Unpopular Opinions - Tumblr Posts
No matter how much I declare my disinterest to YouTube, these types of videos don't stop popping up in my recommended, even though I never watch them and I'm really sick of it.
Can the whole “unpopular kpop opinions” trend DIE already? 99% of those “opinions” are just hating on idols, especially popular idols. Like, I’ve heard your opinion of BLACKPINK being overrated, ARMYs/BLINKs/*insert popular fandom here* being toxic, TWICE being boring, Red Velvet lacking stage presence, Kill This Love/Zimzalabim/*insert popular recent comeback* being bad, BTS not deserving their awards, etc etc a thousand times, Susan, they’re not even unpopular anymore.
What Are Your Unpopular Dis Opinions + Mine?
I’m curious to know what you guys are going to say. I don’t have any in mind tbh except for a few. Also wanted to say that my opinions are not meant to offend anyone. These are just harmless opinions, and you can like what you like as long as it’s not hurting you or others.
Here are some of mine:
1. I prefer An Extremely Goofy Movie.
I mostly prefer it because it focuses on Goofy and it’s set in college(I’m going there soon). I also relate to Max’s wish to have his own life. Though, I prefer the first movies soundtrack by a lot.
2. Moana is an okay movie.
It’s a fine movie. The plot was cool, the soundtrack was nice, and the twist was good. Moana is not as outstanding as other Disney movies like Tangled.
3. I prefer Frozen 2 over the first one.
I like the world building and the discovery of Elsa’s powers. It was more interesting than Frozen’s plot.
4. Toy Story 4 was not needed.
In my opinion, Toy Story 3 was a perfect ending to the series. It had heart and solidified the characters as a family. Toy Story 4 kind of ruins that for me.
5. I don’t like Naveen that much.
His character change was a bit too quick and was not as well done as I thought when watching the Princess & the Frog for the first time.
Thanks for reading!
Unpopular opinion: Evermore is her best album.
yess! more love for evermore is needed. while i don't think it's her best album (because i'm a folklore girl through and through) i think it's definitely her album with some of her greatest (and underrated) songs (tolerate it, cowboy like me, ivy, coney island, happiness, rwylm)
tbh some of these might not really be that unpopular at all, but
have some unpopular KotLC opinions!
Keefe (and most other empaths) use their ability to invade people's privacy, often in cruel ways, and empathy should be restricted just as much as telepathy.
Sophie and her friends are just as bad as Stina—and quite possibly worse, given that they tried to get her kicked off of Team Valiant. Trying to convince the Council to not let someone join the Nobility is horrible and cruel and honestly made me lose all respect for them.
Keefiana is a really great ship
Fitz's actions towards Alvar were not just justifiable, but one of the most sensible and reasonable courses of actions in the situation.
Oralie being Sophie's mother was boring, and the foreshadowing leading up to that was weak at best. There was no significant evidence that she was Sophie's mother, and if anything, it cheapens the bond she had with Sophie.
Lady Gisela should not have been part of the Neverseen. That whole plot line and everything about Keefe's legacy was a mistake.
"Wynn" was a ridiculous name for that alicorn.
A lot of Keefe's teasing and jokes border on being mean
Brant's story should've been explored in far more depth before he was killed off.
"Legacy" and "Flashback" weren't good titles for those books.
Forkle should've stayed dead.
Grady and Edaline did not "take care of Brant". They visited him once a year. They never visited him between their annual visits. They may have done more for him than anyone else did, but they certainly did not treat him "like their own son", as Sophie says. Brant owes nothing to them.
What on earth was up with Keefe's "Females are cruel" comment? What was that? How did that possibly make it into the final draft of Legacy? It's so weird and out of character.
Zim and Dib's relationship is kinda like Batman and Joker except they both hate each other. I think that zadf (Zim and Dib friendship) is okay as an AU but it would definitely never happen in canon. Mopiness of Doom explains how they both depend on their rivalry but it doesn't give any evidence that they would actually be compatible in a friendship. Me, personally I just try to appreciate the characters and storyline in of themselves without thinking too deeply into it because honestly IZ was intended to be a cool show for kids and that's all it really is, and will ever be. It's sad that it didn't get any more episodes (and it definitely deserved more!) But it ended with Florpus (presuming Jhonen isn't going to continue the series) and that's that.
That's my take on it. :D
I’m not joking about the JV thing btw.
I’ve been in the Invader Zim fandom since 2005. And even back then JV was vocally unimpressed by his fanbase. Heck while the show was AIRING he would take things the fanbase wanted to see and actually do them but like in a monkey’s paw kind of way.
“Zim should have a love interest!” JV introduces a female Irken who Zim tries to woo when he thinks she’s a human girl just to make his disguise more believable. She ends up being someone whose life Zim ruined and her entire goal is to murder Zim. They end up hating each other’s guts.
“Zim should have a human friend!” JV introduces Keef. probably one of the most terrifying characters in the show as he obsessively follows Zim around and becomes stalkerish and possessive in a way that starts bordering on being too real to be funny.
