father nervous and your advisors unsure, you're more wary of him than ever. How is he 'standing' here, perfectly fine?

You're not overly concerned about offending him. He's just someone that manipulates his abilities to pop in whenever you crave solitude most. But something at the back of your mind warns that you might not want the answer. Nothing good could come from any involvement of the Jedi in their current state.

"A hallucination would make the same argument," you whisper, voice drier than before. He takes another step in your direction. A mistake. You've made one by indicating nerves. "So..." Recovering quickly, you force your spine to straighten, "Why are you here this time?"

Casual and detached. That's how all of these forced rendezvous go. It's the safest. He insists on whatever point he's trying to make and you pretend to be too caught up in your annoyance to find any part of interesting until he eventually vanishes. Any stray in that could lead to a negative shift. Especially now.

"Are you not happy to see me?" You blink. He's made those types of comments before, a hint of humor touching his features enough to make you feel less on edge. But this time the words feel off, void of any warmth or surprising charisma.

Nerves twist themselves in your stomach. Whatever happened to the Jedi, whatever had all the members of your latest meeting on edge has effected him.

He's watching you, waiting for a reaction. You want out, but some instinct begs you to keep that hidden. A lifetime of being a royal daughter instead of a son has taught you that there's a certain safety that comes from playing unaware. "Not any more or less happy than usual."

That sounds normal, right? You've never been particularly nice to him, making it clear that you have no interest or time for whatever potential the force he's always talks about sees in the two of you as a pairing. But you're also not mean or flighty. "Okay, maybe a little less."

A small offering. You've done it before, revealing bits and pieces of your life to him because he has no part in your world. It doesn't matter what he knows and you've never had someone in your life in any capacity that you could just rant to, someone you could exist around without any pretext.

"And why is that?"

Another thing you didn't think through. The meeting that made you feel like a useless figurehead just waiting to be married off had revolved around the issues with the Jedi and what that means for your people.

"Some meetings today." That's a casual enough thing to admit. He normally assumes that's your issue. "Long meetings...so if you could just get to your point and disappear the way you usually do."

The corner of his mouth turns upwards. Normally, his partial smiles and signs of ease make you feel better about speaking to him. This look, however, only further knots your stomach. "Busy day."

"Yeah," you agree, nodding once, "Another one of my cousins have agreed to a proposed betrothal and that--that always starts discussions of when I'll finally do the same and--"

You're not sure where your rambling's going, you just know that this is something you complain about enough for it to seem normal. Besides, the best covers are based on the truth and what you're referencing is true enough. There was some discussion about a relative's impending marriage, but the rumors took over the meeting before anyone could try to convince your father to finally marry you off.

He takes another step towards the door and then another. The room is large enough that there's still an amount of distance between the two of you that's respectable, but that doesn't make it easier to dismiss that he's getting closer. At least your proximity to the door is comforting.

"You've never lied to me before."

The flutter of uncertainty in your stomach spikes, a brief wave of panic rendering you incapable of thinking. He's capable of just appearing in your room without actually being here, being able to tear apart your lie is nothing compared to that. But somehow him being able to tell where your truth begins and ends feels much more invasive than what you already knew about. You don't lie constantly, but for so long your ability to seem clueless has been your only form of self preservation.

You don't know what to do next. A part of you wants to fall back on habit, commit to your portrayal of not knowing. He'll see through it, there's no reason for him not to, but what else is there? Owning up to lying about the meeting will lead to a discussion of the actual meeting and that...

You're not sure why you're so convinced that ignorance is what you should be striving for. After all, everything you heard about the Jedi's current situation was unconfirmed, too recent and closed off to have reached even the top leader's of your home. But if it's true and he's really reaching out to you after such tragedy and acting casual in a way that makes it feel like you've never met him before.

You're also too aware of the fact that while you do feel the need to be alert, you're not afraid. This would be easier if you were. "How do you know that?"

Instead of sounding as closed off as you want to, genuine curiosity bleeds into the question.

"The same way we can see each other." Another step, this one less subtle. "I can teach you, if you'd like."

If he can tell when you're lying, there's not much point in saying no without a reason because despite yourself, you would like to know how. Who wouldn't? "I think I'm missing certain abilities."

His eyebrows draw together, and for a brief second you get a glimpse of something a little more familiar and a lot easier to accept. "I wouldn't be too sure."

Okay, now you know something's up with him. A breezy half-laugh escapes you. "Come on." Maybe that was his way of releasing some of the tension. His expression doesn't waiver. "Okay." If he wants to act strange, fine, but he's not going to convince you that you're like him in anyway. "What makes you say that?"

A beat passes and then another. If he had behaved like he usually does, you might have even considered the silence a sort of hesitation. "You're the one that reached out to me."

Another breathy, almost nervous laugh slips out. "Even if I had wanted to speak to you, I wouldn't have known how."

"You found a way."

There are only so many things you can believe from him. He's an invasive stranger that you've decided to accept in your life out of desperation for an outlet of escape. "That's impossible." He's closer now than you remember him being a second ago. That's almost enough to derail your train of thought. "The--the only thing I was thinking about was how much I wanted to be alone."

"You say that every time."

Pressing your lips together, you give yourself permission to let his words sink in. Every time you've seen him, it's after deciding that you want nothing to do with anyone ever again. "Then I guess you have impeccable timing."

He's so close now that you could extend an arm to touch him....if you wanted to. He angles his chin downwards slightly, "I can teach you."

Warmth begins to crawl up your chest. His assistance is another thing that should scare you. You're not like him...you can't be and even if you were, it'd have to be a secret that you take with you to the grave. And even if you are, why does it matter to him? "Why?"

He's unfazed by your abrasive tone. "I can see it."

"There's nothing to s--"

"You want more than this." You swallow once in an attempt to get rid of whatever's lodged itself in your throat. Maybe there is no such thing as being able to be fully honest with anyone, no matter how disconnected from your life they may seem. "I can help you."

Some halfhearted correction tries to pry itself out of your mouth even though there's no point. "I don't--we don't even know each other." You keep your poster rigid. "I don't even know your name."

His lips part. Whatever response he was planning on giving you is cut off before he can even start by the quick knocking against your door. Your head initially snaps towards the door. "..Are you in there?" Another rush of soft knocks. "Your father's waiting for you, he wants to debrief the last meeting."

Your let your head fall forward again with an instinctual sigh. By the time your eyes settle where they were before, he's gone.

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1 year ago


a/n yes im using the princess! reader who's about to be forced into a political marriage with anakin again,, and what about it the vibe is so fun to me, also i love jealous anakin

warnings: 18+!!! smut (he broke me down) written by someone whose only experience comes from fanfics, so pls be nice,, also written in 1st person bc that was the vibe when i started and i didn't realize this was going to get smutty (i'm sorry yall😭 it's still my best tense)

Summary: As a princess, your future is set in stone. You'll marry someone your father picks for you to aid your country. All of this you've accepted...until you befriend Anakin Skywalker, who was originally assigned to guard you during a time of political unrest on your home planet.


He's still near the door, arms crossed and expression as stoic as it was when he first interrupted my meeting to escort me to an urgent consultation with my father.

I understand that publicly we need to remain as indifferent as physically possible and that any sort of friendliness we display needs to seem completely surface level. But we're not in public anymore and usually the transition from appropriate indifference to something much warmer is instant.

"...How urgent is urgent?"

The question is more for our sake than anything else. I want to hear his voice outside of the stiff way he interrupted the meeting with that last suitor. He had barely looked at me as he mumbled something about my father. I want it to feel light the way it usually does between us. I want him to make one of those jokes that always has me rolling my eyes or to smile or--or to do anything that makes him feel like Anakin.

The urge to study him begins to make it hard to just stand there so I turn towards my vanity. What I'm wearing isn't exactly inappropriate for a closed door meeting, but it's more formal than I'd like and a little itchy. If I have time to change into something more standard, I'll take it. "If I call Raina in here I can be in something a lot more comfortable in five minutes."

No response. I smooth my hair back with my palms, eyes subtly shifting towards his reflection in the mirror. Anakin's taken the slightest step forward. "Anakin?"

