Magic Whump - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

I want to watch ten seasons of this

You're known by many names, but they all point to one trait you've held all these years: your enemies have never seen you bleed. Your secret? A pinch of illusion magic that hides all the scars and wounds, allowing you to intimidate your foes, even on your last legs.

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9 months ago

Magic whumpee magic whumpee magic whumpee

Fantasy whump where whumpee is the only magic user of their party, and they focus on healing magic. All their teammates come to them when they’re hurt or sick.

But they’re doing some serious adventures, and whumpee ends up using so much magic they get sick- like really sick.

Like ‘I have no idea who is feeding me soup right now but the soup is too hot too hot and I’m so cold and everything hurts I can’t see I can’t think I can barely breathe it’s too cold out here the soup is too cold get these blankets off me I’m so hot’ kind of sick.

And their teammates can do NOTHING for them because they don’t know anything about magic burnout or basic health skills.

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9 months ago

It started with a lack of tiredness. The whole party takes turns keeping watch during the night, and Whumpee usually dreaded their turn, sometimes accidentally falling asleep during it. But tonight they felt oddly energized, and volunteered for first shift. Then stayed up to chat with second shift, and third…

Then they were oddly hungry that morning. Whumpee was fairly small, and usually didn’t eat much. But this morning they ended up asking for more, and then finishing the Archer’s leftovers as well, and complained they were STILL hungry after that.

It was only after breakfast did Caretaker start to get concerned. Whumpee was a careful person, they didn’t trip, or bump into things, or veer sideways. But as they walked to their next destination they did all of those things and more. Once Caretaker looked back and found Whumpee had stopped walking a while ago, one hand to their forehead and taking shallow breaths.

Caretaker held their hand for the next few hours as they walked.

Even with that, Whumpee kept lagging behind, slowing the whole team down. At one point, the Barbarian started to complain about it. Usually Whumpee would be quick to defend themself, have a snapback harsh enough to shut them up, but they didn’t say anything this time. Just nodded, wiping sweat from their forehead.

A few miles later they vomited.

Caretaker had never seen Whumpee so pale and grey, their hair soaked to their forehead with sweat. Their pupils were blown wide as they gagged and coughed between bouts of vomit. Archer cursed themself for letting Whumpee have so much food, then cursed Barbarian for being mean.

It was Leader who suggested they all take a rest and check Whumpee’s temperature. It was Caretaker who reminded them that Whumpee was the one who checked everyone’s temps, with magic.


“Yes? Whats wrong, does anything hurt? Do you feel better?”

“Why are there three of you?”

Caretaker didn’t have a chance to interpret what they meant before their knees buckled and they fainted, leaving the whole party panicked and confused.

Magic whumpee magic whumpee magic whumpee

Fantasy whump where whumpee is the only magic user of their party, and they focus on healing magic. All their teammates come to them when they’re hurt or sick.

But they’re doing some serious adventures, and whumpee ends up using so much magic they get sick- like really sick.

Like ‘I have no idea who is feeding me soup right now but the soup is too hot too hot and I’m so cold and everything hurts I can’t see I can’t think I can barely breathe it’s too cold out here the soup is too cold get these blankets off me I’m so hot’ kind of sick.

And their teammates can do NOTHING for them because they don’t know anything about magic burnout or basic health skills.

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7 months ago

Just saw (and subsequently accidentally reset my feed therefore losing) a post about magical item whump (magic euphoria) and remembered a concept I thought about a while back

Magic ring that gives you some kind of amazing power, be it healing or super strength or something. But every time you use it, it eats a little bit of your body. You put it in your finger, and when you wear it, you’ve got a cool looking fake finger, but when you take it off, it’s gone.

You use it more and it becomes a bracelet, slowly eating more and more of your body with each use. And the magic is so good! So helpful, useful, powerful. Especially if the person using it was burdensome in a fight before, but now they can finally protect their loved ones!

How long before they stop taking it off altogether? Do their loved ones know the effects? Or do they hide it with gloves and long sleeves? At what point is it impossible to remove without severe damage to the user? At what point is their body entirely made of magic?

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5 months ago

Whumpee is hooked up to something dangerous (magic crystal, machine, etc) and Caretaker needs to remove them from it, but Whumpee’s heart rate is too high right now and they need to calm down.

Leading to Caretaker asking Whumpee their favorite song, and trying to get them to sing it with them to even out their breathing before they painfully yank them off.

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2 years ago

Reading this now, and I'm OBSESSED

Captured Series- Masterpost

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4 months ago

"What's better, magic fatigue or magic euphoria?" HOW ABOUT BOTH-

When magic feels SO GOOD to use that it encourages the user to wear themselves out so much faster just to feel good again.

Nosebleeds, headaches, bone-deep exhaustion, blistering fevers and delirium all feel like such minor prices to pay for the high that came over them when they used just the right spark of magic.

(Of course these symptoms are not actually minor at all. Magic depletes and/or changes the body in such volatile ways, and to such extents that nothing else can ever reach.

And perhaps the rush of euphoria helps to deaden the victims' sense so they don't realize the change...)