“Zim should find out his mission is fake” Enter the Florpus happens
JV is not only against the ideas and tropes his fandom has asked for but literally gives the fandom the exact opposite in some cases. Or when he doesn’t give the exact opposite he makes fun of common tropes in the fandom. Zim and Dib being friends a big one.
And although there are fans who come and go or who many years later will still be annoyed that JV doesn’t give them what they want, it’s been going on so long now that the long time fans have reached a point of
“LOL That’s our Vasquez!”

Seeing JV make fun of his own fanbase and troll them without outright being viscous or hateful towards them is just what being in the fandom is. And it works because of the nature of IZ in the first place. It’s a cynical, dystopian dark comedy that parodies modern American culture. Every character gets the short end of the stick at some point and the humour comes from how stupid everything is, often due to the character’s own faults. So having a fanbase where the most favourite tropes are what gets turned onto its head and made fun of? That’s perfectly on brand with the entire tone of the canon itself.
And honestly? I really adore this. A fandom of “Don’t ask JV what the canon for this one idea is because he’s gonna tell you the most anti-climactic answer on the planet. Just make up your own headcanon.” or “Zim and Dib are friends in this comic/fanfic and I don’t give a fuck I just wanna write it lol. It’s not canon at all but honestly who cares.”
There’s very little argument about “how canon” something is because it’s either canon or its completely not and not even pretending to be.
Also compare this to how several shows have suffered in the age where Twitter is a thing and you can directly communicate with show creators.
You get My Little Pony. a show that started out being about friendship and lessons about inter personal relationships told through funny humour and likeable characters. It attracted an adult audience by accident, especially a young adult male audience, who then as time went by more and more and more wanted focus on the LORE. On background characters. On the MYTHOLOGY of the world. And as time went on the show devolved into a mess of memes, pandering to the fans, references to other pop culture until it just became a mess of trying to solve world shattering events and wars with “we should all be friends” type logic.
You have Steven Universe which has a lot of writing problems, and when fans point out the problems have the writers try and EXPLAIN why the problems weren’t actually problems because see there’s actually this behind the scenes thing that happened and we’re showing it in a NEW episode that completely justifies the original problem! Which as a result ends up creating a community of “Theory crafters” so obsessed with what they’re NOT getting told because what is being given to them doesn’t explain things properly. With then theories getting taken as canon and so when the actual show doesn’t MATCH the theories those who liked those theories end up pissed.
You have shows like Star Versus the Forces of Evil which actively tried to bait its audience with different ships across its seasons and actively putting shippers against each other, while yoyo-ing the characters back and forth between potential love interests just to keep a certain aspect of its own audience invested in the romance side of things until it inevitably crashed and burned in its finale.
And then you have JV. Who doesn’t give a single fuck about what his fandom wants or thinks and if you try and bother him about it he will actively do the opposite of what you want just to spite you. Resulting in a relationship of very clear distinction between what is canon, and what is not. And not being bothered if your Zim and Dib Friendship fic could happen in canon or not. Because it can’t and it won’t. And you don’t care you writing it anyway.
This is why the Invader Zim canon has managed to remain recogniseable as itself despite the internet and social media becoming what it is. Because JV has no interest in placating fans. And at this point, the fans have no expectation for him to do so.
And although there is still discourse and bullshit and arguing and antis and fights… at least Invader Zim as a cartoon, movie and comic, is still 100% Invader Zim.
And that’s why JV being such a troll to his fanbase is something I honestly love.
Unpopular Opinion: I don't think PK deserves more hate than Radiance does. I think people hate him more because we know more about him, but Radiance did more damage than he did
PK’s actions are vague enough so you could interpreted them as personally cruel to ghost and all the siblings, while the Radiance is mention so little that she almost get a free pass.
Unpopular Opinion: Gummigoo is much more interesting and better than Jax
Unpopular Opinion: Kreekcraft is kinda overrated now don't get me wrong he's a great youtuber and a great guy but the algorithm just pushes him out too much its not like he's gonna lose face he has 10million subscribers he'll still have fans and be popular but youtube doesn't need to boost him 24/7
Unpopular Opinion: Next Generation Series(Ex: Disney's Descendants, 101 Dalmatian Street) are so over-hated like and this may be just me but I highly stand behind Next Gen series I just think they are hated on beacuse people don't like the concept of their favorite character having kids(especially if the characters are from two different franchises/series ex: descendants) and that also comes to fanon(such as ships, fanmade kids and what-not) but honestly I just think that hate is unnecessary
Unpopular Opinion: this may be controversial but stop calling 16-18 year Olds kids they are teenagers Not kids 0-12 are kids 13-15 is tween/pre-teen 16-18 are teenagers and 19-older are adults
Unpopular Opinion: almost 80% of the people draw digital circus just for likes, clicks and to get boosted by the algorithm and really don't care about the series as much now as they did last year in 2023
Unpopular Opinion: the smash bros hype needs to be brought back
Unpopular Opinion: Digital Circus is bassiclly the indie-series Circus version of the backrooms
Unpopular Opinion: the only reason people hate on Nicki Minaj is beacuse ya'll think she needs to support other female rappers otherwise she's seen as bitter and jealous and when people call out this bs you accuse them of being on Nicki's payroll....grow tf up all of you this is why nicki is they wah that she is.....
