Osamu Dazai Bsd - Tumblr Posts

bc he’s a whore

this is literally chuuya.
this is LITERALLY chuuya
Chuuya: “can I have a water….
on the rocks.”
dazai: “LMFAO WHAT?”
guys what if radiostatic ends up like skk from bsd. like what if they DID work together but one of them quit.
Dazai thirst you say... what about beast Dazai tying you up with his scarf? I picture it too be after he told you too sit still and you either just couldn't or you just didn't want too, either way he'd get tired of it
Ahh, I love this, because he fucking would. Like, he's already annoyed with all the paperwork he has too do and he just wants too be done so he can go home with you, and you keep fucking moving on his lap, and he knows what you're doing when you try too hide that sly little grin, because you're not very good at it, he can hear your quiet little giggles, you're not slick. Although Dazai can be a very patient man, he's slowly but surely losing his already thin patience with you, when you continuously grind your ass back against his cock, and he's not buying your little, "sorry 'samu..." because he know knows you're not sorry, because if you were, you'd stop moving against him like a bitch in heat. Does he not give you enough attention? Because he knows that'd be a lie, you're just being greedy. So, he doesn't wanna hear shit when he takes off his scarf and ties it around your wrists, behind your back, but, he knows that's not gonna stop your hips from moving against his cock. So, he leaves you bent over his desk, your wrists still tied. Your ass in the air while he leaves your skirt flipped up, the little black thong he had you wear covers little to nothing. Because if you're gonna be in his office, pissing him off, at least give him a pretty view while you're at it.
I genuinely can't stop thinking about Dazai and anal 😩
Dazai is such an anal fiend, he loves anal, genuinely. He doesn't even ask either, as he's fucking you from behind, your ass in the air, he'll just let one of one of his hands glide down your back, giving your ass a few sharp smacks along the way before he brings his thumb to his mouth and soaks it in spit before he press it against the puckered hole, and he takes the sign of you not pulling away as an okay before he starts playing with you. He'd want too draw it out though, because that's just who Dazai is, so he's not gonna fuck your ass that night, but it'll be an explorative next few weeks as he makes you wear little plugs, letting his fingers fuck the little hole as you're stuffed close to him on the subway.
i cant stop thinking about dazai with an experienced s/9 where dazai shows all the fun new kinks for his s/o to discover (cough cough corruption kink) 🌸
He's just... a silly adventurous guy, ya know? He has absolutely no ill intentions when he tells you all about the kinks and fetishes there are, claiming he just wants too help you learn, there's no ill will in him baby... he's a detective, he helps people, you can trust him, ya know that right..?... good. So why do you look so scared, it's just handcuffs... no baby, you're not being arrested, they're just so you don't move or try and push him away from how good he's about too make you feel, that's all.
you writing about SKK makes no sense, they literally hate each other!!!
People that say Dazai and Chuuya hate each other, I have a question. Are you guys saying this as rage-bait or you just choose too ignore the obvious? Genuine question. Dazai and Chuuya do not hate each other and it's pretty obvious. Now, I'll give you the benefit of doubt and assume you haven't watched the show or you just don't understand it. I'll give you canon examples too help.
When Dazai and Chuuya were fighting Lovecraft, and Chuuya had too use corruption, Dazai could've let Chuuya die, Dazai had no obligation too save Chuuya, but he did anyway. In fact, Chuuyas death would be a big loss for the port mafia and therefore a gain for the agency, if the port mafia and agency were too ever fight because of how powerful Chuuyas ability is. Also, when Chuuya passed out, Dazai said, "don't worry buddy.. I've got you." Then Dazai proceeded too find Chuuyas hat, gloves and jacket, before folding them and sitting them next too Chuuya, he went out of his way too do that.
