G'raha Tia - Tumblr Posts
My favourite trope has to be:
I sacrificed myself to save you. I didn't plan to survive. I burnt all the bridges. I intended to break your heart with my death, but that would be all right, because I wouldn't be around to see you. I pretended that you'll mourn me for a while and move on. I convinced myself I was going down in the blaze of glory. That my deed was appreciated. That everything was going to be all right afterwards, and I didn't need to be there to see it.
But I survived. And now I have to look you in the eye. I have to pick up the pieces of the life I shattered and figure out how to put it back together. If it can be done at all.
How I explained G'raha Tia to a friend the other day
"His backstory is. ...convoluted.
Like. Imagine if Kingdom Hearts made sense.
That level of convoluted.
It's all like. Very logical given the established lore and how shit works. But the place you get to is "my boyfriend has super trauma because he put himself into stasis, woke up in the apocalypse timeline, merged his essence with a magic supercomputer, traveled to an alternate dimension 100 years in the past, and became an immortal but benevolent king so he could prevent the timeline where I died'
Primary side effect of merging his essence with the magic super computer that is made of crystal? He's fucking turning into crystal. And then he sacrifices himself and FULLY CRYSTALIZES.
So then you do some soul magic, go back to your world where he's still in stasis because the apocalypse that woke him up hasn't happened yet, and are like - here have this other version of your soul where you were half crystal and lived a hundred years and experienced the end of the world twice.
And he's like whoa okay. That's fucked up. Not super sure who I am anymore, this is kinda wild. But you don't find out that's what he's thinking until subsequently when you travel to the literal edge of existence and he TRANSFORMS HIMSELF INTO CRYSTAL AGAIN TO SAVE YOU.
And it's just like. G'raha. My guy. I get that you're having a hard time but fucking stop it.
AND ON TOP OF ALL THAT god dammit he's just the fucking most wholesome nerd. Like "I got too excited about books and forgot to eat or sleep for 3 days" nerd.
And there's this WHOLE SPEECH he does when he's still the Crystal Exarch right at the end of Shadowbringers where he's like, what are you going to do when this is all over? And I'm like rest lol. (Yeah right) And he's like - so I've got this friend, and I'm keeping secrets from [insert your pronoun here], but they're fucking rad and I'm hoping sempai will notice me and maybe we could go on an adventure together? And it's SO FUCKING OBVIOUS he's talking ABOUT YOU in an "all right, keep your secrets" kind of way.
EXCEPT THEN YOU FIND OUT THAT HIS BIG MASTER PLAN WAS: get the WoL to kill all the Lightwardens and absorb their light which will save both worlds, but no one person can hold that much light and live, so I'm going to take it from them and then teleport myself INTO THE RIFT BETWEEN WORLDS AND DIE.
And the only reason he doesn't succeed is because HE GETS FUCKING SHOT
So. [ahem] Yes. I think it says a lot about me that I am like. Yes. The nerdy twunk with super trauma who is OBSESSED WITH ME is my boyfriend.
I took GREAT SATISFACTION in dying for him for a hot minute at the end of Endwalker.
New FFXIV fic: Finding G'raha
We sat in silence for a minute, enjoying the view together, before he cleared his throat. "What will you do when this is over?"
"Rest," I said instantly. "I hope," I added much more quietly.
There was a soft, sympathetic snort from beside me.
I decided to turn the question back on him. "What will you do when this is over?"
"When this is over? Indeed." The Exarch repeated, seeming genuinely surprised to be asked such a question. "I once told you there are things we can ill afford to lose. 'Things', I said, though in truth I spoke of a person. One who is unaware of the full extent of my plans. Though they deserve to know, I have good reason to keep my council. I have come to terms with this in my mind, but my heart yearns to lay everything bare. For they are my inspiration, and I would give much and more for the chance to speak with them as friends, with no thought of concealment."
He looked out over the water as he spoke, not meeting my gaze, which was just as well. Because with each word he spoke, I became more certain that my suspicion had been correct. G'raha Tia was the Exarch.
