Erotic Hypnosis - Tumblr Posts
You hypnotise me and tell me how much better it would feel to never orgasm, how much better I would be to be aroused, to edge, to enjoy the sensations of arousal all day. You suggest I try it out for one day, just don’t orgasm for one day. If I masturbate, to stop myself before I cum. It’s only one day.
You give me a recording of this session with instructions to listen to it every morning when I get up an every night just before sleep.
A month later I am back for the next session. While hypnotised you tell me how much better it feels when my arousal is high, when I’m feeling that desperate ache between my legs. When I feel I need to be stuffed with hard cock or toys, how delicious it is to crave cock. You suggest my awareness of men being around me might be heightened, that I just notice them near by. You suggest when I am aware of men nearby, my arousal and craving for cock goes up and I enjoy that feeling.
You give me a recording of this session with instructions to listen to it every morning when I get up an every night just before sleep.
In my third session a month later you tell me how good I feel with this constant, nagging arousal and not having an orgasm. You tell me it feels so good, I cannot imagine orgasm ever feeling this good and if I did have one, I would lose this amazing feeling. You suggest I am much better off feeling wonderfully aroused forever and never having an orgasm again. You tell me how much happier I would be to never cum again and to just think about that idea. You also tell how much more satisfaction I feel now when others around me are having orgasms. How much more satisfied I feel with their orgasms than I ever did with my own. How amazing it is to be freed of the cycle of arousal and being left deflated after orgasm and instead to just feel permanently aroused.
You give me a recording of this session with instructions to listen to it every morning when I get up an every night just before sleep.
Forth session and you’re reminding me how good I feel now, how much better it is to never cum and how much happier I am. How much more I enjoy sex when I focus on my partner’s pleasure and how I glow with joy experiencing his orgasm, knowing he feels so much more satisfied too now that we both only focus on his pleasure. You mention how I only see his pleasure now as also mine and have stopped seeking my own because that is empty of any happiness or joy for me. You suggest I try focusing only on his pleasure, enjoyment and needs just for one day and see how it feels and that I might like it.
You give me a recording of this session with instructions to listen to it every morning when I get up an every night just before sleep.
Fifth session you tell me how much prettier I look now and remind me how much better and amazing I feel now that I only feel arousal and focus on the other’s pleasure. How much better it is to give than receive and how unfulfilling it is if I try to have sexual pleasure myself now. You suggest maybe this new way of being a sexual being is permanent and how much I love that idea because it gives me so much joy and satisfaction to see my partner satisfied while I never orgasm. You suggest it might be a good idea if I am permanently unable to orgasm because then I won’t have to focus on stopping orgasm and can put all that energy and focus into pleasing my partner. You remind me how good it feels to know men are satisfied because they used my body for their own pleasure and suggest maybe it will feel this good with any man who wants to use me. You suggest I might be curious to find out how good it feels when other men use me for their pleasure.
You give me a recording of this session with instructions to listen to it every morning when I get up an every night just before sleep.
Sixth and final session. You tell me how much joy and pleasure and satisfaction I get from knowing men enjoy using my body for their own pleasure and they never have to focus on my pleasure because I can only experience their pleasure as my own. You remind me how good it is to know this is a permanent condition and will never change. You mention how good it feels knowing men want to use me for their pleasure and tell me I cannot say no if any man ever wants to use me for sex. I am compelled to have sex with them because it would make them happy and it feels so good for me when they feel satisfied. You remind me to listen to the tapes every month or so, to remind myself how good it is now. You tell me how it is so good that I always say yes to sex with anyone, even men I don’t like, are repulsed by or fear. You suggest I never have to go back to how I was because being this way now is so rewarding and in the future any time I feel I need it, I can come back for more sessions to take this feeling deeper.
Hmmm, I'm normally not a hypnosis fan, I mean, I dabble, but not often.
But right now, I'm listening to a breeding hypnosis, and FUCK, I want someone to just manhandle me into a mating press and just breed me over and over again.
Fuck it, I just want to have a line up of people ready to breed me.