His head tilts downwards, eyes briefly meeting mine in the mirror before darting away. There's something about the way he's holding himself that would feel bashful it was less stiff. "There is no meeting."

"What?" My head instinctually snaps in his direction. Anakin's already watching me. "You--you made up an emergency?"

This is--Anakin interrupted a meeting with the first suitor that didn't make my skin crawl. I wouldn't have been thrilled to walk down the aisle with him, but I could have likely learned to be content with him. At least he believes that women can do more than just be brides and raise children. He'd allow me to participate in some community work to bond with his people and I'd be able to visit home.

But that's besides the point. He could have been the most repulsive candidate my father had found for me and it still wouldn't have justified what Anakin did. I don't walk out of meetings. Ever. If my father finds out about this...

"Do you have any idea what my father will do if he finds out?" I sit the edge of my vanity's seat with a tired sigh. There has to be some excuse. I could blame it on sickness or a misunderstand or--

"Then I'll take the blame." Anakin's words pull me out of my thoughts. His voice is still stiff and lacking its usual warmth in a way that only adds to my unease. Why is he acting like this? "I'll tell him that it was my fault and that I misunderstood your schedule debriefing."

My fingers dig into the soft fabric of my dress that's pooling over the seat. "Don't." My voice sounds so small, so vulnerable I have to hate myself for it. "He might take that the wrong way and--" I exhale slowly, forcing myself to cling to rationality. "And he might arrange your removal."

Anakin scoffs. What is his issue? "Like that'd bother you."

My throat tightens. After everything we've been through, after telling him things that I've never been able to tell anyone...How can he just dismiss all of it? And why is he being so mean? "What?"

"You've found your ideal suitor and now you can get married and be sent away and never--" Anakin cuts himself off, eyes tearing away so quickly like there's painful about looking at me. "You don't need me anymore."

Oh. That's what this is about. "Anakin." He's staring at some distant point on my wall. "That's not true. You know it isn't."

Everything about him remains stiff. "You were smiling." He briefly glances at me, eyebrows drawn together so sharply it tugs at something in my chest. "A real smile, not your practiced one." Anakin lets out a sigh that feels as pointed as a sarcastic laugh. "And you laughed."

"What?" I'm not miserable in one meeting and now he's acting like I hate him. "I--I might have been making the best of it because he's the first suitor who didn't spend the entire time listing off the requirements for his bride, but that isn't the same as liking him." And even if I liked him, would that be such a terrible thing? Would it really undermine our entire friendship if I found a way to be married and not miserable? "I'm going to have to marry one of them at some point, and I d--"

"Don't marry him." Anakin blurts the sentence out in one wavering breath. The letters run together so closely it feels more like a single word.

For a moment, all the shaky request does is sit between us. I've been on several outings and meetings with potential suitors and Anakin's never reacted like this. What was so wrong about this last one? "Don't marry him? What do--"

Anakin's eyes finally meet mine. The way he's looking at me stings, all glossy eyes and a pouty frown that's trying its best to be harsh. He seems more pained than angry and that's somehow worse.

Don't marry him. The words too strained and small to be about just the man from earlier. Don't marry him means don't marry any of them.


I scratch the back of my wrist as Anakin's eyes drop to the ground. He knows that I have no interest in marrying for my father, but even if I did, why would that bother him?

With a sigh, I push myself to stand. Why it upsets him doesn't matter. So much is already weighing on him.

Anakin doesn't look up as I start walking towards him. "I--I can't promise that." My nails dig into the skin of my palm. "I wish I could." The words leave a bitter taste in my mouth. "But it doesn't matter." Anakin's rigid as I carefully extend my hand and bend my fingers against his forearm. "You're always going to be important to me."

He pulls his arm forward instinctually. My hold on him loosens, but before I can take my hand back, Anakin adjusts his to squeeze mine. He's holding on just tight enough for it to feel uncomfortable, but I don't mind it. It's grounding.

"Until you're married." He's staring at where our hands sit between us. There's something I should say, something comforting and easing. Nothing's coming to mind. The reality of the situation is set in stone. I'll have to marry eventually and that--that will change things. But it'll never change the way I feel about Anakin.

Anakin, who always listens when I need to purge all of the resentment about the rules that control my life. Anakin, who sits with me when I can't sleep. Anakin, who has the worst sense of humor that can always pull a smile from me even when it feels impossible.

He moves our hands, releasing my hand at my side. The brief loss of contact makes my ribs feel cracked. "No." It's instinctual. "It's--" I reach forward, hand reaching for his arm. "You're the only person I can tell anything to, the only one that never expects anything from me and just--just likes me for who I am."

The realization that Anakin might be the only true friend I've ever had hits me hard and fast. All of that and a part of me has always been selfish enough to imagine what it'd be like to live in a different world that could allow for more. Though, that's barely been a thought that I've allowed myself to have. Neither of us are in a position to get attached to anyone in that way, and even if we were, Anakin wouldn't see me that way. Besides, his friendship is no small thing, so it definitely takes the sting out of the impossible.

"Who wouldn't?" The comment comes out so soft, so absentminded I nearly melt on the spot.

A lifetime of being a daughter instead of a son has a reflexive a lot of people attempting to crawl up my throat. I swallow the bitterness like bile before I can make this about me and settle on a much lighter, "You'd be surprised."

Any lift in his expression falls again. "You don't see it."

I do try to think about it, but nothing that makes sense comes to mind. "See what?" Anakin pauses, lips pressing together. I'm expecting some kind of response. Instead, Anakin shakes his head once dismissively. "Tell me." His lack of response has me gently shoving his shoulder. "I thought we didn't keep secrets."

He lets out a small breath, we're so close I can feel the warmth of it against my skin. "It's nothing." When my only reaction is to glare, he reaches for my hand. "I don't want to talk about them anymore."

Strange. What does whatever he's talking about have to do with what we were talking about? Yes, the suitors want to court me but they want me the same way they want an ornament or my father's leniency in a business deal. Before I can remind him of this, his hand finds my shoulder.

If Anakin notices the way I freeze, he gives no indication of it, he just trails his thumb up and down the start of my collarbone. It's not the first time he's done this, but until now the gesture has been reserved for late nights when I can't sleep. I'm so used to it being soothing that it immediately gets rid of any fight in my system.

"You've had more meetings recently."

I nod, still too focused on the feeling of his hand on my shoulder. "It's a busy time...celebration season is always elaborate, and things are...tense."

He nods. If there's one thing he knows about, it's the precariousness that seems to be reaching everyone these days. But my time with Anakin is limited. He's been assigned to be my personal guard during the celebration season since the year a political protestor took my mother's life. The season always feels like it will be long, but time always slips away quicker than it should when it comes to Anakin.

I know I shouldn't do this. He doesn't need any type of encouragement after what happened at today's meeting, but something's clearly been weighing on him and I do miss him. The additional events, the public outings, the suitors...all to save face as the threat of war continues to become a more pressing issue. "My father had most of my afternoon blocked off in case that last suitor wanted extra time."

Anakin frowns, his thumb stopping its outlined path across my shoulder. He is so dramatic. "I shouldn't be telling you this because it might sound like I approve of you making up an emergency, but if you don't have anything to do, we can catch up."

He tilts his head, a hint of a smile turning up the corner of his lips. "Catch up? We're together all day."

I extend an arm, gently pushing him. First, he basically throws a fit because he convinced himself it was possible for me to like a suitor more than him, and now that I want to do something with him, he's trying to make fun of me. "I mean about before you came here. We've barely had time to talk since you've gotten back."

"Okay," his thumb brushes back down where my collarbone meets my shoulder, "We can talk." He squeezes my shoulder before retracting his hand. "The garden or the library?"

Our two most frequented spots. I grin. "The garden, the weather's nice today." He smiles, taking a step back. "Give me a minute to change. I turn away from him, walking towards my closet. "I've been ready to take off this dress since Raina put me in it this morning."