I didn't know how he'd done it, how he'd even conceived of such a mad plan, but somehow the brilliant and brashly reckless researcher I'd met in Mor Dhona had accomplished a feat far beyond the scope of my wildest imaginings. My chest was suddenly far too small to contain my welter of feelings. Relief that he'd survived. Joy that we'd met again.
"Then, I would ask them about their next adventure," he continued, oblivious to the storm of emotion he'd sparked in me. "And if they should wish me to be a part of it, oh... how happy it would make me. Together, we would travel the lands and cross the seas and take to the skies upon the eternal wind... My heart swells simply to imagine it."
I stared at him, drinking in the sound of his voice like I was hearing it for the first time.
It had taken me so long to see past the devil-may-care attitude he'd cultivated when we met, to recognize him as a kindred spirit that I wanted a deeper connection with, and by then, we were busy preparing our assault on the World of Darkness. I'd naively planned on asking him how he felt when it was all over, only for G'raha to seal himself in the Tower before I thought to say anything.
I'd regretted it ever since. And yet, the Gods had granted me a second chance, because here he was, spilling his heart out to me, clearly feeling the same regret.
Read the whole thing on AO3
Working on a fic about G'raha and Alisaie falling in lust with each other after G'raha's return from the First, and am amused by where a chain of logic took me. First, my headcanon is that G'raha is trans, as is Alisaie, because if NO ONE is explicitly gay or trans, then anyone can be. No I will not take questions on this point. Second. Transition would have been pretty easy at the Studium. None of the professors give a fuck about your gender as long as your assignments are on time and your research is sourced correctly. So G'raha transitions quickly and seamlessly after arriving in Sharlyan because less time lost to dysphoria = more time for books.
Third. For most trans mascs, T horniness is A Fucking Thing[1]. Unlike Alisaie, who who sucked lots of dick[2] because she liked it, G'raha would have seen this horniness as an imposition. He transitioned so he'd have more time to read, after all.
Fourth. because he's far from the only nerd whose sexuality is "books" at the Studium, G'raha would have ended up with a circle of acquaintances who were willing to discreetly give each other "relief" in the library so they didn't have to interrupt their research.
CONCLUSION. Because G'raha is both a massive overachiever AND a people-pleaser AND a messy bottom, he got really good at letting people fuck his throat.
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[1] I mean, I'm 95% asexual and the T horniness is hitting HARD, which is why I've spent all my time for the past week thinking about G'raha and Alisaie sucking my WoL's dick.
[2] See previous fic: "Shut up and let me suck your dick, already"
Just me and a friend making G'raha's backstory a lot funnier
Working on a fic about G'raha and Alisaie falling in lust with each other after G'raha's return from the First, and am amused by where a chain of logic took me. First, my headcanon is that G'raha is trans, as is Alisaie, because if NO ONE is explicitly gay or trans, then anyone can be. No I will not take questions on this point. Second. Transition would have been pretty easy at the Studium. None of the professors give a fuck about your gender as long as your assignments are on time and your research is sourced correctly. So G'raha transitions quickly and seamlessly after arriving in Sharlyan because less time lost to dysphoria = more time for books.
Third. For most trans mascs, T horniness is A Fucking Thing[1]. Unlike Alisaie, who who sucked lots of dick[2] because she liked it, G'raha would have seen this horniness as an imposition. He transitioned so he'd have more time to read, after all.
Fourth. because he's far from the only nerd whose sexuality is "books" at the Studium, G'raha would have ended up with a circle of acquaintances who were willing to discreetly give each other "relief" in the library so they didn't have to interrupt their research.
CONCLUSION. Because G'raha is both a massive overachiever AND a people-pleaser AND a messy bottom, he got really good at letting people fuck his throat.
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[1] I mean, I'm 95% asexual and the T horniness is hitting HARD, which is why I've spent all my time for the past week thinking about G'raha and Alisaie sucking my WoL's dick.
[2] From my previous fic: "Shut up and let me suck your dick, already" She leaned forward, arms crossed. "I've known you a long time, Warrior of Light, and I'm positive that I've had more sexual partners than you," she said, clearly trying to shock me.
