Fine. Ill Do It Myself - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

You know what? *throws blue beetle DC x TF au at you*

You Know What? *throws Blue Beetle DC X TF Au At You*
You Know What? *throws Blue Beetle DC X TF Au At You*
You Know What? *throws Blue Beetle DC X TF Au At You*
You Know What? *throws Blue Beetle DC X TF Au At You*

In which Jaime and khaji-da are the same person, a bot, and the Reach are the Decepticons.

A former decepticon scout from under Soundwave's command with the designation Kha-2 (or Kha-Delta haven't decided yet) is stranded on earth around the time of the Egyptian empire and is put into stasis (for reasons that I may tell later) at the end of which he onlines with little to no memories of his previous life. He travels carefully through the world until one day, Milagro Reyes finds him while getting away from an overwhelming large family reunion in a national park and totally not getting lost in the process :']

Kha-2 looks at this little organic and thinks yeah, i trust her to be my new commander.

Mila looks at this big blue robot and thinks yeah, now the adults and everyone at the playground will respect me if im with this guy.

You Know What? *throws Blue Beetle DC X TF Au At You*

How to talk with short people

He's eventually taken in by the reyes family and gets to meet Brenda and Paco at some point too.

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8 months ago

anyone here likes The Carpet People? As in, Terry Pratchett's first book EVER???

I very much enjoy it. Bane my beloved. Glork you himbo. Snibril the smarter and knowledge hungry younger brother. Pismir the philosopher. Brokando the tiny angry king. They deserve love too

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6 months ago

The AO3 economy of The Boys fics is genuinely in shambles

Where the cringe The Boys ships at

Guys im being so for real how have I Not Seen any A-TrainxHughie or A-TrainxThe Deep or HughiexTranslucent OR EVEN The DeepxHomelander art content OR FANFICS ANYWHERE? ????!!? HELLO Am i Going to have to step Up or can I not search for fanart correctly i don't know how to use tumblr. I NEED> THE CRACK SHIPS BRO PLEASE Am i the only guy seeing the wonderous possibilities we have been handed

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2 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Since nobody else has done it, I made a Simon x reader fic (smut but not yet, still writing that part). I made him sort of a bottom cuz thats how it came to mind. Please enjoy.

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5 years ago



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3 years ago

Peter Quill is not the only one to blame, and here’s why

It’s been months since I first saw Infinity War and it makes me sad to see all these people who blame the entirety of what happened on Peter Quill. Is he at fault or at least partially to blame for what happened? Yes. Was it only him who made a mistake that led to 50% of all life in the universe vanishing?

Abso-f**king-lutely not.

First off, those who hate Peter for what happened either didn’t pay attention to, didn’t care about, or just plain didn’t watch Guardians vol 2. Peter losing his cool when he learns about those he loves being killed by people who said they “loved” them. His mother was arguably the most important person in his life — he blames himself, even decades after it happened, for not honoring his mother’s last wish; to take her hand. It gets to the point that he hallucinates his mother in place of Gamora when he’s being ripped apart by the Power Stone because he still doesn’t forgive himself.

It’s bad enough that his mother died and he was abducted by space pirates when he was barely even ten years old. To find out later that the man who he thought was the father he always wanted was the cause of his mother’s death is the only reason Peter snapped out of seeing eternity. And as a bonus: Ego said “I did what I had to do. But it broke my heart to put that tumor in her head.” And what does Thanos say when he tries to justify murdering his daughter for a glowing soace rock?

“I had to.”

Cue the traumatic flashbacks.

He ends up killing one father (Ego) and watching the other father sacrifice his life so Peter could live (Yondu) and is absolutely helpless as Yondu suffocates in the vacuum of space.

Saying that Peter should have waited just one second to punch Thanos until after the Gauntlet was removed is like telling a train moving towards you at full speed to stop before they hit you. There’s a certain point where it can’t stop. We humans like to think we have control over our emotions, can put strong ones aside to listen to reason, but surely you’ve seen you or someone you know get so angry they can’t control their reactions.

It’s called adrenaline. You either run from the threat or stand your ground against the threat. There is no in between. Once that chemical is pumping through your bloodstream all logical reasoning goes out the window, because while humans may have brain functions that animals do not, at the end of the day it’s the primitive parts of your brain that have all the control. And for those who believe they can think logically in those kinds of situations, you’re just plain naive.

Besides the fact that why do you blame Peter? Is it because he’s easy to blame? Is it because of his attitude towards Thor? Is it because you don’t want to accept that your favorite characters are all at fault here? Why does no one ever point out that if you blame Peter for losing control over his emotions, then by proxy you should also be blaming Thor for losing control over his emotions because he wanted his brother’s murderer to suffer before he died, when a simple clean cut to the neck would have been enough to secure a victory?

Maybe you blame Peter because you didn’t like how he was antagonizing Thor on the Guardian’s ship. Look at it from this way: you have a group of friends who, even though they may bicker and make fun of you, at the end of the day you have their respect. Then some random person shows up and suddenly all your friends drop you because this new person is way cooler. The Guardians didn’t even know who Thor was at the time, and they’re already abandoning Peter for a person they just met. Can you blame Peter for feeling like he was being tossed aside?

And besides the fact of why Thanos was able to get the Stones so easily — the Avengers, supposedly Earth’s mightiest heroes, are divided. They have limited amounts of backup. Their trust in each other has been shaken, and a team that doesn’t trust each other is a team that fails. So why were they so divided? The Sokovia Accords were a major part of why the Avengers split, and the Sokovia Accords were created in response to the incident in Sokovia where Ultron wanted to drop a city onto the Earth, causing a total extinction level event. Who created Ultron?

Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

But of course, you’d never blame your precious Tony Stark, would you?

If you still believe everything is Peter’s fault, then also keep in mind that others are at fault too. For example:

Why didn’t Nebula tell the Guardians to meet her at Vormir if she knew that’s where Thanos and Gamora were?

Why did Mantis had to bring up the fact that Thanos was mourning Gamora anyway?

Do the ends justify the means, and is one life really worth half of all sentient life in the universe?

And of course, the question everyone should be asking: who really is to blame for the entire Infinity Stones incident?

I’ll give you a hint — his chin was described as a nutsack.

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