Derek Hale X Stiles Stilinski - Tumblr Posts

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The Last of Us / Pedro Pascal

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1 year ago


Era un día soleado en Beacon Hills, uno que muy poco se daba porque siempre eran días grises, pero nada más por los rayos del sol siendo tapados por las nubes.

En eso habían dos personas que aprovecharon que había buen clima, tuvieron mucha suerte en que fuera fin de semana y no tuvieran que ir a trabajar.

Eran pocos los que conocían de su relación, ya que no acostumbraban a postear fotos sobre ellos dos, más que todo por lo chismosa que era la gente y que siempre hablaban sin saber.

Pero justo ese día les importo un comino lo que dijeran los demás, a la final de cuentas ellos no dependían que lo que se hablará de ellos. Fueron directo a un parque para hacer un picnic, tal como Stiles había visto en muchas fotos en Pinterest.

La verdad es que Derek y Stiles estaban pasando un buen momento, una que otra mirada a sus muestras de cariño, pero nada de insultos. Ambos iban vestidos a juego, les encantaba hacer esa dinámica de parejas.

En eso Scott venía pasando junto con Theo y Liam, los tres amigos de Stiles.

—¡Oigan! —gritó de la nada Scott.

—¿Qué pasá? —Liam se asustó por el repentino grito del otro.

No podía decir nada, lo único que hizo fue señalar a un lugar del parque. Liam y Theo siguieron la dirección a la que Scott apuntaba y vieron como Stiles le daba de comer unas fresas con crema a Derek para luego darle unos cuantos besos en las mejillas.

—¿Y qué con eso? —rodo los ojos Theo al ver la reacción de Scott.

—¡Pues que está mal! —la espina homofobica de Scott se hizo presente—. Ambos son hombres, no deberían de estás haciendo esas cosas. Deberían de pensar en los niños.

Theo no podía soportar más aquella actitud de mierda he hizo lo que tenía que hacer, agarro el brazo de Liam y unio sus labios en un beso. Al principio se resistió, pero luego le siguió y se dejó llevar.

—Estas rodeado de parejas homosexual, Scott —le dijo Theo justo cuando terminó el beso—. Stiles y Derek son novios desde la secundaria, Liam y yo desde la universidad, madura, estamos en el siglo XXI.

Liam tenía sus mejillas sonrojadas, no porque su relación salió a la luz, eso le importa poco. Lo que lo puso todo rojo fue el beso que Theo le había dado, pudo sentir las lenguas de los dos jugar entre sus bocas y se le olvidó que estaban en público, las muestras de afecto siempre lo ponen nervioso.

No dijeron más nada y dejaron a Scott sorprendido por sus amigos.

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10 months ago
Stiles Is A Thug, Telling His Best Friend Liam About The Eventful Night He Had With Derek, The Owner

Stiles is a thug, telling his best friend Liam about the eventful night he had with Derek, the owner of the most sought-after bar in the city.


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First time you ever listen to me.

So this is an imagine that I wrote at 1am and I feel is not good at all. But here it is.

Warning: there are mentions of drowning

Yn was stiles stilinskis adopted sister. Being 2 years younger than him made stiles want to protect her from everything that had started to happen in their life's.

Yn was adopted by the stilinski family when she was 4, having been abandoned in a random house she had been brought to the sheriff's station. That day the sheriff's son was there and took a liking to the sweet shy 4 year old. The sheriff and his wife had always wanted to have more kids but couldn't so when Claudia met the little girl who had dark brown eyes and a sweet smile she completely fell in love with her and begged along with stiles to the sheriff to keep the girl.

So that's how you stilinski began her life, she was a smart kid who always had a smile on her pretty little face, but she always liked to be with her big brother no matter what, and stiles liking to have her around at all times placidly complied. When stile and yn met Scott they became inseparable and it was usual to see the two bigger boys and a young girl playing together.

Yn was close to her adoptive mother so when she became sick, and had to stay in the hospital it became normal to all the nurses and doctors to see brunett little girl with a small bouquet of flowers walking toward the room A13

When Claudia died when Yn was 8 she grieved the loss of her mother so bad that the sheriff got worried about the girl who refused to eat and sometimes stayed sitting staring at a wall, her mind somewhere else. Since then Yn became even closer to Stiles and every night she would go to his room holding Mr.bear and climb up to his side.

Years went by and Yn had a pretty normal life till her dear brother decided to go search for a dead body in the woods. That nightt was the time Yn's life would change for ever from that day on she had been included into her best friend's mayhem. Him becoming a werewolf, werewolf hunters, Derek. And the most recent supernatural creature. Kanima. Except they didn't know it was a kanima then.

