Drarry One Shots - Tumblr Posts
I'm aware I have many dialogue prompts to just fill out, I'll be planning on doing these regularly while putting my other regular writing aside ( excluding the butterflies effect series) and other requests that comes the way ( if any ).
I plan on starting from scratch again and try to be as regular as possible. So here's to fluff December. And if I haven't mentioned before all requests are welcome.

December tends to be a stressful month for a lot of people, so let’s try to de-stress and unwind with some laughter this year.
Join us for a low-key, no commitment Harry Potter fan creation event this December.
To participate:
Pick a prompt that you want to write/create for (you can do as many or as few as you’d like).
Make something!
Then, post anytime during the fest up.
In the spirit of de-stressing, this event is going to take an almost no rules approach. So, while you can approach this like a typical Flufftober or Kinktober challenge and post on the specific day, it’s not required.
Humor and lighthearted fun.
Humor, hijinks, fluff, silliness, and even wholesome and fun smut are all welcome. So bring us your “holiday parties gone wrong,” present-exchange mishaps, snowball fights, awkward and oblivious characters, and hot chocolates by the fire!
For more information on the rules and FAQs, see the Info page.
Starts: December 1, 2021 Ends: December 31, 2021 Collection closes: January 31, 2021 (for late submissions)AO3 Information
2021 Collection: HP_DeStressDecember_2021
AO3 Event and Collection Page
If you have any questions, send us an ask or contact one of the hosts, @manixzen and @withgreatelan, on Discord.
2021 Prompts
Day 1: Holiday Decorating Day 2: Butterbeer Day 3: Holiday Music Day 4: Fireplace/Floo Day 5: Holiday Shopping Day 6: Holiday Cards Day 7: Ice Skating Day 8: Snowball Fights Day 9: Christmas Tree Day 10: Holiday Parties Day 11: Fairy Lights Day 12: Diagon Alley Day 13: Secret Santa/White Elephant Exchange Day 14: Mistletoe Day 15: Snowed In/Snowstorm Day 16: Candy Cane Day 17: Scarves Day 18: Hogsmeade Day 19: Baking Day 20: Christmas Break at Hogwarts Day 21: Sleigh Ride Day 22: Sledding Day 23: Sweaters Day 24: Family/Found-Family Dinner Day 25: Presents Day 26: Hot Chocolate Day 27: Leftovers Day 28: Fuzzy Socks Day 29: It’s Cold Outside! Day 30: Lazy Day Day 31: Ringing in the New Year
Harry covered himself under the shade of the umbrella he bought and the sunlight hovering over the rest of his body. It was finally nice being at the beach to relax and to just be around nature. This was a much needed break from the over tiring work he had at the office, seeing files after files of immense amount of cases he had lost count of and everyone still fanning over him as soon as he’d walk in. It was just him, the beach, the sun, the soft music, nice wind, and natural sound of the trees wailing and the seals making noises far off in distance. He had laid his head back and closed his eyes after reading the magazine and had gotten only 5 minutes of relaxation when he heard the water whip harshly with something. He groaned to himself and raised his head, pushing his shades at the bridge of the nose and watched as his menace of a boyfriend walked towards Harry, embarrassed.
Harry raised his eyebrows just as he stood by his bench.
“ In case you didn’t know the water was awfully salty and definitely not tasty”
Harry shook his head and laid his head back against his bench again smiling to himself “Menace”
“ In my defense the fish was very very beautiful” Draco rolled his eye and collapsed on top of Harry.
Harry let out a small laugh wrapping his arms around Draco’s torso instantly “ of course it was ”
Picture in the Wallet
Request by @flakeyakey : Draco being obsessed with kittens
Everyone knew, to say Draco wasn't as subtle as he pretended himself to be. Underneath all the layers of his leather jacket and floral shirts and the rugged jeans he wore so often along with the tattoos scarred over his body and the mean boy earring hooked on single ear, he was a softie. He was as soft as the pashmina shawl and despite his attempts to convince others he wasn't soft, he failed repeatedly. It was like he'd walk around the halls, the street's, literally anywhere with his chin held high and the hair that didn't move even a little bit from the Initial position but when left alone he was just another boy who liked fuzzy socks and soft pink sweaters he bought online and a good hot cup of cocoa in his bear shaped mug he hid from everybody but literally everyone knew. One look at the kittens and he'd melt like a chocolate in the microwave.
It happened really early on during Harry's date with Draco when he discovered that Draco was terrible at trying to control himself from being around kittens when they had got a weekend off and went to the beach. If Harry vividly remembers, he went down to the truck to get the left over basket and upon walking nearer to the place he saw Draco cuddling and rubbing the back of the kittens ear he found around the bushes in the back but when Harry had finally arrived near him, Draco had refused of having even seen any kitten. Harry had let it be assuming that it was perhaps just because they had Just started going out.
The second time Harry secretly noticed Draco being lovable with kittens was when they had decided to set up a late evening date at the park. Apparently due to halloween the work load in the office had been too much that they had barely been able to see each other and so they had decided a little outdoorsy date for a while which however Harry still came by late but he didn't regret it when he saw Draco playing with the kitten behind the tree and laughing and giggling. Harry had stood away for a while just watching Draco for a few more moments locking it away how his face just lit up when he was around kittens. Harry assumed that I might be possible that Draco like dogs or puppies too but his questions were answered that he wasn't as fond of the dogs as much as he was with kittens, Harry could work with that. However Draco still refused of being around any animals.
The third, forth and the fifth time Harry noticed was when he deliberately ran by late to the morning run. After having discovered that Draco liked being around kittens, Harry would try to find any opportunity to see him with kittens as much as possible but it seemed as if that to Draco his love for kittens wasn't supposed to shared with or told, like a secret love only the kittens and him knew and Harry admired that but he wished that sometimes Draco would stop pretending to be such a toughie or to pretend to be strong all the time but no matter how many times Harry pointed at a kitten while on their runs or their dates or anywhere else, Draco would just shrug as if he didn't want anything to do with them. Harry waited for him to tell one day but an year went by and Draco still didn't tell Harry about his Love for kittens. Now, Harry was a patient man and a caring man but he'd do anything to see the smile on Draco's face he saw secretly when he was the kittens, so, on the date after they had celebrated their one year anniversary a week ago, he surprised him.
