Estinien Varlineau - Tumblr Posts

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn vs. Endwalker → First + “Last” Words

Some lovely men (elezen...) I sketched back in November while a friend of mine played through HW for the first time. They're now part of some silly posters I made.
Also some details on Mr. Handsome's beautiful armor~
Maybe I'll share the results one of these days, idk.
(IG and TW: @neneeroo - links to them in my bio!)

just some guys

through thick and thin

All saints’ wake was a good event huh

Estinien tying his hair up bc why not

little femstinien wip

I wrote a little fic about Alkali and Estinien discussing their feelings about certain endwalker events!
Rating: G
pairing: zenos/wol (though he doesn’t appear in it)
You can read it here if you’d like :)

commission for astro_da_koi on IG!

lil Estinien comm for isabelle_thrush :3

cooldown sketch ft the Stinky

Settled soft and as pure as snow...I fell in love with the fire long ago

Happy holidays everyone! And a happy Starlight to all my FFXIV friends! 💫🎄

the past paints the shadows of the shape the future takes
companion piece to The Eye by FranticCashew. it's been lovely working with you for this event!
Welp. Since my demi ace ass had to write a fic about platonic fellatio once I'd thought of it...
New FFXIV fic: Can I suck your dick platonically? No romo.
Length: 5.3K words, (Eventual) very smutty smut Aymeric de Borel / Warrior of Light & Aymeric de Borel / Estinien Wyrmblood Excerpt below the cut:
My already-hard cock stirred, registering its interest in exploring the warm body we were curled around, since we couldn't remember doing it the first time. So, since my bed mate and I had presumably fucked already and today was going to be difficult enough without adding 'sexual frustration' to my long list of very potent woes, I squeezed my bed partner's waist and kissed their shoulder. "Good morning," I murmured.
They stirred and made a sleepy noise. When I ran my hand up one powerful flank, they shifted to press back against me with a noise that might have been interest.
I groaned, rutting against them as I curled my arm around their waist, and...
Look. I'm not proud of this, all right?
I was hung over from too much weeping and desperate for a small moment of bliss before I had to take up the mantle of the Warrior of Light once more. Which isn't an excuse for what happened next - groping someone who is asleep because they weren't immediately unreceptive is inexcusable, and I know that.
But, nevertheless, it's what I did.
I reached around to grip their cock through the soft fabric of their pajama pants, and found it just as hard as mine. My bed partner moaned and bucked against my hand, and I was just about to slip that hand under the waistband of their pants when I finally woke up enough to remember where I was and who I was with.
At which point I disengaged so hurriedly that I would have fallen out of bed if I wasn't on the side right against the wall.
"I'm so, so sorry," I stammered as I tried and was not able to put any amount of distance between us.
Gods, how had we managed to sleep in this tiny bed? Aymeric was so tall, and while I was short by the standards of my own people, I was still taller than Thancred. Even after flattening myself completely against the cold stone wall, there were still so many points of contact, and my only options for escape were either climbing over Aymeric (not an option) or out a second story window (rapidly becoming an option).
Aymeric turned around and caught my wrist before I could do more than brace my elbow on the window sill, and for a wonder his expression held nothing but understanding. "Anyone would have been disoriented after the circumstances of what you have just been through. Rest assured that I am not angry, and on my honor as a Knight I will tell no one of this."
I stared at him in wide-eyed shock, but finally I managed a hoarse "thank you".I must still have looked quite the madman - Aymeric released my wrist dubiously, as though he expected me to attempt escape through the window anyway - and there was an excruciating eternity of eye contact before he sighed. "One night of comfort does little to redress a debt that I can never repay. Would you allow me to. Ah. Provide you some... relief?"
Read the entire fic on AO3
Aymeric is the jock version of G'raha Tia.
Charismatic. From a distinguished lineage. Leader of a nation. OBSESSED WITH ME. Also, captain of the football team and Homecoming King.
So G'raha literally does dimensional time travel to save the WoL and STILL thinks he would never have a shot.
Meanwhile, Aymeric DEFINITELY at some point was like: hey can I suck your dick, like, platonically? No romo