Yn had been included in the plan to get the bestiary, which they had all formed to see what was the creature who had been lately roaming the streets of beacon hills. The plan didn't really go as expected and yn found herself by the swimming pools.

She had heard voices and went to see who was there. She came into the room just in time to see stiles and Derek go under the water, she went to help them, but her path was intercepted when a horrendous creature in all fours and a tail, pretty much like a lizard. She screamd and ran the other way. She though she could get out of there safely when she heard a snap and felt something slice slightly the back of her neck, right when she was beside the diving pool.

First Time You Ever Listen To Me.

Yn felt her limbs go numb and she fell into the water.

Stiles had just resurfaced. When he though he heard a scream but he couldn't have actually heard it while holding a splashing and very much useless Derek up

"Did you hear that?" Stiles asked Derek whilst holding him up, which became more complicated by the minute.

" couldn't have heard anything while I was bellow the water" he gruffly answered.

Well you're not the one holding us both up"

Derek just grunted in reply when he saw the Kanima wasn't near their pool.

"Where's the lizard?" He asked trying to turn around.

"It was right ther- what's it doing near the diving pool?" Stiles started cutting himself out as he saw the lizard like creature looking into the water one pool away

"You can't expect me to answer that do you?" Replied a very annoyed Derek spitting water our of his mouth.

While stiles and Derek were complaining, Yn was fighting against her own body to get to the surface. She felt her lungs where going to explode as she begged her body to function, but she had kanima venom in her system and it wouldn't wear off in a while. She tried to think, to scream for help knowing that Stiles would come and get her. But the only thing that got out of her mouth were boubles as she sank further in. She felt her head go dizzy at the lack of oxygen. But she refused to open her mouth till the very last moment. She felt herself grow tired as she felt he lungs would collapse, and she let the water in. After a while she didn't feel anything. She fought against the darkness that tried to consume her. She though about her family, her new friends, of her future life. And for a while, it helped her fight. But she soon realized none one was coming to save her. That maybe it was for the better altogether, she'd miss her family. But it was for the better. It was all for the better. And then she closed her eyes and let the darkness consume her.

First Time You Ever Listen To Me.

Stiles felt himself being pulled out of the water and into the ground. He grunted as he hit the floor and he heard derek grunt as well as he fell beside him. Stiles looked up at Scott " thank God, I was wondering when you'd come!"

His best friend gave him a small smile down at him.

" it was a kanima, " Derek said" that's why it turned around when it saw its reflection"

"Where did you leave Yn?" Asked stiles sitting up.

" what do you mean? I left her here with you?" Scott replied furrowing his eyebrows at the boy

"No Scott she left with you." Stiles started to get worried

"Stiles when I leaved I left her here"

"Stiles didn't you say you heard something?" Derek asked him stiffly sitting up

"Yes, I thought I heard a-"Stiles cutting himself up when the truth hit him "oh my God" he quickly lifted himself in his feet and ran toward the diving pool" God please don't let her be in the pool" he quietly muttered to himself.

Scott had quickly followed him helping Derek up.

But surly stiles saw at the bottom the frame of a body. He didn't think twice abou diving in. He quickly took the small frame in his arms and swam back up.

He pulled Yn's body out. Scott looked down at the girl and saw that her lips where blue and her face deadly pale.

Stiles saw it to but he denied the truth, he gently shook Yns body

"Yn common wake up" he said" please don't live me, Yn please common baby wake up" he gently slapped her face but nothing, stiles felt fear gripp him" no, no no no, common Yn, you need to wake up".

First Time You Ever Listen To Me.

Scott was already on the phone calling an ambulance and Derek, being the adult of the group, he quickly took stiles arm." Start doing Cpr"

Stiles could vaguely remember how he started pounding aging Yn chest"one,two, three..." and giving her mouth to mouth. He didn't remember how the tears slid down his cheeks as he tried to bring back to life his little sister.

He started sobbing when he saw she wasn't answering any of his pleads for her to fight. He hit her chest when a gentle cough came from the girls blue lips as the ambulances sirens was heard in the distance.

His eyes widened and he looked back to Scott who had been o the phone whith his mom and giving stiles directions on how to keep doing the CPR properly. " mom she coughed"

" her heartbeat's slow" derek told him and in that moment the paramedics burst through the pool room and to Yns side.

Stiles didn't remember how he ended up in the ambulance in the way to the hospita, holding yn-s cold hand in his. Or how his dad had to hold him from going in with the paramedics while they took Yn to a room to try and bring her back because her heart had stopped again.