Raina spent longer than a minute trapping me in between scratchy fabric and a stiffly structured top. All of those ties and buttons that I still can't reach. Ugh. I wonder if calling Raina in will lead to more attention being drawn to the fact that I left early. Technically, the official meeting would likely be over by now but my father wanted it to go well. He kept things open in hopes of it lasting a little longer.

It's probably better not to ask. Drawing any attention to me and Anakin isn't the best idea in general. We're good friends, which is okay in front of some people but wrong in front of others. Raina is a little skeptical. It's nothing personal against Anakin, she just knows me too well, which means she reads into things.

I stretch my arm back as far as it'll go and manage to undo the bottom of the lacing and a few buttons. Anything that's more than halfway up my back is impossible to get to. I twist and turn and push and I can't reach.

"Everything alright?"

Anakin's voice carries through the short hall. I sigh, giving the fabric one last desperate tug. "Everything's fine I just..." I squeeze my eyes shut before pinching the bridge of my nose. "Can you come here?"

A brief wave of silence that leaves my face burning lingers until the sound of footsteps ends it. Anakin appears in my closet's doorway. "You're okay?"

"Yeah," I mumble, "Yes, I just--I can't get the buttons." As if to make my point, I try again in vain, trying again to reach the tiny clasps.

"You need help?" Anakin's voice comes out lower than usual.

Maybe he feels just as awkward about this. "If it'd be easier, you could just call in Raina."

"No," I can hear his weight shifting off the doorframe, "I can do it."

He takes a few steps forward. Before I know it, he's directly behind me. Anakin smooths a hand over my hair before gently moving it over my shoulder. The way heat begins to crawl up my neck makes me glad that my back is to him. His hand settles against my back.

I pull my arms forward, crossing them in front of my chest. He takes over, fingertips grazing against my back. The longer he works, the looser the dress begins to feel. I should be feeling cooler now that I'm getting closer to just being in my thin layering dress, but all of my earlier warmth and discomfort is now rising up my face.

"Raina put you in this this morning?"

I nod, "Raina woke me up earlier than usual today to make me up." The final button is pulled apart. I have to keep an arm at my chest to keep the dress from pooling at my feet. "I think this might have taken longer than my hair."

The comment is meant to be lighthearted. Instead of taking it that way, Anakin lets out a breath as his hand settles against my hip. "Won't things be easier when you don't have to worry about finding a husband?"

Now it's my turn to sigh. I make a point of pulling his hand off my side. I wander further into my closet. "You know I want nothing to do with this." My grip on the dress tightens, my sudden movement making it harder to keep the heavy dress on. "And if you honestly think I find any joy in being packaged in suffocating fabric and bodices so structured that they stab into my ribs every time I breathe, then you don't know me."

I turn around and let go of the dress, allowing the gown to pool at my feet. I step out of the puddle of fabric before reaching for one of my hangers, a casual day dress that I've barely looked at.

"I didn't mean it that way." His voice comes out low, almost reluctant. It's not enough to ease me, so I make a point of scoffing. Something warm pulls on my forearm. Before I know it, I'm facing with him. Oh. Anakin's closer than I thought he'd be. "I'm sorry." He exhales, voice tight, "Don't be mad, princess."

I keep my expression neutral. Though I'm in no mood to be reminded of my title, Anakin has a way of making it feel like a term of endearment. "If you're bothered by my situation, I understand that." He's staring me with such intensity I have to make the conscious choice to not look away. "I really understand that, but do not treat me like this is my choice. Not all of us are meant for more and can do whatever we want."

"Not whatever I want," he whispers, voice strained.

Now it's my turn to wish I had bitten my tongue. Anakin's told me enough of the stories for me to know that while sometimes the fact that he gets to leave and be an active source of good makes me wish my life was different, his isn't exactly easy.

His eyes hold mine for a beat before drifting downwards. For whatever reason, that makes me aware of the fact that this is likely the least dressed I've ever been in front of anyone. Sure, Anakin's seen me in pajamas and casual wear, but the silk dress under my gown is thin and low cut.

"And don't say that this is what you're meant for." He pulls my arm down with his hand, letting his fingers interlock with mine. "I've seen you in meetings and the way that you care about your people. You don't need to do this."

Again, it's like he's trying to convince me to change my mind. Like this is something that I want. I don't understand what he's trying to convince me to do. "Try telling that to my father."

I'm not sure what it is, but something about Anakin's expression looks a little flatter. Maybe even disappointed. I get it, this isn't exactly a fun topic, and we have no reason to dwell on it now. It's not like I'm getting engaged tonight. And I rarely get time to just be around Anakin, my future marriage has already taken enough from me, it doesn't need to take this too.

"Why are we still talking about this?" I pull my hand back, ready to grab my dress. "It's not like anything's happening now, let's just go to the garden like we--"

Anakin reaches forward before I can turn around, his hand finding my shoulder.

"I--" He cuts himself off, "There's been a rise in meetings with potential suitors, it's not as easy to ignore as it used to be."

I know exactly what he's talking about. All of my energy has been focused on not thinking about that. But that's because it's my inevitable future. How could this possibly matter this much to Anakin? "Ignore what?"

"Do you have any idea how difficult it is to know what they're feeling? What they're thinking about you?" Anakin's breath catches itself in his throat, his thumb slipping beneath the strap of my dress. "What they're thinking about doing to you?"

Heat rushes to my face. I try to swallow to clear the lump in my throat but my mouth has gone dry. "Anakin?"

"I've spent so long trying to let you go."

What? Is he--is he saying that he-- "What?"

He tilts his head downwards, "You don't need to do this. I--"

"Don't say it." My hand is quick to grab the one he has on my shoulder. Push him away, I should push him away. My hand won't move. The one person I've always known I won't ever be able to have.

"Why not?" He asks the question so innocently, like he couldn't ever fathom a reason for me to shut this down. After a moment, his eyebrows pull together, a small frown playing at his lips. "You don't want me?"

If this was any less serious, that would have made me laugh. That is, most definitely, not the issue. "That's not true."

He relaxes slightly, his thumb trailing down my shoulder. Before I can explain issues that we both are definitely aware of, he leans impossibly closer. His weight on mine is nearly enough to make me forget the concept of logic entirely.

"Anakin," it's meant to be a warning. The breathiness of my voice takes away all of its severity. "We can't." I'm arguing for more my sake than his. He already knows all of the reasons that we need to agree to remain just friends before things get any more complicated. "What I want doesn't matter. Nothing I've wanted has ever mattered." He hasn't moved away, but at least he isn't trying to get any closer. "And even if it did, it's not like we'd suddenly be able to be together."

Anakin's hand adjusts on my shoulder, his grip tightening. He has the audacity to look like he's not sure what I'm talking about. "The Jedi code?" He blinks, still giving no indication of understanding why everything about us is impossible. "I'm sure I don't need to remind you why that matters, chosen one."

He scoffs. "I don't care."

I place my free hand on his chest, willing myself to create some distance between us before my judgement finally lapses. "You can't--you can't say that." My eyes squeeze shut, "I know that it's unfair, but time will pass and you'll feel rational again, and it'll be easier."

"Don't do that." The harsh quality of his voice nearly makes me step back. "Don't treat this like it's a political compromise."

Something about me trying to keep things together the only way I know how is hurting him. I don't know how to get through this without taking the emotion out of it. Still, I don't want to make this harder on him. My hand moves up his chest and rests on his shoulder. "I didn't mean it like that."

He nods slowly, visibly relaxing at my touch, "You're only pushing me away because you're afraid."


Anakin's thumb drags across my skin. "You're afraid that if you let yourself even admit that you might want something that your father hasn't decided for you, and that if you're selfish for even a second, your entire world will fall apart."

If it came from anyone else, I'd be offended, but coming from Anakin, it just makes the real reason why I can't just say it and give in hurt more. "That's not it." Anakin doesn't respond. He wants me to say more and I'm not sure that I can. "It's--" What I'm afraid of is that I let myself admit that I want Anakin out loud, I'll have to decide whether or not I want him more than everything I've been working towards my entire life and that I won't like my own answer.

"It's that," I start over, staring at my hand on his shoulder in case looking at him directly will make the confidence I've gathered to wither away. "That if I let myself think about it, about you--like that--for longer than a moment, I might want you more than any of this."