It worked. "What... I mean. How--"
She cut me off with another of her edged smiles. "You only sleep with people you have a strong bond with. I, on the other hand, have sucked so. Many. Dicks." She paused for emphasis, fluttered her eyelashes at me, and slowly licked her lips. "And I'm very good at it."
Trying not to think of Alisaie's pretty mouth wrapped around my cock was like not thinking about a pink elephant - utterly impossible once the image had been conjured. I held myself utterly still, trying not to react to the dizzying rush of arousal I felt as my pants suddenly grew far too tight. Unfortunately, my lack of rebuttal only gave her room to press her advantage.
Alisaie held my gaze as she raised a finger to her lips and delicately circled the tip with her tongue before sucking it into her mouth with a soft slurping noise.
Oh Gods oh Gods oh Gods.
My face was on fire. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think of anything but the fantasy of blue eyes on mine as my cock sunk into the wet heat of her mouth.
Alisaie slowly withdrew her finger, then pointedly looked down at the ridge of my erection, which was starkly visible through the pristine white pants I loved wearing with my Red Mage's coat. "Hmm."
(Read the whole thing on AO3)
I'm quite proud of this sentence:
"G'raha, the poor, sweet moron, looked as if he'd been hit over the head, as he always did when confronted with the undeniable fact that he was actually quite lovely."
New FFXIV fic: Research: the Most Fun a Catboy Can Have Without Taking off His Clothes
Length: 2 chapters, 8.5K words total Alisaie (trans) / G'raha (trans) / Warrior of Light (non-binary) (Eventual) very smutty smut As always: (1) I don't care what the devs say, Alisaie is absolutely not 16. By 5.3, she'd be about 23. (2) In a world where no one is explicitly gay or trans, that means anyone can be.
- - -
Alisaie shifted and looked down at her hands. "I had several classes with Raha at the Studium, but we were never anything other than friends there. At that point, he still thought his precious Allagans could do no wrong, and he spent all his time with a nose in a book while I was always skipping classes. Then, when we met again in the First, he'd been the Exarch too long, and he was so paranoid and secretive. Not to mention the way he was always manipulating everyone around him."
"He had to," I felt obliged to point out. "The stakes were too high."
"They were," Alisaie acknowledged, then took a deep breath. "But this new Raha..." Her voice trailed off, and she shook her head, obviously unsure how to finish the sentence.
"He's like a fusion," I offered. "With the best qualities of both of the previous versions."
"Yes!" Alisaie's eyes flashed with relief as she looked up to meet my gaze. "He's... he's experienced. Confident. Not so desperately, irritatingly eager to prove himself, because he's already done it! And being able to set down the Exarch's mantle has made him so much more open and... trusting. He believes in everyone, and trusts people to do what they're good at." She sighed and scrubbed a hand over her face. "Hells, I don't think I'm doing a good job of explaining it."
"Believe me, I get it," I said, putting my hand over one of hers. "The new G'raha is walking competence porn."
Completely caught off guard, Alisaie burst out into loud peals of cackling laughter. Finally, she was able to wrestle back some control and gave me a conspiratorial grin as she wiped her eyes. "So what would you think of maybe making our V into a triangle?"
I grinned. "It would make my life a lot easier, honestly. It's been a bit awkward trying to juggle separate one-on-one time with everything that's been going on." I paused and leaned forward as I lowered my voice. "And assuming he's on board with it, I'd love to see that pretty cock of yours in his mouth while I fuck him."
Alisaie actually blushed. "So how should I... you know. Talk to him?"
"Wow," I drawled, grinning teasingly. "Look at you not marching up to him and flat out demanding to get your mouth on his junk. You must have it really bad."
"Shut up, you," she growled, turning an even brighter shade of red.
I widened my eyes innocently. "I thought you were looking for advice?"
There was a loud thunk as Alisaie banged her forehead on the table. "I hate you. I hate you so much."
"Too bad. Guess I'll just keep him to myself then."
Alisaie lifted her head and glared at me in a way that promised I would absolutely pay for this later. "Fine. Please. Give me some advice."
I smirked. "Offer to help him do research."
It was a struggle not to laugh at the dismay on her face. "I hate research."
"So do I. And yet, my advice stands."
Alisaie scowled at me suspiciously.