Stiles sobbed into his dad's shoulder, dripping wet as he was " it'll be all right Stiles" his dad tried to comfort him when the truth was he was as scared as his son, that they would lose Yn.

Scott was whith them in the waiting room with his mom ad well as Lydia, Allison, Isaac and Derek, who had arrivquickly after Scott's mom called them. They were all extremely worried for the girl that had brought so much happiness into their life's with her shy way, the way she smiled and the way she was always there for people when they needed someone.

Aftera few minutes the doctor came out with sober look in his face. " we're sorry but Yn haven't survived." Everyone in the waiting room gasped at the words, everyone's eyes watered at the though that such a young life would be ended so unexpectedly. Stiles looked up tears falling from his eyes.

" Can I see her?" He asked quietly as he cleaned his cheeks from tears only for new ones to take place.

The doctor nodded and stiles went into the room where his sister laid motionless. He chocked a sob put as he looked at the once face that was so full of life a few hours ago.

"Why did you leave?" He whispered to her." Please fight, Yn I need you, please, you can't go. Don't live me like mom did."

Stiles took her hand in his and gently squeezed it as he cleaned his face with the sleeve of his shirt, only to realize he was still wet form half hour ago.

First Time You Ever Listen To Me.

Then out of nowhere a gasp came from Yns lips and she shot up from where she laid . Stiles jumped away from her in surprise and the doctor and his dad rushed to the door of the room to see what was happening.

"Yn?" Siles whispered to his supposed dead sister.

When Yn turned to him stiles saw that her eyes were glowing violet but quickly faded to their natura brown color when she saw him.

"Stiles" she gasped out before stiles tackled her in a hug holding her close.

First Time You Ever Listen To Me.

" I thought you were dead" he said against her damp hair.

"I heard you telling me to fight"

" well first time you ever listen to anything I say" he muttered holding her tighter against him.

So part 2? This took me so long to write. Hope you guys like it

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I think we lost her

summary: Scott tells yn that Theo was dead, and Yn completely breaks down.

I was really bored when I wrote this so don't blame me

I Think We Lost Her

"what?"Yn's chocked those words out when she understood what Scott had told her. She couldn't believe was she was hearing. It just couldn't be true, he couldn't be dead. Not him."

Yn I'm sorry..." Scott looked down at the girl. Her eyes were wide open and her face deadly pale, she Shaked her head denying the truth.

"How?" She whispered looking up at him her brown eyes glossy with unshed tears.

For a moment he regretted having to lie to her, he regretted telling her that Theo was dead. His eyes watered at the sight of his best friend's little sisters heart break. But he shook his head and swallowed the tears" we had just killed the beast when he came at us and..." Scott didn't want to tell her that he had died, but if she knew that Kira had sent Theo to hell, Yn would do everything possible to bring him back." Kira had to kill him" he muttured.

"And you? Scott what did you do?!" Yn demanded him.

Scott looked up shocked at the question."What do you mean?""You know what I mean Scott" Yn's eyes showed the pain she was hiding inside, showed her despair. But she wanted to know if Theo could have been saved. She looked into Scotts eyes and the hard truth hit her" you did nothing" she whispered" you did nothing when you saw how Kira killed him"

"Yn I was protecting the pack"Scott started

"Bullshit!" Yn exclaimed cutting him off" you could have saved him, you could have saved him Scott" by this time Yn's hands were shaking and tears streamed down her face." I lost Allison, I lost Aiden, I almost lost my dad, I've been having constant nightmare's, where I have to scream myself awake. Scott I'm scared of my own mind. Theo could have been the bad guy in your eyes but he saved me, since I met him I smiled more and I laugh more and I was happier. And you know it Scott"

Scott knew it was the truth. Stiles had told him that Yn had been having constant nightmare's since the dread doctors appereancebut they had stopped after they got Lydia out of eichen house. But he had never suspected it had been Theo.

Yn cleaned her tears away with the sleeve of her shirt.

" Yn I'm so sorry" Scott muttured and moved to give the girl a hug but she pulled away from him.

" Say that when you mean it" she sobbed out and walked out of Scotts room, slamming the door behind her.

The rest of the pack had been waiting downstairs. They had decided that Scott was to be the one who told her the news since he was the alpha. But Stiles saw the way that Malia's eyes watered and Liam showed a worried look as they heard the conversation, and he regretted having her go alone.

"She's coming downstairs" Malia told everyone after they heard a door slam upstairs.

A sobbing yn stiffly made her way down the stairs. And when she saw Stiles she rushed toward her big brother sobbing heartbreaking sobs against his chest. And stiles held her as she cried. His own eyes watered as he held his crying sister, she had just lost her first love. And it broke him to see her in so much pain.