He pauses, likely thinking through his words. Maybe he'll try to promise me that he wouldn't make me choose while not understanding that being with him at all makes that decision for me. Or maybe the amount of care I'm implying will scare him into second guessing this.

His hand slowly moves off of my shoulder. If my deep, dark secret has finally gotten him to understand why we're better off as we are, then maybe it's worth how hard it was to get out.

His fingers settle against my jaw. Slowly, he gets my head to turn. I look at him, expecting some kind of rejection to be written across his face. Instead, all I see in his eyes is a pool of emotion ready for me to drown in. "Would that have to be a bad thing?"

This time, the softness of his question doesn't feel like an attempt to dismiss our reality. It's so genuine it turns into a physical ache between us.

I'm reminded that despite all of his talent, confidence, and sense of humor that I've tried so hard to enjoy less, he's still a boy who's experienced so much heartbreak. The council constantly dismissing him and refusing to grant him the title he deserves, the loss of his mother, all of the expectations on his shoulders...

Would it be such a bad thing to want him more than anything else? To love him more that much?

I tilt my head back, just enough to press my lips against his. Anakin's quick to reciprocate, turning the barely there press of lips into something else with no warning. He shifts his weight so that he's fully against me. My back hits the wall of my closet before I realize what's happening.

It's heavy, my bottom lip being pulled between his teeth. The hand that's not still cupping my jaw settles on my hip, the silk of my slip dress crumpling between his fingers. I pull my head back, Anakin attempts to follow, teeth tugging on my lip one last time before letting us separate.

He doesn't let me get far, resting his forehead against mine as we both struggle to catch our breaths. "I'm sorry, I should have--"

"Don't be sorry," I manage between slow pants, "Not for that."

Anakin smiles, and for once, I don't mind feeding his ego. "I can feel how much you need me." The urge to squirm away and hide any potential embarrassment is strong, but I have no way to act on the impulse. I'm pinned between Anakin and the wall of my closet. He slowly pulls my dress, exposing another inch of skin. "Do you think any of your suitors could make you feel like this?"

I shake my head, "No." That's an easy thing to get out, "Only you."

Another tug that has more fabric pooling around my waist. "Promise you won't marry him." His head dips forward, his lips brushing against the end of my jaw. "Any of them."

My eyes instinctually shut. I need to hold it together. "You--you know I can't just--" He places an open mouthed kiss against my neck. "Anakin."

"Promise." An order.

I exhale, struggling to focus. "It's not--" Another kiss. "It's not f--air." My voice cracks on the last syllable as Anakin moves further down my neck. "You know I'd never break a promise I made to you."

"What's not fair is having to watch you meet with men who look at you and to know that this..." He pulls the strap of my dress off of my shoulder, exposing more skin that he immediately presses his lips against. "Is what they want to do to you."

What? I had never thought that my suitors fantasized about anything, everything about those meetings always feel so cold and political. I'd question it if I could bring myself to care about the revelation with Anakin's teeth pressing into the pulse point of my neck. "To have to watch them look at what's mine."


One last shift of fabric and the hem of my dress is now over my hips. His hand leaves my jaw and skims the waist of my underwear. "Promise."

His fingers finally reach where I need him most. My eyes instinctually shut at the sensation, a wave of pleasure I've never felt before nearly making me jump. Noticing my tension, he presses a gentle kiss against my cheek.

I have to give him something, and maybe that'll be enough to at least put this conversation off until I'm in a position to negotiate. "I'm yours." My ability to form sentences is quickly fading as his finger presses into me. "Can't that be enough?" A small part of myself hates how easily I'm cracking. "For now?"

Anakin does the meanest thing imaginable, he stops. "Promise me."

A pathetically desperate whine escapes me. He can't be serious. He won't walk away now just because I can't immediately promise to never marry anyone.

He straightens enough to pull away from the crook of my neck. "Anakin." I meet his gaze, and behind the harshness of his eyes, I see that he means it. "You know I--I can't--"

"We can work it out." That genuine side of him returns, softness bleeding back into his expression. "All that matters is that you want to."

"Of course I want to."

He leans forward again, forehead pressing against mine, "Then promise me..." Anakin's eyes briefly shut, "Promise me you won't marry anyone else."

I let myself take him in, how it feels to let him consume me entirely. It's too late for me, anyway. I wouldn't be able to will myself to walk down the aisle the same way I couldn't force myself to push him away. "I promise."

His lips are on mine in an instant. When I don't part my lips fast enough, he hooks two fingers between the waistband of my underwear and tugs them down my legs in one, swift motion. I gasp, giving him all the access he needs to drag his tongue against mine.

He moves back, beginning to press his lips against my jaw. "Anakin."

"Say it again." His fingers find the spot that makes me see stars. "Promise me that you're mine."

A whiny breath slips past my lips, "I promise." His teeth drag against my throat and my nails instinctually dig into his shoulder, "Only you."

A rough sound escapes from the back of Anakin's throat. He removes a hand from my hip to adjust his own robes. I'm too distracted to realize what he's doing until it's obvious. "Again."

I reach my hand forward until my fingers are wrapping around his length. "Only you, Anakin." He groans. "I--I won't marry anyone else." Anakin places his hand over mine, guiding my hand up and down his length. "I'm yours."

He buries his face in the crook of my neck, "Maker, you're--" The rest of the sentence is murmured into my skin at a pitch that I can't make out.

His fingers press into me even harder. "Anakin," my whininess would be embarrassing if I wasn't so distracted by the coiling feeling in my stomach, "I--I--"

"Tell me," he lifts his head enough to speak the words into my ears, "Tell me that you want me."

My eyes screw shut, "I--It's more than want." It feels like a confession. "I need you."

Another strangled breath escapes him. Anakin pulls away enough to line himself against my entrance. He presses in slowly, the feeling in my stomach reaches a height I didn't think possible. "Anakin."

"You're so," he's getting the words out through gritted teeth, "Tight." Anakin pushes in even more. A gasp escapes me. "Say it again." I'm too lost in what I'm feeling to form the words. He pulls back before pushing his entire length in with no warning. Anakin shows no reaction to the pitchy whine he forced out of me. "Again."

"It's--it's only--you," I pant. "I won't marry any-one else--just--just please, Anakin."

His thumb presses against where my nerves are at their most on edge. I can't breathe or focus on anything. "Please what?"

"I need you."

He rubs tight circles against me and picks up the pace. My head falls against his shoulder, eyes squeezing tight. "Look at me." I--I can't keep my head up. Anakin's hand tugs at my hair, forcing me off of his shoulder. "Look at me."

I force my eyes open. "Anakin."

"Feel good, hm?" All I can do is nod. "Can't even talk anymore?" His lips find their way against my jaw. "What would all your suitors say if they could see how easy it was for me to get you like this?" His lips find a spot on my neck that leaves me dizzy. "First breaking all the rules and now you can't even talk." It's hard to focus on anything that isn't how he feels. "Who has you like this?"

I take a shaky breath, "You, Anakin." My voice is shaky, "Only you."

His lips press against mine. Hard. I give in entirely and it's all teeth and wanting a closer that doesn't exist. He pulls away just as quickly, "I've got you, princess," he exhales, "come for me."

My body knows what to do more than I do. I cling onto him. Anakin's thrusts become less even without losing speed. He continues until an all consuming pleasure has my body practically shaking. My orgasm hits so fast and hard I can barely hold myself upright.

"Oh, you're squee--" Anakin cuts himself off, pulling out before he can finish inside me. "Maker, you're perfect."

After it ends, I expect to be filled with some kind of regret or remorse. Instead, all I feel is a sense of peace as I recover with my forehead pressed into Anakin's chest. He keeps his arm around me loosely. "It's just you and me, princess."

I nod against him weakly, desperate to accept what he's saying. "Just you and me."

He smooths circles against my back. "We'll figure it out together."