" where are we going ?" Draco asked Linking his arms with those of Harry's and shoving them in his pocket.
" you'll see " Harry smiled.
They took a few more turns and walked a couple more blocks when Harry finally spoke up.
" remember how I told you I had a post anniversary gift for you ?" Harry asked.
Draco nodded " I told you that you didn't had to get me anything though"
" I want to- anyways- I know that it is secret between you and youself but I always see you around them and I couldn't help it so-"
" animal shelter ?" Draco asked as he looked up at the sign.
Harry nodded " Don't be mad at me alright- my friend donates here and he told me about this place and if it feels like I'm invading your privacy I'm sorry but I just want you to have fun and not trying to conceal yourself " Harry spoke softly.
" I don't conceal myself " Draco shrugged even though he knew he was lying.
Harry smiled at him then linked their fingers and Walked inside the place.
" You must be Wally- I'm Harry, we talked over the phone " Harry said to the guy standing near the entrance.
" oh of course- I can't thank you enough for-"
" don't mind- we're just here to be with them"
Wally nodded grinning " right this way " and led them to the back.
" Are you mad ?" Harry asked as he turned his head toward Draco.
Draco shook his head but Harry knew he was upset that he found out.
When they finally it out in the back Wally had already managed to release a few kittens and puppies in the back running around behind each other and Harry didn't fail to capture Draco's lips curving a little when he saw those animal's.
" it's for you- you can stay here as Long as you want" Harry smiled.
" Harry-"
" it's my gift" Harry nodded. Wally left them alone.
Draco turned to the animals then to Harry " you know I'm not happy you figured this out"
" well you won't be happy to know that Basically everyone knows you're a softie" Harry chuckled watching as Draco kneeled down and picked one of the nearest kitten and rubbing it's nose lightly chuckling at the kitten.
" Well- if everyone knows I can't help it- awh- look at you" Draco swooned and this time he sat down cross legged over the ground cuddling another kitten in his arms and kissing the top of its head.
Harry watched as Draco cooed and cuddled with as many kittens as possible and he had to say he had never seen Draco more happy, more alive. Harry had always known that behind the facade that Draco had managed to put up every day without a single fault, he knew there was a part of him that yearned for more but as Harry sat there with puppies in his own hands and watching Draco with kittens, he realised this was probably one of his favourite memories from every moment they spent together. They had amazing moments, not deal broken but this right here watching him completely lose himself with the kittens and laughing in his own self, kissing the kittens and scolding them even and then taking in his arms and apologizing to it, Harry had never felt himself falling more in love with this man than right now. He clicked a picture of Draco with the Polaroid he carried when he wasn't watching and safely kept it inside his wallet knowing whenever he'd go from now, he'd be with him and that worked pretty well for Harry even though it was this moment that he knew he probably never even wanted to walk away from him, ever but even if someday they did separate, Draco would still be there, in a picture in his wallet.
All I Want For Christmas Is You
Day 3- Holiday music
The place swamped more and more as the snowfall grew stronger minute by minute. It was almost as if a blizzard had come but it was just typical Britain snowfall. Harry served minute after minute, keeping a content smile over his face as he served to people after people even though his feets were killing him and his back was practically dying to be stretched out but with the snow outside and the Holiday season overhead he barely had anytime, not even to stretch and like a cherry on top the new waiter just dropped the muffin and the coffee of a customer.
“ You look at the counter, i’ll clean the- your mess” Harry told the new waiter and picked up the mop and the dustpan. The waiter scurried away in a slight fear that he was going to lose his job and went off to the counter like Harry had said so.
Harry stretched his back as he cleaned the floor along with the spill and took it to the back and stood there for a few moments, letting his exhaustion wear down a little but not even a second later the same waiter came in and asked for Harry’s help.
“ Its one heck of a day” Harry mumbled to himself as he followed the waiter to the counter.
“ How can I serve you today sir ?” Harry asked kindly
“ I ordered a blueberry muffin, instead I got a vanilla cupcake and I definitely did not order a latte yet somehow I have this “ The customer slid Harry the order the waiter had messed up.
Harry looked at the waiter who held an apologetic look. He shook his head.
“ Here- take this- chocolate brownies are our specialty- on the house and i’ll be right with you with your order” Harry easily said.
The customer smiled hesitantly at Harry then went back to his seat.
" Olli- I thought you were getting better" Harry scolded him a Little.
Olli, the new waiter Apologised again " I'll take the correct order"
Harry sighed then served the correct order on the plate and made him deliver.
He was about to tend the next customer when his phone kept on the counter rang, "Ferret". He pushed the ignore button instantly and rendered the needs of the customer but five more times in a row made him impatient and he was forced to leave the counter and to go in the back and pick up the call.
" what ?" Harry snapped lightly.
" Wow- wonder if every boyfriend treats their boyfriends like this or is it just me- a special treatment" Draco muttered.
" Draco- dear I don't have the time- I'm running on a very tight schedule- can this wait ?" Harry asked impatiently.
" I- Nevermind " Draco replied disappointed.
Harry sighed knowing he had ruined whatever Draco was about to say and even his mood.
" I'm sorry but it's just, the cafe is filled with people and the snow isn't helping either- I'm gonna be stuck here for a long time I suppose- I wish I could come home early"
" But this was supposed to be our dinner night" Draco whined a little
" I know- and I know I promised but I'm stuck- I wish I could do something but- yeah one second I'll be there- yeah- I wish I could come early, I really do but I'm just stuck " Harry explained.
Draco sighed on the call " I understand- I wish you could make time- it feels like you have a much more stressful job than I have when I am the one who have to look after students making dangerously new potions everyday "
Harry smiled to himself " I love you"
" I love you too" then eventually unwillingly they cut the call and Harry got back to work.
Almost 45 minutes later of still ever-growing crowd and serving back and forth, billing and cleaning the mess, the door chimed again and Harry had almost lost it if it wasn't for the familiar man turning the sign board of the cafe to closed.
" we can't be closed yet" Olli Whispered to Harry.
Harry shook his head and the man turned around and walked right upto the counter.
" Since you couldn't make time for me- I came for you- this goes two ways " Draco smiled at Harry.