He knew Scotts plan on telling her that Theo was dead, instead down in hell. He knew that Yn would tear heaven apart to get him back if she knew. But he though it was for the best. Theo wasent good news and yn was probably better off without him. But he hated himself for laying to her.

Yn pulled back her eyes red from crying.

" Are you ok?" Kira asked

And in that moment Yn knew she hated Kira with all her will power, and stiles, Malia, Lydia Liam and Scott who had just came downstairs, knew that Yn was raging and Kira inmidiatly regretted her question.

Yn gave a humor less laugh and gave Kira the fakestsmile she could muster." I'm fine Kira, and I'm better knowing that Theo is dead thanks to you, just like Allison and Aiden. It's your fault you know. Since the day your family arrived at beacon hills. It's your fault that Stiles was possessed by a nogitsune your mom called upon, your fault that the oni killed Allison and Aiden when WE were trying to fix up your familie's mistake. You may had just lost a girl you bearly knew. But Allison was my family. So you better pick your Kitsuné ass and get the hell out of my town" by the time Yn had finished kiras eyes had tears in them and Yn's eyes were a fiery violet color in them. Yn stormed away form her friends and out of the house as she started to walk toward home.

Stiles started to follow her but Lydia stoped him." Let her leave, she'll come around soon enough"

" But what if she gets herself hurt?" Stiles argued" Then let Malia go, she has grown closer to her than to you" Lydia answered and looked toward the brunette who simply nodded and followed after the girl.When Malia had gone out of the door, stiles sighed and turned around to his best friend who stood holding a crying Kira in his arms." I think we just lost her Scott, we screwed up" stiles sadly told him. I don't think so.."started Liam

"Liam did you see the way she looked at us, she looked at us as maybe we had betrayed her or teared her heart out of her chest"stiles replied to him rubbing his eyes

"Maybe we did" cut in the redheaded. Stiles looked up and looked at his best friend sighing. Maybe they had.

When Malia reached the Stilinski house, Yn was already in her room crying her heart out. Malia just sat next to her and pulled her into her arms. And yn let her.

So that way they sat for an hour, the were coyote holding the younger girl, the girl who could control all supernatural with her mind. The girl that was supposed to be unbreakable. At least that was the spirit that had made home in her. This girl was just a human. A human that was crying the loss if the love of her life.

That night after Malia had left her. Yn dreamed of Theo. She saw a girl ripp his heart from his chest. She screamed as she saw Theo fall. And he seamed to hear her because he turned around toward her voice and his eyes widened. "Yn?" She heard him whisper.

The girl that had attacked him turned around and crawled away, and yn runned toward Theo who was laying on the floor. And she held him in her arms.

Then she was waked up by stiles, who had heard her scream and came to see what had happened.

"He...-" she sobbed" he bagan to feel like HOME"

I think we lost her part 2
I'll be good never meant to start a fire I never meant to make you bleed I'll be a better man today I'll be good, I'll be good And I'll lo

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9 months ago

Guys look what i found in my trash can...its so cringy and bad written but its funny.

guess who is writing smut at 1:30 am. ME!!

Theo Raeken X wife Reader.


"I totally love your dress" one of her friends said making yn smile.

"Thank you, i adore yours, where did you buy it" loud music plaid from the speakers. P4ople laughed and talked why drinking. Yn and theo had been invited to a friends party wich they had willingly accepted, living their daughter for Derek to babysit. Theo was drinking with friends in the living room. Yn honsetly wondered how drunk he'd be in the morning, worried for his hung over the next morning but let it slide, her husband should have fun.

Yn talked and laughed with her friends in the kitchen, comenting on each others outfits and make ups, their works and their kids. All was going well.

"Excuse me a second please" theo's voice was heard just behind her as he snaked an arm around her waist.

"Oh yeah sure" her friends quickly said.

Yn turned to face theo a smile on her face "hey T, whats wrong?"

Theo wasent exactly in his sober state at the moment as he leaned in and whispered to her ear "come to the bathroom with me, i need to talk to you...privately"

Yn furrowed her eyebrows slightly but nodded nonetheless and turned to her friends "come back in a minutes, you girls keep going" she set her glass down in the counter and let Theo leade her to the bathroom.

"Honey are you drunk?" She asked truning to face him as they walked in and theo closed the door behind them.

"Just a ting bit, dont worry about it?" He gave her a charming smile as he walked toward her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Uh hu?" Yn nodded unconvinced "i thiugh werewolfs didnt get drunk"

"Lucky for us, im a chimera" he said quietly before leaning in to kiss her.