It's not an easy thing to believe, but trusting Anakin is natural. I finally lift my head to look at him, "We have time." I don't know how much time, but it's definitely not happening today, and if I can push this until our political crisis becomes the ultimate concern, my father won't bring it up until this is resolved. Maybe if I prove myself as a leader, he'll see that I can be more. "I'm tired."

He smiles lazily, "You're saying I tired you out?" I roll my eyes. "Come on, we have some time before you have to meet with your advisors." Anakin squeezes my shoulder, thumb soothingly tracing a pattern against my collarbone. "Stay with me?"

I have to bite my tongue to keep a much too emotional always from coming out, so I just nod. He takes my hand and leads me into my bedroom. Anakin helps me into bed before laying next to me.

Drowsiness pulls at my eyelids. I fight against the exhaustion as best as I can, but Anakin's gentle touches and whispered terms of endearment aren't making it easier.

"You can sleep," he finally whispers, "I'll make sure you're awake with enough time to get ready for your next meeting."

It's tempting, but after all of this, all I want is to be near him and to--to talk to him and absorb his presence before I can't. "But--"

"I'm not going anywhere," he says, reading my hesitance easily, "We have time."

My eyes are already closed, "Promise?"

Anakin's head dips forward as he presses a chaste kiss against my temple. "I promise."

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4 years ago

StarWars Imagine Ideas

Would anyone be interested in some Star Wars series?

& Imagines ?


Anakin Skywalker - x reader , daughter, friend, padawan

Obi Wan Kenobi - x reader, daughter, friend, padawan

Darth Vaders - Daughter

Of course I still Have all the ones on my Masterlist 

comment below

I’ll probably do them anyway at some point but thoughts?

Tags :
3 years ago

Why Am I Here? - Darth Vader

Darth Vader x daughter reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,612

Summary: Reader gets “”invited”” to spend some time with the Empire. For reasons only Darth Vader knows, but will he tell? Or keep her guessing.

Authors Note: I’ve been thinking of making a whole series with a similar plot. So I’m trying this imagine out see how people like it. If you do and want to see more like this or with a similar plot comment below or say something in a reblog!

P.S. Its my Birthday Month!!!! YAY!


Star Wars Masterlist



Y/n stood there confused as to why she was here. Nothing about her should interest the Empire. She never given anyone any clues or hints as to if she is with the rebellion.

But yet they came to her senate booth and asked her to come with them. Not that she would have had a choice anyway. When they brought her to a ship, from there they took her to as they put it ‘Where lord Vader is staying’. When the troopers escorted her to a room, they told her this is where she will be staying. In the room was a huge bed, a big bathroom, and a closet. A closet that was full of her own clothes plus some other outfits that were beautiful. But it wasn’t just the closet that had things she owned in it. It was the whole room. There was small things from her room at home scattered all over. All the thoughts in her head stopped once the door opened to reveal the man that had her brought here.

“Why am I here?” Y/n asked with a strong voice. She truly is curious as to why they took her from her home. “Do you talk or are you just gonna stand there?”

Vader just stood there staring at Y/n before asking. “Do you know who I am?”

“Of course I do. Your Darth Vader.EVeryone know who you are.” She nodded, the look in her eyes was very confused as to why he would ask that specific question. But there was another emotion that Vader couldn’t place.

“Is that all you know me as?” he asked trying to get a sense of how to approach why he brought her here.

“Should I know you as more than that?” Y/n tilted her head in more confusion and also now curiousness. What did he mean by that? Should she know him as more?

“You will be staying here awhile. I hope that this room is up to your liking. We’ll talk later.” With that statement, he turned to leave the room. It was obvious to Y/n that that was not the answer he was looking for from her.

“Wait-” Y/n started but he left the room before she could continue. There were more questions running through her head now than there were before he came in.

^      ^       ^

“Lord Vader requests your presence.” A Stormtrooper stated as he entered the quiet room. 

Y/n let out a sigh of annoyance. “You can tell Lord Vader that I decline his request.”

The Stormtrooper left reluctantly. Y/n was sure that was not the answer the trooper wanted. Nor Darth Vader.

After about 20 to 30 minutes the door of her room opened. Low and behold Darth Vader entered the room. Y/n couldn’t help but smirk a tiny bit at the frustration in Darth Vaders walk and demeanor. It was quite comical. “Hello to you too.”

“You declined. What makes you think you are allowed to decline a request from me?” Even though he concealed it well Y/n could tell Darth Vader was frustrated with her previous actions.

“Oh, I know that I’m not supposed to. But it got your attention now didn’t it?” she tilted her head with a smile tugging at her lips.

Vader’s suit let out what could be considered a sigh. “I’m assuming you have something you want to say.”

y/n nodded at his assumption. “I have questions.”

“You may ask them.” he moved to sit on the couch in the room he had provided her. Waiting for her to start asking said questions.

“Why am I here?” Was the first one and most obvious out of Y/n’s mouth.

“I have my reasons.”

“Are they valid for keeping me here without my consent?”

“Yes” Vader nodded

“Can I know the reasons?” Y/n asked to hope that she could get more than another one-worded answer.

“Soon.” he replied, smirking behind the mask.

“What does that mean?” Y/n groaned, this was getting her nowhere.

“You’ll find out soon.” Vader rephrased

“How far is soon?” she rolled her eyes at his vagueness.

“Have a goodnight, y/n.” Darth Vader stated as he got up and headed for the exit.

“Will we talk about this again?” Y/n asked standing up really quickly off the bed. Heading to follow him out the door.

“Soon.” Was the last word that left the Sith as he left, with the door shutting behind him.

“UUUUGGGGHHHHHHH” Y/n screamed, falling back onto the large bed. This was ridiculous. She was getting nowhere. Y/n had a feeling that she was going to e there for a long while. The least he could do was answer some of her questions if he was gonna keep her there. Hopefully, he will tell her more ‘soon’ as he puts it.

^      ^      ^

“You requested me?” Y/n snarked walking into what looked to be Darth Vaders room.

“I’m shocked you came. Your learning.” he seemed to snark back.

“Yeah, sure. Why’d you call me here?” Y/n questioned while switching her weight to one hip, moving her arms to hug around herself.

“Do you know my history?” Vader asked what was a very random question to the young woman.

“What do you mean?” she tilted her head in confusion.

“Before I became Darth Vader.” he elaborated, turning to face her.

Y/n shook her head, casting her eyes down as she answered. “No. i heard it was forbidden to talk about who you were before. So no one does.”

“To some people it is. Most in fact.” Vader agreed with her statement.

“But your gonna tell me?” Y/n’s eyes widened in shock.

“Yes.” It was a simple answer but it scared Y/n. What happens to people who know? That question just kept running through her mind.

“Am I allowed to know?” She asked after letting out a deep breath that was shaky. 

“It’s my story to tell, Y/n.” Darth Vader smiled under his mask at her.

“Right” Y/n let out a light shaky laugh. It was one of their rare moments between them where whatever wall that separated them came down. Which Y/n didn’t know how to feel about. But Vader couldn’t help but feel immensely happy with those moments.

“Before the Empire, I was a Jedi. I didn’t follow the code completely. I was married, in secret to the love of my life. Right before the rise of the Empire, when things changed she was pregnant. I was to be a father. . . . She died in childbirth. Because of me. An I wasn’t there for her. I made a lot of decisions I regret, and that was one of them.” Vader explained, looking solemnly towards the floor as he thought about his past actions.

“What was your name?” Y/n asked once he stopped explaining, Some of the things he had just mentioned sounded very familiar. Her breathing picked up as she waited for his answer. 

Vader decided to make a decision to show her his true face. No one has seen his face other than the Emperor since he turned from Anakin Skywalker to Darth Vader. Once the helmet was off Vader turned to face the young woman, maskless. “I think you know.”

“Oh my-” Y/n gasped moving her hands up to cover her mouth. So many thoughts running through her head. 


Y/n held her hand up to stop him from saying more. “You know. You knew the whole time, and didn’t tell me! That's why I’ve been here this whole time. Isn't it!?”

Vader or maybe Anakin, could see how she was starting to feel upset. Betrayed even. But he knows she’s been held in the Empires custody long enough she deserved to know. “Yes.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked with a whimper.

