Alisaie Leveilleur - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

You know, I've been writing a lot of fics where Alphy absolutely rails Mono, but I have a little fic idea tumbling around in my head where it's just him and Saie hanging out in the new manor after Mono finished building it, and being too scared to go into the basement because of an ominous red glow and a horrific noise neither one of them can describe.

"You know, there isn't a zero per cent chance that Mono has a voidsent in there."

It's literally just the boiler.

And later Mono's like, "I'm so glad you two are getting along, but you're both the dumbest people I've ever met. Also, luv, your immigration papers are down there, and I'm not getting them out for you. Good luck, ya baby."

Mono: *Decks the house out with magitek*

Alphy and/or Saie: "WHAT IS THIS?"

There literally isn't anything funnier than them losing their minds over a toaster oven.

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1 year ago

Mono likes to sit down outside and stim using nir magic. Usually ne likes to use nir starglobe, because Astrologian spells are peak Autism for nem, and also watching it spin around makes nem go brrrrr, but ne will also build up Requiescat so ne can do a Confiteor/Blade of Faith combo.

Yes, Alisaie often misinterprets nem stimming for training, and Alphinaud often has to tell her, "No, ne isn't training, ne's just doing that because it makes nem happy."

And her impatient arse is always like, "??? What are you talking about?"

Alisaie: "Listen, if Mono spends so much time training, then I have a lot to catch up on."

Mono: "Ooo hoo hoo hoo, pretty colours. 🤩"

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Squad reactions to being told ‘I love you’ WoL: Thanks fam! Alisaie: oh no Alphinaud: cries I love you too Thancred: Sounds fake but okay Urianger: A flustered mess Y'shtola: can i get a refund

incorrect quotes are my anti drug now

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3 years ago

more ffxiv incorrect quotes

WoL: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking.

WoL (probably using 20+ fantasias a month): My gender is in a constant state of flux.

Alisaie: I’m 80% awesome, 20% water and 100% gorgeous. Alphinaud: That’s 200%. Alisaie: I’m twice the person you’ll ever be.

Ryne: *eating a cinnamon roll* Thancred: Cannibalism. Ryne: *confused chewing noises*

Alphinaud: But what about WoL? Thancred: Don't worry about them. Thancred: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their hotdog like nothing happened.

*The scion’s individual reactions to being told they're the chosen one* Alphinaud: I will not let you down. Alisaie: Sounds fun. Y’shtola: K. Thancred: No, I'm fucking not. Estinien: Do I have to be? WoL: Please god, I am so tired.

Estinien, new to the scions: That sounds like a terrible plan. Thancred, used to this shit: Oh, we've had worse.

Estinien: *is wearing silk pants for, uh, reasons ig* How does this look? Alphinaud: Like its slips on and off really easily. Estinien: Alphinaud: No, I didn't mean it like that- Alisaie: We know what you meant.

Estinien: Now, the recipe calls for 2 shots of vodka. Estinien: *upends the bottle*

Alisaie: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container. WoL, a dumbass: The cow?? Alisaie: What? Alphinaud: WoL, W H Y?

Alisaie: We need an adult! Alphinaud: Alisaie, you are an adult! Alisaie: We need an adultier adult! Get WoL!

WoL: What are amphetamines? Alisaie: Drugs that can go on land and water. WoL: Ohhhh.

WoL: *holds a gun out to Alphinaud* Alphinaud: I-I don't believe in guns. WoL: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.

Alphinaud: I’m proud to say I’ve come over my fear of ghosts! WoL: Eyy, that’s the spirit! Alphinaud: *gasps* whErE???!!!??

Allagan Node: Please enter a password. WoL: uhh... *types in Alphinaud* Allagan Node: Your password is too weak. WoL, knowing that Alphinaud thinks he’s weak: How fucking DARE YOU-

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Alisaie is something between punk and socially awkward girl next door who cares way more about what people think of her than she lets on and Alphinaud is cozy academia prep school captain of the debate team who is unwittingly condescending as fuck even though he's also the nicest person you'll meet in school.

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5 months ago
Alisaie And Wol's Friendship Is So CUTE Im Vibrating I Love Them

alisaie and wol's friendship is so CUTE im vibrating i love them

the way tesleen said that alisaie kept talking ab the wol too is adorable ^___^ its like how alphinaud takes every chance he gets to bring up estinien DSKLLKD

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9 months ago

When I first saw this question popping up on my dash, I really wanted to answer it. I love AU ideas, and it really got me thinking about the what-ifs to my muses if their circumstances had been different. Fast forward, this post had been sitting in my draft folder for weeks—that was when the realization finally hit me.