In BSD Wan, Chuuya had asked Dazai, while he was still in the port mafia, why he wore a bandage around/over his eye, and Dazai proceeded too say that he had a sty because he rubbed his eye with dirty hands, too which Chuuya countered and asked if the rest of the bandages on his body were also covering some larger injury, too which Dazai proceeded too say, being the ultimate drama queen that he is, said that it was too keep his "powers" at bay and Chuuyas inner monologue was, "silly me for actually feeling worried." He literally was worried for Dazai!!!
Another example being when Dazai got stabbed by Shibusawa, and Chuuya was sent out too fight that dragon. Ango himself told Chuuya that Dazai could possibly be dead and that mission was basically suicide for Chuuya. Now, lets say, for example, that Dazai did die from being stabbed. Chuuya was literally willing too die for him, that is the ultimate form of loyalty, that he was willing too put himself at risk for Dazai, too die for Dazai. What screams, "I hate you" about that? Also, everytime Chuuya uses corruption, he has too put an insane amount of trust in Dazai that he is able too save Chuuya and nullify his corruption.
Whether you ship Dazai and Chuuya romantically doesn't matter to me, I don't care, but you'd have too be blind if you genuinely think Dazai and Chuuya hate each other.
Ok but- and hear me out, Dazai and conseual somnophilia...
*thrist not a request* luv u btw 💓 💗 💖
YES!!! This happens quite a lot actually, especially with Dazais hectic schedule, he consistently comes home late because of his job as a detective, and with him thinking about all the disgusting things he wants too do to you, getting himself hard and worked up.. only too come home and find you sleeping in one of his shirts, he's a little irritated not gonna lie. He knows you wouldn't mind, you made an off-handed comment about it before, stating that if he was ever desperate or got home late while you were sleeping.. you didn't mind if he just slipped his cock in for a quickie, and that's exactly what he does when he climbs on top of you. Un-buttoning the buttons of his shirt, sucking a multitude of hickies into your neck as his fingers slip into your panties... ahh, you're not wearing any, you wanted this too happen, huh? How deprived of you sweetheart.
Not a request. But a thirst. For our glorious perverted king Dazai.
I saw your bully Hanma post and that got me thinking…..work place bully Dazai. Except he’s so friendly most of the time and such a silly goosey guy that everyone thinks you’re just over reacting. Sure they all know Dazai is a flirt when it comes to women but they all think he has at least enough self respect not to be so perverse..especially when it comes to you. You’re new to the place and Dazai just can’t stop himself when he sees you frantically trying to prove yourself, prancing around in that tight ass office skirt with that tight ass blouse!! What else can he do but mess with you!? Besides it’s not like he ever does anything toooooo wild…just a groping here and there, maybe he knocks paperwork out of your hands sometimes— but it’s all in good fun!..
At least that’s what you tell yourself after he’s made a sly comment about your clothes for the umpteenth time that week. Little do you know, Dazai’s been spending almost every afternoon fisting his cock to the thought of you..so pretty and pure, so eager to please..god he just can’t wait to get you alone!
Yeah, Dazai would do some deprived shit like this, and the thing is, you brushed it off at first because Dazai oh so casually flirts with literally everyone, that's just what he does, so you didn't really think much of it when he stared at you or would make casual comments about just how tight your clothes were, he just doesn't have a filter. That was until he started slyly brushing his hand over your ass, or just coincidentally pushing his hips into your ass when you bend over, claiming needed too get something and you were just in the way, or that one time he claimed that he was only fixing your shirt collar only for his hands too glide down a little too low, over your tits and he just apparently didn't notice. Then again, he claimed that those were just accidents, nothing too serious... until you find white stains on your blazer that was missing for a few hours... the same blazer Dazai returned to you, claiming that you left it in the breakroom and someone must've spilt milk on it or something.. he doesn't mind letting you use his washer.. his apartment is closer anyway, ya know...
Now trust me, I too constantly think about dazai.