“I wanted us to get to know each other first. Establish a relationship before I told you.” he explained, hoping she would understand. But he knew that it’d still probably take time with her. Over the last couple months they have been getting to know each other, just slowly.

“Well, I do know some stories about Anakin Skywalker. My father.” Y/n spoke after letting some time pass, playing with her fingers nervously, aware that things will forever be  changed.

Vader- or Anakin nodded in understanding. She had put it together and now she knew why he took her and why he’s treating her the way he is. He walked up to her, giving her a small smile. “I know we have a long way to some with our relationship, but I would like to make this work..” Vader softened his stature trying his hardest not to seem intimidating to his daughter. Not wanting to frighten her. “I’ve missed to much of your life up till now. I’m not missing any more of it.”

Y/n looked him in the eyes still not sure about all of this. But something was telling her that he is being truthful, and that she could trust him. He has protected her since she's been there. “Can you tell me more about my mom? And about you, or at least who you use to be?”

“Yeah, sweetheart. I can do that.” He nodded, and couldn’t help how much his smile grew. The fact that she was willing to get to know him made his heart swell. She wanted him to tell her about Padme, he hasn’t been able to talk about her since he lost her. Maybe they could have a slightly normal father daughter relationship.

Tags :
3 years ago

Fade Into You - Chapter Five

SUMMARY ✦ Your feelings for Vader are starting to become harder and harder to control.

WARNING(S) ✦ a little suggestive, slight nsfw warning


Keep reading

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3 years ago



This, obviously is my Masterlist! AKA: every writing I’ve ever done. Enjoy! 

Lovely header gif done by the amazing @obiwankenobiness​ (luv u jojo)

Key: 🌹 = NSFW



Apart || Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader: [x]

She Truly Was || Muzan Kibutsuji x F!Reader: [x]

When You Can’t Leave || Muzan Kibutsuji x Reader: [x]



Nights Like These || All for One x F!Reader: [x]



Far Away, Together || Darth Vader x F!Reader 

Chapter One: [x]

Chapter Two: [x]

Chapter Three: [x]

Chapter Four: [x]

Chapter Five: [x]

Chapter Five and a Half: [x] 🌹

Chapter Six: [x]

Chapter Seven: [x]

Chapter Eight: [x]

Epilogue: [x]

Back Again, Together || AKA: Far Away, Together Two || Darth Vader x F!Reader

Chapter One : [x]

Chapter Two : [x]

Chapter Three : [x]

Chapter Four : [x] 

Chapter Five : [x]

Chapter Six : [x]



Patches || Boba Fett x Reader : [x]

Breaking Rules || Captain Rex x Reader : [x]

Fireworks || Darth Vader x Reader : [x]

Forgotten Coffee || Darth Vader x Reader : [x]



It Always Happens || Maul x Reader : [x] 🌹

It’ll Help || Darth Vader x Reader : [x]

Credit Where It’s Due || Kylo Ren x Reader : [x]

Tags :
9 months ago

wearing an ‘i love emo boys’ top in front of sam monroe !

( swearing, kissing, mentions of cum )

“what the fuck is that?” sam snickered when you entered his bedroom, a wide smile twisted on your lips twisted into a wide grin.

“my new t-shirt,” you giggled, sliding your jumper off of your shoulders and putting your hands on your hips, modeling the top for him. it was a plain black y-shirt with ‘i love emo boys’ written on it in white text, the love replaced with a red heart.

“where did you find that?” sam asked, standing up and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you close, your hands came up around his neck, clinging to his as he lifted you up, swinging you off the floor and spinning you around.

“sam!” you screeched, laughing as he tossed you onto the bed. “i found it on etsy and i thought it was perfect,” you said as sam climbed onto the bed after you, grabbing the bottom of your t-shirt and tugging it down so that he could look at it better.

“emo boys?” he then asked with a raised brow and you looked at him with narrowed eyes.

“sammy, c’mon!” you groaned, “you know that you are the only emo boy i want,” you said, grabbing his shoulders and tugging him down so that he is laying on top of you, his face pressed against your chest.

“well then your top should say that,” he murmured, nipping at your chest lightly. you rolled your eyes affectionately, pressing a kiss on his forehead.

“you know how you can prove it?” you asked him, a small smirk twisting on your lips and sam looked up at you curiously, “you could cum on my top, make everyone know who i belong too,” a groan fell from sam’s lips as he pushed himself up on the bed so that he was hovering over you.

“yea, wanna walk around looking like my pretty little cum rag, babe?” sam asked, hand slipping between your thighs and you let out a heavy breath.

“yes, sammy, please,” you begged, hands clutching at his t-shirt tightly and he grinned.

“i fucking love this top” he said before pressing his lips to yours.


i ❤️ emo boys !

Tags :
5 months ago


Please refer to my main masterlist for my request/writing boundaries!



Anakin skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Ahsoka Tano (20/30 years old), Darth Maul, Leia Organa/Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux.



REQUESTED BY: @thegothicwriter

Please take me away - Darth Maul x Female!Human!Jedi Reader

Tags :
1 year ago



gf!anakin x reader

Summary: You're best friends with Anakin but you have a boyfriend. Anakin takes it into his own hands to deal with this problem.

Word Count: 3.8k

tw: murder

Anakin sat atop the dark metal picnic bench as he listened to you ramble on about your psychology major. You have always loved psychology and studying the human brain. He allowed you to ramble, twirling a fallen strand of your ponytail between his index finger. 

“Anakin, are you even listening to me?” You ask.

He only hums in response, as he continues to play with your hair. You had been friends with Anakin since your junior year of high school and ever since then, you two have been nearly inseparable. You had always seen him around, as he fell into the popular crowd but it wasn’t until he saved you from the wrath of your ex that you two became quick friends. 

You continue to tell him about the aspects you find fascinating about psychology and how it has helped you learn to read people. 

“So I take it you enjoy your classes?” He says.

You nod, “Of course I do, but the work can be overwhelming at times you know?”

“Mmm,” He agrees before changing the subject. “You still need a ride to Padmé’s tonight?”

You smile sheepishly, “Yeah, if it’s not too much trouble.”

“It’s no trouble at all, but I just don’t think your boyfriend would approve,” He practically spits the word out as he responds.

You turn around to swat his arm. Anakin has never liked your boyfriend, Jess. Now that you think of it, he has never liked any of your previous boyfriends either. You dismissed the thought of his protective nature ever since he saw your high school ex Nathan hit you. When that happened Anakin had practically beat him to death, successfully scaring your ex from ever coming near you again.

“Don’t worry Ani, Jess won’t mind,”

“What won’t I mind?” Jess asks, approaching you.

“Shesh man, you appeared outta nowhere, practically jumped out of the bushes or something,” Anakin scolds, allowing his annoyance to filter through.

Jess chuckles, “Yeah sorry about that bro, just saw my girl here,” he scrunches his face with a smile, “--and I just had to come see her,” 

Jess leans in to plant a kiss on your lips, coming to sit beside you on the bench. He reaches for your thigh, stroking it up and down with his thumb as his hand trails further north. 

“Jess,” You laugh, “Not here,” You say, pushing his hand with a firm expression.

Anakin scoffs, “Keep it in your pants, Kennedy,” 

His jaw is fixed. Anakin’s grip on your hair tightens as his fists subconsciously clench. 

“Oww Ani, you’re pulling on my hair.” You groan.

Anakin cringed, unravelling his fingers from your wavy locks, “Sorry angel,”

Jess reaches for your head, smoothing your hair down, “Since when were you his angel?” He asks, a certain possessiveness in his voice. 

Anakin turned his eyes to your boyfriend, “Since high school, prick.”

You notice how quickly their conversation is heating up and attempt to de-escalate the situation. 

“Anakin.” You shoot him a stern glare. “Behave,”

He just lets out a dark chuckle, rolling his eyes, “Yes ma'am,” He mocks.

Jess tries to start up a new conversation for your benefit most likely.

“Hey uh, have you heard about the whole psycho killer on the loose?” 

You squeal, “Yes! Of course, I have. Isn’t it crazy? A real-life ghostface killer in our city?”

