Even If Not Everyone Is Willing To Listen - Tumblr Posts
I will not let there be silence.
How loud must we yell to be heard?
How deranged must my shouts be for someone to hear me?
How petulant? How annoying? How never ending must I be so that I can find a like minded person?
How long must I scream that- this is me! This is what I believe! This is what's right- and here's why!
Because I will do it.
Until my voice is hoarse and weak.
I will not give up.
I refuse to give into the silence.
I will fill it with noise and love.
I will drown out the anger the confusion others express. I will fill it with facts and experience. I will express every ounce of what has gone unvoiced, unknown for so long. For too long.
Until I hear the same words echoed back from the masses.
Until the stars hear my cries and answer them.
Not just until I am heard- but until I am understood.
Until we are understood.
I will not let there be silence.