Personally though, this might just be a me thing but imagine helping him change out of his bandages, shits probably musty and gross af so he desperately needs to change them and you kiss all over his scars. Bullet wounds, scraps, wounds that are self inflicted, a paper cut, you name it it's getting kissed.
In my mind, he'd be a puddle at that, just a dazed grin on his face. He doesn't even consider to think that you're seeing the most vulnerable parts of him, he's just happy to get all your attention.
Might just be a me thing though but I'm weak for that sort of stuff
TW- Mention of Self-harm
Aww, stop this is cute. He genuinely deserves too be taken care of, he's suffered so much. Now, I do think that Dazai used too harm himself, however that may be, I think he has self harmed. Nonetheless though, it's pretty honorary, imo, that Dazai has come to you, wanting you too changes his bandages for him, making up some excuse that's he's just too tired too change them himself. So you do, taking time too unwrap the bandages and pulling them away from his skin, there's scars up and down his arms, cuts and bruises, and Dazai just looks so nonchalant but you know he's scared, he's hesitant of what you might think of him... do you think he's weak.. do you look at him any different now that you know what he's done? But you're quickly shaking your head at him as you rub your thumb over his scars, bringing the limbs up to your lips as you press soft kisses onto the scarred skin, and it's so sad too see, that when you look up and you see the little tears attempting too slip down his cheeks that he's so eagerly trying too hold back as he continuously blinks away the tears. His eyes are so soft as you tell him how pretty you think he is and how strong he is for continuously going through life despite his hardships. That he never deserved too be so young in such a horrible environment as a child. That, that breaks him, and there's little salty tears running down his cheeks as he feels himself start too shake and the tears leak faster as you pull him into your chest as you run your hands through his hair as you shush hum, telling him that he's safe now, that you'll never leave him and you love him.
Hey are you still on that dazai grind? Cause like, recently I've been really into the final destination franchise and I'd just like to imagine watching the movies with dazai, who, admittedly he's seen death right? Mf worked in the port mafia, he's got enough experience with it but just something about those movies keep him on edge. He doesn't like pain and all of those deaths just screammm painful. So now it's not only you (very much just me) freaking out but also him freaking out.
I just felt the need to share this because I've been really obsessed with the movies lately, specifically the third one I really liked that one
TW- blood, gore
OMG I LOVE THESE MOVIES!!! I forget which movie it was but the scene of the girl doing gymnastics and she steps on the nail!!! That shit had me squeamish, but anyway. I think he would find interest in it after you explain the premise, being that no one can escape death, and, as a man that has been at deaths door a plethora of times, he's obviously intrigued by it. He's truly, as you said, is unbothered by the death and gore... given that he's seen more extreme things then the average person could comprehend, let alone movie gore that is so obviously fake. That is until he starts too see the intentional, realistic ways that these people are dying. He does start too feel quite a bit uncomfortable as he watches, like the rollercoaster scene for example, especially if one of the things he enjoys is involved in one these people deaths. But, I also feel like Dazai, in order too not show discomfort, will shut down some of the death scenes. Critique them even, which, to be fair he's seen and done some pretty disturbing shit, so he knows best right? I do think he'd be a bit more cautious in his day-to-day for a couple days though. Also yes, I'm still heavily on my Dazai grind!!!
(While writing this I thought of Ghostface!Dazai tho...)