He shook his head at the absurdity but he couldn't deny that seeing Draco had lit up his day more than anything had today.
" listen up everyone- this- all of you- tonight is a special night with my beloved boyfriend but apparently he couldn't make time for me- but I could and here I am and I know this is a very crowded place and everything but God- this is getting dull- so-"
" Karaoke " Olli whispered yelled.
Draco turned his head to Olli and nodded, smiling " jukebox- I know how much you love your work Harry but I want to be with you even if it means being with you here all night just watching you- so here I am even if you want to throw me out of the cafe but-" he paused and put in a quarter in the jukebox machine he bought, the song beginning to sing and Draco pointed his finger at Harry then sang along " All I want for christmas is you "
The place dissolved in short laughs and a warmer surrounding as Draco continued singing while watching Harry who was just leaning on the counter watching him sing his heart out. It wasn't long before Harry shook his head and jumped over the counter to Draco and pulled him closer by the scarf around his neck.
" You're an idiot you know that?"
" an idiot in love perhaps ?" Draco suggested.
Harry shook his head smiling " An idiot I love" and kissed Draco with everything he had, everything he had to hold himself back from the entire day and the love that ran in his body for Draco, all poured out into that one moment. The thing was that sometimes they can't make time for one another, Sometimes the work becomes too much that they end up not even seeing each other but no matter what happened or no matter what may come, Harry and Draco were sure of one thing, that Love doesn't just happen and end up in happy ever after. There are moments that hurt, there are moments that leads to fights, there are so many more moments of disappointment but instead of finding a reason to not be with each other, they'd run back home knowing that if love was somewhere for them, it was in each other, even if it meant that they had to work hard and put through a lot and they were proud to do whatever they could do be with each other, even if that singing in the middle of a busy cafe along to the Christmas songs. At the end of the day when they'd curl into each other, it would all be worth it.
Day 2- Man in the sketch || Day 4-Coming home
Another cheesy Christmas cheesy one shot for @hpdestress
Over the kitchen top
Day 15- snowed in/snowstorm @hpdestress
That is what they were as Draco would like to describe their current situation. They were having a perfectly fine evening, had a fun made out session over the couch ignoring their work, took it to bed like the good friends with benefits they were until it got ruined by Harry claim of having a date the next night and he assumed that Draco would have been fine with it, he wasn't, which led to a fight, then another fight and to make matters worse, a snow storm hit right when Draco wanted to leave, so there he was now, Stuck with Harry.
Draco grunted as he collapsed back on the sofa after having paced back and forth after completing his work.
Harry, like he should have, rolled his eyes at the complete unnecessary noises he was making.
" What you got a problem with that too ?" Draco taunted
Harry grumbled something under his breath then left the room.
" Yeah, Leave" Draco bellowed after him then relaxed back with a sigh.
He checked the watch once again after having checked it 15 minutes before and groaned again after realizing that it had only been 15 minutes. He tried reading theories to find solutions and mixtures to cure the effect of the new potion he worked on but 20 minutes later, it still didn't work. It in fact only made matters worse when he realised that there could even be more than 1 side effect to that potion. Bored out of his mind he even tried reading from the defense against the dark arts books Harry had kept on his shelf but as he'd like to put, wasn't as interesting as he thought them to be, in fact he even gave try to a muggle book he found on the shelf but several minutes later he kept it back on the shelf, wasn't interesting either. At this point he was even wondering where Harry had gone to, he was somewhere in the flat obviously but he was silent as a dead bird that it almost ran opposite to Draco's interest to find out what Harry was upto.
It wasn't like Draco didn't like being at Harry's place, it was that, after a fight with Harry, he'd much rather prefer being at his own but the menace of Harry Potter he is, he ran out of floo powder and had been procrastinating ordering some new one and for several reasons that made and didn't made any sense held him back to the place, one of them being ill effects of apparating. And there was also too little things left for Draco to do after he had already reorganized his shelf 3 times, one- chronologically, two- by size, and three- by width; and apparently even after interchanging the covers of cushions, finding lost items from underneath the sofa, reorganizing the TV stand, setting his shoe rack right and aligning the pictures in the hallway by size and order. There was nothing more left to do and even then it had only been 3 hours, still too much to go and the snow storm wasn't stopping either. Sighing Draco cuddled back into himself, hoping some sleep would come along. It didn't.
He groaned with the emphasis of his hand and face planted into the cushion and when he finally raised his head, he immediately startled upon seeing Harry standing by the sofa.
" Give a warning next time" Draco grumbled.
Harry nonchalantly walked away " If you have so much problem why don't you just disapparate away or go back in the cold?"
" Because- Splinching. Its dangerous disapparating in such a cold weather and especially in a snowstorm-"
" Oh is that so- or is it just another one of your excuses" Harry narrowed his eyes at Draco as he turned to face him.
Draco gasped enclosing some distance between them " What is that supposed to mean"
" Oh you know, just another one of your excuses that make up no sense and end up pissing off other people " Harry hinted.
Draco looked seriously offended and more so he didn't even have a reply to this " I don't know what I did or what I didn't but you don't deserve to be mad at me or say anything like that to me"
" oh- i'm sorry " Harry fake apologized then turned around rolling his eyes, not for long since Draco turned him around like a whiplash by his wrist.
" What is your problem?"
" You- You are my problem. I was so happy to finally go on a date with someone who doesn't want to just sleep with me but you had to ruin it with your irresistible need to find nooks in everyone and absolutely useless reasons to fight with me over why I shouldn't go on a date. You're just jealous that I got a date while you've been single for over an year now" Harry snapped.
He hadn't meant to be so harsh but he had ended up being this harsh and he regretted it but he knew he wouldn't take back a word because this haven't happened for the first time. Lately Draco had been ruining most of his plans, running into him on the very few dates he even get and tagging along with Harry almost everywhere which makes it seem like they're a couple which Harry is tired of.
Draco chewed the inside of his cheeks, looking hurt then stepped away " I'll leave as soon as the snowstorm comes even a little bit at rest and if it doesn't by the rest of the night i'll walk home" and he went back to the sofa and picked up his pages and started re-reading everything. Harry almost felt pity for yelling at him that way, he shouldn't have but he wanted Draco to stop ruining his plans with everyone he tries to go out with.