Jess quirks a brow at your excitement. He opens his mouth to talk before Anakin cuts him off. 

“She’s big into slasher movies. Thinks that all the killers are complex psychologically so she finds them fascinating,” 

“But this guy is real,” Jess states.

You nod, “Yes he is, I just wanna know what makes him do what he does, and in such an extreme way. Isn’t it interesting?” You know that to almost anyone you’d sound freaky, finding serial killers fascinating, but what can you say? You just want to study how utterly complex they are.

Anakin snorts, “Well there’s that, and you also think ghostface is hot.”

You look down in embarrassment, turning a shade of pink as Anakin exposes your secret attraction to the slasher. Jess seems shocked at this revelation, “You find this murder attractive?” He asks, a puzzling expression painted on his face. 

“No, no,” You say, waving your hands for emphasis, “Not the real ghostface, just–uh the ones in the Scream movies.”

Anakin and you had binge-watched the Scream movies last year in your final year of high school, and you would rant to him how hot you thought ghostface was. There was just something about the long robes, mask, and blood-stained knife that had you clenching your thighs. 

“Well then, I know what to wear for the Halloween party at Padmé’s tonight,” Jess said

You giggled as you threaded your fingers through your boyfriend's messy hair. “Uhg–please do Jess, you’d look so hot,”

“Well in that case,” He flashed you a knowing smile, “Anything for my girl,”

Anakin shifted above you, running his hand through his dark blonde hair, something he always did when he was irritated. 

“Would you guys get a room already? This is disgusting.” 

“Aw Anakin, is someone jealous they don’t have a girl?” Jess mocked, slipping his arms around your waist, passive-aggressively emphasizing that you were his girlfriend.

Anakin hated the way Jess touched you, in fact, he hated everything about Jess, but mostly the fact that he was your boyfriend. After all, you were his first, and he was determined to show this to Jess, no matter the consequences. 

“Whatever man,” Anakin played off as he reached for your backpack, “We have to leave anyway to pick up y/n’s costume.”

Jess glared at Anakin, as he studied his face. “Yeah sure bro,” He replied to your best friend before turning to you, “I’ll see you at the party after my shift, wear something nice  for me babe, okay?” 

You giggled, “Always do Jessy.”

Anakin groaned, walking to his car, “Angel you coming?”

You turned from Jess after saying your goodbyes, “Right behind ya!”


You sat in the passenger seat of Anakin’s car, as he drove you to Padmé’s house. The land outside seemed to blend together at the speed that Anakin was driving. He had one hand on the wheel and the other resting on the head of your seat, brushing against your bare shoulders. You were dressed as Black Widow from the MCU and Anakin had black ripped jeans, a t-shirt, and a leather jacket. You’d brought your make-up with you so you applied what was necessary to complete your look. Anakin made you promise to use your make-up to create a skull face. He was dressed as Tate Langdon from AHS. 

When he parked on the side of the road outside of Padmé’s house you got to work transforming his face. You used your favourite fluffy brush to apply the white powder on Anakin’s face as he laughed, “That tickles. Stop it,” He said between giggles. When you finally finished the two of you exited his car and made your way into the house. 

Once you and Anakin had settled at the party, he took off to get a drink. You went to find your friends. Padmé spotted you first as she beelined towards you. She wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug.

“Girl, you look gorgeous!” 

“Thanks,” You replied, as she led you to your other friends, Satine, and Sabé. 

They were dressed in various costumes, Sabé’s with more effort than Satine's, but they both looked wonderful to you. 

“Wow, you all look amazing!” You said, smiling kindly.

A chorus of “thank you’s” was spilled before you were raptured into their gossip.


Anakin was walking back to find you, drink in hand when something, or rather someone bumped into him.

“Watch where you're going man,” Anakin growled as he managed to study the liquid in his red solo cup.

The person who bumped into him looked up to meet his angry gaze. “My bad bro,”

“Jess,” Anakin spat. 

“The one and only,” The other boy replied, dressed in a black t-shirt and baggy black jeans. A cheap plastic ghostface mask adored his face. 

Anakin practically rolled his eyes at his crappy get-up. 

“When y/n said she thought ghostface was hot, she definitely didn’t mean this cheap trash version.” 

“Chill dude, why have you been so on edge lately? Get a drink, get laid, cool off.” Jess said stumbling, obviously already drunk. “That’s what I’m planning to do anyway.”

Anakin bawled his fists. He hated how Jess would talk about y/n behind her back. In all honesty, he didn’t know what his angel saw in him. 

In response to Jess, he only nods before making his way through the mass of bodies filling the house.


It was nearly two in the morning and by now the party had died down leaving only Padmé, Satine, Sabé, Jess, Anakin and you. Satine was watching a movie while Jess started kissing you. He moved his hands up and down your body as you sighed into his kisses. Turns out you did like his ghostface costume. Anakin watched you and Jess with disdain as he leaned against the wall, a beer in hand. Unknown yet to him he had crushed the cup with anger. When Jess led you upstairs he saw red and it took everything in him not to beat your boyfriend to a pulp. Anakin dragged his hand down the length of his face, turning to grab his belongings. 

“Hey, I think I’m gonna head out now Padmé, see ya girls,” Anakin waved goodbye to the other two girls on the sofa.

“Have a safe drive, Ani!” Padmé called after him. 

Anakin visibly twitched. He hated being called “Ani” by everyone, well that is everyone except for you. 

He managed to mumble a quieted, “thanks,”

Anakin walked out to his car, opening the glove box for the make-up wipes you kept stashed, cleaning the painted skull off his face. He started the car and circled around to the next block. 


“Sabé! We’re out of drinks, I’m gonna grab some more!” Padmé called out to her friend from the kitchen. 

“Okay, thanks, Paddy!” Sabé yelled back before turning her focus back to the rom-com on TV.

Padmé made her way down the stairs, each step creaking with her force. She strode to the cold room, various slacks of expensive meat hanging from the hooks on the ceiling. Padmé maneuvered through the room reaching the end and grabbing a set of six beers. She turned back, beers in hand, weaving through the slacks of hanging meat when she was pulled to the side by a pair of anonymous arms. When the infamous mask came into view she yelped. 

Padmé was shaking. She felt her mouth go dry and her senses numb. “Jess this is not funny, you really scared me.” She attempted to brush it off, laughing, to stay as calm and collected as she could. 

The raspy voice of a modulator spoke. “You think this is funny Padmé?” It asked and suddenly a knife was plunged into her stomach. Instantly pain flooded her body, she screamed, as loud as she could, but her screams were quickly muffed by the figure's gloved hand. 

Tears fell down her face, “What did I ever do to you,” She asked her muffled cries coming through. 

A dark chuckle arose from ghostface, “Nothing.” 

Padmé kicked and pulled away as best she could, blood pouring from the stab wound in her stomach. She knew no one was coming for her and she needed to do all she could to survive.

Padmé delivered a hard blow to the Slasher's stomach and their grip loosened. She bolted from the masked figure, clutching her wound as tears poured from her eyes. 

She was only free of him for seconds before his strong hand gripped her shoulder, pulling her back, only for another excruciating thrust of the knife to rip through her flesh. The pain was too much. She could barely breathe. More crimson blood spurted from her back. And with each passing second her body weakened. 

Ghostface pulled on her shoulder to face him, “All out of fight are we now, Padmé?” The deep voice echoed.

Padmé whimpered against his hold, before thrashing in his grip once again. Ghostface humoured her by releasing her watching as she desperately tried to crawl away. He allowed her to get all but ten feet away from him before pouncing on her like a lion to its prey, delivering a swift jab through her collarbone. Padmé let out a blood-curdling scream as ghostface picked her up and squared the previous wound of her shoulder blade with a lone meat hook, releasing her to dangle from the ceiling like a piece of butchered meat. The jagged hook impaled her smooth skin, allowing perfuse amounts of blood to gush from her near-lifeless body. Finally, Padmé’s frame saged, drained of all life. Dark red blood pooled on the floor as ghostface sought out his next victim. 