Yn kissed him back for a few moments before pulling away "what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?" She asked looking up at him frowning.

"Not much..." he answered a small seductive smirk on his lips as his hand slipped down from her waust to grope one of her butt cheeks. Theo knew she was just as weak to his seductive ways as she used to be when they were teenagers.

Letting out a small gasp yn looked into his eyes "right now?"

Giving her a grin he nodded. "Right now darling" he whispered into her lips before kissing her again.

Yn let out a small whimper into his lips kissing him back feeling the hunger in his touch as he pressed her to him, she could feel his hard lenght against her as he pulled her closer to him, head titling to the side and arns going around his neck she let him. Theo's hand went to grab the back of her neck tenderly keeping her there and his other hand snaking lower than butt. Leaning down slightly but still kissing her he pulled the hem from the dress she was wearing up, snaking his hand up to her underwear as he kept kissing her.

"Theo" yn let a soft gasp as he pushed her up into the bathroom wall wrapping her legs around his waist, skirt now all the way up to her waist.

Theo dove his way into her neck pushing her hair aside and pressing kisses, dragging his teeth along her neck making her shiver. He looked up to her face again his eyes glaced over with alcahol and booze, his eyes thrn widened and he pulled away setting her on th3 ground. he stared at her in horror.

"Theo what's wrong?"

"I am sure you are a very nice girl but i have a wife who i really love and im not going to screw around with you" theo answered firmily.

Yn stared at him in desbilief "you really are drunk, dude. IM YOUR WIFE"

Theo stared into her face "what?"

"We've been married for 5 years, we have a little girl name y/d/n" yn said staring at him frowing putting a hand on her forehedad with a sight.

"Oh wow, youre really hot, the guy who married you must be really lucky " theo said, in a dazed like state making yn groan in frustration and amusement.

"You married me!" She exclaimed

"Really?" A goofy smile came into theo's face


"Oh wow"

"Thats it we are going home, come on"

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11 months ago

this is so cute omggg😭

I'll lay my head down here

Sterek fanfiction Stiles needs a place to sleep. He chooses Derek.

Also available on A03.

I'll Lay My Head Down Here

image source

“I’m not sleeping on the floor again, you assholes!” Stiles throws a balled up burger wrapper at the infuriating werewolves who took over his intended sleeping space. 

Isaac bats the greasy paper ball away with a quick flick of his hand, hardly having to look at it. “You snooze, you lose, Stilinski,” he says meanly, as he snuggles deeper inside the couch pillows to drive his point home. “Besides, I gave up my bed, I shouldn’t be the one to sleep on the floor.”

Stiles perks up when an idea crosses his mind. Upstairs, in Isaac’s room, are Lydia and Cora. Maybe he could -

“Don’t even think about it, Stilinski!” Jackson cuts his unspoken thought off with one sharp remark. He glares at him from his spot on the couch he’s sharing with Isaac: one asshole werewolf on each side. The guy is extra touchy because Lydia picked Cora as a sleeping partner over him - which is more than fair, if you ask Stiles, both Lydia picking Cora over Jackson and Jackson being sour over getting the cold shoulder from his girlfriend.

“I’m sorry, Stiles, I don’t think you’ll fit,” Allison offers apologetically from his right. She’s squeezed in the large armchair with Scott, who’s already fast asleep and snoring softly. 

He waves her offer away. If he’d try to squish himself in the chair with them, neither one of them would sleep a wink all night. Same goes for the couple in the other available chair, although Stiles is more sure to survive the night with Scott and Allison than with Boyd and Erica. That only leaves - 

“You could try Derek?” Allison blinks innocently at him. 

Stiles huffs a laugh, letting the sarcasm bleed through in generous helpings. “Yeah, right.” He leaves it at that, too tired to hope to put up the proper facade of pretending to dislike the Alpha werewolf. Hey, we all deal with our crushes in our own way! Stiles has to do what he can when literally living with a pack of wolves, who can smell pheromones and who knows what else.

Eventually, he settles for stretching out on the rug that Lydia made Derek buy a while back. It’s not overly cushiony, but it’ll do the job. It’ll have to. Besides, he hasn’t had a proper night of sleep in four or maybe even five days, staying up researching and worrying most of the night. The Big Bad is dead, the worrying is over and his research paid off: he should be able to sleep now, right?!