My blorbos are probably far more complicated than I thought they'd be. (Yiuno, especially.)

Anyroad, after going through all the NPCs I can think of, here are the results!

When I First Saw This Question Popping Up On My Dash, I Really Wanted To Answer It. I Love AU Ideas,
When I First Saw This Question Popping Up On My Dash, I Really Wanted To Answer It. I Love AU Ideas,
When I First Saw This Question Popping Up On My Dash, I Really Wanted To Answer It. I Love AU Ideas,

Sora — Alisaie, Zenos.

FOR BETTER: Sora and Alisaie get along very well—they share a lot of similarities, such as their temperamental personality, and their eagerness to take active actions. If circumstances had been better, Sora could've been living a relatively comfortable life—guided by wise and caring mentors, surrounded by friends and comrades sharing the same cause. While Alisaie did go through some hardships (mainly in Shadowbringers and Endwalker MSQ), she's still better off than Sora in many aspects.

Sora, on the other hand, is a remnant of an ancient civilization, who is neither here nor there as she has no recollection of her past, struggling to come to terms with the present (and later on, her destiny as the Warrior of Darkness). Her mentor and guardian isn't someone you'd consider a role model—Yiuno is a manipulative liar, he assassinates people for a living, and he's a selfish bastard. Speaking of which...

FOR WORSE: Sora and Zenos are frenemies, in a way (Zenos would probably consider her a "friend" in a similar fashion like his relationship with WoL, but Sora absolutely hates him). Both of them crave for strong opponents to sate their bloodlust; they also have no qualms to destroy anything and everything in their way to relieve their urge for a good fight.

The only saving grace, I'd say, is Yiuno effectively having Sora on a leash and preventing her from going completely out of control. As much as Sora is a chaotic mess when left to her own devices, at least she still listens to her one and only "family".

When I First Saw This Question Popping Up On My Dash, I Really Wanted To Answer It. I Love AU Ideas,
When I First Saw This Question Popping Up On My Dash, I Really Wanted To Answer It. I Love AU Ideas,
When I First Saw This Question Popping Up On My Dash, I Really Wanted To Answer It. I Love AU Ideas,

Yiuno — Thancred, Hades/Emet-Selch.

I really mean it whenever I say that Yiuno is a complex character—he isn't someone I can simply shove into a handful of TV tropes and call it a day. After pondering really hard for weeks, these two picks are probably the best I could go with.

FOR BETTER: Both Yiuno and Thancred have many aspects in common. They are adult figures to a younger charge under their wing (Yiuno to Sora, Thancred to Ryne). They both struggled to make peace with losing someone dear to them (Yiuno to his twin sister, Yiuna, Thancred to his "sister", Minfilia). They are also resourceful and well-versed in reconnaissance, with a dark past they aren't proud of.

Though they are guided by well-known figures that changed their respective lives forever, that's where I draw the line on the similarities between them. When Thancred attempted to pickpocket Louisoix and was caught red-handed, the latter offered him the opportunity to hone his skills in survival and intelligence-gathering techniques. Thancred then became an Archon and joined the Circle of Knowing, later also as a member of the Scions, to aid WoL in saving the world from another calamity.

As for Yiuno, his relationship with Shatotto isn't as idealistic as Thancred with Louisoix. Towards the end of the Fifth Astral Era, Yiuno and his sister, Yiuna, were part of a neutral faction (similar to the Scions) aiming to stop the Magi War; Yiuna was dispatched to join the White Mages of Amdapor, while Yiuno was sent to spy on Mhach. Shatotto, who had been skeptical of the void mages and their over-reliance on voidsents, was developing her own brand of magick (later known as black magic); she immediately recognized the hidden potential within Yiuno. She pretty much forced him to become her disciple, and used him to refine and complete her research. While Yiuno did become her greatest successor, that came at a terrible price—for Yiuno's raw power far exceeded Shatotto's expectations and almost destroyed the nation they were supposed to protect. Shatotto took upon herself to shoulder the crime, and erased Yiuno's existence from historical records.

In a way, both Louisoix and Shatotto recruited their respective students to aid in their personal agendas, but I guess things might have turned out differently if Yiuno's talents were actually used for the greater good rather than... as a weapon of destruction in warfare.