Concerned friends, teammates, etc. try to get the character to stop using magic, don't you see what it's doing to you - and character fights them so hard. You don't understand. It feels good, I have to feel it again!

An enemy/antagonist knows this and manipulates character into using/expelling a great amount of magic, takes advantage of their spacey, dazed high in order to capture them. Hardly has to do much to keep them imprisoned when the exhaustion sets in and they're so weak that they can't even stand.

Magic-users have literally burnt themselves out or become completely senseless in pursuit of the euphoria that comes with magic, which makes for another reason it's so dangerous.

Idk where I'm going with this I just had thoughts.

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4 months ago

One trope I like a lot in whump is magic with a price, so here’s a few ideas :

Ice magic that causes the whumpee frostbites and hypothermia

Nature magic that grows inside the whumpee, and like with concrete, the plants have to pierce whumpee’s skin in order to be used

Shapeshifter whumpee who has to relearn how to talk, walk and act properly when they turn into a non-human creature for too long

Whumpee going blind after using light magic too often

Nerve damage and burns caused by electrical magic, maybe there’s even a risk for whumpee to be electrocuted

Whumpee has water magic abilities, except it’s salt water so it damages the skin progressively (Effective only in long term, unless you want your whumpee to have an allergic reaction)

Pretty basic as an idea but fire magic that burn whumpee’s body as they use them

Whumpee can take control of someone’s mind, but they can’t move while they’re controlling them, leaving their body vulnerable…

Whumpee with death magic, everything they touch dies no matter what. Everyone is scared of them and they are always alone

On the other hand, whumpee with life magic. They can revive anything they touch, but loose years of their lifespan every time they do so they have to be very careful who and what they touch

Similar idea, whumpee with healing magic but the wounds appear on them once the other person is healed

Honestly, the only magic ability that doesn’t look like it can have a price is Wind…

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4 months ago

Whumptober day 7 : Only for emergencies

Magic with a cost

Of course I was going to do this one

Whumpee always held back when they fought against their opponents, but when the life of someone they care is put in danger, there is no other choice…

This is set in a fantasy world, Whumpee is a half-dragon and Caretaker is a human. Also it’s ambiguous on the characters age but Whumpee looks round 25 (their apparence is human-like but they have dragon traits still) and Caretaker is 23.

In a way, both characters are Whumpee and Caretaker to each other

TW : Burns, Suicide, Character death

Whumpee never really cared about others. Simple humans died easily, they were just so fragile. Whumpee had seen countless wars before too. It’s always the same mistakes, humans killing each others. Whumpee wished for the day humans would all just disappear. Which makes them wonder : « Why am I protecting this one’s life ? ». That human is Caretaker, they both met at [Town]’s inn where Caretaker’s parents worked, and had gotten along pretty well. More than Whumpee expected.

And in that moment right now, they wished they had just listened to their brain instead of their heart. Because Caretaker’s town was the scene of a violent battle and their enemies were winning. Caretaker of course wanted to defend the town, but it was no use in trying to. The whole place was already in flames, so was the inn. The smell of smoke grew heavier and Whumpee had to do something before Caretaker would get seriously hurt.

So instead they will be the one to get hurt.

They turned to Caretaker and said,

« I have an idea, which you might not like… »

Caretaker looked at them, confused and worried.

« It’s gonna be okay though, for you at least. You’ll be fine. »

Whumpee extended their left arm toward the flames and they started being drawn into a little ball. The palm of Whumpee’s hand was already starting to get burnt but they didn’t mind it too much, focusing on Caretaker. At the sight, Caretaker looked more scared than just worried.

« W-wait what are you doing ? »

The half-dragon smiled at them and answered,

« Just a little trick I learned to do with my dragon magic. »

The ball of fire grew bigger as the flames kept being absorbed by it and slowly, Whumpee’s whole arm was getting burnt. And the heat was so strong that no one could get close to the two of them. Yet Caretaker remained fine.

« I put a seal on you, against my magic, unfortunately I can’t do the same for myself. And my human side is too weak to handle this kind of magic. » Whumpee explained.

Their entire arm was now completely burnt, and it started extending on the rest of their body. Caretaker grabbed them and tried to pull them away from the ball, to no avail.

« I don’t want you to die ! Please just… » Caretaker pulled harder, « Don’t do it ! »

Tears fell, from both of their eyes. There was no other choice. If Whumpee didn’t use their magic and Caretaker and them left, they would be tracked down and killed. With their good hand, they cupped Caretaker’s face and kissed them. One quick kiss.

« Live for me please. »

And in a second, the flames were thrown into every directions. Caretaker’s closed their eyes, and one they reopened them, they saw that what they were holding was now Whumpee’s body. Their entire left side was burnt, extending a bit to the right side. Everything was silent. Even Caretaker’s cries for Whumpee to come back were silent.

They laid down on the ground next to the body of their almost lover. Live for them, but they had lost everything. They had no reason to live without them.

This technically open ended. Since it’s a fantasy world, you can imagine Caretaker finding a way to revive Whumpee. Or not, maybe they are led into a fake lead, or it’s just straight up not possible. Whichever you prefer

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