Explorers Of Sky - Tumblr Posts

Third round of characters from PMD Seekers of Soul by @teshamerkel!! And, as a bonus, I've added Team Kronch, an Explorers of Sky team from the same author!!
My little ole PMD OC’s: Team Orion’s Emerald and Edmond! At least rough sketches of them lol.
Emerald used to be human and is filled with melodies. Treasure Town quickly is able to recognize her by her singing. Although her outward persona may not show it, she’s actually pretty clever and is a good strategist. They manage to get out of a lot of sticky situations *cough* monster houses *cough* through her quick thinking. She can be pretty blunt and not too talkative unless she knows you well. She doesn’t like thinking too much into her lost memories or her own problems. Can and will hold grudges, never fully forgave Chatot for that whole “I won’t listen to you and you don’t get dinner” incident.
Edmond is bit more of the brawn, but he’s a bit more skittish and underestimates himself often. He starts to come out of his shell as he spends more time with Emerald and the guild. He is cheerful by nature and gets excited to the point of nearly bouncing off the walls. He constantly watches out for Emerald, ready to jump in whenever it seems like she’s in trouble, which can sometimes lead him into attacking too early. Edmond is confident in Emerald’s abilities, it just worries him that she can get injuries so easily. He has a hard time standing up for himself, but is very quick to stand up for others.
These two are ride-or-die for each other. If someone messes with one of them, they mess with the other too.

The second they got that defense scarf from the guild, they immediately put in on Emerald. Now she almost never takes it off — even in the summer.
Here we have the two humans-reborn-Pokémon having a little chat.
Twig belongs to @sincerely-sofie! Please go see and look at their blog and follow it, her stuff is absolutely amazing!
TW: mentions of injury (broken bones) and hospitals.

replaying eos :33 i was too attached to my main team so i made an eos au :33 this is the hero i’ll make partenrs later when i find the motivation 🤞🤞🤞
(she doesn’t have an aura bow bc i forgot and didn’t really know how to fit it into her design so instead she has an aura flower cus why not)

i hope tumblr explore i posted this earlier today but it doesn’t seem to have uploaded :((
anyways here’s my darkrai (or darkrai/zorark hybrid ig) for my eos au :3

i found this job and thought it was so funny 😭
big dinosaur girl and her little water strider body gaurd
i ended up recruiting the aerodactyl from the job (which is why i accepted it in the first place... bc i wanted an aerodactyl) and named her tamako :3
i decided to make her and her little buddy canon in my pmd au
since all recruits from jobs are lv 1 i imagine tamako never really fought anyone so she never got stronger and was pretty weak but drizzle is like a lv 100 surskit or something
*im bored so in honor of hero partner week coming up next month and me INTENDING to participate i figured id write a bit about my silly guys;;;;
*i think its really obvious that some of these guys are more developed than others.... i tend to develop them more on replays, so the more i've played a pmd game, the more developed the hero/partner are
*cw lesbians.... /j sprite credit

Rescue Team - Team Fire Coral -

Orchid the Blaziken:
| + | She/He | + | Bigender Lesbian | + | ❤️ Seaslug
Spunky, protective, adventurous, and hot-headed. She often charges right into things on a whim and without thinking them through. His hot-headedness leads him to be fairly aggressive at times. She's also rather stubborn, often holding grudges and being completely set in her ways. The only Pokemon he was really able to fully forgive, out of everyone, was Gengar. She didn't fully forgive the town for sending her and her partner into exile, they knew Gengar was bad news, but they still believed him. Gengar on the other hand, after the events of Murky Cave, she began to see more as a mischievous kid rather than some completely evil monster. She adopted him as an 'honary member of Team Fire Coral.'
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Seaslug the Wartortle:
| + | They/She/He | + | Genderfluid Pansexual | + | ❤️ Orchid
Pretty similar to Orchid in personality, just much more introverted than her. They're also a bit of a hot-head, but has a much easier time letting go than their partner, being able to forgive pretty much every, except for Ninetales though, both Seaslug and Orchid have their problems with her. They're incredibly supportive of their girlfriend, no matter what. Believing that her hot headed and stubborn was doesn't make her a bad Pokemon.