TW- Waterboarding, Psychological Abuse, Verbal Threats
It was a punishment, the first time he did it. Now, usually when he punished you, it was usually a beating on a spanking maybe, but PM!Dazai is an experimentalist at heart when it comes to torture. He had dragged you to a cold, damp room. Completely empty except for an adjustable table with a board strapped to it. The screaming and thrashing was instant as he held you to his chest and dragged you to the table, the swinging of your arms useless as he fisted your hair and moved you to the table. The black straps used too hold you down were tight as the leather dug into your skin, he had adjusted the table down so that your head was close to the ground before his hand grabbed ahold of the white cloth. His hands playing with it as he hummed moving about as he then placed the rag in your mouth. Your mouth being forced open as the rag was being forcefully stuffed into your mouth, all you could see were those empty eyes, as you heard him pick up something heavy sounding, the clinking of the object on the concreate floor let you know that, that something was metal. Your body fully tensing before going into shock as you felt the unexpected cold water pour onto your face and your sense were overcome by the liquid getting into your nose and leaking down your face, the water getting into your ears as everything soon sounded muffled, the moisture soaking your top half as your eyes reactively shut close, being almost drenched by the time he let up and pulled the metal object back. Sitting the bucket on the floor, you felt his coat brush against your cheek, before your eyes steadily opened, careful too not get water into them, only too find him looming down at you when your vision became clear again from repeated blinking away the blurriness the water once left. His eyes were no longer a soft chestnut, but instead an eerie crimson, the light completely gone as his palms sat flat on his thighs, his hair almost shielding the none-bandaged eye. His bandaged left-hand pushing at the wet strands of your face as they clumped together in a sopping mess.
"I'm gonna do this again and again. Every single time you misbehave, you'll be laid on this table... maybe then you'll learn that I don't tolerate such insolence."
Can we PLEASE talk about fucked up foreplay? All I can think about is PM Dazai curbstomping some poor dude who betrayed the mafia (it's standard protocol after all, jaw breaking+three shots to the chest) and it's for your enjoyment, just because you asked if you could watch because you're both equally fucked up and it's like, a whole thing, he drags the torture out, humiliating the man ,spits on him, asks you to spit on him as well, makes him kiss his boot or the gun he's gonna shoot him with, just—fuuuuuuccckk
TW- Murder, Detailed Torture, Violence, Blood, Gore
The both of you were at Lupin when Dazai was made aware of the situation, stepping away too take the call as you tipsily conversed with the bartender, the little giggles bubbling from your throat as you spewed whatever came to your mind. He wasn't gone for long though, only a couple minutes before you felt him leaning over your shoulder from behind, his lips inches from your ear as he told you that the both of you had too go. He was quiet as he led you out of the bar, leading you by the waist into a sleek black car, giving the man upfront directions as he closed the door. He was unbothered as you messily climbed into his lap, your head foggy from the liquor as his hands moved to your waist too help you coordinate better before you sloppily made out with him, you always found Dazai too be extraordinarily attractive, but even more so when he was pissed, plus mixing the smell of his cologne into it, it just gave you a whole new experience of a high. There wasn't much reciprocation on his end as his hands sit on your hips, he just allowed you too do as you pleased. The drive felt quicker then you originally thought, as the car stopped and Dazai reached for the door handle as Dazai told the driver, "watch her." You had tugged on his coat when he said that, crawling closer to him as you whined, pleading to him with a, "wanna watch 'samu..."
He stared for a moment before his hand reached out and grabbed your arm and pulled you out, stumbling into his chest as he shut the door behind him. It was a dark alley that he led you down into, a man bloody and bruised laid on the floor, he was covered in dirt and soot, his once white shirt now soaked through with crimson and mud as his face bled, ruby droplets leaking down his chin as they fall to the floor in a constant flow. His uncovered eye was empty as he stepped closer to the man, slow and calculated, like a predator as his men that were guarding the traitor stepped away as Dazai shooed them away, you following close behind him. Dazai stood in front of the cowered man, his whole body shaking as Dazai stared down at him, before he dragged the man to the stairs a few feet away, the man began pleading for his life, making promises he knew he'd betray in the future as he was thrown face-first into the hard concreate of the stair case, his nose busting on impact as his mouth fell open and he let out a muffled cry.
