Delirious Whumpee - Tumblr Posts
I’m coming back like I said I would for
Diabetes whump
(Just a quick super simplified rundown of what diabetes is: you have an organ called a pancreas which among other things creates a hormone called insulin. Insulin + sugar/carbs = energy. Pancreas not working means diabetes. Type one is genetic or may have no particular cause. Type two is caused by overexerting the pancreas with too much sugar and not enough exercise. Type three is gestational, or pregnancy diabetes.
Low blood sugar means not enough sugar or too much insulin. High means not enough insulin or too much sugar).
Waking up at odd hours of the night with severe highs and lows
Running out of insulin in the middle of the day and throwing up due to the high when you get home
Whumpee who’s scared of needles, but still has to get shots multiple times a day
Insulin pump or CGM (continuous glucose monitor) getting torn off and bleeding
Whumpee scared of blood taking manual finger tests
The random headaches
Also just the regular symptoms, not even thinking about treating it
Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) feels like:
Lack of apetite
Fast heart rate
Difficulty breathing
Constant extreme thirst
Frequent urination because you’re drinking so much
Changes in taste buds (for me water starts to taste like plastic, which sucks when you’re so thirsty
Sudden feeling of being cold
Some people get irritable
Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can feel like:
Shakiness and difficulty walking
Difficulty thinking/ brain fog
Extreme sweating and feeling hot
Blackouts in memory
In extreme cases, severe aggression
Severe cases of either can cause seizures, passing out, and comas.
Overdose them with insulin and watch them shake, sweaty and confused (also works on non-diabetics)
Refrain from giving them insulin and wait for them to start throwing up before telling them to beg
Caretakers doing all of whumpee’s shots for them
Doctor whumper who keeps telling whumper it’s the flu or a stomach bug
Diabetic caretaker and whumpee who was tortured with needles and can’t be around caretaker when they take their shots
Whumpee who gets tangled in their insulin pump’s tubes or IV tubes
Everyone has my full permission to use diabetes as a whump idea, I want to see y’all’s ideas too on this and any chronic illnesses you guys might have!
I’ll come back to this in the morning, but I’m diabetic and oh god the whump potential
It started with a lack of tiredness. The whole party takes turns keeping watch during the night, and Whumpee usually dreaded their turn, sometimes accidentally falling asleep during it. But tonight they felt oddly energized, and volunteered for first shift. Then stayed up to chat with second shift, and third…
Then they were oddly hungry that morning. Whumpee was fairly small, and usually didn’t eat much. But this morning they ended up asking for more, and then finishing the Archer’s leftovers as well, and complained they were STILL hungry after that.
It was only after breakfast did Caretaker start to get concerned. Whumpee was a careful person, they didn’t trip, or bump into things, or veer sideways. But as they walked to their next destination they did all of those things and more. Once Caretaker looked back and found Whumpee had stopped walking a while ago, one hand to their forehead and taking shallow breaths.
Caretaker held their hand for the next few hours as they walked.
Even with that, Whumpee kept lagging behind, slowing the whole team down. At one point, the Barbarian started to complain about it. Usually Whumpee would be quick to defend themself, have a snapback harsh enough to shut them up, but they didn’t say anything this time. Just nodded, wiping sweat from their forehead.
A few miles later they vomited.
Caretaker had never seen Whumpee so pale and grey, their hair soaked to their forehead with sweat. Their pupils were blown wide as they gagged and coughed between bouts of vomit. Archer cursed themself for letting Whumpee have so much food, then cursed Barbarian for being mean.
It was Leader who suggested they all take a rest and check Whumpee’s temperature. It was Caretaker who reminded them that Whumpee was the one who checked everyone’s temps, with magic.
“Yes? Whats wrong, does anything hurt? Do you feel better?”
“Why are there three of you?”
Caretaker didn’t have a chance to interpret what they meant before their knees buckled and they fainted, leaving the whole party panicked and confused.
Magic whumpee magic whumpee magic whumpee
Fantasy whump where whumpee is the only magic user of their party, and they focus on healing magic. All their teammates come to them when they’re hurt or sick.
But they’re doing some serious adventures, and whumpee ends up using so much magic they get sick- like really sick.
Like ‘I have no idea who is feeding me soup right now but the soup is too hot too hot and I’m so cold and everything hurts I can’t see I can’t think I can barely breathe it’s too cold out here the soup is too cold get these blankets off me I’m so hot’ kind of sick.
And their teammates can do NOTHING for them because they don’t know anything about magic burnout or basic health skills.