At first, Stiles uses his hoodie for a pillow, yet after about twenty minutes he gives up and pulls it back on because he won’t be able to sleep if he’s cold. Derek patched up most of the holes in his loft and it’s actually resembling a nice apartment these days, but it’s still the middle of the night in February and Stiles is lying on the floor without a blanket or a pillow. He misses his own bed. His comforter. His pillow. His other pillow, the one that’s older than him and oddly lumpy, but it was the one that was in his mother’s bed until the day she died. It hasn’t smelled like her in a long, long time. Stiles has also washed it a couple of times during the years, he’s not that much of a pig, despite popular opinion. But it’s familiar and comforting and he still takes it with him for sleepovers with Scott. 

He considers whether or not he would’ve brought his pillow if this impromptu sleepover had been planned in any way. He’s known Scott since kindergarten, he’s his best friend. He wouldn’t say or even think anything bad about Stiles still needing a special pillow to sleep even when he’s almost twenty one years old. And while he knows most of the people in this room for five years or even longer and trusts them with his life, that doesn’t mean that they’re not a bunch of dickheads who will tease him every chance they get.

It’s a pointless thought exercise, because nothing about this sleepover was planned. They were supposed to kill that wyvern during the day, when it slept in his creepy little cave. That's what all Stiles’ research was for! He even found a way to kill the beast without having to hack it to pieces, which was nice because in the end he was against animal cruelty, you know? But then there were witches, two of them. They weren’t planned, neither was the ensuing fight in the woods. The unexpectedness of it all had left everybody antsy, especially the werewolves. And even though they recouped with a movie night and a nice pack pile, nobody wanted to be very far away from the others. Hence the impromptu sleepover that had Stiles sleeping on a rug, between the coffee table and the couch. Which wasn’t fair, because he totally knocked a witch out with his bat! He did his fair share and pulled his weight and what not. The least he deserves is a nice night of sleep.

Another hour later, Stiles is sore all over and chilled to the bone. There’s no way he can sleep like this. “Desperate times call for desperate measures,” he whispers to the leg of the coffee table that he knows has Isaac’s claw marks on it. 

As quietly as he can he makes his way upstairs on the rounding stairs. On the landing there’s three doors to choose from: the one on his left leads to Isaac’s bedroom, where Lydia and Cora are sleeping. The one in the middle is the bathroom - with a bath, for heaven’s sake, Derek has a tub! - and that leaves the master bedroom on his right. The Alpha’s den. Stiles has never been inside it. He even doubts if Isaac has set foot in the room very often, besides for cleaning purposes.

Stiles never really intended to go into Derek’s room, because despite what the others seem to think, he actually values his life. And his dignity. He thought it better to take a chance with the girls, take on the risk of Jackson wanting to kill him the next morning when he discovered Stiles had slept in the same bed as his girlfriend.


The door to Derek’s bedroom is cracked.

Stiles can see inside. 

He can’t see that much, with it being the middle of the night and the only light coming from a gap between the curtains in front of Derek’s window. But the moonlight is just right, illuminating the sleeping form of the Alpha in the bed. A bed that is more than large enough for two people and Derek is neatly sleeping on one side of the bed. If Stiles is quiet enough he might even be able to slip into the bed without waking Derek. The werewolf got hurt pretty badly today and healing always takes a lot out of him. There’s a pretty good chance the guy is sleeping like a log.

Stiles takes a deep breath. He’s gonna risk it.


He didn’t think he’d actually do it, but after a few minutes of indecisiveness on the landing, Stiles quietly tiptoes into Derek’s bedroom. He rounds the bed to the unoccupied side of the mattress and gingerly lifts the tip of the blanket.

“You’re not getting in with your jeans on,” Derek says, without opening his eyes.

Stiles yelps and he’s already stammering halfway through an apology when he suddenly shuts his mouth. His back teeth actually click together. There’s a few seconds of silence and then: “You’d let me into your bed?”

“Not with your jeans on,” Derek repeats. Usually he wouldn’t do this, but he’s been listening to Stiles toss and turn downstairs for a while now and with all of his pack members sleeping peacefully, he’d like the last one to get some rest too. Besides, Stiles would continue to keep him up with his restless behaviour otherwise; Derek just can’t seem to tune him out. It’s been that way for years already, maybe even from the beginning.

“O-kay.” He can feel Stiles staring at him in the dark and he patiently waits for the decision he knows the boy is gonna make. No, not a boy. Stiles will be 21 this Spring. Derek has seen him grow up, literally and figuratively, along with the rest of his ragtag pack of teenagers. Stiles still wears jeans and plaid most of the time, but the garments don’t hang as loose on him as they did when he was 16. He’s grown into a handsome young man, with a good head on his broad shoulders. Derek counts himself lucky to have Stiles as part of his pack, to have him close. Not as close as he sometimes might wish, yet Derek is always conscious of not playing favourites. So he usually keeps Stiles at an arm length and takes care to treat him just like everyone else. It helps that the two of them elevated snark and banter to an effective communication style. Despite all the sarcasm and barbs, Derek is pretty sure there is no-one in his pack who sees through him like Stiles does. It was scary at first and it made him lash out, but Stiles stood firm. Derek is immensely grateful that he did.