Sabé and Satine’s giggles were heard through the house as the two laughed at the movie before them. It had been nearly twenty minutes since their friend Padmé went to retrieve more beer, but now they were beginning to worry. 

Satine was the first to speak up, “Sabé do you think Padmé’s alright? It’s been quite a while since she went downstairs.”

Sabé waved her off, “I’m sure she fine, probably just got carried away and started drinking.”

Satine leaned back into the couch, but something about the situation did not feel right.

As the girl neared the end of the movie they were sprawled out on the couch, Sabé nearest to the living room entrance. 

No one heard him. The figure crept into the room without a sound. The only noise that radiated was that of the TV, and the deadly scream of Sabé in suit. 

Satine whipped her head around to the horrific sight of ghostface repeatedly stabbing her best friend. “Sabé!” Satine cried out in fear. 

Blood soaked her clothes, staining the couch. Sabé attempted to move but was too weak to do so. The last words she managed to mutter before her body failed her were “Run,”

Satine screamed in anguish as she ran from her dying friend. She had reached the front door, turning the knob when the killer’s knife was thrown, lodging itself in the back of her neck. Satine collapsed to the flood, choking on the spurting mess of her own blood. 

Ghostface yanked his knife from her blood-covered throat, as he ascended the stairs to the upper floor.


Jess hovered above you, angling his face to kiss you hard. His hands found your hips as he dug into the flesh of your thighs. 

“I love that you’re mine,” He groaned against your mouth. 

You shivered under his hold, before pulling away from him, “Jess, can we talk first,” 

He continued littering your body with kisses, “mmhm,” was the only response he gave. 

You pushed him off you slightly, sitting upright on the bed as he begrudgingly did the same. “I don’t like how you talk with Anakin. He’s the most important person in my life and his approval means the world to me. So could you try to just–I don’t know, just at least try to get along with him.”

Jess sighed, “Damnit y/n!” He screamed, startling you, “I don’t wanna hear about Anakin. I hate how close he is to you, so no, I will not change anything. He is trying to take you from me, you're just too blind to see it.” 

You shut your mouth, teeth grinding against each other in frustration, “Jess, come on, please-”

He cut you off, “No! I don’t care how much you deny it, you have to at least be aware of the way he treats you. That guy literally hates everyone on this planet but you. He is always with you, he’s practically the one dating you. He drives you places, buys you things, calls you pet names and everything!”

“Stop it Jess! Anakin is not trying to take me from you, he’s just protective because of what happened with my last boyfriend. He’s looking out for me. And he is my best friend. So if you don’t get yourself together for me, because Anakin is important to me, then you can leave!” 

Jess stayed quiet, as you awaited anxiously for his answer. Your nails subconsciously picked at the flesh of your knuckles. Eventually, Jess spoke up, “Fine y/n. I’ll do better with Anakin,” he said forcefully.

You smiled in relief because as much as you liked Jess, Anakin would always be your top priority. Jesse offered you a kind smile back before leaning in to place another kiss on your lips. As each kiss progressed, he seemed to become hungrier and hungrier.

Your boyfriend lifted his shirt from his body, pressing you close to his chest. His kisses became more urgent and desperate as his hands travelled lower and lower from your stomach.

One second your boyfriend was kissing you and the next he was thrown to the ground. The ominous ghostface stood before you, and no–this was not the fictional slasher in the movies, this killer was real, he was real and he had a eight-inch metal knife gripped tightly in his gloved hand. And contrary to most you didn’t scream. You were too shocked to be seen face to face with the real ghostface, the California killer stood towering before you and he had just flung your boyfriend to the floor.

Contrary to your reaction, Jess did indeed scream. He scrabbled to his feet, pressing himself impossibly close to the wall of Padmé’s bedroom. 

Ghostface stalked forward to Jesse, knife raised and body fixed. Instead of delivering a fatal blow to the neck, he plunged the knife into Jess’ right hand. Your boyfriend cried out in pain. You stood still as blood spilled from his hand. Ghostface then repeated his action to your boyfriend's other hand. You cringed at the impact of the sharp weapon and Jess’ flesh. Your boyfriend let out another scream of pain.

“Stop, stop, please, stop,” Jess begged, ghostface’s knife, still impaled in his left hand.

The dark raspy voice of the modulator came through. “Pathetic little thing,” It scoffed, yanking the knife from your boyfriend’s broken and bloody hand. 

“Stop.” You spoke, and you almost wish you hadn’t. Ghost face turned to you ever so slowly. He moved with an eerie terror, facing you as your boyfriend gasped in pain. 

“Why should I sweetheart?” The modulated voice asked.

The pet name sent shivers through your body. “Answer me,” He spoke again.

“Because I don’t know your motive.” You stated.

“What if I don’t have one,”

His answer sent terror shooting through you. But then your thoughts drifted to your friends downstairs. “Padmé?” You questioned, a shake in your voice came through, but you did your best to push it down. 

“Dead,” He responded.

“Sabé, Satine?” You asked hopefully.


He stared you down, waiting for you to ask another question. “What about Jess and I?”

“One of you will die, and the other may live, it depends on how generous I’m feeling.”

You sat there for three erie seconds before nodding. Before a name pounded at your mind.

Ghost face turned from you a brief second to stab his knife into Jess’ heel, pulling the blade down, he severed it from his leg. Jess cried in pain. Ghostface did the same to the opposite heel before swiftly plunging the jagged knife into Jess’ face. You made a move to stand, but ghostface threatened you, “If I see you move another muscle from that bed, I’ll slit lover boy’s throat.”

You remained completely still. The only movement was the rise and fall of your chest. 

Tears welled in your eyes as you made the choice to speak, “What about Anakin?” 

Ghostface froze at the name before straightening himself, “I gutted him like a fish,” 

A broken sob escapes your lips. “No,” you say softly, “No, no no,” Each word ripping the anger from your soul. You screamed, a scream so full of raw heartbreak it burned through your throat.

It was then that you forgot about everyone. You jumped up, neglecting ghostface’s threat and launched yourself at the man who took away your entire world. 

Ghostface stumbled back, clearly not expecting you to attack him with such savage-like force. You didn’t care. You didn’t care if you got hurt, or if he killed you, or even if he killed Jess. Your thoughts ran red. All you close see was Anakin's mauled lifeless body. 

You grabbed the stainless steel water bottle from Padmé’s nightstand and dashed it across ghostface’s mask. His head was knocked back from the impact.

“I will kill you for this!” You screamed in rage. Hitting him over and over. Ghostface held his hands up to shield his face from your vicious attacks. “He was all I had!” You yell, pulling his hands away. “Anakin was my everything!” You scream again, sheer anger coursing through your body. You were now straddling ghostface, your body pressing him into the floor. Ghostface finally wrestles the water bottle away from you, pushing you down, switching places with the previous position you had him in. He pins your wrists above your head as you thrash with maddening anger in his grasp. You’re body finally gives in as you sob in utter heartbreak. Thick tears pour from your face, “What are you waiting for,” You choke, “--just kill me, there’s no point in living without him,” You sob again, sending tremors through your body. 

You’re shaking uncontrollably as ghostface angles his knife to press against your tear-stained cheek, “Now, why would I do that my angel,” he replies.

You’re entire body freezes as you process his words. You slowly lift your trembling hands to the bottom of ghostface’s mask, and when he doesn’t stop you, you tug at the mask, allowing it to fall from the person’s face. Anakin’s face. Your Anakin. He’s okay, he’s here with you right now and that’s all you can think about before you throw your arms around his neck and pull him down to you, capturing his lips in a tender kiss. He reciprocates your actions, kissing you with fervour. 

“I love you,” Anakin whispers.

“You are my everything.” You reply, heart full of emotion, before pressing your lips back to his.

Though he has done unimaginable horrors you still kiss him, because you know that no matter what Anakin is your life, and you are his. Nothing mattered besides him and only him. As Jess bled to death Anakin took his girl, but now in his final moments, he wonders if you really ever his to begin with. Because if you were deranged enough to kiss the man who killed your closest friends, you must have been madly in love with him for the better part of your entire life.

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