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2 years ago

Farryn Brylee

Farryn Brylee

Wood Elf

Druid (Circle of the Moon)

Level 3

Born into a tight-knit group of wood elves in the mountains, Farryn has spent her entire early life with the same people. These elves are fiercely loyal to one another and share similar extreme views and ideas. At a young age, Farryn was initiated into this order of elves, officially joining their ranks and taking part in certain events and rituals. She spent her days as a child completely engulfed in nature and decided on her druidic path very early on. These rituals were meant to bring the elves closer to true nature and to the earth itself. As she got older, Farryn understood that this group of wood elves was not all they said they were and held some very dangerous views. These elves believed that those taking part in advanced civilization were destroyers of earth itself and deserved to be eradicated in order to bring peace and balance to nature once more. In one extreme ritual, Farryn was forced to witness unimaginable horrors as the elves sacrificed townsfolk in honour of nature, ending in a large speech by the leader of the Mother’s Children, High Priestess Meiraa Brylee. Recognizing this for the cultist shit that it is, Farryn decided to flee, strip herself of her elven surname, and travel the world hoping to protect the land she lives on and civilization itself.

Farryn is only 97 years old, still a baby compared to many elves. She is 5’9” and has green skin that gets darker and more pronounced the healthier she is. She has dark dark brown hair that’s kept in two dutch braids. From her time as a Mother’s Child, she has a tattoo marked in between her shoulder blades behind her back of a lily of the valley, a beautiful flower that is extremely poisonous.

She wears a large dark brown cloak that is definitely not her size, and wears regular traveller's clothing underneath. She also owns a wooden shield that used to have the lily of the valley symbol on it, but since Farryn has left the Mother's Children, she’s slowly whittled the shield to be smooth on the front instead. She carries a scimitar for protection, but much prefers to avoid combat altogether. When brought into combat, she will be unwaveringly loyal to her friends (once they become her friends), just as she is with nature, almost to a fault.

Farryn will beat you to mulch if you ever dare to litter in her presence or do anything to purposefully harm the earth. As an elf, she doesn’t need as much sleep as normal, so instead she spends four hours of the night lying on the forest floor in a trance or hanging upside down from a tree branch. In the extra time she has awake, she likes to collect helpful plants, nuts, and berries from the area, or sit and practice her magic to try and become a powerful druid on her own. Farryn is not very fond of strangers, but will help anyone if she deems it to be worth it for her. Once she has decided that someone is her friend, they are friends for life, no take backs or reverses.

After travelling through the kingdom for some time, Farryn found a small cottage in the woods to call home that was perfect for her lifestyle. The cottage was rundown and missing many parts of its roof, providing perfect “skylights” and access to the outdoors. Farryn then swears to protect this new cottage and the surrounding forest, to maintain a sense of duty and connection to the earth after leaving all she had.

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3 years ago
He's Back! (:

He's back! (:

For those who don't follow me, this is Aust, my pc for a Curse of Strahd campaign run by one of my friends. Of course I finished this after the first session, but I can now move forward with the rest of the pcs!

The rest of the party includes: a (drunk) dragonborn wizard, a plague doctor themed sorcerer, and a satyr fighter.

Design notes and the ID are under the cut! Critique is always welcome, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night! (:

Design/Character Notes:

A number of changes were made from his original portrait, mostly in the colors of his skin and scarf, but it was done to have stronger values and contrast around the face and glasses.

As he is a dark elf, I feel obligated to give him sunglasses and as many spiderweb details as possible.

His armor and robes are designed with travel in mind, rather than combat. Most of his abilities are for general utility or healing, so he likely won't be on the front lines often.

He's now level two, and his Wild Shape forms include a spider, giant wolf spider, and mastiff.

[ID: a digital drawing of a Dungeons and Dragons character. He is a dark elf, and his entire body is visible. Around his chest and neck his scarf and robes are a pale green, but they darken as they fall around his shins. His skin and hair are both pale, his skin being lavender, and his hair grey. His boots and parts of his robes are stained with dirt and mud, and his armor is scratched. In his right hand he is holding a maggot, and in his left, a walking stick. End ID]

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1 year ago
Im Part Of A Doomed Forgotten Realms Campaign Where The Dm Asked Us To Roll Backgrounds Off A Table And

i’m part of a doomed forgotten realms campaign where the dm asked us to roll backgrounds off a table and my guy got plagued village swineherd

so anyway this is Ven, he’s an old spore druid with a mushroom destroying his brain and i’m excited to play him in October 🎃

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2 years ago
Druid Regang. Did Someone Order A Badass, Powerful, And Surprisingly Cuddly Orc Druid?
Druid Regang. Did Someone Order A Badass, Powerful, And Surprisingly Cuddly Orc Druid?

Druid Regang. Did someone order a badass, powerful, and surprisingly cuddly orc druid?

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1 year ago

I really love that halflings in the Eberron setting are tied to dinosaurs, and I someday want to play a dinosaur-based halfling druid when I get the chance to be a player in an Eberron campaign again!

I Really Love That Halflings In The Eberron Setting Are Tied To Dinosaurs, And I Someday Want To Play

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10 months ago
Old Patreon Reward For May 2023, Pinup Featuring Regang.

Old Patreon reward for May 2023, pinup featuring Regang.

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7 months ago
Orc Druid. Spicy Alt On My Patreon!

Orc druid. Spicy alt on my Patreon!

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1 year ago
M... Dnd....Not Gonna Go Into Detail Lest A Fellow Campaign Member Follows, But Tree Guy Is Named Halcyon

m... dnd.... Not gonna go into detail lest a fellow campaign member follows, but tree guy is named Halcyon and they are my Hexblood, Circle of the Shepherd Druid :3c They are also from the Tepest Domain from the Domains of Dread!

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