Best girl Makise being hypnotized into some sweet masturbation \o/

Being tranced makes me feel a little loopy, like being drunk, high, or super sleepy. This makes it easier for me to ask for what I want and to genuinely enjoy myself in the moment. But beyond that, a partner can also specifically plant a suggestion while I’m in trance that’ll make me feel more confident and less inhibited. A few weeks ago, my Sir used hypnosis to temporarily remove my verbal filter so I would just spout whatever filthy shit entered my mind while we had phone sex, and I monologued at him for like 40 minutes about thigh-grinding, boot-licking, blowjobs, and exhibitionism, among other things. As someone who’s normally pretty shy about dirty talk, I was amazed this could happen!
Happy 2000 followers on Tumblr! Have some hot fucking trance recording!
Find it here or at if tumblr sucks at embedding audio as it usually does.
For those unaware, “After Hours” is essentially 15 minutes of cc and I doing a super sexy trance session :) No knowledge of the podcast necessary. Just listen and enjoy. Following along is totally fine, too ;) (although I am only focused on cc, so some things might not work for you!)
The theme of this one was synesthesia and submodalities, and it includes both as well as confusion, some explicit sexual themes, and lots of cc moaning in pleasure :)
Thanks for all the love, guys!
Might be of interest to @hypno-sandwich @hypnokinkwithmrdream @diaryofasnowflake @zanythoughts @theleeallure @scarlettred912 @dommesticpet @dommestic @enscenic
Sex City Radio
A quick pre-FFF50 update: Tuesday, February 20th at 11pm Eastern time I’ll be appearing on Sex City Radio (CIUT, 89.5FM in Toronto) talking about erotic hypnosis with Kate Sloan of and Kate Writes About Sex. You may have seen her recent post 5 Things I Love About Erotic Hypnosis. Join us if you can.
I’m also recording tonight for The Ascension Show podcast, which is on Stitcher. Not sure when the release date will be.
Praise Kink Induction
So my partner and I had an idea yesterday: Could you hypnotize someone with a confusion induction that’s just one long, run-on sentence of praise? I really want to try this sometime and know whether it works. Something like this, except a bit more drawn-out? Just telling someone that they’re such a smart pretty attentive lovely interesting nice creative attractive wonderful person, who is also cute, amazing, intelligent, sensitive and so very good at so many things, such as writing, empathy, or getting praised, so that it’s really nice to spend time with them whenever possible because they’re so great and it’s so good to just tell them all this because they react so well, and it’s so worth praising their many talents and it’s so lovely when they just drop.
Again, I have no idea whether this would work, since I’ve only ever hypnotized someone twice so far. If anyone happens to know how feasible this would be, tell me!
Scattered notes on hypnotizing someone into feeling like they’re high
Make sure you have clear consent and negotiate the scene and safe words/signals (duh).
Find out what being high feels like for use subject usually and echo those words and phrases in your suggestions.
Induce, fractionate, deepen, etc.
Give them a trigger or suggestion that makes them a little bit higher, like one small dose. In this case I used “smoke” as a (time-limited) word that’d increase these feelings. Or associate it with eating or drinking a specific “hypnotically drugged” food or beverage.
Don’t judge your subject for being really silly once you start making them feel high. Enjoy and appreciate the silliness with them.
Use words like: giggly, funny, silly, wacky, fuzzy, buzzy, warm, relaxed, more easily aroused, excited, excitable, beautiful, meaningful, wonderful, awe, focused.
Pick a specific drug that they’re taking or clearly describe the effects of the drug you’re inventing.
Remove or don’t describe negative side effects you want to avoid.
Make sure the subject has snacks and water if they usually get hungry or thirsty while high.
Give the subject enough time to sober up and / or give them a suggestion that will let them do so.
If the subject gets nonverbal or “too high” give them some time and some gentle suggestions to sober up a bit.
Hypnowink: That Time I Got Tranced Accidentally
By @katesloan
As I’ve mentioned before, my Sir is into hypnokink. The first time he ever tranced me was an accident, and practically as soon as it happened, I thought, That’d make a great story to tell at Tell Me Something Good!
So I was excited when I got called up to close out the show at the Playground Conference edition of TMSG. I knew my story would be one of the weirder ones told that night, especially since it didn’t actually contain any sex, but I was excited to tell it to a room full of sex nerds anyhow.
Here’s an audio file of me telling the story, and a transcription of what I said. Enjoy!
Does anyone have a copy of this file on their computer or Google Drive? I’d like to use it for a scene and the links I had broke.
Here’s the hour long version of Mindmelter.
A three-part interview series on hypnokink
My wonderful partner, @katesloan, recently published an extended interview series with me about how we play with hypnosis during phone sex and in-person scenes. Give it a read and let me know what you think!
Intimate Intercourse: Hypnokink (Part 1)
This first part is about how my partner got into hypnosis, what he finds hot about it, and the basic components that make up a hypno scene. Hope you like it!
Intimate Intercourse: Hypnokink (Part 2)
In this instalment, we discuss the difficulties of disclosing a hypnosis kink, our first hypno scene together, what makes someone a good hypnotic subject, trance triggers, hypnotherapy, and some of the sexy things we like to do with hypnosis.
Intimate Intercourse: Hypnokink (Part 3)
In this instalment, we discuss combining hypnosis with other kinks, how to ensure ongoing consent in a hypno scene, hypno aftercare, resources we recommend, how to cultivate a hypnotic voice, and the role intoxication plays in our hypno play.
With everything going on here on Tumblr, I will likely be moving to other platforms. Here’s where I’ll be:
Discord (invite me to good hypno focused ones, please)

“For me, trance feels a lot like those calm, still moments between sleep and wakefulness, or like being super stoned but still lucid. My thoughts come more slowly, and there are fewer of them. It’s often hard for me to speak or move when in trance. My eyes fall closed and my body goes slack.” — @katesloan