Oh my gosh I do agree!! However, I haven't watched Skam France so I don't have an opinion on that.
I'm aware I already hold an award for least popular skam opinions but damn if I ever shared more the extreme skam fans would chew me out
For example:
Skam Austin is my favorite remake
Megan is the best Eva remake
Joana is the best Even
Skam España isn't problematic
I don't really care for the OG Even
Skam France only has one good season (take a wild guess)
Druck is good but not that good
Meg and Shay is my favorite ship
And those are the ones that hopefully don't get me a lot of hate lol. I've just been realizing how many things I don't agree with the majority about while browsing tags. Wild.
Peter Quill is not the only one to blame, and here’s why
It’s been months since I first saw Infinity War and it makes me sad to see all these people who blame the entirety of what happened on Peter Quill. Is he at fault or at least partially to blame for what happened? Yes. Was it only him who made a mistake that led to 50% of all life in the universe vanishing?
Abso-f**king-lutely not.
First off, those who hate Peter for what happened either didn’t pay attention to, didn’t care about, or just plain didn’t watch Guardians vol 2. Peter losing his cool when he learns about those he loves being killed by people who said they “loved” them. His mother was arguably the most important person in his life — he blames himself, even decades after it happened, for not honoring his mother’s last wish; to take her hand. It gets to the point that he hallucinates his mother in place of Gamora when he’s being ripped apart by the Power Stone because he still doesn’t forgive himself.
It’s bad enough that his mother died and he was abducted by space pirates when he was barely even ten years old. To find out later that the man who he thought was the father he always wanted was the cause of his mother’s death is the only reason Peter snapped out of seeing eternity. And as a bonus: Ego said “I did what I had to do. But it broke my heart to put that tumor in her head.” And what does Thanos say when he tries to justify murdering his daughter for a glowing soace rock?
“I had to.”
Cue the traumatic flashbacks.
He ends up killing one father (Ego) and watching the other father sacrifice his life so Peter could live (Yondu) and is absolutely helpless as Yondu suffocates in the vacuum of space.
Saying that Peter should have waited just one second to punch Thanos until after the Gauntlet was removed is like telling a train moving towards you at full speed to stop before they hit you. There’s a certain point where it can’t stop. We humans like to think we have control over our emotions, can put strong ones aside to listen to reason, but surely you’ve seen you or someone you know get so angry they can’t control their reactions.
It’s called adrenaline. You either run from the threat or stand your ground against the threat. There is no in between. Once that chemical is pumping through your bloodstream all logical reasoning goes out the window, because while humans may have brain functions that animals do not, at the end of the day it’s the primitive parts of your brain that have all the control. And for those who believe they can think logically in those kinds of situations, you’re just plain naive.
Besides the fact that why do you blame Peter? Is it because he’s easy to blame? Is it because of his attitude towards Thor? Is it because you don’t want to accept that your favorite characters are all at fault here? Why does no one ever point out that if you blame Peter for losing control over his emotions, then by proxy you should also be blaming Thor for losing control over his emotions because he wanted his brother’s murderer to suffer before he died, when a simple clean cut to the neck would have been enough to secure a victory?
Maybe you blame Peter because you didn’t like how he was antagonizing Thor on the Guardian’s ship. Look at it from this way: you have a group of friends who, even though they may bicker and make fun of you, at the end of the day you have their respect. Then some random person shows up and suddenly all your friends drop you because this new person is way cooler. The Guardians didn’t even know who Thor was at the time, and they’re already abandoning Peter for a person they just met. Can you blame Peter for feeling like he was being tossed aside?
And besides the fact of why Thanos was able to get the Stones so easily — the Avengers, supposedly Earth’s mightiest heroes, are divided. They have limited amounts of backup. Their trust in each other has been shaken, and a team that doesn’t trust each other is a team that fails. So why were they so divided? The Sokovia Accords were a major part of why the Avengers split, and the Sokovia Accords were created in response to the incident in Sokovia where Ultron wanted to drop a city onto the Earth, causing a total extinction level event. Who created Ultron?
Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.
But of course, you’d never blame your precious Tony Stark, would you?
If you still believe everything is Peter’s fault, then also keep in mind that others are at fault too. For example:
Why didn’t Nebula tell the Guardians to meet her at Vormir if she knew that’s where Thanos and Gamora were?
Why did Mantis had to bring up the fact that Thanos was mourning Gamora anyway?
Do the ends justify the means, and is one life really worth half of all sentient life in the universe?
And of course, the question everyone should be asking: who really is to blame for the entire Infinity Stones incident?
I’ll give you a hint — his chin was described as a nutsack.
Send me your unpopular BTS / kpop opinions!😊
Unpopular opinion: kim namjoon is a king
totally agree 👌