However when later hours stroke and the snow storm still didn't come to a rest and Draco having already been able to re-read his potion work and determining what was wrong with his potion, he felt hungry, very that is and went into the kitchen in hopes to find something to eat. And he found, Harry.
Draco sighed and was about to return back but didn't when his stomach grumbled loudly, " I need something to eat"
Harry moved out of the way, a bowl of noodles resting on the counter which with much reluctance he went and picked it up to eat. They ate in silence for as long as they knew until Harry was keeping his bowl in the sink to wash later and ready to leave when Draco interjected keeping his own bowl on the counter.
" Wait"
Harry hummed turning around to face Draco.
" I- I am really sorry- for filling your head and trying to ruin your plans, I- just- I don't want you to- " He paused briefly and looked at Harry's face then retracted his words " Actually never mind- I'm just sorry, I won't do that again"
" You don't want me to what ?" Harry asked blocking Draco's way out of the kitchen.
" Nothing, It doesn't matter " Draco mumbled trying to move Harry's hand away to go to the other side but he didn't budge, even a little bit.
" You don't want me to what ?" Harry asked. Draco shook his head still trying to move Harry's hand but both being stubborn, Harry kept on asking the same question while Draco constantly refusing to answer it until Harry had enough and cornered Draco between the counter and him and forced him to speak.
" You don't want me to what Draco ?" He asked, this time his voice more denser than it had been.
Draco gulped shaking his head but it was of no use. His heart was racing rapidly in his chest and no voice even formulated in his throat and all he could focus was the emerald eyes that were gazing right into his own grey ones.
" Tell me Draco " Harry asked again.
Draco wanted to deny but not even his head shook anymore. Being cornered by Harry was his teenage dream come true but he never thought what after that situation and apparently right now with the sexiest man he knew standing in front of him, his hands resting on the either side of his body and his face entirely too close to Draco's own that he couldn't think of anything, at least the ideas which didn't involve wrapping his legs around Harry's waist and running his hand in his hair and one hand running down his torso-
" Draco ?"
Draco gulped then tried to look behind him then his eyes and failing to keep his attention away from Harry's eyes, he closed them and let his heart pour out the truth, there wasn't anything left to say.
" I sort of- lately- have- been having- well some- feelings- romantic feelings for you and I don't want toh to go on that date or any " and he finally opened his eyes to an expressionless face and he waited for Harry to reply something, anything but he didn't, he hadn't spoken anything in several minutes and Draco was losing his sanity.
" Never mind- forget I said anyt-nmph" And with that he felt a strong hold on the side of his waist and soft lips pressed over his own. They normally didn't kiss, despite being Friends with benefits but kissing Harry was like day lights being strung out of his own body or the fireworks bursting inside his own and the warmth that spread over his body as Harry's hand wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer than they had been leaving a nice tingling and totally arousing feeling to bloom inside his own self. He enjoyed it, every second of it.
And it came to a halt when Harry separated away to look into his eyes " Took you long enough "
" What ? You knew ?" Draco was surprised.
" Do you really think you were discreet about any of it? Please even Teddy hides things better and he's only 6" Harry pointed.
Draco hummed, agreeing, nodding " So what now ?"
" So what ? Nothing. I take you out tomorrow, spoil you, then come back here and watch a movie with you then maybe, just maybe ask you to spend christmas with me ?"
Draco smiled then nodded " I like the sound of it"
Harry smiled back and kissed his cheeks " Allow me to be a gentleman"
Draco giggled, dropping his head over Harry's shoulder " Its good to finally be able to kiss you"
" Yeah- I really had to constraint myself from it" Harry mumbled and Draco chuckled finding it humorous.
" Shall we do it again if its good ?" Harry asked smirking.
Draco narrowed his eyes at Harry then laughed it off and kissed him and this time, he took it far to make Harry an ungentle man.
Day 14- You and Mine || Day 16- Daddy's boy
His lucky charm

YES, IT’S FLUFF Y’ALL.. FINALLY// also using this as an opportunity to flaunt my photography (the background is og)...
He searched and searched and searched. He literally flipped out his entire closet out to find that specific T-shirt, his Nirvana shirt that was his lucky charm, the one he wore on all the special occasions, he even wore it to his first date with Harry underneath his shirt. But right now for the life of him he couldn't find that specific T-shirt and he needed to leave in the next 15 minutes if he had to reach the portkey. It was a very important day for him and that job was once in a life time opportunity and he couldn't screw that up, he couldn't do it, he needed to get that job today but without his lucky t-shirt, he might never get that job. It was official that he was losing his mind.
He huffed as he put all the clothes back in his closet and resumed searching in Harry's closet to see if by mistake it has gotten in his closet but it wasn't there either. He groaned loudly and as a last resort went to search in the laundry if the t-shirt was there even though he knew that the last time he wore the shirt was 3 weeks ago and he vividly remembered keeping it in his closet. Unfortunately, it wasn't in the laundry either and he finally went to the bedroom again to ask Harry if he had seen his t-shirt.
"Harry." Draco called out and Harry groaned loudly, he was sleeping in late, again.
"Harry, just get up. I need your help, alright." Draco called out again and this time Harry groaned even more loudly.
"HARRY!" Draco called again and this time he took Harry's blanket away to get him out of the bed.
And.. There was his T-shirt.
"Will you just let me sleep. It's a fucking weekend, Draco." Harry loudly said as he rose up from the bed and collapsed back into the bed again, turning over.
"Harry, you're wearing my damning shirt." Draco pulled Harry up but Harry wrestled so Draco collapsed with him into the bed.
Harry wrapped his around Draco's waist and didn't let him get up, "a few more minutes babe." Harry softly said.
Draco rolled his eyes and tried to break free of his grip, "Harry, you're wearing my shirt and I need it."
"just wear another shirt." Harry mumbled.
"Harry, it's my lucky t-shirt-"
"I love this t-shirt, alright. Its comfortable. I'm not giving it back." Harry said opening his eyes and looking at Draco.
"But Harry-”
"Bullshit. I’m not giving it back. I’m already wearing it.” Harry groaned.