"Because you couldn't keep your fucking mouth shut, I had too be called away too come deal with you." Dazai snarled as his foot harshly came down on the back of the mans head, the sound of the mans teeth shattering made a loud cracking echo as the mans mouth instantly started too leak blood and the chipped pieces of his teeth fell out of his mouth. The man was left panting and before he could move, Dazai kicked him in his stomach, causing him too groan and roll onto his back. He gestured you over, letting his hand settle on the arch of your back as he scowled at the man. "Apologize to her, and maybe I'll think about ending you quickly." The apologies that spewed from the mans bloody mouth were instantaneous as he looked up and pleaded to you, only too have Dazais foot come down, crushing his femur in the process. It was a loud ugly wail that left that mans lips, so loud that you thought his vocal cords would bleed. The man quickly shut up when Dazai pulled out a Colt M1911A1, pointing it at the mans chest, you saw the deep fear in that manns eyes before he quickly squeezed them shut and tried too quiet his sobs. Dazai felt a pawing at his chest before he looked over at you, your pupils blown as you tugged at his belt, he hummed at you before leaning down and capturing your lips in a kiss before he slipped his tongue in your mouth, only pulling away when he felt the man moving under his foot, that was still dug into the man femur.
"You're so fucked up sweetheart... getting wet from watching me break a mans jaw, hm?" Before you could even attempt too deny his claims, you felt one of his hands slip into your panties, rubbing you through them as you quietly gasped, clinging to him. He looked over at the man, his fingers now rubbing your clit as he took in the sight of the mans wide-eyed expression. His hand, that was still gripping the gun, playfully moved around, taunting the man as he waved the gun in his face. The moment he pulled his hand out of your panties, you tugged at his hand, trying too drag it back. Placing a quick slap on your ass, he walked over to the man, placing his foot on his chest. "Thank me." Dazai stated, the man immediately spewed his praise, thanking Dazai for his mercy and that he was sorry that Dazai even had too come out, his voice coming out gargled as Dazais foot pushed harder into his chest. Until, Dazai backed off, letting the man take a couple deep, much needed, breaths. The man didn't even have time too blink before the sound of three distinct gunshots echoed through the alley and he felt a burning pain before everything went black as he felt a warm red liquid pool on his chest.
The fucked up foreplay post has me thinking so hard rn. Like such Harley Quinn and Joker vibes. It makes me wonder what would happen to reader after Dazai left the pm…did she follow him? Did she go bat shit insane??? Did he kidnap her and lock her in his basement so she can’t ever leave him????? who knows.
I never really thought about that. I'd say that he most likely took her with him though. Because if you think about it.. they're kind of alike- or at the very least they're both pretty fucked in the head. I don't think that he'd take you too join the agency though, I think that he'd keep you at home. Because, it's pretty easy for dazai too adapt to his environment and play the role of the good detective, allowing people too let their guards down around him, that might not be the easiest for you and he's take that into consideration when he let you come with him. I personally like the Harley Quinn and Joker idea... but it'd be so much more entertaining if were too be a relationship like Chucky and Tiffany. Especially if it were the situation where Dazai literally desensitized and molded reader into the way she is now. Again, like Harley and Joker, but I'm more obsessed with Dazai hating this new life for himself and wanting too go back to the way he was, but only doing this because of Odasaku, because he did care for Oda, he wants too commemorate him and his wishes. But, maybe Dazai liked that fucked up lifestyle, the freedom too do as he pleased, especially with you by his side.
okokok ya know how yosanos ability fixed people on the verge of death, healing them completely
what if it brought back women's hymen, making them like a virgin again.