There’s the rustling of clothing hitting the floor, jeans and a shirt, then the blanket lifts and Stiles scoots underneath. Derek feels him settle in behind his back, a foot or so away. “Thanks,” Stiles whispers in the dark.

“Go to sleep,” Derek grunts, eager to go to sleep and not think about the young man who is sharing his bed.


Derek’s bed is pretty comfortable, Stiles thinks to himself as he digs himself in. Oh, who is he kidding?! Derek’s bed is amazing. The mattress is just the right combination of firm and soft, the pillow hugs his head and shoulders just right and the comforter is warm but still light to the touch. It’s a million times better than his bed at home, even when he’s not counting the fact that he’s sharing the bed with a hot werewolf.

Yet Stiles can’t sleep. 

Yes, the pillow is heavenly. Yes, the mattress allows his tired body to finally relax. Yes, the comforter hugs him nicely. But there’s something missing and Stiles knows exactly what it is. His pillow.

He needs to hold something. He needs to be able to curl around something. Or someone, his traitorous brain suggests as he feels Derek move across from him.

“Why aren’t you asleep, Stiles?” Derek asks in that long-suffering tone he uses when Stiles is doing something to annoy him. Which is pretty often, although Stiles knows the annoyance is mostly for show these days. He has turned onto his back, his eyes glinting in the moonlight where they are looking over at Stiles.

“Can’t,” Stiles laments, trying to catch the comforter between his arms in lieu of his dearly missed pillow. It doesn’t really work, because the comforter also has to cover Derek’s bulk and there’s little left to use. Little to none, especially when Derek snatches the comforter back from where it was probably leaving a cold gap on Derek’s other side. The sudden move has Stiles sort of falling over from where he was laying on his side. He’s more on his front now, filling up the space that was between them at first. He can feel the warmth of Derek’s body from just a few inches away. It’s actually kind of comforting.

“Try harder,” Derek commands and he closes his eyes again.

Stiles thinks of answering ‘Yes, Alpha’, but thinks better of it. It might make Derek move again, to push Stiles out of bed instead of pulling him in to have a cuddle. So he stays quiet and closes his eyes, focussing his mind on the almost tangible presence of Derek’s bare shoulder mere inches away. Derek is warm and smells nice and if Stiles was a werewolf, he’s sure he’d feel even better about having his Alpha so close. Yet even though he’s not a werewolf, he still enjoys it. A lot.

He falls asleep.

He knows that, because he wakes up at some point, at an unknown hour of the night. He’s warm, so warm. And comfortable, even though his pillow is a lot firmer than he remembers it being. It also moves a little, because his pillow is Derek and the Alpha werewolf gently moves his arm in what Stiles suspects is a more comfortable position. He would panic about sleeping half on top of Derek if he were not so damn comfortable. It’s hard to keep his eyes open. Surely if Derek wouldn’t want him sleeping on him, he’d push Stiles off. Instead, Stiles feels Derek’s arm wrap around his back, accompanied by a soft sigh from the Alpha.

Stiles sleeps.


Derek is not the first to wake up, although he is certainly not the last. He becomes aware of the world with Stiles wrapped around his torso, his head pillowed on Derek’s chest. He’s only a little surprised by how good it feels to wake up like this and it takes a while before he brings himself to carefully move out of Stiles’ embrace. The boy mumbles a little, but doesn’t wake up. Derek watches him for a moment, standing beside his bed. He’s not sure how to feel about this, except for some embarrassment about wanting to crawl back into bed and slot himself back into Stiles’ arms.

Downstairs, most of the pack is still asleep. Isaac has his arms wrapped around Jackson’s lower legs, as if he’s cuddling a particularly bony teddy bear. Jackson is still asleep, even snoring softly. Scott snores too, curled around his girlfriend in the large armchair. In the other armchair, Boyd is watching him carefully, his arms wrapped around his sleeping girlfriend. 

“Morning,” the dark man rumbles quietly, not to wake Erica.

“Morning,” Derek answers, keeping his voice down as well. “Coffee?”

Boyd inclines his head in thanks and Derek ambles on to the kitchen, where he finds Lydia, immersed in a science journal. She has a cappuccino sitting in front of her, the cup half empty. “Good morning, Derek,” she says, briefly glancing up from her reading material.