Explorers - Team Fragment -

Najia the Delcatty:
| + | She/It/They | + | Polyamorous Agender Lesbian | + | ❤️ Aether, Spinda
Rather mischievous with a fascination for mixology and witchcraft. They're not too crazy about exploring, but they still enjoys it and spending time with the Guild Members. She's Aether's #1 supporter and will do anything to make her happy. Also pretty charismatic, managing to convince Celebi to let Grovyle and Dusknoir visit the past whenever they please. And whenever they do visit, it makes sure to have a prank to play on them at the ready. On hard days, it sneaks out into Spinda's Cafe to down some Pokemon wine. Spinda often lets them vent to them about whatever's troubling them. Also still very bitter about Navy ( Manaphy ) being taken away from her due to past mommy issues. Oops

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Aether the Luxio:
| + | She/Her | + | Ambiamorous Girlflux Biromantic | + | ❤️ Najia, Spinda
She's timid, easily startled, and self-deprecating. Despite this, she's very determined to achieve her dream of becoming an explorer. Najia helped Aether get over her fears, though her anxiety is still a problem for her in her day-to-day life, but she's come to terms with that, and she's fine with that. She knows she has Najia, Spinda, and her friends to help her whenever she needs, and that's all that matters to her. Aether became friends with Team Skull in the year that Najia was gone. Najia was hesitant to trust them at first, but ultimately came around. Aether still vividly remembers the day Najia disappeared, and occasionally has nightmares where she disappears again. But Najia is always there to comfort her after them.

Gates to Infinity - Team Hope -

Raja the Axew/Zorua Hybrid:
| + | She/They | + | Demigirl Lesbian | + | ❤️ Virizion
Mischievous and really damn smart. Tends to act like a know-it-all for the fun of it, in fact she does most things for the fun of it. Often considering saying or doing pretty rude or dumb things soley to see what happens. Though, their sensible, smart side prevents them from doing it. Unlike in Mako's exact wish, she wasn't able to freely travel between the human world and Pokemon world. Instead being stuck in the Pokemon world. Mako apologized, but she insisted that it was fine. Unlike the other heroes, she remembers her human life with near perfect clarity. She seems awfully reluctant to talk about it, though. She also never quite forgave Munna & the others or Kyurem. Especially Kyruem, who attacked her out of the blue, leading to her loosing an eye and permanently breaking a leg.
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Mako the Oshawott:
| + | He/They | + | Demiboy Gay
He initially started out as a careless, distrusting guy due to the nature of their world. Due to the rarity of shiny Pokemon, he was often treated as a 'good luck token' instead of an actual Pokemon with thoughts and feelings. He eventually realized his old 'friends' were just manipulating him, and swore to never let himself be used again. He ran away from his old home, running into Raja along the way. He initially bought the land to be his paradise, but he slowly began to warm up to his friends. Though, they didn't formally apologize for treating them poorly until after he was kidnapped by Munna, where he began to doubt Raja would come save him due to how horrible he was to her. But, when she and Hydreigon came through, he realized that Raja and the others really did care about him the whole time. Apologizing for everything when he returned to Paradise. From then on, he dropped his persona and let the others see his more goofy, laid-back, and righteous side. He also never got a scallop like other Oshawotts, instead being given one by Raja the night after she rescued him from Munna.