FOR WORSE: This is a tough and ironic choice for many reasons, but Hades/Emet-Selch is just a stone throw away from what Yiuno could've become. Both of them have lived a very long life; they have seen enough horrors to crack their minds so hard that they are literally eddying in despair. Further, as revealed in the previous section, Yiuno had a hand in a genocide that shouldn't have happened. Would he blow up the world if his loved ones are killed? Absolutely.

In fact, Yiuno is still relatively sane for the time being only because the people he truly cares about—Sora, Y'shtola, and (fingers crossed) Yiuna—are still alive and well. For now. Also, as I've briefly discussed about the differences between Yiuno and Emet in this post, it'd take a lot more to compel Yiuno to take extreme actions like Emet did.

As for the irony I've mentioned in the beginning... due to the Flow spell mishap in post-ARR (he used it to save both himself and Sora from the Ul'dah coup), Yiuno's body is housing both a fragment of his Ancient self, Chronos, and another Ancient fragment—one of the triplets and Chrono's sister, Persephone. The latter is, of course, the wife of Emet. Just imagine how the meeting would've unfolded when Emet's shade saw Yiuno (who was shepherding Sora to her final showdown with Meteia and Zenos) in Ultima Thule.

Little WoL / non-WoL character question.

Is there a non-player character or NPC that reflects how your OC might have turned out if circumstances had been only slightly different? For better or worse.

If your OC is aware of this, then does it make them more sympathetic to that character? Or more jealous of them? Or simply fill them with an intense visceral hatred?

Little WoL / Non-WoL Character Question.

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 Fragments - Episode 29
 Fragments - Episode 29
 Fragments - Episode 29
 Fragments - Episode 29
 Fragments - Episode 29
 Fragments - Episode 29
 Fragments - Episode 29

✧✦✧ “Fragments” - episode 29 ✧✦✧

You're an ancient wizard with boundless power at your command, and you're terrified of some children.

New reader? Start here: @ffxiv-fragments

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1 year ago
The Winner Of My Thanksgiving Poll: My Headcanons For The Twins! I've Been Working On Their Designs For
The Winner Of My Thanksgiving Poll: My Headcanons For The Twins! I've Been Working On Their Designs For

The winner of my Thanksgiving poll: my headcanons for the twins! I've been working on their designs for a while now lol.

I started playing FFXIV in 2019, so in my head, the twins are about 20 years old now and most of the way through their growth spurt. So here are my ideas for how they look, alongside their EW selves.

I have Lots Of Thoughts about the twins and why I picked these designs, but I don't have time to ramble now. I have more stuff with them though so I'll save my comments for then!

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6 months ago

So I started writing a short fic about how Alisaie had to browbeat my Warrior of Light into letting her suck their dick despite their age difference...

(I am aware that the devs claim that everything from 2.0 through Dawntrail has taken less than a year, and I call bullshit. That is dev laziness, pure and simple. You can't tell me I ended a 1000 year war, liberated two nations on different continents from their colonial oppressors, traveled to an alternate dimension to prevent a future where you died, went to the moon and the literal edge of existence to stop the end of the world, and traveled the length and breadth of the fantasy equivalent of North and South America... All in less than one year. No. Absolutely not. No way.)

And now I am 3000 words into writing a fic that reflects on the inherent tension between 'power imbalances are created by large age gaps in ways that are usually pretty gross " and "saying that 'it is not okay to have large age differences in relationships even when both people are adults' infantalizes people and denies their agency"...

That is also about wanting to suck dick.

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6 months ago

New FFXIV fic: Shut Up And Let Me Suck Your Dick Already

This started as a short fic about the humor of Alisaie having to browbeat my WoL into letting her suck their dick despite their age difference.

(I am aware the devs claim that everything since 2.0 has happened in less than a year. That is a filthy lie.)

And then somewhere along the way, it morphed into a 4.5K word fic that reflects on the inherent tension between "power imbalances are created by large age gaps in ways that are usually pretty gross " and "saying that 'it is not okay to have large age differences in relationships even when both people are adults' infantalizes people and denies their agency"...

...while still being a fic about wanting to suck dick.

- - -

"Alisaie..." I began, placing a hand on her shoulder. When she didn't shake it off, I drew her into a hug, thinking only to offer comfort.

However, instead of resisting, Alisaie threw her arms around my neck and hauled me into a deep kiss.