"You'll get to impress him with how many books you can carry," I teased.
"You're holding out on me," Alisaie hissed, poking me hard in the shoulder. "What aren't you telling me?"
I leaned forward and held her gaze as I dropped my voice to a whisper. "He always gets horny when he's really onto some hot bit of research, and he claims that getting fucked helps him put the pieces together faster."
Alisaie's face lit up like a Starlight Tree. "Really," she breathed.
"Oh yeah," I whispered back. "It sounds wild, but several times now I've fucked him over his desk, and then he's filled an entire blackboard with notes. Clearly something about it works for him. So I help fetch and carry the books he needs, which saves him time, and I bring something to work on when he doesn't need me. After a few hours, he starts babbling about something it would take three Doctorates to follow, and that's usually about when he starts begging me to fuck him."
Alisaie's was practically salivating by the time I finished. "How do I get myself invited to one of these sessions?" she asked, enthralled.
Read the whole thing on AO3
Aymeric is the jock version of G'raha Tia.
Charismatic. From a distinguished lineage. Leader of a nation. OBSESSED WITH ME. Also, captain of the football team and Homecoming King.
So G'raha literally does dimensional time travel to save the WoL and STILL thinks he would never have a shot.
Meanwhile, Aymeric DEFINITELY at some point was like: hey can I suck your dick, like, platonically? No romo
just me abusing my art degree and being Very Normal about G’raha again

New FFXIV fic: Finding G'raha
We sat in silence for a minute, enjoying the view together, before he cleared his throat. "What will you do when this is over?"
"Rest," I said instantly. "I hope," I added much more quietly.
There was a soft, sympathetic snort from beside me.
I decided to turn the question back on him. "What will you do when this is over?"
"When this is over? Indeed." The Exarch repeated, seeming genuinely surprised to be asked such a question. "I once told you there are things we can ill afford to lose. 'Things', I said, though in truth I spoke of a person. One who is unaware of the full extent of my plans. Though they deserve to know, I have good reason to keep my council. I have come to terms with this in my mind, but my heart yearns to lay everything bare. For they are my inspiration, and I would give much and more for the chance to speak with them as friends, with no thought of concealment."
He looked out over the water as he spoke, not meeting my gaze, which was just as well. Because with each word he spoke, I became more certain that my suspicion had been correct. G'raha Tia was the Exarch.
I didn't know how he'd done it, how he'd even conceived of such a mad plan, but somehow the brilliant and brashly reckless researcher I'd met in Mor Dhona had accomplished a feat far beyond the scope of my wildest imaginings. My chest was suddenly far too small to contain my welter of feelings. Relief that he'd survived. Joy that we'd met again.
"Then, I would ask them about their next adventure," he continued, oblivious to the storm of emotion he'd sparked in me. "And if they should wish me to be a part of it, oh... how happy it would make me. Together, we would travel the lands and cross the seas and take to the skies upon the eternal wind... My heart swells simply to imagine it."
I stared at him, drinking in the sound of his voice like I was hearing it for the first time.
It had taken me so long to see past the devil-may-care attitude he'd cultivated when we met, to recognize him as a kindred spirit that I wanted a deeper connection with, and by then, we were busy preparing our assault on the World of Darkness. I'd naively planned on asking him how he felt when it was all over, only for G'raha to seal himself in the Tower before I thought to say anything.
I'd regretted it ever since. And yet, the Gods had granted me a second chance, because here he was, spilling his heart out to me, clearly feeling the same regret.
Read the whole thing on AO3
New FFXIV fic: G'raha wants us to fuck him about his trauma
Length: 4K words - with 5 more chapters planned, (Eventual) very smutty smut coming in the next chapter Alisaie / G'raha Tia / Warrior of Light
G'raha was reading a book in my sitting room the next time I woke up and shuffled out in search of food. Despite having been warned by Alisaie, it was hard not to react to how terrible he looked. The bags under his bloodshot eyes made me suspect that he might not have slept at all since our return.
