Trans Fem - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Essential information of previous post:

A product called "i can't believe it's not estrogen" by a company called "estrolabs" is being advertized on Twitter.

It is not estrogen. It is ashwagandha.

The active ingredient increases your lutenizing hormone, which will cause your body to produce more of whichever sex hormone it produces endogenously.

If you have testes, this will increase your testosterone levels.

If you are transfem, this shit will increase your testosterone levels.

They are lying to you to take your money. Don't fucking touch it. Tell your friends and family.

If you're desperate, DIY is an option. The subreddit r/TransDIY is an excellent resource, as is the DIY Wiki.

If what you really want is a herbal supplement, there are certain herbs that will have a minor antiandrogenic effect. The DIY resources here will have more information on it.

Edit: the dose of ashwagandha is so high that it will give you serotonin syndrome within four to eight weeks. This shit is evil.

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2 years ago

As a trans guy I’m scared to exist

Anti-trans Bills Proposed By Year:

Anti-trans bills proposed by year:

2018: 19

2019: 25

2020: 60

2021: 131

2022: 155

The first 19 days of 2023: 161

Cis people better not stay silent.

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3 years ago

Enby culture is wanting to look masculine but at the same time really liking more feminine clothes

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2 years ago

This isn’t a perfect comparison, but I think that part of the reason why “even if you’re an atheist now, you’re still culturally [religion]” bugs me so much is the resemblance to “even if you’re a woman now, you were still socialized male”

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2 years ago

Hot take but rigid divisions between queer identities and heavily-policed labels that are treated like diagnoses are really, really bad.

Trans men have shared histories with lesbians who have shared histories with bisexual women who have shared histories with ace people who have shared histories with aro people have shared histories with gay men who have shared histories with trans women who have shared histories with nonbinary people who have shared histories with etc etc etc etc etc.

Labels are important for people who want them, but we need to stop treating sexuality and gender as rigid boxes and checklists.

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7 months ago

'a man can't be a woman' watch me

All Trans men are men, but not all Trans men aren’t women.

All Trans women are women, but not all Trans women aren’t men.

Gender can be far more complex and less binary for many folks 💗

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1 year ago

First time I've painted my nails by myself! They're a little messy because my nails beds are bad but right now but I love them so much.

First Time I've Painted My Nails By Myself! They're A Little Messy Because My Nails Beds Are Bad But

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1 year ago

I tried on a few pieces of women's clothing today, for the first time ever, and imposter syndrome hit so hard. Many tears were shed. I'm so deep in the closet for my own safety and was super excited to be on vacation and have the opportunity to finally try it and ... it just felt ruined by the imposter syndrome so much. My dysphoria was also awful today so it was one hell of a time 😞

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1 year ago

I want to be able to fully transition

I want to be comfortable in my body finally

I want to no longer hate near every breath that I take

I'm just so tired

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1 year ago

hi yes hello, how does a shy, super early on, still publicly closeted trans woman go about making trans friends? Asking for myself 👉👈

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11 months ago
Welcome To The House Of Sin Hehe

Welcome to the house of sin hehe

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2 years ago

Please REBLOG!

These have been my wishes all my life until 2005 when I promised to myself to live my authentic self from this day and everyday forward. I flipped off society and my family and now am the happiest woman I've ever been. I'd be the happiest woman in the world if not for societies ignorance and hatred and thus financial struggles. But that still does not change how happy I feel inside. People ask me if I regret living my correct gender. Oh hell no, I'd never go back to pretending, hiding my true self. That caused me severe depression. Why would I live for how others want me to live? That's just so wrong.

It's genetic and biological. It's past down in bloodlines. It usually skips a generation, but not always, before the gene expresses itself again. Overs 3000 peer reviewed papers have been published on transgender. In 1887 the medical establishment declared trans people, (although they didn't use transgender as that was not used yet) a subset of intersex. It's has a genetic connection. This is science, people

Please REBLOG!

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