“Harry, this shirt is important to me, please just give it back. Wear any other t-shirt of mine but just give this one back, it’s my lucky t-shirt. I won’t make it through the interview without it.” Draco explained turning so he was facing Harry.
“You just think this shirt is your lucky charm when you don't even need any lucky shirt or any charm to get you through something-"
"oh would you just- shush- you're the Lucky charm, baby. You don't need this shirt or a necklace or a watch to get your through anything. You are more than enough, Draco."
"But I do, I really do. Every time I’ve worn this shirt, I’ve never failed. I need it, Harry.”
Harry huffed as he was fully awake now. He properly opened his eyes and saw Draco,
“Okay, today what if, I give you this shirt and you wear it and you don’t make it through? What then? Would it turn into your unlucky t-shirt then?”
Draco shrugged, “probably.”
Harry rolled his eyes and got up, pulling Draco up too so they both were facing each other. He softly cupped Draco’s face and said, “You’re a dumbass to think all of that. Do you know how stupid you sound when you say something as insignificant as this t-shirt is your lucky charm? You are all the lucky charms you need, Draco. You are the luck you need. You are all you need to walk into that interview, impress the fuck out of them and get that damning job. This t-shirt might have made you believe that you got through because of this but the actual reason is you, the incredible, amazing, beautiful, talented you. Its the little things that are your lucky charms, like you are for me and you know why, because you’re my purpose. My main purpose. At the end of the day whatever I do is to spend more time with you, to make you happy and to be with you.. Like you are my lucky charm, Draco, you are also yours because you’re you and you don’t need anything else. You get me? I don’t care whatever you say but today you’re gonna go to that interview without this enormously comfortable t-shirt and still get that job because I know you will, because I have faith in you and you should have faith in yourself too. So, now you go and get that job and you make me proud while I finish my beauty sleep, okay?”
Draco chuckled and in the moment’s of motivation he leaned forward and kissed Harry. He pressed his forehead against his own and said, “How the hell did I land up with someone as lazy and immensely incredible as you? What did I even do to deserve you?”
“You are you. That’s made you have me, get me, deserve me, nothing less, nothing more and I am me, which is why I have you, which is why I deserve you.” Harry smiled.
“For someone who haven’t had his morning coffee yet, you’re awfully positive.” Draco joked.
“Oh trust me, honey, only for you, the rest of the world knows me as an asshole before coffee.” and they laughed.
But when Draco did end up at that interview and when he absolutely nailed that interview, without the one thing he thought he needed, he was beyond proud of himself and extremely happy that he met Harry.
When he came back home with all the baked cupcakes and saw Harry still sleeping in, he realised one thing, that t-shirt may have been his lucky charm in the past but now, the only lucky charm he needed was Harry. As long as he had Harry in his life, nothing could ever possibly go wrong because like Harry said, Draco gave him a purpose, Harry was Draco’s purpose. He was the reason that he woke up with a smile each morning and slept in the night, he was the reason he went to parks, he was the reason he loved people, he was the reason why all the air in the world seemed much better, he was the reason why the world seemed like a better place.
So,as long as he had Harry in his life, nothing would ever go wrong and Draco had absolutely no plans on ever leaving Harry, ever.
Tagging some people for the boost, please ignore <3
@drarrywords @phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @littlebodybigheartttt @lilthislilthat @cissa-bee @cluelesspigeons @missdrarrydawn@harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @ravena-wrote @textrovert-01 @silver-de-vonne

Mild hurt/comfort // word limit- 2.5k
Because Devil loves the angels and saint loves the sinners, I too love the poison, I too love the forbidden, and I too love the villain.
"Let's begin, shall we Mr. Malfoy?" The lady in the grey suit asked.
Draco nodded despite that he was chipping his nail off while sitting in that comfortable chair in front of her.
"Are you sure? If you’re uncomfortable, do tell us."
Draco nodded again, "I'm good. This chair is awfully comfortable."
The lady smiled and then nodded.
The sound of reel being put into a camera and it being set up was heard quite clearly. He hated this place instantly. He hated this but he knew he had no other option.
"Can you sign this consent, it just includes that this meeting is recorded for safety purposes?"
Draco nodded and signed the consent.
"Then let's begin. You have known Mr.Potter for how long?" The lady asked.
Draco pulled himself inward and responded, "From as long as I can imagine. We first met at Hogwarts. We didn't get along throughout our school life but we did when we hinged back together while we started working, which was almost 2 years ago."
"That's quite a long time to know someone, don't you think so?"
Draco shrugged, "I don't think you can ever really truly know a person."
The lady nodded, perhaps agreeing or maybe acknowledging that Draco could've been right.
"Over the course of your friendship,you developed feelings for Mr. Potter, isn’t it so?”
He nodded.
“So, when and how did you ever learn that you had feelings for him?"
Draco started to become a little more comfortable second and second and was starting to restore some confidence so that his voice didn't tremble anymore.
"I had pretty much always seen Harry as a friend, from the very moment we started working in the same office. It wasn't until we started working on Morgan's case that I realised that maybe I liked Harry more than just a friend, in a romantic way but I was never sure of how he felt about me, so I remained silent and in denial for a long time. I think it was our 3rd week of working together on the case when I realised my feelings."
She nodded and noted down something in her note pad then asked again, "When did you finally accept that you wanted to be with him?"
"Maybe when I realised he saw us more than just friends. Back then we hadn't even confessed our feelings but we were dropping hints to one another and I caught on during that time that I accepted my feelings and wanted to be with him." Draco explained calmly.
"So, when that happened, when both of you confessed your feelings, what happened then?" She asked as though she was genuinely curious.
Draco's face lit up with a small smile as he remembered the early days, when there were all rainbows and daisies, when things were a lot less complex, "It was in the heat of the moment that it came up. We were having a random conversation at a party and I suddenly confessed, probably a little drunk but I did and so did he, but nothing really happened till after a week. We let things slide during that time."
"And what after that week?"
"He asked me out on a date. Maybe to get a rise out of him I had told him that I'm seeing someone that weekend though I was unsure and maybe it worked, so he asked me out on a date and I didn't deny but I told him the truth on the date." Draco shrugged.
“And how did that date go?” She asked.
Draco smiled, “The best one I had ever been on.”
“How was the beginning of your relationship with him?”
