Finnrey - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago

Finn: Rey, have you ever thought of us as, um… more than just friends?

Rey: Yes! I’m so glad you asked! I could totally see us as dragons! Hold on, let me find the drawing I did!

Finn: That’s not what I mea— Oh wow, that’s actually a great drawing!

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4 years ago

honestly sometimes I think about how did ships like reylo and the fanbase destroy what started out as a excellent star wars story into fanfiction (The Force Awakens had all the set up for an amazing franchise and I still get chills watching it)

then I have days like today and I'm remind of how shit people ESPECIALLY teenagers can be and i realise how we got here(also why that school is satans armpit but thats another conversion) 

Anyways stan finnrey and finnpoe and all things sequel trio for clear skin 

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5 years ago

Freaking ROTJ

Can I just say, Finn’s undying loyalty to Rey is just my favorite thing. Rey’s tormented “No” when he comes after her during the Death Star wreckage spar was heart wrenching.

And Poe’s jealously of their siblingship is adorable.

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7 years ago

I can’t help comparing the VOLTRON ships to the new Star wars film’s ships! (Its not how the characters act necessarily, just kind certain parallels I see) (also tiny spoilers)

I feel like Allurance was like ReyxFinn bc there was potential romance then they were “Nope! But they’re besties tho!”

And Klance is like Poe×Finn because most people ship it, they have limited screen time together, some of the cast members ship it, but the fandoms are like “is it gonna happen??? Please??”

Obviously Lotura is Reylo bc I didn’t fucking think they were actually gonna do it, but it’s like do I trust him or??? Also that holding hands thing??? MY HEART!

Pidge and Hunk are like FinnxRose, not only b3cause the big cinnamon role and the badass cute tiny girl, but they just understand each other so well and I feel like are the least problematic??

I’m not saying Zarkon is like Han Solo AT ALL! But Lotor did kill his dad a lot like one Kylo Ren.. (I know Kylo did a BAD thing and Lotor did a good thing in their acts– I’m just saying)

I feel like Shallura could be like Han and Leia because, ya know, they both are leaders and stuff happens and they feel distant but you can tell they care for each other so much??

I’m sorry if these are innacurate idk just how I feel.

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3 years ago
Finn + Relationships
Finn + Relationships
Finn + Relationships
Finn + Relationships

Finn + Relationships

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5 years ago

Hello, Star Wars fandom!

Your shipping community is almost as toxic as fucking Chernobyl and looking for fan works in it makes me want to break my back and eat my own ass, y'all should like.... Fix that??? Okay? Coolio.


That Bitch

Hello, Star Wars Fandom!

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