He looked up at me as I approached and smiled with forced jocularity. "Ah, Savvel! I see my guess as to when you'd awaken was accurate. Alisaie went to get dinner for all of us - she'll be back shortly. I also took the liberty of reading you while you were out, and you'll be relieved to know that you should be able to do things besides eat and sleep by tomorrow." He fidgeted nervously with the book in his lap as he spoke, looking so fearful that I was going to be angry with him that I didn't even have the heart to tease him about how utterly predictable he had been in choosing crystal transformation as his method of self-sacrifice.
"Instead of arguing about which of us is angry at who, how about we skip all that and admit we're both idiots," I groaned as I flopped onto the couch next to his chair. I looked over at him through half-lidded eyes, taking shameless advantage of the fact that I knew G'raha found me irresistible when I was sleep-rumpled. "Though if you tell Alisaie I said that, I'll deny everything. Now come here."
The wondering disbelief in his eyes almost broke my heart in two. "You... you're sure?"
"Raha," I shot back, packing those two syllables with loving derision. "I'm too tired to sweep you off your feet properly, so meet me halfway here."
G'raha's eyes were watery as he finally tumbled forward into my arms where he belonged, and for several minutes we said nothing as we just... held each other. And it was everything.
Alisaie returned a few minutes later, carrying what seemed like an obscene number of bags until I mentally tallied everything I had eaten since first waking up. She grinned when she saw G'raha and I cuddling on the couch, though I noted that the tension in her shoulders didn't ease completely.
Not that I blamed her. G'raha was clearly in worse shape than I was.
Alisaie set out her purchases on the table and we helped ourselves to a selection of our favorite foods from The Last Stand. I shared a concerned look with Alisaie when G'raha just stared at his burger instead of biting into it.
"I... I want to ask you something," he said slowly, his voice almost completely toneless.
"Okay," I said gently when he seemed to need a prod.
G'raha's ears were flattening themselves against his head. "I suppose it's more accurate to say that I want to ask you for something. Though, I acknowledge that it may sound foolish, or silly, and that you might not... you might need..."
"Raha." Alisaie said, with such exquisite tenderness that she even surprised herself. "Tell us what you want."
G'raha's ears came up slightly, but his tail continued to twitch. "What would you say to going away where no one could get at us for... say. A week? All three of us?"
"I'd say that sounds nice," I responded cautiously. "I'm under strict orders to get some real rest this time anyhow. Where did you have in mind?"
"I... I didn't have my heart set on a particular destination, as such," G'raha demurred as he unaccountably started to turn pink. "I was thinking more of. Ah. A possible agenda."
We said nothing and waited him out.
"I want to be your free use fuck hole for a week," he finally blurted out.
Read the whole thing on AO3
I had an attack of absolutely cursed inspiration and ended up cheating on my current multi-chapter WIP to write a dream sequence crackfic that is: 1) as close as I will ever get to porn without plot and 2) possibly THE MOST DERANGED THING I HAVE EVER WRITTEN
New FFXIV fic: I had a crazy dream about a Scion sex party
Length: 2.8K words, wall-to-wall smut Alisaie/G'raha/WoL, Aymeric/Estinien, Urianger/Thancred, many others with enthusiastic consent (and no incest)
Excerpt below the cut
I was standing outside the Rising Stones, holding a party invitation I didn't remember getting. After a moment's hesitation, I walked in through the public bar and into the Scion's private back rooms, only to freeze in the doorway.
There were naked Scions fucking on nearly every available surface. G'raha was bent over a table at the center of it with Thancred balls-deep inside him while Urianger worked Thancred's ass open with his fingers.
What in the hells was going on?
And when had I taken off my clothes?
"You made it!" I heard Tataru's voice before I saw her bustling over - somehow she was fully clothed while no one else was. "It's about time you showed up. I was afraid I was going to have to refund people's tickets."
"Tickets?" I asked dumbly.
Tataru ignored me as she turned toward a line of people standing behind a velvet rope. "Number one!"
A hot viera twink walked forward, handed his ticket to Tataru, and went to his knees in front of me, staring at my slowly stiffening cock as if it was an object of worship before taking me in hand and starting to stroke me.
"Whoa!" I spluttered. "What's going on? I don't know you!"
The worshipful twink ignored my protests.
"He's not a Scion," I protested, looking over at Tataru.