Draco looked at his feet for a while, his fingers twitching. He took a little pause, then replied, “As good as anything can be. It was like everything I could ever ask for. The beauty of being with him and then just knowing that I had him in my life. The beginning was the best part, in my opinion. We couldn’t get a hold off on each other and it was scary, the way that we fell in love so quickly but it was so beautiful. I never spoke out loud to Harry, not my fears for that matter but I always felt that everything was too good to be true back then. I had never met anyone like Harry, and I loved every second of it. It was- it was the best. I wouldn’t change anything about it.”
She smiled, almost as if she knew what Draco was talking about. After all the beginnings are the most beautiful parts of the relationship.
“How did he make you feel?” She asked, again.
“I- He made me feel all the things I never knew I could feel,” Draco felt air choke in his lungs. It felt a little too much and his eyes cornered up with tears,
“I was born and bought up to believe that love was for the weak, that love made you vulnerable but he- he made it feel like the strongest thing in the world. That if I loved him and he loved me back, I could win all the battles in the world,” he took a deep breath, a smile etching upon his face, “He made me feel beautiful, that I was worth something way more than the world saw me. That I had everything in my life, he made me feel, he made me happy like I was on top of the world and its funny to say but he made me feel as though I was better than everybody else because he was with me. He made me feel better. Being with him was like- being in a patch of sunlight on cold winter nights--, it felt like skating through ice, or sitting over a rainbow-, he made me feel like I was in some other world, the one I had always dreamed of. He made me, happy.”
Draco chuckled as he felt tears prickle down his face.
“Tissue?” the lady offered and Draco took it and wiped those tears of.
“We can take a short break if you want?” She asked with a low tilt of her head for emphasis.
Draco shook his head, “I’m fine.”
She nodded and continued, “Do you have any idea of how you made him feel?”
He shrugged, “I can’t be sure. It was what he felt right? How could I had possibly known? But I always wished that I made him feel the same way he made me feel, you know. That I made him happier, that I too made him feel loved, made him believe in love, made him feel worthy of all good things.”
“Were there ever troubles in your relationship?”
“Of course, we had fights every now and then-”
“how did you overcome them?”
“We used to talk about it. The problem was, I always felt as if I was the problem, so I used to constantly apologize. Maybe because I had fucked up so much in my past that I always felt that I would fuck it up and I did not want to lose him, at all but we still used to fight, mostly silly things. We only had one big fight, just once when I said things I didn’t mean and he did the same. We didn’t talk for a while but then we worked it out, I cried that day, so did he. We always worked things out. We believed in good communication.” Draco explained.
She nodded and made a remark in her notepad once again, “Did you ever feel that he was growing distant at one point, that he ever pushed you away?”
Draco took a while to reply for that question. He nodded, “Only once. He had been working on some case and was returning home very late. I was starting to get worried and paranoid and he, I believe was maintaining a little space. It was in the beginning of the relationship.”
“But you really loved Harry and do you think he loved you the same way? The same unconditional way that you did?” She asked, her voice more softer than before, as if it hurt her the same way.
Draco smiled. He turned his head to see outside the window. It was a beautiful day outside, it was cold and foggy and it was raining but it was Draco’s favourite weather. He loved the rain, the pattering sound of water against the window, the earthly smell of mud, the petrichor, the sound of water hitting the road and the clouds tearing. He loved the rain. It made him feel calmer.
“I think I loved him too much,” a pause, “I often find myself thinking that maybe I loved him more than I was supposed to, more than I let myself believe. I did love him unconditionally, a little too much but he was just that lovable. I gave him my all. But I think he loved me too, at least I think so. He said he did but I don’t know how much of it was true. Somewhere I hope he loved me the way he told me did.”
“So, he made promises, a lot of them?”
“No. I did not believe in promises,so, we never made any but it was all just words.”
She took a little pause, drank a glass of water, offered Draco one too and then continued, “What's your fondest memory with him?”
Draco smiled again, “Think you’re making me emotional on purpose.”
The lady chuckled and shook her head.
Draco nodded, “All of them, It sounds strange but all of them, from the first date to the last one, from first conversation as a couple to the last one, every single one of them. He’s the bane of many memories that I’ll cherish my whole life. I loved every single second I spent with him, every single one of them.”
She smiled for a brief moment then perhaps as he profession has taught her, she turned serious and asked, “Would you had done anything in the world for him? Even if it was the most illegal thing in the world?”
The rain started pouring down more heavily after the thunder broke. The sound of the howling wind resonated the room and Draco despite that, found himself more calmer.
He took a deep breath but did not break his gaze from watching the rain and finally said, “I’m afraid I might’ve. That’s what scares me, the love I had for him. If he had stood before me with a gun and asked me to kill someone for him, I fear I might’ve done it.”
And even though the thought was scary, even though his answer was scary, they both knew Draco would’ve never done such a thing.
But she didn’t feel disturbed at all, in fact she asked again, “Do you think Harry would've done anything for you In the world?”
“I’m afraid so, yes.”
“You said you had been with him for an year, how was that one year?” She asked as if taking the conversation to a lighter side again since it had turned dark too soon.
“It was- the best. What we had, what we turned into, I would never change any of it for the world. It was beautiful, waking up next to each other, going out together. Its funny to think of it but we never got bored of each other, its like I’d spend an entire day with him and the moment he’d leave, i’ll miss him immediately. It was all about the spark- the electricity-,” he took a pause, a knot forming in his throat, “but all of it, it seemed as if I had been with him forever. I’m sorry- I don’t mean to cry but it’s- I’m sorry.” he choked on his own tears.
“We can come back to it later if you want?”
Draco shook his head, he cleared his throat and spoke again, “No- it’s just a little overwhelming talking about Harry. He meant the world to me and now, I don’t know how to explain. It feels emptier without him and when I talk about him, it just rips something inside.” his tears didn’t stop even though he was trying to control it, he couldn’t stop it. Maybe it was all the memories rushing back to him or the emptiness, or his feelings for Harry which made it almost unbearable to breath.
She nodded understandably and despite his denial, she gave him a little break. It was only moments later when Draco had calmed down further that she asked again, “Did you ever think about your future with him?”
Draco nodded.
“What did you see in your future?”