Super Mystery Dungeon - Team Dreamscape -

Ember the Fennekin:
| + | She/Xe/Any | + | Genderqueer Lesbian | + | ❤️ Fern
Once she first arrived in the Pokemon world, Ember was incredibly rude and distrusting of everyone. Though, she did still have morals and a sense of justice. Often agreeing to help Pokemon due to moral obligations or an obvious wrong needing to be righted. Though as time goes on, Ember would only increasingly warm up to Fern, showing her to be not some ruthless bully, but a sarcastic nerd who was scared to hurt herself by becoming loosing a good friends, so she chose to not make any friends. She revealed her fixations on herbology, medicine, and astrology, often nerding out to Fern about cool plants she found. After the post-game, Ember reveals that exploring isn't really what she wants. After everything, she just wants to go back to Serene Village with Nuzleaf, with the excitement of Lively Town and Expedition Society being a little too overwhelming for her at the time. She wanted to go back to school and learn how to become a doctor. Though to her surprise, Fern completely understood. So, she moved back, but not without making Fern promise to visit often.
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Fern the Snivy:
| + | She/Her | + | Trans Lesbian | + | ❤️ Ember
The silliest silly to ever silly. She's profusely optimistic and extroverted. She doesn't really notice or care if others are upset with her, except for Ember, in which case she'll make up for whatever upset her as soon as possible. While Fern helped Ember to open up and learn that its better to have loved and lost than to never have loved, Ember helped Fern learn that being reckless isn't always that good. It's okay to be a little reckless, but if you're too reckless, you could end up getting others hurt in the process. She also helped her to learn to be a bit more considerate of others feelings, some people prefer to have some peace and alone time, and that's okay. They're still friends even if they don't hang out or talk every day. When Ember told her that she wanted to return to Serene Village, Fern was initially hurt, but remembered what Ember helped teach her. It was okay for Ember to have a different dream then her, her moving back to Serene Village didn't mean they'd never see each other again, because they would. They could visit each other at almost any time. Plus, they were good friends with a Talonflame named Flametail, who agreed to help them send each other letters. If anything, Fern was incredibly happy. Ember fully opened up to her, she trusted Fern to not get upset with her when she told her about wanting to move back. The old Ember would've never done that, she would've kept making herself miserable.

The year is 2050, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, now known as WOKEmon LIBERAL COMMUNE is being remade. It has remakes of all four games, Rescue Team is now **Rescue Theys**. Your partner will always be non binary and there are 63 gender options for your hero, though hero and partner are stigmatized terms, so now we have the social activist and the anti-racisim pal. Team Meanies is now Team LGBTQ Rights. Gengar is Gengay, Medicham is now Ru Paul, and Ekans is now Yranibnon. The meteor in the end of the game has been replaced with the capitalist party. **Explorers of Sky** is now Explorers of Activisim. The Guild is now the Liberal Party. Wigglytuff and Chatot are now a proud lesbian couple with Wigglytuff being a trans woman and Chatot being non-binary as it's too misogynistic to have only men in power. Wigglytuff is no longer the guild master but the Prime Minister of the Activists. Team Skull has been rebranded to Team Cis and represent the capitalist party. Skuntank is now Trump, Zubat is now Cishet, and Koffing is now White American. The other major change is to the future trio, Grovyle is now Wokevyle, Dusknoir is now Duskhernoir, and Celebi is now Celebisexual. **Gates to Infinity** also faces lots of changes, Paradise is now Pride 2050. Emolga is now Gayolga, Dunsparce is now Dunsparce, Virizion is Dykeion, Espeon is TWeon and Umbreon is CWeon. The Bittercold has been replaced with the Florida Governor. Dunsparce and Gayolga are a proud gay t4t couple. Dykeion and Keldeo- I mean Kelthey, stopped being friends after Kelthey triggered Dykeion by mentioning Harry Potter. Oh! I forgot to mention, but the fighting mechanics have now been replaced with debating mechanics, in which you debate the other Pokemon on the best way to stop climate change. Anyways, finally we have **Super Mystery Dungeon** called what else, but Super Woke Local Commune. Nuzleaf is now Nuzshe, and gives single mothers representation. The Expedition Society is now the Red Society (communisim) and the scariest part? This game doesn't come out in 2050. It's being written RIGHT NOW.
pmd text posts 2 eos edition

This time I drew my team, in Red Rescue Team and Explorers of Sky.