It felt like being struck by lightning. I gasped as her lips moved on mine, parted them reflexively when she licked into my mouth. She pulled herself tightly against me and kissed me like I was the only thing keeping her from drowning, and everything fell away but the feeling of her soft lips and our tongues sliding against one another.

I may have moaned in her mouth.

Which may, had it happened, have emboldened her. Or it may have simply been her own initiative that led to her grab my butt.

With a groan, I broke the kiss and held her at arm's length. "We can't do this," I said sternly, even as the sight of her kiss-swollen lips made me want to kiss her more.

Alisaie took this as well as expected, which is to say not well. "Why not?" she demanded, her expression thunderous.

"You're a child." I'd meant to sound implacable. Unyielding. But my voice came out thin and pleading.

"I'm not a child," she shot back heatedly. "For the love of Thaliak, I'll be twenty in a few weeks!"

"That doesn't make it right," I growled. My face was on fire, which I can't imagine helped my argument much. "You're so much younger than me."

Alisaie gave ground - it definitely wasn't a retreat - crossed her arms, and glared at me. "Oh and that makes me too impressionable, does it?" she scoffed. "Do you seriously think you could make me do anything I didn't want to do?"

No. I didn't. But I wasn't going to tell her that.

Alisaie's eyes narrowed. "Tell me you don't want me, and I'll drop it," she said in glacial tones.

Shit. Fuck. Shit. There was no point in denying it - she'd know I was lying. She always knew. "Tesleen is waiting," I finally said helplessly.

Alisaie snorted in satisfaction as she shouldered the bag with our purchases, roundly ignoring my attempt to take the bag myself. "We are not done talking about this," she said, jabbing me in the sternum. Hard.

Read the whole thing on AO3!

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5 months ago

New FFXIV fic: Research: the Most Fun a Catboy Can Have Without Taking off His Clothes

Length: 2 chapters, 8.5K words total Alisaie (trans) / G'raha (trans) / Warrior of Light (non-binary) (Eventual) very smutty smut As always: (1) I don't care what the devs say, Alisaie is absolutely not 16. By 5.3, she'd be about 23. (2) In a world where no one is explicitly gay or trans, that means anyone can be.

- - -

Alisaie shifted and looked down at her hands. "I had several classes with Raha at the Studium, but we were never anything other than friends there. At that point, he still thought his precious Allagans could do no wrong, and he spent all his time with a nose in a book while I was always skipping classes. Then, when we met again in the First, he'd been the Exarch too long, and he was so paranoid and secretive. Not to mention the way he was always manipulating everyone around him."

"He had to," I felt obliged to point out. "The stakes were too high."

"They were," Alisaie acknowledged, then took a deep breath. "But this new Raha..." Her voice trailed off, and she shook her head, obviously unsure how to finish the sentence.

"He's like a fusion," I offered. "With the best qualities of both of the previous versions."

"Yes!" Alisaie's eyes flashed with relief as she looked up to meet my gaze. "He's... he's experienced. Confident. Not so desperately, irritatingly eager to prove himself, because he's already done it! And being able to set down the Exarch's mantle has made him so much more open and... trusting. He believes in everyone, and trusts people to do what they're good at." She sighed and scrubbed a hand over her face. "Hells, I don't think I'm doing a good job of explaining it."

"Believe me, I get it," I said, putting my hand over one of hers. "The new G'raha is walking competence porn."

Completely caught off guard, Alisaie burst out into loud peals of cackling laughter. Finally, she was able to wrestle back some control and gave me a conspiratorial grin as she wiped her eyes. "So what would you think of maybe making our V into a triangle?"

I grinned. "It would make my life a lot easier, honestly. It's been a bit awkward trying to juggle separate one-on-one time with everything that's been going on." I paused and leaned forward as I lowered my voice. "And assuming he's on board with it, I'd love to see that pretty cock of yours in his mouth while I fuck him."

Alisaie actually blushed. "So how should I... you know. Talk to him?"

"Wow," I drawled, grinning teasingly. "Look at you not marching up to him and flat out demanding to get your mouth on his junk. You must have it really bad."

"Shut up, you," she growled, turning an even brighter shade of red.

I widened my eyes innocently. "I thought you were looking for advice?"

There was a loud thunk as Alisaie banged her forehead on the table. "I hate you. I hate you so much."

"Too bad. Guess I'll just keep him to myself then."