He was fidgeting his fingers when he took a deep breath and finally looked up at her to respond, “It was never really clear, our future. Like I said, I somewhere always felt it was all too good to be true, so, I often felt like things would come to an end way before I would even realise it but I used to think of moving in with him one day and all these scenarios I had in my head with him, like how we’d get a dog together or how we’d go furniture shopping, or maybe one day we would just be celebrating us far away from everyone else. That image though, it was very vague. I could never fully imagine my future with him but I liked to think of being with him, a lot longer than I believed for.”
“Do you think you would've eventually ended up being married to him? Did you ever think about it?“
Draco shook his head, “I never got that far, though I think I would’ve liked it one day.”
“What's the one thing about him that you'll never forget?” she asked.
Draco looked at the watch kept beside her on the table, it was ticking slowly or what seemed to him, or maybe it felt as though because this was the first time he was something so real in a really long time, or maybe it was entirely something else, he didn’t know.
“What he gave me, what he taught me, his smile, his words, his love. I’ll never forget how I loved him, how he loved me but most of all how he made me feel because I don’t think anyone will ever make me feel the same way.”
“why do you think so?” She asked as though that question wasn’t scripted, as if it had been her mere curiosity.
Draco however shrugged, “I don’t know. I can never think of it. Its just something I know. Maybe- its because we all love differently and all my life I was searching for that kind of love, that I was searching for him and I didn’t even know and when I finally got it- when I got him, I feel as if, I’ll never be the same. I never quite understand the entire reason though.”
“Did you ever think after a fight that you wanted to leave him alone and run away?” She asked, looking at her wrist watch. It was coming to a close.
“You don’t runaway from Home, you never do unless it abandons you, and he felt like Home. No matter what happened, I still loved him more than anything and I could not imagine a life without him.”
She finally took a deep breath, a long one and asked, “And did it feel real? Any of it?”
Draco felt as though his entire world had crashed, stopped. That if his life was a continuum, but it stopped right there, in those differences, or in that space, in that time, in that room with that camera still video taping him. Did it feel real? Did Harry feel real?
“It did. Even if it wasn’t all real, I know he could not have faked it all that much. You can’t fake that kind of love.” His eyes watered, his vision blurred and his voice trembled again. His hand shook. His legs shook and his brain as if slowed down.
It was real. He told his own heart, It was real. It could not have been fake. It could not have been. Harry would not fake love.
And yet, he hoped... he hoped it was real because he wasn’t brave, he didn’t have faith in his own love to believe that it was all real.
It felt real though, he couldn’t say it out loud.
“That night, what changed?” She finally asked, her stare dead serious, unlike Draco’s.
“Everything.”It came out as a low whisper. He wanted to run away now. He was done. He had answered enough. He wanted to go away. He knew what was coming, he knew what was next and he didn’t want to hear those words again, he didn’t want to.
“How did you feel when you realised that Harry is a murderer?”
And it stopped again, his world.
She asked him again because perhaps she had asked him twice in 5 minutes and he had still not answered. He didn’t know how to. He didn’t believe it but the worst thing, he knew it was true. He knew it and that truth was bitter than all the poison in the world.
That truth was poison itself and no bezoar could fix it.
“My Harry could never be a murderer.”
His Harry...
This is also available on AO3.
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@phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @drarrywords @lilthislilthat @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @ravena-wrote @textrovert-01 @silver-de-vonne
Ps. writing this took me 4 hrs straight, don't let it go to waste <3
In the heart of Rome

It was in that sweet summer day, when they had ran miles away from their tour guide, on their own, leaving all their friends behind when they made their favourite memory. The fondest of them all.
Harry and Draco in the small town of Rome.
Neither of them cared where exactly they were, and at that moment it didn't even matter. What mattered was the uncontrollable that was leaving both of their lips, the never ending pain their stomach from all the laughing. They ran and ran into nowhere, crossing all those little water fountains with drinkable water, passing more than a couple pizzeria’s, colliding into angry Italians but they didn’t care because they were running, with each other and it was more than anything they could’ve asked for.
And then after minutes of running, they came to a halt when the sun was setting down, and the most beautiful light of the world was finally setting down and in their wicked fate, they were right where they needed to be, right where they were meant to be, in front of the famous Colosseum.
The most beautiful place in the entire city. Perhaps even one of the most beautiful places in the world.
“Its beautiful.” Draco gasped, his eyes sparkling in awe. Harry had never seen him smile so beautifully but maybe it was Rome. It made Draco look even more beautiful.
But Harry didn’t look at the Colosseum, he didn’t need to, instead he kept looking at the most beautiful human being he had ever met, “The view is beautiful.”
Draco shook his lightly, completely amazed by the lights, the serenity, the place, everything. He was just in awe.
“This- Harry- this is right where I’ve wanted to be my whole life like really my whole life, I've searched for this this place. I mean- look at this.”
“Me too.”
“Harry-- you’re looking at me.” Draco finally turned and smiled at him.
Harry shrugged, “So? I mean it.”
Draco smiled even more fondly, “You mean what?”
“That my view is beautiful and I’m right where I’ve wanted to be my whole life.”
“You- You don’t mean that- you can’t mean that.”
Harry shook his head and smiled. He took a step forward, towards Draco, leaning closer to his face so he could caress his face, “I do. I mean it very much.”
“But you-”
“Shush- I do. I mean it.”
Draco still shook his head, he didn’t want to believe him, how could he? He was just someone who was ordinary enough that Harry could never pick him.
Harry shrugged with a smile, “Do I need reasons?”
“Why me?” Draco himself didn’t even comprehend the whole thing, the whole situation, he himself didn’t but as if maybe his hearts wire were connected to his brain, he let the words out.
“Again, Do I need reasons?” Harry smiled.
“But me?”
“Is it so wrong?”
“Its not wrong, but I- I don’t deserve you, or anything you offer Harry.”
Harry shook his head and slid his hands so he could hold Draco’s hand.
“Lets leave the whether I deserve you or not part on me. I think I can decide for myself who I deserve or not on my own and frankly I don’t care who I deserve. Its you. Its as simple as that. Its you I like and honestly, you’re the best choice I ever made.”
“I hardly should be your choice, Harry. I’m not supposed to have you.”