...Anyway, guess what I've been replaying. Hint: it also happens to be the bEST GAME EVER MADE
This is Team Rainstorm! (with a !) I'm the Torchic, Sereno, with my partner Oceano. This was supposed to be just a character drawing but I really need to do backgrounds more so I used the game cover as reference

Been doodling my team and this bunch of guys from pmd2. Have I mentioned this game is perfect

I've had a lot of fun making these so I wanted to do my take on our dear guild too <3

I've come to the conclusion that my pmd duo are just two unhinged idiots. And I love them very much
(Translations to english under the cut!)
(From the night panel) "Sereno." "what" "Do u believe in life after death?" "WHAT" "Seriously, why do we even exist?" "Oceano it's 3 am"
(From the panel on the right) "TEAM RAINSTORM(TM) IS GONNA BEAT YOU UP"
(From the panel w/ Chatot) >LISTENING ATTENTIVELY<
(From the bottom left one) "But we are just little guys"
(From the top panel) "But... do you miss being human, Sereno?" "I miss HAVING ARMS a LOT."
(From the bottom one) Loudred: "They've been doing this for TEN MINUTES?" Bidoof: "It's always like that when they reunite..."

Sereno (torchic/hero) and Oceano (treecko/partner) find Grovyle staring at the distant sunrise. They've always seen only focus, strenght and endurance from him - but now there's a glint of sadness in his eyes.
They sit by his side. Talk a little. And after a while, end up singing to him the Team Rainstorm!'s Theme Song (still a work in progress).
Hearing the off-key cheerful chant, Grovyle notices how that torchic is still his same old Sereno... only now, she's allowed to be happier.
Good thing she has such a good new partner to share that happiness with.

@heropartnerweek week day 1 - Cooking / Combat / Getting lost
Hero - Torchic/Sereno // Partner - Treecko/Oceano
Because 87% of these games' experience is crying until the stairs appear

@heropartnerweek day 2 - Home / Flowers / Favorite scene
Hero - Torchic/Sereno // Partner - Treecko/Oceano
Sereno and Oceano were practically strangers at this point.
They were starting a new life, and they were scared. Oceano didn't know if he could handle even one day of exploring life. Sereno didn't even know who she was, and she felt this growing anxiety telling her she should be somewhere else.
Still... both of them felt something special about fighting together. they might be strangers, but at the very least... they're sure they can trust each other. That they'll be safe around the other.
And for now, that was more than enough.

@heropartnerweek week day 3 - Friends / villains / promise
Hero - Torchic/Sereno // Partner - Treecko/Oceano
"I don't know. It just seems like a sliiiiiightly unfair fight." Oceano sighed. "Sure is." Sereno nudged him with her head, smiling smugly. "For them."

@heropartnerweek day 4 - Festival / Legends / Memories
Hero - Torchic/Sereno // Partner - Treecko/Oceano
"I mean, take a look at us!" the treecko laughed. "We fought AT LEAST ONE god, we saved the world twice, we traveled through time and darkness and sky..." "...and we still get only 10% of the money." Sereno sighed. "Eh, I accepted that already." Oceano said, lying. "Still... look at all we've done, Sereno. I think, even after years and years have passed... they'll still remember us as heroes." "Heroes?" Sereno scoffed. "Think again, leafbrain. We're still so young. We still have so much to evolve, and so much to do. We've explored so much already and there's still a million places to go! Maybe we'll even save the world a third time! Or a fourth!" "I think I'll pass. Saving the world is pretty stressfull." Oceano chuckled. "But where are you getting at, candlehead?" "We won't be remembered as heroes, Oceano." Sereno looked at her partner, pink eyes glimmering. "We'll be remembered as legends."
I stopped playing EoS shortly after evolving. But I loved to see my little guys finally geting to their final forms (even if I strongly think they should be allowed to evolve earlier in the game but that's besides the point). And I hope they kept exploring after I closed my ds and did so much more than I can imagine, and became the legends they deserve to be. <3