“Morning,” he repeats, busying himself with the coffee maker. He brings a cup to Boyd when he’s done and returns to join Lydia at the table. He sits back in his chair, his coffee in front of him, to catch the rays of pale sunlight that slant through the high windows. It’s quiet in the loft, with most of the people still sleeping and the ones that are awake quietly starting up their day.

He sips from his coffee, listening to the sounds of Cora waking up and going into the bathroom. She comes downstairs not long after, dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt - same as her brother, her bare feet hardly making a sound. He points to the mostly full pot of coffee on the counter when she enters the kitchen and he gets a hair ruffle as thanks from his little sister. She pours herself a cup and leans against the counter, enjoying the sunlight on her face just like he is. 

It’s Stiles who comes down next, although Derek can hear from the way he drags his feet that he’s barely awake. Why he’s not sleeping in like he should be, is anyone’s guess. He expects Stiles to stop in the living room, to wake up Scott or maybe even Jackson if he’s feeling particularly cheeky, but he doesn’t. The footsteps pretty much make a beeline from the stairs towards the kitchen. Derek opens one eye from where he closed them against the sunrays to see Stiles shuffling towards him in his boxers and T-shirt, rubbing a hand over his face and yawning soundlessly. His hair is standing up on one side. He’s wearing socks, navy blue ones with a red line near the toes.

The werewolf opens his mouth to point his packmate towards the coffee maker, but before he can say anything, Stiles has reached his chair and slings a hairy leg over his lap. He plonks down unceremoniously and lays his head on Derek’s shoulder, arms wrapping loosely around his waist. 

“You were gone,” Stiles mumbles disapprovingly, his mouth moving against Derek’s collarbone. And just like that his heartbeat evens out and he’s fast asleep again.

Derek sits frozen in his chair, his heart beating loudly inside his ribcage. If Stiles were awake he could probably feel it pound against his own chest. His hands hover uselessly on either side, not knowing whether to wrap around Stiles or pick him up and toss him to the floor. 

Stiles is oblivious, his sleeping body moulding easily against Derek’s. He’s warm and pliant, just like he was when they were sleeping together in Derek’s bed. 

When he chances a look at Lydia across the table, she’s already watching him steadily with a sly smile playing around the corners of her lips. “Glad to see you two finally got your heads out of your asses,” she comments eventually, before primly taking a sip from her cappuccino and going back to her reading.

Behind him, Cora snorts quietly in amusement. She comes up at his back and puts a hand in his hair again, running her fingers through the short strands. It’s grounding and Derek only notices how much he needs that when she lightly scratches her nails across his scalp. 

“He’s cute like this,” his sister remarks and even though he can hear the humour in her voice, he can also hear the truth in her heartbeat. “Best not wake him up, big bro.” She runs her hand through his hair one last time and then she wanders off, leaving him to carefully wrap one arm around Stiles’ lower back.

Slowly, Derek feels himself relax. The loft is quiet and peaceful and Derek is in his own little bubble, with the sunlight on his face and Stiles in his lap. Almost automatically, he starts to rub his hand slowly up and down Stiles’ back. Aside from some sleepy snuffling, there’s no real response. Derek picks his coffee back up and slowly drinks it, tilting his face towards the sun. It’s a nice morning.

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11 months ago

i created Sterek on The Sims 4 and can someone tell me why Derek is dancing like this 😭

this is so funny and cute !!

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10 months ago

does anyone remember that Sterek fanfic on ao3 where Stiles goes back in time to get a book from Talia and ends up falling in love with Derek?

it’s a very vague description but that’s all i can remember 😭 if you remember, please could you drop the link ??

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9 months ago

isn’t it weird how Teen Wolf brushed over the fact that Derek was basically groomed ??

like, they don’t ever mention that Derek was like 16 (??) and Kate was an adult (i think she’s supposed to be in her 20s) 😭

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6 months ago

does anyone know that au on ao3 where a new monster has come to Beacon Hills and the pack don’t know what it is/how to kill it but Talia had information about it in a book but it burnt in the fire and the only way to get it is by someone going back in time.

Stiles goes back in time and accidentally makes himself known to Laura and Peter who are out in the Preserve and he ends up falling in love with Derek (and vice versa) - sorry for such a vague description 😭

i’m not sure if i’m confusing two plots together but i remember a chapter where Derek can smell himself on Stiles and is confused so he ends up strangling him. Also, whilst Stiles is time travelling, he ends up falling in love with Derek and everything that is happening during this timeline the Derek of the present time remembers everything that happened. I hope this makes sense 😂

Ive literally searched everywhere and i can’t find it 😭 i think i found it from either @sourmiguel or @justanothersterekficgirl but it was quite a while ago !!

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