Ada Dazai being your bf finding this out when you both decide to get freaky~ and he sickenly loves the fact that he becomes your first, over and over and over again
You just a sweet and innocent thing, thinking that you were just getting healed after a rough mission, not knowing that dazai is hoping (not to be malicious because he loves his precious bella) but because he wants to fuck you and act like he's taking your first time again
I love this idea, simply because if he wasn't your first, during your actual first time. I think this would make him feel a bit better. Because now he doesn't have too think about that anymore, he'll just delude himself into thinking that he was the very first man- the very first person, too ever touch you, the thought of him taking your virginity over and over has him on a high. Especially when the first time happened, he knew something was a little off when he tried too touch you. You were more squirmy then usual; a lot more tense as well and he just knew something was a little off. Especially when you were wincing more then usual, he just kinda thought there would be discomfort after every time. So, when Yosano used her ability for the second time on you, Dazai made sure too ask her too look you over as you were still asleep, just incase there was something more serious going on. So that's exactly what she did, and that was a very unexpected phone call for Dazai, being told that your hymen was back... after everytime? He was in shock for a little while after that. Dazai even asked Yosano too check every time she was done healing you. If we wanted too take this down a darker route though, he might even purposely put you in harmful situations, not enough too actually hurt you- let alone kill you. But, Dazai has been known for putting people in harms way for... his own gratification. So, it wouldn't be too out of the blue.
I think Dazai would find it funny if his s/o listened to gang music/rap
He would definitely find it amusing, especially if you're not in that lifestyle or have never been in that lifestyle. When he heard the music playing from the bathroom, as you took a shower, he was a bit shocked, his precious baby listening to music about murder and gang ties? How scandalous of you pretty girl, your pretty little mind couldn't even comprehend the things that go on in that lifestyle, he finds it interesting too hear you rap the lyrics, about murder and everything. He will however, let you know whether or not they're telling the truth about the things they did. With him being a former mafioso of course, he'd know better then anyone really.
I love how you write Dazai you just make him so... canon, ya know?
Aww, thank you, I try too. He's just so hard too write for, but I do try and heavily base him off canon. I really do enjoy writing for him though!!!
Do you think Dazai would defend me in court/jk
Yeah, he would. While Dazai can be silly and even unserious most of the time, he's still an amazing talker. He's able too talk himself out of every situation, so, while he's not a lawyer, he'd give you tips on what too say, when too cry, how too say it, everything of that sort. If he were too be a lawyer though, he'd have a very high success rate for his clients in getting them off or at the very least, getting a lot of charges thrown out and lowered. Also, with his job as a detective, he's highly familiar with the law and the little loop holes, especially if you're his s/o, he'd do everything too get you off scott free.
I've been thinking about this for a while but how do you Dazai (any of the three) would feel if his s/o had an interest in the mafia?
I just did ADA!Dazai
Depending on the reason you give him, he wouldn't really mind. I think he'd find a bit amusing, especially if he hasn't told you about his past yet. Anytime you put on mob movies, he'll watch them with you, telling you what's true and what's not, and when you ask him how he knows so much, he'll chuckle and tell you he's a detective, he's had quite a few run ins with the Port Mafia, given his job. If he has told you about his past though, he'll tell things from his experience and how the mafia really works, not this glorified bullshit. He does think it's a little funny, your reaction, when he tells you that no, men in the mafia don't sit around, play poker, drink expensive liquor and smoke cigars, that's all fiction baby. What actually goes on is much darker, but as long as your interest doesn't go any further then the movies and the occasional mafia smut novel, he's fine with it.
Hey!!! Question and feel free not too answer but how would Dazai feel if his s\o was in a gang when they were younger?
Dazai would find it quite interesting, too say the least. His precious baby being involved in a gang at such a young age? My, you're quite the dangerous little thing, aren't you love, hm? Now, if you were high ranking in this gang, he'd be quite impressed, he'd ask you a lot of questions about what it was like, what you did and if you've ever killed anyone. When you tell him that no, you've never killed anyone, it was just a street gang that got into fights, never anything like murder, at least while you were there, it was more of a gang for fun. He'd be quite relieved that you've never killed anyone and only got into petty fights. He's also happy too know that you can fight and protect yourself, so he's not gonna worry too much now, knowing that you can handle yourself in a physical altercation. He'd also feel a bit closer with you knowing that you've also been involved in that life for a bit, and while being in the mafia and being in a street gang are different, it still makes him feel a bit closer to you.