Alisaie lifted her head and glared at me in a way that promised I would absolutely pay for this later. "Fine. Please. Give me some advice."

I smirked. "Offer to help him do research."

It was a struggle not to laugh at the dismay on her face. "I hate research."

"So do I. And yet, my advice stands."

Alisaie scowled at me suspiciously.

"You'll get to impress him with how many books you can carry," I teased.

"You're holding out on me," Alisaie hissed, poking me hard in the shoulder. "What aren't you telling me?"

I leaned forward and held her gaze as I dropped my voice to a whisper. "He always gets horny when he's really onto some hot bit of research, and he claims that getting fucked helps him put the pieces together faster."

Alisaie's face lit up like a Starlight Tree. "Really," she breathed.

"Oh yeah," I whispered back. "It sounds wild, but several times now I've fucked him over his desk, and then he's filled an entire blackboard with notes. Clearly something about it works for him. So I help fetch and carry the books he needs, which saves him time, and I bring something to work on when he doesn't need me. After a few hours, he starts babbling about something it would take three Doctorates to follow, and that's usually about when he starts begging me to fuck him."

Alisaie's was practically salivating by the time I finished. "How do I get myself invited to one of these sessions?" she asked, enthralled.

Read the whole thing on AO3

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5 months ago

New FFXIV fic: G'raha wants us to fuck him about his trauma

Length: 4K words - with 5 more chapters planned, (Eventual) very smutty smut coming in the next chapter Alisaie / G'raha Tia / Warrior of Light

G'raha was reading a book in my sitting room the next time I woke up and shuffled out in search of food. Despite having been warned by Alisaie, it was hard not to react to how terrible he looked. The bags under his bloodshot eyes made me suspect that he might not have slept at all since our return.

He looked up at me as I approached and smiled with forced jocularity. "Ah, Savvel! I see my guess as to when you'd awaken was accurate. Alisaie went to get dinner for all of us - she'll be back shortly. I also took the liberty of reading you while you were out, and you'll be relieved to know that you should be able to do things besides eat and sleep by tomorrow." He fidgeted nervously with the book in his lap as he spoke, looking so fearful that I was going to be angry with him that I didn't even have the heart to tease him about how utterly predictable he had been in choosing crystal transformation as his method of self-sacrifice.

"Instead of arguing about which of us is angry at who, how about we skip all that and admit we're both idiots," I groaned as I flopped onto the couch next to his chair. I looked over at him through half-lidded eyes, taking shameless advantage of the fact that I knew G'raha found me irresistible when I was sleep-rumpled. "Though if you tell Alisaie I said that, I'll deny everything. Now come here."

The wondering disbelief in his eyes almost broke my heart in two. "You... you're sure?"

"Raha," I shot back, packing those two syllables with loving derision. "I'm too tired to sweep you off your feet properly, so meet me halfway here."

G'raha's eyes were watery as he finally tumbled forward into my arms where he belonged, and for several minutes we said nothing as we just... held each other. And it was everything.

Alisaie returned a few minutes later, carrying what seemed like an obscene number of bags until I mentally tallied everything I had eaten since first waking up. She grinned when she saw G'raha and I cuddling on the couch, though I noted that the tension in her shoulders didn't ease completely.

Not that I blamed her. G'raha was clearly in worse shape than I was.

Alisaie set out her purchases on the table and we helped ourselves to a selection of our favorite foods from The Last Stand. I shared a concerned look with Alisaie when G'raha just stared at his burger instead of biting into it.

"I... I want to ask you something," he said slowly, his voice almost completely toneless.

"Okay," I said gently when he seemed to need a prod.

G'raha's ears were flattening themselves against his head. "I suppose it's more accurate to say that I want to ask you for something. Though, I acknowledge that it may sound foolish, or silly, and that you might not... you might need..."

"Raha." Alisaie said, with such exquisite tenderness that she even surprised herself. "Tell us what you want."

G'raha's ears came up slightly, but his tail continued to twitch. "What would you say to going away where no one could get at us for... say. A week? All three of us?"

"I'd say that sounds nice," I responded cautiously. "I'm under strict orders to get some real rest this time anyhow. Where did you have in mind?"

"I... I didn't have my heart set on a particular destination, as such," G'raha demurred as he unaccountably started to turn pink. "I was thinking more of. Ah. A possible agenda."

We said nothing and waited him out.

"I want to be your free use fuck hole for a week," he finally blurted out.

Read the whole thing on AO3

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