“And why is that?”
“Because you’ll always deserve better than someone like me. You’re not supposed to like me because you can have someone so much more better. Let alone, everyone you’ve ever loved was and will always be far better than I am and being with me would be nothing but a problem you’d want to get rid of one day. I’m not supposed to have you, because I’m not supposed to have someone as incredible as you.”
Harry frowned, deeply hurt. His expressions saddened immediately and he said, “You think so little of you, Draco. What makes you say that you’ll ever be a problem to me?”
“Because that’s what I’ve always been. A problem, a burden, someone people eventually leave.”
Harry stepped further closer and closed Draco’s eyes with his hand.
“Can you see anything?”
“Obviously not.”
“That’s what you think of yourself. You think of yourself as nothing,” and Harry took his hands off his eyes and continued, “and you know what I see you as? That.” he pointed towards the Colosseum.
“The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, where I’ve always wanted to be too.”
“But Harry-”
“No. Draco, you are and will be the one I’ve wanted and I’m not going to let some stupid American guy or anything else take you away from me this time. You can say all about how I don’t deserve you but I do and even if I don’t, I want you and I’ll want you for I don’t know how long because right now I like you more than anyone I’ve ever liked. Hell, I think I’m already halfway in love with you and I’m sorry I can’t care about whether you think that I deserve you or not but what I care about is making you laugh, about making you smile, listening to all your absurd theories, about letting you be sassy with me, about spending time with you, I care about you and I care about loving you and fuck me but I want to visit the rest of the world with you, only with you, because if coming to Rome with you feels like this then I never want to get rid of this feeling. I don’t know if it means anything to you or not but you mean much more to me than possibly anyone in my life ever has and its scary as fuck how much I’ve thought about being with you, holding your hand and coming here with you but I have and all of it, its my favourite thought. So, Draco Malfoy, I think I’m saying is I’m falling in love with you and there is no way out, alright and I don’t know if you love me the same or not but I’ll give you your time, but right now, you’re everything I’ve wanted that I never knew of and I’m not going to ruin my chances with you, ever.”
And Harry saw a tear slip from Draco’s eyes.
And yet he was still the most beautiful person he had ever seen.
Harry almost laughed but he nodded, “Very much.”
Draco smiled and just because he couldn’t believe he shook his head, “I’ll be mental to turn you down after that long speech.”
Harry chuckled, so did Draco.
“Can I kiss you?”
Draco didn’t say anything for a minute but when he did, he had already taken a step forward and he kissed him before Harry could ask twice.
And they kissed, with the light of the sunset falling right over them from the windows of the Colosseum.
They didn't talk about the future, they didn't talk about the past, they didn't do anything else but held hand and roamed the entire city together, all the beautiful places in the most beautiful city in the world. All the while they were in the city, they did everything together, from seeing the most common things to the most beautiful architectures because it wasn't about the place or the city or the capital, but it was about them. It was about the love they had for each other, it was about knowing in that city that, that was right where they have always wanted to be, the place they've always searched for, the person they've lived their entire life searching for, each other.
Tagging some people for the boost, please ignore <3 (don't hesitate if you want to be removed from the tags<3)
@phoebe-delia @chinike @elenaxoxo22 @thecornerofbelu @nv-md @drarrywords @lilthislilthat @cissa-bee @missdrarrydawn @harryandginnydeservesbetter @draco-lucious-potter @ravena-wrote @textrovert-01
(Ps. i want to cry over how this took a personal turn)
(Ps.2. It has been in my drafts for longer than I knew)
Not a temporary fix

He didn't mean to pass through. He wasn't even going to. It was a very very busy day and stopping to look at his boyfriend pet a random cat through their window pane wasn't on his list of many things he had to do today. It was a deal they made to not talk or even come close to each other till they had not done their share of work, done with cleaning and shifting in at least one room but then this was also a once in a while opportunity to watch his boyfriend smile with cats like that.
Harry swiftly leaned against the door and watched Draco pet and play with the cat for the longest while to have this feeling surge through within to go to him and play, watch him closely but he was known to be no friend to cats. Cats simply tend not to like Harry and he was okay with it but right now watching Draco talk gibberish to the cat was perhaps one of the best things he had seen in a while. The way that his face lit up while playing with the cat, the way that his lips pouted, the way that he was running his hand smoothly over the cat's fur, the way that all his attention was so focused, the way that he made the cat seem much more friendlier, it made a warm feeling to gush through within Harry. It was there in that moment that he thought that maybe he could stand and watch Draco from the door forever, with his smile and his words, he could do it forever because this was a rare moment since Draco looked much more at peace that he had in a very long time and it made Harry happier than he could even comprehend.
He knew in that instant that no matter how their relationship started, whatever they have, it wasn't a temporary thing, not anymore because you don't dream of settling in with someone and having a cat together one day if you're not in it for the long run. Harry knew that whatever his heart felt for Draco was much more bigger, much more complex and much more tender than even he knew and he was okay with it because it was Draco Malfoy and of course they haven't had the best past, nor even the best relationship but if Harry had to fight flesh and bones for someone forever, it's gonna be Draco.
"You can join me, you know, instead of gawking and smiling at me from the door." Draco teased without looking up from the cat.
"No, you look pretty with the cat- oh- wait, i have an idea, stay there." And he quickly ran and grabbed his camera from one of those cardboard boxes and came back.
"No, don't look up. Keep playing with the cat." And Draco did as he was told and Harry clicked that Polaroid.
"are you done, now?" Draco asked with a soft smile to mean he didn't say anything harshly and that he just wanted Harry to come and play with the cat as well.
"Not quite." But Harry went to him either way and this time the cat didn't run away, instead the cat liked Harry very much that they were afraid they'd never find the same kind of cat again who'd like Harry as much as Draco. So, they kept it, they kept the cat and they named her Allie.
But in all of that none of them realised that they had started a together forever without even knowing. The Polaroid on top of the stool besides the door said million more things than it intended on. It marked a together forever in that specific house, on that specific day, it made that house a home because even if it was only Draco in that picture, it was the love behind that Polaroid of Harry that made it their first picture together and frankly they didn't even know it. But suppose that's just some stories. And perhaps Allie was their fate. Perhaps she always had been.
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