"It's a fundraiser," Tataru said with a shrug as she showed me the ticket the viera had handed her. It read 'Touch the Warrior of Light's Dick'. "Be a good sport," Tataru added, giving me a pleading look.
I looked over at the long line of people presumably waiting for their turn to touch me. Sighed. And allowed Twink Number One to continue stroking me for another half a minute. "All right, that's enough."
He nodded and left, looking starstruck.
Read the whole thing on AO3
G'raha was staring at Alisaie with the embarrassed look he usually wore when he wanted to ask for something sexual directly. And Alisaie, it seemed, had known him long enough to recognize his tells, even in this very different context. "What do you want, G'raha?"
"You could," he began, only for his voice to break. He swallowed and tried again. "You could...if you want... fuck my throat."
Alisaie blinked. Raised an eyebrow. "Not opposed, but... not what I was expecting."
G'raha attempted to maintain composure, but the twitching of his tail betrayed him. "A skill acquired at the Studium."
Alisaie's face lit up with surprise, then delight, both eyebrows now sky-high. "At the Studium."
G'raha went adorably pink again. "While it is certainly not the experience of every man, many young men have... have certain urges, and one doesn't always want to leave the library to indulge them. Over time, I formed a circle of acquaintances of... like-minded individuals who made a habit of relieving each other without any expectation of personal attachment, and. Well. I've always believed that there's no point in doing something if you don't do it well."
G'raha looked so mortified as he finished his explanation that I honestly couldn't blame Alisaie for the cackling laugh that burst out before she could get control of herself. "I'm sorry," she said, belatedly covering her mouth. "I'm just... I'm realizing now how badly I misjudged you. We had so much more in common back then than I would have guessed."
G'raha struggled for a moment to process this, then gave up. "So..."
"Do you want me to fuck your throat? Because I'd love to do it, now that you've brought it up.""Yes."
(Look, I'm so proud of these horny nerds okay.)
I'm quite proud of this sentence:
"G'raha, the poor, sweet moron, looked as if he'd been hit over the head, as he always did when confronted with the undeniable fact that he was actually quite lovely."
Someone caught G'raha at it again

"Too much?" I asked hesitantly.
"No!" he exclaimed, shaking his head vigorously. "I just..." G'raha's mouth opened and closed several times. "I didn't even think to ask for this," he finally said in a small voice. "And it's exactly what I wanted? And I don't know what I've done to deserve this."
My heart jack-knifed in my chest as I moved to the love seat and pulled G'raha into a crushing hug. "You were yourself, you dolt," I scolded gently. "You deserve nice things, and we enjoy giving them to you."
It seemed as if G'raha might try to argue with me, until Alisaie cut the tension with a typically Alisaie joke. "Especially when the nice things we're giving you are our dicks. I rather like that bit."
G'raha laughed weakly and relaxed into the embrace. "Good. I do too."
(Chapter 2 of my Free Use G'raha fic that is planned to be six chapters is going to be twice the length of the first chapter.
Why am I like this.)
When you're used to carrying the burden alone, so rarely being able to confide in any but your closest friends, reaching out can itself become the burden. Kaida knows this all too well. This is otherwise known as *that* scene in Thavnair got my full attention and then some and I get brainworms for the first time in Endwalker and also I love g'raha that's it that's the tweet
A moment for words, right before the end.
AKA how often must you repeat yourself and why is it still endearing every time. The *music* with *that line*
Spoilers for 'Hello, World'! Lvl 89? 90? Ish? ??? Late Endwalker
Note: This is a living fic. Once every so often it will get an update. I do not know when this will happen. You do not know when this will happen. ~The whims of fate turn~
I was trying to work on bg and lore stuff and went why rings? SO I wrote a bunch...of stuff..........about it.................. :) Well not a BUNCH but a little. Etc etc
Day 6 - Ring
You know when you get woken in the early morning by your partner and there's salt on the floor? Typical Tuesdays.
G'raha/WoL, Post-EW. Some spoilers. No warnings.
Day 11 - Once Bitten, Twice Shy Set after In Storm's Wake from Tales under the New Moon :) No warnings.